"Published 1891.
Streets of Peking Laid Off Like
Those of American City.
Peking, to which American marines
and military forces of other
'Western nations have been rushing
to defend their national interests,
threatened by Chinese
: i 11.. i-1 A. .f
civu wariare, is me suujeei ui
the following communicution to
the National Geographic society
from one of its writers:
44As one passes within the walls
of Peking he expects to find, as
in other Chinese cities, the bannered
signs of shopkeepers throwing
gay canopies across narrow,
tortuous, huddled streets; but behold
! broad avenues three miles
long, crossed by other broad avenues
three miles long, making
Bquares as regular as those of a
44 The visitor wonders whether
the builders of this city saw in
prophetic vision the streets of Chicago,
Denver and Philadelphia,
v. Then he begins to suspect that
Peking is the one spacious Chinese
city because it is not a Chinese
city at all, but a Tartar city,
built by adventurous burbariuus
of the north, men who lived in
the saddle, upon steppes and
plains, whose feet were set in a
lar^e room. ?
"Wonder does not stop with
the length, breadth and regularity
of the streets. 'Che traffic
upon them is equally unexpected,
vln the cities of southern China i
sedan chairs edge their way with
difficulty through the crowds of
pedestrians and carrying coolies,
who jostle each other in the narrow
lanes, in Peking every
street is alive with beasts and
P* vehicles.
"Down the smooth, tree-lined,
macadam-center roads autos, bicycles,
cabs and rickshaws speed
pa hi alow moving fimvrat processions
and wedding parties. On
eaeh side, between sidewalk and
trees, along a highway of turf,
go men mounted 011 mules, sold*
iers 011 sturdy Munchurian ponies,
triplets of donkeys hauling
lumber, brick, coal and crockery,
portly old men straddling diminutive
asses, blue canopied Peking
carts and caravann of / ?????. I
eli out of the north.
"Almost as fascinating as the
darnels are the curts of Peking,
or rather the little beasts which
pull them, ponies, donkeys, mules
ar.d nondescript, elusive creatures
that are neither horse, mule
nor us8, hut subtle, indistinguishable
"If streets and traffic, carts
and camels are unexpected, no
less so are the buildings. The
traveler who has seen pictures of
the ma-jfestic temples and palaces
of Peking enters the imposing
South gate prepared for architectural
raptures. But he finds the
broad, straight highways of the
city lined with insignificant onestory
shops of with" equally insignificant
gray, windowlcss, onestory
house walls, or loug, unlovely
stretches of dull red nlas
tered fence walls.
"The streets of Peking have
neither skyline nor cornices.
Were it not for the multitudinous
traffic upon them they would remind
the traveler of the sprawling,
God-forsaken streets of an
American raiuingtown, infinitely
extended. The trees which lino
the central roadways' are all of
such recent planting that this,
city of the centuries suggests the
latest offspring of an energetic
real estate agent.
"As soon, however, as the traveler
enters a gateway, through
a one of the gray or dingy brick*
mL- red walls he coues suddenly aha
Hk . unexpectedly upon a palace, silent
in the sun, yet shouting
ftllHIit in tho KanKoiiin Kwilli ?????._? i
wiwi^vi m nrc uai uui iv mi iuiuiiui
of its color?orhnHpn columns,
frieaea of flashing gold or green,
?. t^hwide-flaring roofA of resplendent
yeUosr, all sbove^a^tripl^terraced
^ Or it may be a manyM^te^tempK
whence hundred
Phe I
State Convention Holds Session
in Colombia.
After staying ui session almost
continuously iroin noon Wednesday
until 4 o'clock this morning,
the State Democratic convention,
meeting at the capitol in Columbia,
finished its work and adjourned.
There were several
sharp tilts over the platform.
said to have been written by former
Gov. John Gary Evans, as
chairman of the platform and
resolutions committee, and when
the convention had got through
revamping it the document resembled
that brought in by the
committee about 'as much as
fourth cousins do each other.
As reported by the committee,
the platform arraigned severely
the General Assembly, scored the
county system of government in
the State as rotten and contained
much other matter which one
member suid sounded like a grand
jury report and was full of misstatements
of fact that ought to
be common knowledge among informed
people. Other members
characterized the document as a
campaign platform on which its
author hoped to ride into the
governor's office.
