University of South Carolina Libraries
. V ' ^ tHE FORT MILL TIME Thursday*?Democratic. W. R. Bradford. Editor and Publisher The Times Invites contributions on llv< subjects, but does not agree to luibllsl mni'A (linn ofkl .? n ?..KU,ot va V iiiuii .w "UMi.i v-??i *111* nuujn i The right is reserved to edit every com munlcatlon submitteil for publication. On application to the publisher, udver Using rates are made known to thus* interested. Telephone, locui and long distance No. 112. Entered at the postottice at Fort Mill S. C., as mall matter of the second class THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1922. A pastor of one of the cities o the country who is being sued b> his wife for divorce is quoted a: making the statement to his con gregation that "it takes a man o nerve and a woman who is hravt . to face the marriage ceremony to day." Why the "today?" \Vha difference is there in the marri age ceremony of today and thai of yesterday? It takes more thai "nerve" and "bravery" to entet the marriage relation. It takes llll 1 I 111,1 it t'll.-aii- ll,.ll.iwt\ unci sincerity. No man or womai should marry who docs not know how to compromise on the 11011 essentials, and the man or womar who marries with tlie expeetatioi of having everything his or hei way is headed tor disash r. Suppose Congress carries out its ainioiineed inlention of giving to each ex-service man a certificate of credit instead of a luiuji sum in cash, what will b< the result t Hundreds of thousands ol young men will take 1 heir certificates to the hanks or pawn shop? ami borrow as much as possible on them, and then fail to meet the IoAiis when tliey become duo Then .lie certificates probably will be sold and eventually will find their way into the strong boxes of the wealthy, while those for whom they were issued partei with them for icss than their vol uc. Event ually the certificate: will be paid, but in most instance: not to 111?* men who fought for tlu country, hut t?> wealthy specula tors. The more one considers tlu certificate plan of puym^ the ho uus the less satisfactory it ap pears. Hitling the Bulbeye. If you can't pull for your towi you ought to pull out. You don't need a pointer whet , you go out hunting; for trouble It does appear a lilt I? difficult to get iin harp of Erin hack u tune. The modern girl, if she think: she has a beautiful back, jusl grins and bears it. Sometimes a woman makes 2 fool of a nfan, hut more often lu is on the job himself. More people would he demand ing the bonus if they did not feat they would have to help pay it A correspondent asks, "Whai is artistic temperament?" Mcreh a stage name for bad tamper. A court has ruled that a jews harp is not a musical instrument Which leads the Arkansas (la/ctt? to remark that justice may In blind, but she is not deaf. Maybe we ought to be glad tha Congress did not abolish free gar den seed. This is about all sotm of us get for the federal taxes w? pay. B. Y. P. U. Convention. The B. Y. P. U. convention o' the York County Baptist associu tion, of which -I. Anderson Bas: of Hoek ilill is president, wil hold its quarlerly?ineeting at Un ion Baptist church, near York iyumlay, April HO. The meeting will begin at 10 a. in. ami eontin lie until 4 p. in., with an interims sion for dinner, which will la served on the grounds. The Fort Mill union will he rep resented at the meeting by the fol lowing delegates; Mr. and Mrs A. L. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Ferguson, S. A. Lee, Misses Rut I and Kate McLaughlin, Louise Pat tcrson, Lillie Bailcs, Beatrice ami Murion. Parks, Willie K. Barbel and Esther Meacham and A. M Cat heart. Twenty cents per quart wur th< price at wl>ich the first home ,n grown strawberries of the seasor old Monday on the* Fort Mill ? market. * V ? P mm. \ M , JT ' THE FORT Mil . 5 Do You Need Seeds of Any Kind? - A Come to See Us. Whether you expect to plant much or V little cotton, you are surely going to be wise enough to plant I lots of other things?Field Seeds and Vegetable Seeds? l Crops for man and beast. Then if you lose your crop or / part of your crop of cotton to the boll weevil you will be ! ahead of the game by having plenty of other things to fall ? back on. Common Sense and good Business Sense tell you !to plant plenty of crops for man and beast?We have the Seeds?anything you may want?Our qualities are right and our prices are right?We want to supplv your every need?See US NOW. FOR THE GARDEN -Every Seed ami Plant adapted to this section, including twelve varieties of Bunch and Cornfield Beans. WATERMELONS ? We have the Bradford. Kleekley s Sweet. Tom Watson, Georgia Rattlesjiake and Irish Orav? best of Seeds. CANTALOUPE?Hoekv Ford and Emerald (Jem. FOR THE PASTURE?Ca rpet Grass. Bermuda Grass. Alfalfa. Alsyke Clover, Herds Grass, Keel Clover. Dwarf Essex Rape, Kentucky Blue Grass. White Clover, Chufas and Lcspedeza. Be* sure to have plenty of these for your cows, mules, horses, hogs for grazing. CORN?