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f-' ) -t. i 4 ,Jr NEWS ABOUT TOWN. Mrs. W. A. Watson of Charlotte, N. C., is this week a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Ardrey. "Mr. and Mrs. George Fish entertained as their guest for the last week-end W. C. Murphy of Providence, K. 1. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Cooke of Charlotte, N. C., were week-end guests of their aunts, Mrs. R. G. Kendriek and Miss Laura Meir denhall. Jesse L. Howie spent Sunday at liic limiio iti k'livt Uill i-mniiic over from Newberry, where he lias the contract for the erection of a modern home. Friends of Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Potts of the Pleasant Valley community will be pleased to learn that their little son. Heath Wrenn Potts, who has been critically ill of pneumonia, is now much better. Miss Mabel Hall, home mission worker for the Southern Presbyterian church, Sunday night gave an interesting account at the Fort Mill Presbyterian church of her work in the Kentucky mountains. At the close of the biweekly meeting of the Fort Mill council. Junior Order U. A. M., last Wednesday evening, the members enjoyed an hour of social intercourse. during which refreshments were served. Attended by Mrs. J. W. H. Dyches and Miss lionise Patter son, members of the Junior Baptist Young People's union of the Fort Mill Baptist eliureh Tuesday afternoon enjoyed an outing at Spratt's spring, near town. After exploring the woods in search of wild flowers, the party enjoyed a lunch spread under the trees near the spring. doe MeMurrav. son of .1. 11. MeMurray, was stricken with a serious nervous affect ion a few days ago at his home in Blaekshurg. where he is the cashier of a bank. Si.turday Mr. McMurav was taiki 11 to a hospital in Richmond. Va., and the latest report from the hospital authorities is that his condition is slightly Improved, although he is si ill seriously ill. Tuesday afternoon a telegram announcing the critical illness of her sister, MVs. Jennie Spratt, at her home in Columbia, called Mrs \Y. B. Meaeham to that city. Word received in Fort Mill yesterday from the bedside of Mrs. Spratt indicated that there was little noticeable improvement in her condition and members of the family are fearful that she will not survive many dates. Mrs. Spratt has been in declining health for s v* eral years. I). A. Lee anul S. A. Lee of Fort Mill wore Among the crowd estimated at II.000 which went to Sandy river, near Chester, Sunday to witness the baptism of 92 converts who had recently joined the First Baptist church of Chester. of which the Rev. Dr. Robert Lee, son of D. A. Lee, is pastor. More than 150 persons have joined Dr. Lie's church as a result of a meeting which he closed a few days ago, making the total membership of the church about 800. "Please don't sav much in the paper this week about the baseball game played in Fort Mill dust Friday aftenoon between the local high school team and the Clover high school team," was the request made of The Times vesterduv by a Fort Mill school boy. "Whv not write it up in detalt" The Times wanted to know. "Well, if you do the public will be given the opportunity to learn more than it ought to know about the crude exhibition of the national pastime put on by our gang. Yon see. we got the hooks thrown into us, 24 to 0." Kills Bald Eagle. A Mecklenburg county neirrn hist KViihiv stint uml Lri11 ?>< 1 nn the farm 011 which he is living an American bald eagle, which was supposed to have wandered away I'rom its usual haunts in the Blue Ridge mountains. It was thought that few if any of this species of eagle remained in the Blue Ridge, but that they were now confined in their habitat to the Western and Canadian Rockies. R. Sidney MoOonnell Dead. R. Sidney McCaunell, aged 47. well known merchant and one of York's most popular citizens, died / at his home in that town Monday .morning at 8:45 o'clock. Death was the result of an acute illness .of several days and was the culmination of months of .declining health. Funeral services for Mr. McConnel were held Tuesday morning and the interment was in Rose H^l cemetery. / ' 1 *\C ^ ' ? ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CONGRESS I hereby announce that 1 ain a candidate in the Democratic pri- ! rnaries of South Carolina for the nomination for Representative of the Fifth Congressional District for the 68th Congress, and 1 take this opportunity to thank the people of the District for their loyal support in the past ami to say that 1 shall endeavor to deserve their support and confidence in the luture. W. F. STEVENSON. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR At the solicitation of voters of practically all sections of York county, 1 have decided to announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of county supervisor of York County, subject to the approval of tinvoters in the primary election. If nominated i pledge myself to give the taxpayers an efficient, economical business administration. JOHN F. GORDON. FOR COfXTY TliKASt'KCIt. