W. It. Bradford, Editor and Publisher.
The Times invites contributions on live
subjects, but does not'agree to publish
more than 2W words on any subject.
The right is reserved to edit every communication
submitted for publication.
On application to the publisher, advertising
rates are made known to those
Telephone, locm and long distance.
No. 112.
Entered at the postottice at Kort Mill,
S. C., us mail matter of the second class
/ THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922.
L1L . .. .
There comes to The Times office
occasionally a paper published in
the interest of newspaper men in
which there is a stundiing "MO''
headline. To the uninitiated the
headline means little, but- to the
newspaper man the mystic figures
tell the story of death having
put all end to the existence
of some follow worker. It is a
fact, as one may learn front reading
this "MO" column, that newspaper
men us a rule do not li\e
much past middle life. The reu- I
son for this is that not only on
the city papers, but also on the
country press, the men actively
engaged in producing the news
papers put m long hours at their
work, often in poorly veutiiatl'U
olliees, they have little lime or
means for recreation, and as a
consequence the flame of life lor
them is extinguished at an earlier
age than it is"*for men in 1110s.
oilier professions or vocations.
Also it is the lot common to mosi
newspaper men to have the responsibilty
of providing for families
on- incomes unequal to the
needs of themselves and thos?
dependent upon them. Not one
newspaper man in ' a huiulrco
is able to care for his family as
he should be, nor is he able to la,,
aside anything for the rainy day.
It is a singular thing that so few
newspaper men ure given tin
public consideration they are en
titled to. 11' their elforts in be
lielf of enlightenment, progress
religion and morality are prop
oriy appreciated few people eve;
take itie trouoie to tell then,
about it. ? On the contrary, it u
a statement of fact, applicable
more to the weekly than to the
daily, that many people look upon
their home paper as legit iniatc
prey, in that they wish to get ah
they can get out of it and give no
more in return therefor than
iney una absolutely necessary.
If this were not true, the weekly
newspapers ol' the country woutii
be adequately supported?not so
muuy business men would with
hold from them the "patronage
' they should be given and fewer
people would find first, one excuse
and then another for failing
to pay what they owe the newspaper
man for reading his paper.
Und6r the "30" headline to
which we haye referred there recently
wa^'printed- an item telling
of the death of an editor who
hAd 0'nducted in his home town
u \vbekly paper for a third of a
ce>?tury. The item also stated
that he had the confidence and
'esteem of his community to a
-large degree as was attested u.
his funeral, but that he left only
a smul! estate. These fine words
euine too late to help the old man.
What he needed was more consideration
before "30" was hun?
on the hook for him.
The fellow who sees in heroes
nothing but human beings neglects
the fact that history is the
story of humau achievement. It
' contains the life stories of men
who have built civilization. In
reading the records one will find
generally that those who ought
to have succeeded did so, while
scoundrels, sometimes successful.
|f J| usually lived to regret their rasare
to be found examples for
every young person to follow.
Many men have accomplished the
each of ns is
v % r>' j . '?-~.
- . * ; ?" *** i
i #
history. Read the history of the
rise of Greece and the men who
brought it about. Read how Rome
came to control the world. Read
how England, coming under the
influence of the Romans, became
civilized and rose to world domination.
More especially etudy
the history of this country. Everywhere
will be fonud a record of
work, accomplishment, unremitting
labor on the part of the men
who created and preserved civilization.
/ ???
A Washington dispaih tells us
that a number of Democratic senators
who had intended to go to
Missouri and help Senator Reed
in his campaign for reelection
i?re embarrassed and do not know
what to do since Mr. Wilson has
expressed a wish to have Senator
Reed beaten. They fear that
any assistance they might now
give Senator Reed would put
The Gr<
the Dej
The First Natioi
that the growth <
largely influences tl
It invites the pec
business here, irr
amount they may
The same court?
be extended to all,
counts be large or ;
. =======
. ^ A , 1
first Natii
Capital and Surplus
Resources . ONE-HAL!