In the committee room a strenuous
fight was made on the platform
and it was there amended
in several particulars, but not so
much as many members thought
it should have been, and these
II i.Lwl itt am uurmlutllKV if fk 11
let I \ I U1V1UII 111 I II W??
the floor of the convention.
While the platform was in the
hands of the committee Governor
Evuns.opposed putting in it any
reference to Governor Cox, Democratic
nominee in 1920 for the
presidency, and , urged the committee
to reject an amendment
offered by \V. U. Bradford of
Jlie York county, delegation re-,
ferring kindly-vto Governor Cox
for his courageous campaign. Assisted
by Senator Alan Johnstone
of Newberry county aud others,
the author of the amendement
beat the former governor overwhelmingly
on a showdown vote.
This was the firsj of the many
amendments adopted to the platform,
the submission of which,
in the opinion of numerous members
of the convention," practically
dissipated whatever chances
friends of Governor Evans hoped
he might have for election as
governor this year.
Xniiiil ac VputiIr Watlrinfi rtf
V- I*u i w * m a a *v m UI niiin v?
Anderson county was elected
president of the convention, following?
the short tenure of office
of Thos. Q. McLeod of Lee county
as temporary chairman. The
convention elected Edgar Brown
as State chairman. Mr. Brown
i.? a member of the house of representatives
from Barnwell county,
serving his first term. His
election gave general satisfaction
and was perhaps as popular as
any that could have been made.
Mrs. Leroy Springs of Lancaster
was honored by the convention
in being chosen as a member of
the itational Democratic committee
as the "Successor of Mrs. R. L
Manning, resigned.
Maj. J. D. Fulp Suggested.
The announcement in Tuea-day's
daily papers that J. E.
Swearingen would enter the race
for governor, thereby relinquish.1..
.ja_.. _t ciA-i.- :
Illg lilt) UIIIVC UL OUIIC Huprrill
tendent of education when his
term expires iu January cf next
year, brought forth the suggestion
in Fort Mill that Maj. Jas.
1). Fulp, head of the Abbeville
city schools, would make an acceptable
successor to Mr. Swearin
gen. While it is not thought
likely here that Maj. * Fulp will
.enter the race for the office, his
Fort Mill friends are confident
that if he should do so he would
prove a strong candidate. Maj
Fulp is a son of Mrs. A. 0. Jones
of Fort Mill and was superintendent
for several years of. the
Fort Mill public school before-he
entered the army in 1917.
tot mn a o, ib
raws or yobx county.
Items of Qeneiml Interest Found
! in the Yorkville Enquirer.
Rev. B. F. McLendou, better
Known as Uyclone Mack, is
conducting an evangelistic campaign
at Kauapolis, N. C., and as
usual thousands are attending the
County Treasurer Harry B.
Neil has received a check for $416
from the State department of education
to pay the salaries of
teachers who taught adult schools
in the county last year. The money
is long past due the teachers.
Eleven men took the civil
service examination held in the
courthouse here Saturday to fill
a vacancy for carrier on Hickory
Grove No. 1, which place is vacant
because of the death of former
Carrier Joe W. Leech. The
position pays about $1,900 a year.
Two additional physicians may
be secured for the town within a
short while. A # local druggist
stated Monday that he was in
communication with four physicians
who were anxious to move
from their present locality and
that there was a strong probability
that one of them and possibly
two would be induced to lo[cate
A corn cob in remarkable resemblance
to the hand of a woman
is a curious object that was
left at the Yorkville Enquirer by
J. J. J. Robinson Monday, 441
am bringing this/' Mr. Kobinsoii
said, 44at the request of R. L.
Clexico, assistant cashier of the
Bank of Hickory Grove. Mr.
Plexico got it from T. J. Smith,
who said it grew on the grave of
an Indian squaw buried on hi*
What is known as the Charlotte
road out of Yorkville?the old
road that used to serve as the
common highway betweeu Yorkvilla
aiul Charlotte by way of
Wright's ferry?is deserving of
more attention than it is receiving.
It extends into a very important
section of York county
that is at present badly off for
roads, and is should have attention,
not so much because of the
neglect to which it has been subject
for so long; but because it
... ii.. ?...u
to iuouj uui in n unci
44No, we don't get any red
horse in the river any more, "said
Mr. Walter Kimbreli, well known
former and fisherman of No. 8,
when asked if he could supply a
mess or two of red horse, a fish
that was plentiful in Catawba
river and Crowder and Allison
creeks 15 years ago. 4J Occasionally,"
Mr. Kimbreli went on to
say, 4 4 we get hold of a fish that
some people call a red horse, but
it isn't. What became of the red
horse J don't know unless they
huve become mixed in breed with
other fish and absorbed. All we
get now are carp and catfish and
we get more carp than cats, although
occasionally I catch a
hamper basket full of catfish and
some of my neighbors have as
good luck."