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the priinarv election. ARTHUR T. HART. I am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of York County, sub ject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate fpr Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. W. *1). TIIOMASKON. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratie voters in the primary election. *1). L. KHIEDER. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. .IOI1N R. LO<5 AN. I am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the Primary Election. ERNEST W. (ICY. 9 Rub-My-Tism antiseptic and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, cnr'iinu ti t* * ???? I n i liuu Cipi Mill U V U1 M 1^141 A II V U" mat ism. l>ont* fail to take advantage of that lo to r.O per cent cash discount on Shoos at Mussoy's. Tht? Christian Endeavor Society of tin* Fort Mill Presbyterian church will hold a County Fair in the Town Ilall Friday, April 28, at 8 o'clock. Ten cents admission to all. Extra changes for Side Shows. Ice cream, pop corn ami peanuts will be sold. Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP A ENTRANCE EXAMINATION ?Tlu* examination for the award of vacant Scholarships in Winlirop College and for admission of new students will be hold at the County Court House on Friday, luly 7. at 9 a. in. Applicants must not be less than lti years of age. When Scholarships are vacant af,er July 1 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, providd they meet the conditions gov- j erning the award. Applicants for | Scholarships should write to Pres.1 ident Johnson before the examination for Scholarship examina-1 tion blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next sesjon will open September 20, 1922. For further information and catalogue ! u.l<lr.?uu Pr?g T4 R .Tnhnann H/mlr I Hill. S. C. Teachers' Examination. The regular spring examination will be held in York oil Friday j May 12th, and Saturday. May 13th, beginning promptly at nine o'clock each morning. This examination will cover only primary and elementary licenses. The high school examination will be held later. The temporary permit has served its purpose and teachers will be expected to produce a valid certificate before accepting work for another year. JOHN E. CARROLL, 3t Supt. Education. 1 \ 1 ^X 9 f * ANNOUNi ? We wish to announce to the peop T have recently opened an up-to-date ? now in a position to supply your need T Furniture, Office Supplies. Stationery Engraving, Printing and kindred line Our policy will he dictated by the ? be obtained by standing behind our gc ? deal. It is on that basis that we exp are doubly assured on this jioint when L 10/Young, formerly of your city, is u % Your Business is Solicited. t Yfll I Nr. J -? " ^ Stationers ami Office Outfitters "Lucky Dog" I We are carrying in st fame Rock Hill ( 123 Hampton St. ROCK LAUNDRY I have the Fort Mill Agency for the Chester Steam Laundry, which does first class work?in fact, all of its work is guaranteed. You can expect its work to be the equal of any laundry in this scc. j uon. Now is the time to have your Blankets done up. Packages sent off every Tuesday evening. 1 , E. F. GRIER "You never know how much money you Klve away if you don't compare Massey's prices with the prices you puy other pluces. "And There Wasn't the Slightest Smell From Dead Rats." Writes John Simpkins, farmer of Anuifiidale. N. J.: "Rats were ; costing me hundreds yearly ; tried dogs, ferrets, poison, could not get. ritl of them. Bought $1.25 package of RAT-SNAP (5 cakes). \ Used half, not a live rat since. ( Dead ones a plenty. I like RAT- t SNAP because after killing rats , it dries them up. leaves no smell." i Three sizes, floe, 65c, .$1.25. Sold j by Lytic Drug Co. and Hut chili; i son's Pharmacy. \ New stock I-adles' and Children's Huts just received at Massay's ut about half the usual price. 6(i(> is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most i speedy remedy we know To reduce our Shoe stock we will Rive 10 to 50 per cent cash discbunt off our entire stock next two weeks. L. J. Massey. % FOR SALIw-Five room cottage in splendid state of repair on large lot, near graded school. Apply to H. V. Richardson. \ ' m ^ rmM >or Finish I re the FLOORS the I arring Notes" in the I irmony of your home? I lOSSIBLY mtm of your other- I wise beautiful rooms are spoiled I dull, worn, shabby floors. I appearance, and for protection I veii.coai mem wun utvoe maroie or Finish Varnish. ills the tiny pores and keeps dust I germs out of the wood. Its , ghness protects the fibres from ; u; and its glowing lustre enriches decorative scheme. toe Products are time-tested and ven,backed by the lMyears'experte of the oldest paint manufacturing cem