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> . . ,-v "v lv ' * . . ' > r , PROHIBITION AN ISSUE. "Drys" Will Fight to Prevent ^ "Wets" Getting Foothold. Prohibition, after 30 months of -4? existence in the United States, still is a political issue. That the "dry" leaders are apprehensive about it is demonstrated by the recent appeal sent out by the legislative committee of the AntiSaloon league to all friends of prohibition enforcement to be on the alert in the coming political primaries in the North and West and to see to it that men are not nominated for Congress who could by any possible influence be induced to vote for a modification of the Volstead enforcement act. No serious thinking "wets" have any hope of ever overthrowing the 18th amendment, which merely declares for prohibition and leaves it to Congress to pas.* the law enforcing this condition. But the "wet" leaders do have abiding hope that the Volstead act may be modified by boosting the alcoholic content of permis sible beverages. In many States, and in more congressional districts, the opposing forces of the "wets" and "drys" are arrayed against each other about as they were before the amendment was ratified, or before it had ever been submitted to the States. And in most "of the campaigns where prohibition figures, the success or the breakdown in enforcement is the proposition around which the debate / On the one side it is contended that conditions have improved enormously, that intoxication has diminished, ami that by slow but sure processes enforcement is being made effective. On the other side it is charged that enforcement is impossible, that a great majority of the people scoff at the law and violate it without compunction, and that worstevils have grown up under prohibition than existed before. "With the utmost emphasis it can be staled, and convincing Af* evidence is to be seen on every hand, that the 18th amendment is being euforeed with greater success thart was eVer conceived possible in less than 30 months by even its closest friends." says Commissioner Haynes. "The truth is it is being enforced to such an extent that its enemies are increasing their false, countrywide propaganda, and this fact alone is sufficient evidence that the shoe is pinching. It is scarcely necessary to point out facts that are apparent to every one, that the 18th amendment is being enforced. "The nnen saloon is a thiinr of ? ?- ??? ? " n the past, ami even enemies of the prohibition law admit it is gone forever.'' - Savage Seri Indians. Tiburon island, situated in the Gulf of California,100 miles north of the port of Guyuinas, Sonora, Mexico, is inhabited by the Sens Indians, a degraded savage tribe subsisting on fish and turtle and the deer which are found in the interior. The island is a favorite place for American hunters, explorers and scientific expeditions. The island is rocky and almost devoid of vegetation with the exception of brush and cacti. Various prospectors have searched the islaud for indications of oil, but without satisfactory results. During the world war it was rumored that the Germuns had elected a wireless station on Tiburon island to aid in the supposedly proposed invasion of the United States, but the rumor was never confirmed. The Seris Indians inhabiting the island are left almost wholly to themselves by the Mexican government ??nd live in a primitive state. They are warlike and feared by the neighboring tribes on tlje mainland; they use poisoned arrows and are said to practice cannibalism. There are but a few hundred of the Seris 011 S3 the island. It - The smaller the job the more competition there iH for it. Remember that. TAX EXTENSION. v Notice is hereby given that the time for the payment of State and county taxes has been extended J to June 1, 1922, with a penalty T of 8 per cent for March, 5 per EKfr. for April, 6 per cent for May snd. 8 per cent plus costs of treaaexeou 2o nito the hands of the gM|S^\ ffifaJBjf H- E. NEIL, York Otmntr sssssafc ** Blfpv' ''J# v ' *' / BS=S=S9BaeS9eSB9B99SaSBB9BS9e "THE DATS OP '48. The largest and longest pageant ever attempted will be given by Sacramento, capital of California, from May 23 to 28. More than 20,000 persons from every county in which gold has beeii found in California, and from e\ery city and town which had anything to do with the gold discoveries, will take part. The city, which has nearly 4*0,000 inhabitants, will be the stage which will he called "The Days of '49," and a committee of 1,000 men and women is now at work, while more than 500 contractors, carpenters and laborers are erecting buildings for the affair. Fifty engineers have planned mechanical effects for the pageant, and 2.000 ladies of the capital have organized the Days of '-19 club, to wear the costumes of 75 years ago. The old city?or rather the village of 1850, from which the present city sprang?is being reproduced on the water front, true to all the details of a rare daguerreotype made in that year. Within the city, on a tract of land embracing nearly 20 acres, is being erected a complete replica of the old mining camp of "llangtown," now known as Plaeerville, also taken from a daguerreotype of 72 years ago. In still another part of the city is being constructed an exact copy of Sutter's fort, the central point of the greatest gold rush the world has ever seen, and also the cradle of California's history of more than a decade. 