Children Qive. to Memorial. .
Eighty-five dollars and fifteen
cents was added to the memorial
to be erected in Fort Mill to the
World war soldiers as a result of
contributions made by .pupils of
the graded school Monday. The
seventh grade was the most liber*
al contributor to the memorial
given by- the followinglsaoroicW
wnn exacny *11, si.ru 91 wmcn
was given by the teacher, Miss
Vivian Ellis and the remainder by
pupils as follows: Henry Kimbreli
$1.60, - T. JB. Spratt, Jr., $1.35,
Daniel Broadnax $1, Emma L.
McManus, $1, Henry Crane $1,
Owen Patterson 75 .cents, Faulkner
Parks, 65 cents, George Ross
Garrison 35 cents, 9. C. Ferguson,
Jr., 35 cents, Edward Harris
25 cents, Myrtle Reeves 25 cents,
James Ferguson 10 eents, Ray,
Hunter 10 cents, Ladson Mefritt
10 cents, Goldie Ash ford 10
cents, Francis Harris 10 eentSL
Lena Wright 10 cents, Mary B.
Harris 5 cents. ?
Mr. and Mrs. George Fish loft
Fort Mil! yesterday for an expended
stay in New Xngtand.
I^We^Mday the Rev. W. B.
v' , ' . ' ' *
. * - # Mill
ntmgPA/g^iAY l^Taao. "
State's New # Governor Leading
Charleston Citizen.
Wilson Q. Harvey, lieutenant
governor of South Carolina, who
will sueced -Robert A. Cooper as
governor of the State when Mr.
Cooper resigns June 1 to accept
an appointment on the federal
farm loan board, is a well
known citizen of Charleston. He
is a banker and has been for 25
years indentified with the management
of the Enterprise bank
of Charleston. He will be the
first Charleston man to hold the
office of governor in 57 years,
the last chief executive of the
State from that city having beeu
Andrew u. Magrath, 1864-65.
Mr. Harvey is a son of the late
Wilson G. Harvey.. His father
was a native of Charleston, as
was his grandfather, James ?.
Harvey. The Harveys came to
South Carolina prior to the Revolutionary
war from Bermuda.
Mr. Harvey'8 great-grandfather
was a member of the Continental
forces fighting for independence
from Great Britain. In the War
Between the States his father
was a Confederate soldier.
He was educated in the grammar
and high schools of Charleston
and at the age of 15 began
his business eareeer as an employee
of The News and Courier.
At the age of 21 he was manager
of the old Charleston World and
Budget. Then he became Charleston
manager of the Bradstreet
company. He organized the Enterprise
bank in 1894, was elected
its first cashier, and since 1904
has been its president.
He belongs to many organizations.
He has served as president
of the South Carolina Sous of the
American Revolution. For many
years he was actively connected
with the State militia and has
been*?grand chancellor of the
Knights of Pythias of the State I
and for 22 vears has been elected I
by unuuiinous vote- grand master I
of the exchequer. lie has also
served as grand master of the independent
Order of Odd Fellowa,
past senior consul of the Woodmen
of the World, and is u past
master of Solomon's lodge, No. 1,
Ancient Free Masons.
For eight years Mr. Harvey
was an alderman of Charleston
and in 1910 was mayor pro tern*
He-' has been president of the
Charleston Chamber of Commerce
and is chairman of the county
sanitary commission. He is a
former president of the Charles- ,
ton Automobile^ club, is secretary
and one of the board of managers
of the Charleston Country club,
a member of the Carolina Yacht
club and other social organizations
and is a deacon of the First ,
Presbyterian church.
Mr. Harvey has been twice married.
By his first wife he was
ine iatner 01 tnree eniidren. la
1920, Mr. Harvey was elected i
lieutenant governor.
Mr. Havey was one of the chief
Charleston supporters of Senator
B. R. Tillman during the senator's
? ?
Urged for Liautanant Governor.
Within the laet few days Col.