" ii' * * * j-.J* % -**-" **~
- ; v.
them "in the position of flying fgj
in the face of Wilson's wishes." g
If there are such spineless men
on the Democratic side in the
United States senate, a good thing fi
for the country would be the de- < I
feat of these senators when they |?
c?me up for reelection. We don't ?
need weaklings in the Congress 2
of the United States?uieu who I
find it necessary to consult a 2
boss regarding their official conduct.
. 5
Many a small* boy envies the 3
girls who can hide their ears with . g
their hair.
It is said there will be 110 aii.s- 2
tocrats in heaven. This may ex- 2
plain why some folk are not try- |
ing to get here.
Two things to worry about: 3
Scientists say the earth is shrink a
ing two inches a year; also that j
the coal supply will be exhausted I
... e
within 2.000 years. ?
^INISlTj |
T^Your Hoiise ^11 \
A Home? I |
The answer is on the walls
^ALLS are the background of
family life. They affect the I
luty, cheer and cleanliness of
rry room. H 5
hen finished with the soft mellow H 2
ts of Devoe Velour Finish (a flat
paint) walls not only help to make
t things in front of them beautiful,
t become beautiful themselves.
d because such walls are washa- I
1. their cleanliness and fresh beauty H s
1 easily preserved by the occasional H ' >
1 of soap, water and a rag. H i
voe Velour Finish can be applied
any interior wall or ceiling. H 2
voe Products are time-tested and H 3
iven?backed by the 168 years'exience
of the oldest paint manufactr.g
concern in the U.S. Founded 1754. H g
LYTLE DRUG 00. I * g
Fort Mill, S. | g
>wth of
lal Bank believes
of the depositor
he growth of the
?ple to bring their
espective of the
wish to deposit.
ous treatment wai
M ? ]
whether their acsmall.
^ " 1
onal Bank i
4>* -.1*.., ^
I. 0.) TTMB8 ,
? T. m. T ,m miauaumJBUBCWaillLBCTBa
Summer Un
W A arA oKrk**rir?r* *~? -?-?
21 *? V/ Mi V/ dUUTYlllg ail
Ladies* Undergarments
Crepes, Nainsooks, Batii
tive prices. Gowns, P<
Teddys, Bloomers, Can
New Hot
Ladies' Silk Stocking
grey, mode, white, smo
50c, 75c,
Ladies' Cotton Hose .
Misses' Lisle Hose .
Misses' Roll Top Hose
Children's Sox, in all cc
Men and
B. V. D.f Hanes, Tucco and Cooper
Boys' Union Suits
Men's Cambric Night Shirts
Silk Sox, black, brown, navy, grey
Cotton Sox
Of course it is a matter of im{
that you get the best and fre
the price is right. Our busine
to week and this fact testifies
stock we carry and the price ?
Let us have your next order
confident it will not be the <
favor us.
Fort Mill Coopei
To The Building Pu
We are equipped to make qu
and . any kind of Building ma
and cordially invite your inqu
We carry Framing, Flooring,
Lime, Plaster, Cement, Moldi
and we can manufacture any!
* '
Rorlr Hill 1.11 ml
SIS Oakland A ?
\ V % "* *
Lclerwear, |
, Etc. I
attractive line of
in good quality?
ste?at very attracetticoats,
lisoles. |
[ %
uery i
s in black, brown, g
ke, I
$!!$ 1.50, $2, $2.50 g
10c to 50c j I
Z!)c and 5Uc | |j
S .... 50c ; I
>lors . 15c to 50c ! . |
Boys t
' Union Suits, 75c, $1, $1.50
50c and 75c
. . . . $1.50, $2. $2.50 |
and white . 5Uc to $I.!>U |
10c to 50c
'SON'S ! I
- J *
. 2 ^?303J
>ortance. It is important
ishest to be had and that
ss is growing from week
to both the quality of the
it which wp sell.
for Groceries and we are
>nly one with which you
rative Store
blic of Fort Mill
ick deliveries of Lumber
iterial right at your door |
Ceiling, Siding, Shingles,
ings, Lathe, Doors, Sash,
thing in Millwork.