( Early) Haves'Trucker's Favorite* and Country Gentleman; (Meelium) l)e>ut hit's Famous Prolific, Goeul....... v. i\v;ii: i>- i:* a || wuii o i iiiiiik , n iiikiiiiwii Js i IOIIIR' JIMl lUUIlimOTIl liOldOU. Si POP CORN?Rico and Golden King. All of these varieties .. A of corn aro hand selected and of excellent quality. 1 U CANE- Early Black Amber, Orange, Silver Drip, Japa* nese Ribbon. Be sure to have a good patch of cane for (J stock, feed or svrup. I ? MAMMOTH SUGAR STOCK BEETS ?South Carolina's - /] greatest milk and pork producers. Produce more tnilk and I V more pork. i A PEANUTS?We have the Red Valencia, Small White r y Spanish, Improved White Spanish. Georgia Runners and % X Virginia Jumbos. I) PEAS?Red Rippers. Clays, Wood's Improved Specked, i ~ Whipporwill, California Black Ryes and Mixed. A MILLETS ? German and Pearl of Cattail. Great for g forage. i A ' SOUDAN GRASS One of the greatest of feed producers , y FIELD OR STOCK BEANS ?Xinety-dav Specked. Nine X tv-day Bunch. Velvet, Osceola orStringless (Mammoth) and U Soja or Soy. These Btans are Georgia grown and of high ? germinating percentage. A SEED SWEET POTATOES -For bedding purposes. : | FOR LAWN AND FLOWER GARDEN?Kentucky Blue A Grass. Bermuda Grass. Italian Rye Grass and Evergreen ? V Lawn Grass. Caladium Bulbs, ('annas. Verbena, Cyclamen. X COTTON?Improved King-Graded. ' y PLANTS?I >otato. Pimento. Cabbage. Tomato. Flowers. I X FEEDSTUFFS?Digester Ilog Tankage, Hog Meal. Calf ' H Meal. Shorts. Hulls. Cotton Seed Meal; 24 per cent. 20 pel* | ? cent and 17 per cent Protein Dairy Feeds; Baby Chick A Feeds. Laying Mash. Growing Mash and Scratch Feeds. All | s good Stock Remedies. A FERTILIZERS ?Nitrate of Soda. Acid, Kainit. Cotton. I U s t 1 t All Orders Given Our Prompt Personal Attention. ! Garrison-Faris Seed Company y 123 West Main Street ROCK HILL, S. C. I THE CASH YOU CARRY I Atound loose in your pocket can serve you to better advantage if deposited in the First National Bank ' of Fort Mill. I Placed here, it will be used to help ,L. 1 r i ? ii ic mercnants, rarmers and others ot this community, and incidentally yourself; and, moreover, it will be at your command whenever you [ need it. Patriotism, civic pride and your ' own personal interests emphasize the importance of keeping your idle cash in circulaticn. KT.i.! 1 n---i i usi nauuiiai nana * Operated Under the Strict Supervision of the United States Government * i I i ? . s ,L (S. C.) TIMES . I Summer Ui II Hosiery & ?| We are showing ai y i Ladies' Undergarment! Q g Crepes, Nainsooks, Bat ft II - tive orices. Gowns. F | | Teddys, Bloomers, Cai J I New Hi ^ | Ladies' Silk Stockin ft | grey, mode, white, sm< ft I .50c, 75c * 0 Ladies' Cotton Hose , SI I Misses' Lisle Hose . jj || Misses' Roll Top Hos ft | Children's Sox, in all c * I y | ' Men ana ft B. V. D., Hnnes, Tucco and Coop 3 Boys' Union Suits 0 5} Men's Cambric Night Shirts X ^ Silk Sox, black, brown, navy, gre; X 1 Cotton Sox PA TTEF 5 5 - ? - K I V I r >] * jbf \uul uj2 m ij u niii . a d i2\u: ii WHEN YOU BU Of course it is a matter of im that you get the best and fr the price is right. Our busin to week and this fact testifies stock we carry and the price Let us have your next order confident it will not be the favor us. Fort Mill Coope E. S. PARKS, IV I ANNOUN To The Building Pi / We are equipped to make qi and any kind of Building m and cordially invite your inqi We carry Framing, Flooring Lime, Plaster, Cement, Mold anrl nm |?uiu nc von Aiianuidciure any 4 Rock Hill Luml Phone 615 Oakland Av? \ . A. v iderwear" % Etc. ' | I n attractive line of s in good quality? | :iste?at ver>' attrac- p fc f h p m icf> mi ? $ >? i iv. > niov^ j n misoles. 1 I osiery | gs in black, brown, | oke, - I , *1, *1.50, *2, *2.50 I fV 10c to 50c I 25c and 50c f ;e .... 50c & z olors . 15c to 50c I f Boys | er Union Suits, 75c, $1, $1.50 | 50c and 75c .... $1.50, $2, $2.50 ; y and white . 50c to $1.50 | 10c to 50c tSON'S | Y GROCERIES portance. It is important eshest to be had and that ess is growing from week i to both the quality of the at which we sell, for Groceries and we are only one with which you srative Store lanager. m? Hyf T? xtt^ I ^rylVIIv^ 1 1 iblic of Fort Mill i lick deliveries of Lumber aterial right at your door liries. , Ceiling, Siding, Shingles, lings, Lathe, Doors, Sash, thing in Millwork. ber Company I smie ROCK HILL, S. C. I \ _ . f s