T. B. Spratt of Fort. Mill has been i
urged by friends in various sec- 1
tions of the State to enter the i
race this year for lieutenant gov-r
ernor and his home fok espeei- <
ally are hoping that he will shortly
decide to ask for the office. <
It was stated yesterday by a
close friend of Col. Spratt's that 1
he had had time to give the re- <
quest very little serious thought i
and that no statement could be
expected from him before he re- ]
turned to Fort Mill a week or ten i
days hence from a trip to West i
Virginia and Washington city.
CoL Spratt has a wide- acquaint- i
ance throughout the State which !
would stjmd him in hand should i
he docide to ask for the lieuten- <
aut |VT?ruuruufti. as jifVBiucuv
of the First National bank of
Fort Mill and otherwise he in
known at a eucceeaf ur buiineaa
man; lie war lieutenant colonel
of the U4th fegiment, 30th division,
daring the Word war and' :
war with hie regiment daring its
snceeetfal assault on the Hindenboritoa.
r - * - V- -*
Soldier Graves at Flint Hill Decorated
Memorial day was observed at
Flint Hill church Saturduy, May
18. Following an interesting program
flowers were placed on the
graves of the following Confederate
and World war soldiers.
Confederate?W. M. Sutton, J.
T. E. W. Boyd, Jas. H. Richardson,
J. D. Glover, Lee Davis, Ben
F. Garrison, Eli Bailee, M. A. Edwards,
E. M. Garrison, Harry LaTliftr
-T rill n W P.lins Muttliow
Merritt, Dan Smith, H. H. Glover,
W. T. Darnell, D. C. Anderson,
Robert Kay, Jas. Nivens,
Wm. Alderson, John Boyd, Neale
Wingate, Ben Smith, Rev. J. M.
Garrison, Syrenus M. Garrison,
Jas. M. Culp, Y. J. M. Yarborough,
J. Torn Garrison, S. P. Kimbiell,
J. B. Cole, Abb Smith, J.
R. Garrison, J. \Y. Feltz, Hamilton
D. Smith, Robert D. Xaville,
Z. T. Bailey, J. P. Garrison, Jas.
II. Potts; John McCoy, Andrew
L. Thomas, Rev. A. L. Stough,
Jas. Boatwriglit, George llueks,
Wesley Blackmou, A. C. Sutton,
Cad Jennings. Samuel Billue, R.
G. Bennett, L. D. Johnson, Robert
Owens, Wm. N. Paris, J. J.
Coltharp, Loag Hoover, E. P.
Blankenship, Sanders Adkins, J.
C. Smith, Washington Nicholson,
PAKmd \f 1 o m no Unniui
A1UVV I I 1 lllj U (klliv o uvv,
Samuel Smith, Charles Elms, Lee
Boawright, J. Donald, Elder
John Hooker, Wiley (Jlover, Jas.
Whitesides, S. 11. Giles, J as. T.
Nivens, J. 11. Osborn, H. L. Warren,
J as. Pressley, Thoiuas L.
Blunchard, Win. A. Boatwright,
J. 1). Sutton, John M. Bayne, A.
15. Bailes, W. 0. Moss, R. It. Wilson,
Martin Ivimbrell, John Newton
Blankenship, S. P. Blaukensliip,
J. II. Coltharp, Jas. Blount,
Wesley Phillips, Thos. Merritt,
John Merritt, Sulwood Porter,
Sam McCraney, Jas. A. Kims, Lee
Ashley, Dick Alexander, Jas. II.
Elms, graves of four unknown
Graves in Biackstoek cemetery,
near Flint Hill t Capt. John 11.
Stewart, Monroe Blukeley, John
Boyee, Clark Harris, Frank Harris,
Jas. R. Miller, W. S. McClelland.
Pettus cemetery, near Flint
Hill: Lee Armstrong,
Grave in Pettus cemetery, near
Flint Hill: Lee Armstrong.
World - War?Corp. Carey L.
Fans, JMigene M. Usborn, .Jolin
K. McCullough.
The annual report of the treasurer
of the Fort Mill Presbyterian
church, C. S. Link, for the
year ending March 31, *1922, has
just been made and shows a number
of interesting facts in connection
with the progress anil
work of the church for the year,
at the close of which the total
number of communicants was 288
and the Sunday school enrollment
248. During the year 25
members were added on. examination
and 20 on certificate. There
were two aduit and 15 infant
baptisms by the pastor, the Rev.