11 u- ....... iimiui iv: iv v% iiiv-ii u the forest trail along which the first buildings in Sacramento were erected many years ago, will he converted into its pristine appearance, by the erection of false fronts on the modern buildings, extending over the sidewalks t o the streets, whHe automobiles, motor trucks and street cars will be barred from the street, to add to the illusion of the past. The hotels will use six and eight-horse stages and ox wagons for the week in place of their motor buses in meeting trains and transporting guests about the city. A fund of approximately half a million dollars has been raised from the various gold producing sections of California, at id it is planned to have the mining camp, Sutter's fort, the old villuge of Sacramento. and the reconstructed K street open perpetually, day and night, throughout the pageant, just as the mining camps of the "roaring forties" never closed. The pageant will reproduce the days of the gold rush with the exception that city, county, State and federal officials have agreed that not a drop of intoxicating liquor of any kind shall be al lowed. There will be sulpons, gambling houses, dance halls with dancing girls, and everything that went to make up a first class mining camp 75 years ago. The games of chance will be shown in operation, but real money cannot be played 011 them. Many a boy who hasn't been able to memorize the multiplication table knows the batting average of every big league player, last season. The trouble with many of those who want to do something for the community is that they want to do it at the expense of somebody else. Teachers' Examination. The regular spring examination will be held in York on Friday May 12th, and Saturday, May 13th, beginning promptly at nine o'clock each morning. This examination will cover only primary and elementary licenses. The high school examination will be held later. The temporary permit has served its purpose and teachers will be expected to pro- j ilifpp m vttlifl iM'i'tifir>iito hpfnrp no. cepting work for another year. JOHN E. CARROLL, 3t Supt. Education. LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service., Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic . 25c Shave 16c Massage, plain .. .. 26c Come and see us. Wo will save you jyney and send you away :V--.a*:,v " >=-.<. ' / ' * '. *c ?*? *> .* >' ' ' - ; .. jr- * r.'. r*$3i * <? ,s' ,V- ;> v. v, :... > - ' ; ; " *HE FORT MILL (S. C.) TIMES " I Hi ' HQ I , I ID I _ >IK=>WOW^^ ? U -Mew Pathe Records now cn sale; Qj 0 also Okeh and Rainbow Records. y & A new showing of Carpets, Rugs s | and Linoleum. | In addition to the very attractive (j; ! prices on our entire line, we are offering very special prices on | I Porch Furnishings 5? | Maple, Oak, Mission finish, F ibre jj j jj and Reed. k > ^ Deltox and Willow Grass Rugs. ^ I 0 Swings " (j 1 Quality and prices guaranteed11 1 " ' jj ii ^ A pehfecily (j| f UiJilftlSEa SIMPLE 51? i KM SIMPLY (?!: (j PERFECT. I);? JP NroiIIra, Oil, ll'-lts ntul nil hinds ?'f Frwing V ^ |J | Mnchiin hiijiptun. Uo;>airiiiK a specialty. /j ?? II j V a | We Will Appreciate Call! J I u ^ | Young & Wolfe . ft ~ H = I I -A_. O. CFOIESrimS GOOD THINGS TO EAT \ Groceries, .Market, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. \ \ * . . N mj? * - ~ ^ HOES AND RAKES We have all sizes HOES for hoeing your garden or any. thing; also RAKES for raiting yards, etc. All kinds of Garden and Farm Tools. Tiir a aiMam ^9 si PHONE 8 S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTLE, Mgrs. ^ % H r' ,. i , ' ' 1 1 ?. . I' ' 1 1 . l_ ^ ' JOBPRtfCTiNG AT THE TIMES OFFICE - - PHONE 112 ? - v.":' ' ' J?|?V */"" ? i . * ' * * " LL. Pure Crystal Ice At Reduced Prices Wc beg to call attention to the KEW PRICES we are offering on PURE CRYSTAL ICE, effective May 1: 300 Lb. Block $1.50 200 Lb. Block .. : 1.00 100 Lbs GO 75 Lbs 45 60 Lbs 36 50 Lbs 30 40 Lbs ~ 28 25 Lbs 20 20 Lbs 16 15 Lbs. 15 10 Lbs 10 J v *rrmrx tt*^ ? -" ' ts. MiKliUSUiN PHONE 29 * O a . * . o O O 4- ? > < sN^^ ^ | ?UE UNIVERSAL CAR, ^ Let us drain your fcrank case and | replace vour old oil with % Autoline F Oil I I It takes the "chatter" out of the | brake bands. It is a special oil for | F.ord cars onlv. I I Heath Motor Comp'y f The Ford Service Station. Genuine Ford Fails. Sales and Service T . * . * O .?*.?. r ? . * . * . ^ . <) . o j 1> ? ? > N^-? >? . . + . + .? ,o; o ?- > <> *? SUPERIOR GARAGE | We \K'i? 10 10 th-; public that we hive opened F the Superior Garage on Upp :r Main Street, Fort Mill, and ? are prepared to do first clay. .voik on all makes of ears or * Irnrl'K nt.'n nr'^rf -> ??11 ~ ?- J ^ ^ u. i luuxr. an ui'.l WU1I\ liUU ^ it will be our aim at all times to satisfy those who give us tlicir patronage. , < SUPERIOR GARAGE | S. L. CASE, Proprietor. It t v w C * * 4 r* > t v Always The Best You will always find in stock'at this Store the freshest and best of everything in GROCERIES. We are in business not e xpecting to get rich in a day, a week or a month and are satisfied with a modest profi', * V BRADFORD & CO. 11 All crnrr-T r?n/\tir ? ? ? nAi i. 3inr,r.i - - rnunL i u n w , V , ' 1 v ' - . ? - ? j EAGLE "MIKAD 2;'^^|^^<Pcaca No. 174 For Sale e? your Denier Mndo In fir? pidn A5X FC?. 'J-'" YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND F.AGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK 11"" ' ' .... ? - ? = - -yg rs. Gray Tells Her Poultry SNAP. Next morning found two Raising Experience. dead rats in hennery. Kept find"Three years ago bought an ing them. Suddenly they disap- 4^ cubator, this year I've made lK'MT(,<i altogether. Its the only \ ~ on,v. Rats' stofc any baby M ucks. Didn t know until h $i/25. Sold by Lytle Drug ' ifeiend gave toe a cake of RAT- Co. and Moore'a Drug Store. ir v 1 ' . TL; . V -*. 1 ?.-> i? ?<m&Miff :: - *W -VW* vTiiw > -- > . . .:&& YMIIH