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m ' tffl * i ~ - v * s ???? , / BUY AN 500 Lbs And you- will n price of your Ie inconvenience ai derstanding. CULP B PH01 NEWS ABOUT TOWN. \V. J. Kiiubivll spent sever; dnys of the last week visiting rc atives in Columbia. Mi's. 11. Ij. Cochrane of Chai lotee, N. C., was a recent guest ( Air. and Mrs. K. F. drier. Aliss Kathleen Viser of Thou asvilie, N. C.. was a guest of tli Kev. and Airs. H. 11. Viser at tli Presbyterian manse last week. Senator S. F. Bailes spent a du in Columbia last week in the ii terest ol' the Fort Alill Farm Loa association, of which he is prei ident. Aliss lion ma nia Kpps of tli Flint Hill section of Fort Alii township is visiting her eousii Aliss Bessie Ailislee. in (5reen> boro, N. C. Alisses Alary Hailcs. Kluia Brail ford. Hat tie Belli. Elizabeth Alill ami Virginia Barber. students a Wiuthroji college, spoilt Sunda; ? their homes in the Fort Mil community. Among the visitors to Fort Mil Sunday was Gary S. Thompson o Urcelisboro, N. t'., who spoilt ill day at tin- homo of Mr. ami Mri \V. M. Culp.i *1. II. McMurray and his daugh tor, Miss Father Mo Murray, hav rotiirued to tlioir homo in For Mill, aft or spending the winter a Fornamlina. Fla. Arthur C. Lytic, one of the pre prietors of the Lytic Drug ooni puny, spent Tuesday and Wydne? day in Charlotte attending th annual convention of the Rexa dealers of South Carolina an North Carolina. Miss Kdita Tindal, teacher i the high school department of th Fort. Mill graded school, was uhl to return to Fort Mill Monda from her home in Beaufort and t resume her class room duties, a! tor being ill for several days. The ltev. R. H. Viser and K. W Kiiiibreil, elder, are this week a1 tending the spring meeting c Behel presbytery, in session at th First Presbyterian church in Roc Mill, as the representatives of th Fort Mill Presbyterian church The sessions of presbytery bega Tuesday and were expected t , continue through today. Mr. and Mrs. ?I. T. Young lei Fort Mill Thursdav i>v??iiin<r IV Kochcster, Minn., where Mr: Young is now a patient at Kal lor hospital. Mrs. Young ha been in ill health for some tim an<l may find it neeessarv to r? main at the hospital for seven weeks. The length of Mr. Young stay in Koehester also is uncet tain, depending upon how Mr Young responds to the course c treatment she will receive. Word was received in Fort Mi a day or two ago of the serion illness at her home in Columbia c AUia. fii'iiiiic m|m nit, ? no i??v?? ? from here to that city about year ago. Among the relative of Mrs. Spratt in Fort Mill at two sisters, Mrs. .Elizabeth Witl ers ami Mrs. W. B. Meaeham. The board of trustees of tli Fort Mill graded school, meetin last Thursday night, reelected 1 M. Mack superintendent of tli school for the 11*22-23 session, an at a meeting Tuesday evenin also reelected all of the preset high school and grade teacher who are given a few days to m tify the board in writing whethc . tilt y wdl accent till* wnrlt fnr tli next session. The enrollment c the sehool is now larger than has been at any time in the pa: % ami Mr. Macks friends are plea and Mr. Mack's friends are plea ed that he will direct the school affairs for another year. Dr. John M. Hutchinson Moi day sold the drug store he ha operated on upper Main street f< the last*seven years to Dr. W. < " Mopre of. Rock Jlill, who is 1 L?> takK .eharg# of the-business nej to fsw weeks at s ICE BOOK . For $2.50 ot only save in the e but escape much nd possible misunROTHERS NO. 15. u graduate pharmacist and i'oi several years was prescription clel'k at a drug store in Lancas' ter. Dr. Hutchinson has many triciids in Fort Mill who will rer" gret to leurii thut the sale oi' his >f business probably will mean the removal of himself and his family to another town. ie The Easter cantata given Sune day evening at St. John's Mt thoidst church was an enjoyable y event for the music loving attdil" ence that Idled the chureii. No 11 services were held Sunday eveiiing at either the Bupust or i'resbyterian churches that the eon0 gregutions might be prest nt for ^ the cantata, which was under tiie l? direction of Miss Vivian Ellis. besides Miss Ellis the choir was composed of ilie ^following: So'* pianos, E. L. fuse, Miss Myrtle s McManus, Mrs. E. L. llughes, 1 Mrs. E. li. I'atterson, Mrs. It. E. s McKibben. Mrs. Ernest Miller, ' Miss Elinor Armstrong; alto, Mrs. (T. F. Lytic; tenor. S. L. Meach" \ am; basses. \Y. 1>. Wolfe, N. b. ^ Ca rot hers, I). Hope, W. .1. v "Steele. Makes Partial Report. i- Sunday morning at the services e of the F'ort Mill Presbyterian t church the congregation heard t the Rev. R. 11. Vi.ser, pastor, make a gratifying report of some of the r results of the church's activities i- for the last year, which included >- an increase in membership of til. e the payment in full of the allot II nienl by presbytery for benevo.1 lout nniioi.o tiiiil :li<? I III! I ?n? t and pledges in full for the coining ii year for die same causes. t. A recent gift to the church from t> a former member, Mr. Yiser 1111v uounced, was a beautiful individ' mil commuiiion service, presented by Mrs. .J. M. Oldham of Charlotte. N. which is to be used ? for the first time at the service 011 the second Sundav in M11 v. t- m m m '' Series of Church Meetings. At the morning service of the k Fort Mill Presbyterian church e last Sunday, the Rev. R. II. Vixer. pastor, announced that the Rev. 11 \V. 11. Miley, evangelist for the 0 South Carolina synod, would begin a series of meetings in the * church on May 21. to last for sev,rjeral days. The annouiieemeiit I also was made that Miss Mabel >* | Hall, home mission worker for 'S the Southern Presbyterian generv al assembly, would make 1111 ad dress in the church 011 Sunday '1 evening, April 23. s r- England settled the trouble in South Africa before most people c r 1 x ^ ? . . ? 