in the U. S." Founded 1754. jYTLE DRUG CO.. Fort Mill, S. O. The Drug I CEMENT I le of Fort Mill and vicinity that we 4 Stationery and Book Store and are 1 a for anything in the way of Office ? items of all Kinds, Lithographing, ? ? conviction that success can only It kkIs and giving every man a square ect to conduct our business. You 4 i we mention the fact that Mr. Alex i member of the firm. ct & HULL % N. Trade St.. HOCK HILL, S. C. 4 iaseball Goods ock xi full line of the us "Lucky Dog" (D. ) Brand and Reach ball Goods. Come to >r anything in basegoods. this store you also find a complete line les & Fishing Tackle. ^ycle Shop HILL, S. C. Phone 425J THREE THINGS THAT DO IT host Quality of Paints and Colors. Superior Varnishes and (Jood, Honest Workmanship. These are the things that maintain our reputation l'or fine Auto Painting and for many years we have given satisfaction to Auto Owners. Wo could use cheaper materials, hut we have a reputation to maintain for High Class \\%rk. ftnnArinr WrtrVmanatiin To ftia Only Kind Done at Out Shop. JOHNSON'S pai?Sop JAS. A. JOHNSON. Manager. \uto Painters, ltody and Top Hulldera ROCK HILL, S. C. TAX EXTENSION. Notice is hereby given that the ime for the payment of State and ounty taxes has been extended to June 1. 1922, with a penalty >f 2 per cent for March, 5 per ent for April. 6 per cent for May md 8 per cent plus costs of treasurer from June 1, when execuions will go into the hands of the Jieriff. H. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. "Rats Pasg Up All Other Food for One Meal of Rat-Snap.'' r;.?t l ?M otmotTin i urn i ii m mem ui iva i-n;nAr i is their last. Kills in few minutes. | Dries up the carcass. Rats killed ' with RAT-SNAP leave no odor. RAT-SNAP comes in cake form. Break into small pieces, leave where rats travel. No mixing with other food. Cats or dags won't touch it. Safest, cleanest, surest rat and mouse killer. Three siyes, 35c,^65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytic Drug Co. and Hutchinson's Pharmacy. _' "We Hi ) And we take just pride in th i built up for us. We dislike t / "We are sorry, but we are ju \ That is a very rare remark ii / made unless we are up agains \ Because we believe so firmly i: / customers' every want. \ We carry a complete line of 1 / ery, Brushes, Shaving Accesso \ prietary Remedies. I Our Prescription Department \ can be relied upon to give at I at reasonable prices. f LYTLE | "The Service 1 ELKCTHIK M Ask your grtHrr for KI.KCTItK bread to In* liatl on the Fori wrapped In a sanitary \\ra|>|n*r Flcotrlk Maid on It. Fort Mill grocer.vniaii also liani cents, mid as fine as anyone e< ELECTRIK MAI It. A. Wilson. Prop. (3UM| eet0^er SEALED AIR-TIGHT ^|S|l^3Sbl /^~J?r?\ O Guarantee* vjwp' 71^ JrrtAJ^-vt v DO YOUR GLASSES CAUSE DISCOMFORT? Do they make your eyes ache? Perfect fitting glasses never cause discomfort. They make the vision normal. Uncomfortale glasses don't fit?maybe they did once, but the eyes are constantly changing. In any case they are the wrong glasses, and wrong glasses are worse than no glasses. If your glasses are not perfectly comfortable don't wait?come to us and we will give you the RIGHT ones. Williams Optical Co. Optometrists and Opticians IzanJ Building Ground Floor Hampton Street BOCK HILL S. C. Mi PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATING I shall be pleased to furnish the j people of the Fort Mill coinmuj nity with estimates of the cost of House Painting and Interior Dec uniting. I do first class work and my charges are reasonable. See me at the Lytle Drug. Co. M. SMALL. \ ave It" I ft * e reputation that policy has A 0 have to say to anyone, * ist out of that." A 1 our store and it is never g it it. A n being able to supply our s roilet Preparations, Station- s ries, Rubber Goods and Pro- (1 is a very specialized one and (l ccurate and prompt service * 0 i COMPANY x Drug Store" X "X ? ? , ? ? ? $ All) lilt KM) r M \ll? llltl'.\l>?the Ih-si Mill market. l-'.acli loaf Iwliieh has a picture of the ill** our Biscuit- Itt for lit uilil wish. Tr> a packauc. D BAKE SHOP bock mi.i.. s. c. itrtert c/Zrlhzcexr^^. Tired j| SA "I was weak and run-down," WA if relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, of A Dalton, Ga. "I was thin and ?| Just felt tired, all the tlma. ' I didn't rest well. I wasn't M nj ' ever hungry. I knew, by I) this, I needed a tonic, and R A j as there is none better than? R jCARDll! n'The Woman's Tonic i Si. . . I - began using Cardul," v ^ 8?! * continues Mrs. Burnett 9 "After/my first bottle, I slept |d 1 abetter and ate better. I took In A ' four bottles. Now I'm well, H S8^ feel Just fine, eat and aleep, Wi | my slcln Is clear and I hare 51 gained and sure feel that 0 Cardul Is the best tonic ever V m .made." Hg I El Thousands of other women M ' ; have found Cardul Just as H [ 'Mrs. Burnett did. It should R '"help, you. 9 \ druggists. ^