R. H. Viser.
The budget of the church for
the year for all causes was $6,081.
This amount was overpaid by
$701, making the total contributions
$6,782, of which $6,548 was
disbursed as follows, leaving a
balance of $234 on hand at the
end of the year:
Foreign missions $837, educational
institutions $554, Thornwell
orpnanage assemDiy s nomc
missions $370, presbytery's home
missions $238, congregational
home missions $265, Christian education
and ministerial relief
$198, miscellaneous benevolences
$145, Sabbath school extension
sod publication $62, Bible causes
$18, assembly's training school
$18, pastor's salary $2,000, local
expenses $1,431.
The amount of the budget of
the church for this year is the
ftame as that of last year.
Owns for Lieutenant Governor.
J. K. Ctwens, former Roek Hill
4 ?- 1.! V ?
man, wno dm oeen practicing law.
in Bennettsville for many years,
today announced his candidacy
far lieutenant governor in' the
Democratic primary. Mr. Owens
m I v.|?
flSfcv rl' * SV. ;
$1.60 Ft Year. '
Riches Taken From Churches to
Aid Starving Russians.
Silver by the ton. gold by the
hundredweight, pearls by the
bushel and diamonds by the peek,
dumped into wooden boxes, jute
sacks, pasteboard cartons or
merely wrapped in parcels?all
this treasure hoard awaits opening
and sorting at the Moscow
storehouse lor valuables confiscated
by the soviet government
from churches and synagogues
of Russia for the benefit of famine
One floor of the building, about
100 feet long and 4f> feet wide, is
already nearly filled with the articles
confiscated in Moscow
alone, these mounting to more
than 90,000 pounds of silv er, several
hundred pounds of gold and
more than 10,000 precious stones,
mostly diamonds. Articles taken
from the churches in the four
provinces of Russia are to be
stored on the other four floors of
the building.
Each of the G24 packages in
the big room is sealed anil they
are slacked in tiers reaching almost
to the ceiling. The yield
Jrom some of the monasteries was
too large tor a single package
and overflowed into second packages,
stackeil beside the others.
A rough list of the articles confiscated
accompanies each box as
it is* brought under heavy guard
to the storehouse, but the exact
value only will be known when
appraisers open the parcels und
sort their contents. These ex*
| ports, ami also the workmen who
will unpack the boxes, are to be
stripped of their ordinary clothing
and provided with pocket less
suits when the task of sorting
Motor trucks fairly bristling
with bayonets of the soldier escorts
drive up to the treasure
house all through the day and
night bringing boxes from the
curees. From the outer gates
to the roof the building swarms
with guards. To get permission
to enter it at all one must first
visit another building where
some other state treasures are
stored and where soldiers even
prevent pedestrians from walking
011 the side of the street ou
winch the building fronts.
Swearingen for Governor.
John E. Swearingen, State superintendent
of education for the
last 14 years. Monday announced
that he would be a candidate for
governor in the Democratic primary
this year. Mr. Sweuringen
is widely known over the'State* ,
and the announcement of his intention
to seek the governorship
will be read with interest. Some
months ago at a meeting in Columbia
of the county superintendents
of education a motion was
made to.the effect that the meeting
indorse Mr. Sweatvngen for %
governor. Mr. Swearmgeii would
not put the motion while he was .
in the chair, but later it was renewed
and was acted upon fa
vorably with some one else presiding.
Since that time there have
been numerous rumors to the effect
that Mr. Swearingen would
throw his hat in the ring, but
,while he had been asked many
times whether or not he would
make the race, he withheld a definite
reply, though his friends
knew he was giving the matter
Mr. Swearingen is a nephew of
the late Senator B. R. Tillman.
He lost his eyesight at the age of
12 from an accidental gunshot
wound he received while hunting.
A warrant has been issued by
both the town authorities and
Magistrate J. R. Haile for the arrest
of E. B. Hunter, who is
charged with shooting and painfully
wounding Saturday night
Caleb Stevenson, in the lower
section of Fort Mill. Hunter
fired on Stevenson with a shotgun
and more than 100 * No. 8
shot are said to have taken effect
in the letter's jegs. Hunter ran v
away following the shooting and
has not yet been apprehended.
Both men have families*
Some of the egousea yon make
when , yon stretch the trath are I
so thin that one can see through
Awl '
> \