1 ii iouimi out wnai it >vas an aoom. H Attention, Democrats. is You are urged to attend a uieet>f ing of the Fort Mill Democratic d Club at the Town I!a!! at 3:M() a o'clock Saturday afternoon. April ?s 22. 1922, for the purpose of reorv ganizing the club ami the elecl tion of delegates to the County Convention. ^ ie By order of the County Execu<r tive Connnittee. FREDERICK NIMS, dr., iC President. <1 ?f. R. 11AILE, Secretary. ^ New stock Ladles' and Children's it Hats Just received at Massey's at S. about half the usual price. 66(i is a prescription for ,t; Colds, Fever and I^ait Grippe. It's the most *t speedy remedy we know S- Ji S- To rpiliii'A nil r Hhnp ulnrk u'? will give 10 to 50 per cent cash discount off our entire stock next two weeks. L. J. Massey. 1 (1 Rub-My-Tism antiseptic JT and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, ct sprains* neuralgia rheufo mat ism. Dont' fall to taka Advantage ol 2 that 10 to 50 par cant caah discount r mil rao 'i I ANNOUN ^ We wish to announce to the peop T> have recently opened an up-to-date J now in a position to supply your need 1' Furniture, Ottice\Supplies, Stationerj _> Engraving, Printing and kindred line Our policy will he dictated by th< i he obtained by standing behind our g< T> deal. It is on that basis that we exj are doubly assured on this point whei 1 K. Young, formerly of your city, is t > Your Muslness is Solicited. ; YOUNG < Stationers and Office Outfitters "Lucky Dog" I We are carrying in si ^ fame & M. . Base US fc Rock Hill ( 123 Hampton St. ROCK ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOIl t'Ol'NTY TKFASl'llFlt. 1 am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of York County, subject to 1 he recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. M. C. WILLIS. 1 hereby announce myself us a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. W. D. THOMASSON. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 1). L. SH1EDER. I a in a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. .JOHN K. I AM* AN. I am a candidate for Treasurer iof York ('owntv. subject to the approval of the Democratic voters iu the Primary Election. ERNEST \\\ UUY. You never know how much money , you Klve away if you don't compare Maiwey'H prices with the prices you ' pay other places. i44And There Wasn't the Slightest Smell From Dead Rats.'' Writes .John Simpkins, farmer Iof Anuandale, N. J.: "Rats were j j costing me hundreds yearly ; tried clogs, ferrets, poison, could not ; ; i get rid of them. Bought $1.25: package of RAT-SNAP (5 cakes).! Ilfif-d half lint a live rat uinee. i ' Dead ones a plenty. I like RAT' SNAP because after 'killing rata it dries them up, leaves no smell." " 'Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Solo rj by Lytle -Drug Co. apd Hutehinl^on'h Pharmacy. i y I 1 ralls that keep their I "newly painted" look I ashable Walls I I alls that hold the charm of colcr I 1 retain their freshness for years H ih the help of soap, water and . H :h are walls finished with Devoe H lour Finish, (a flat oil paint.) H e soft, flat tints, in which this product H Manufactured, are always artistic, ding an enriching background to H furnishings, and an air of gocd H te and dignity to the room. H voeVelour Finish can be applied cn I f interior wall or ceiling. H voe Products are time-tested and H >ven ? backed by the 168 years' H terience of the oldest paint man- H during concern in the U. S. M unded 17St. ) LYTLE DRUG CO. Fort Mill, S. 0. rhe Drug CEMENT I lie of Fort Mill and vicinity that we 4 Stationery and Book Store and are T la for anything in the way of Office r items of all Kinds, Lithographing, ? conviction that success can only <#> ckxIh and giving every man a square >ect to conduct our business. You ^ i we mention the fact that Mr. Alex t member of the firm. & HULL N. Trade St.. ROCK HILL, S. C. $ Jaseball Goods tock a full line of the >us "Lucky Dog" (D. ) Brand and Reach ball Goods. Come to >r anything in basegoods. this store you also find a complete line les & Fishing Tackle. ^ycle Shop HILL, S. C. Phone 425-J | Tailored Tops To Fit THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD if vour car is worth RECOVERING. The top is always the first part to wear. When it is worn it looks shabby and cheapens your automobile. If you need a NEW TOP. let us irive von an estimate ami we will GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in Quality ami in the Workmanship. JOHNSON'S paiSHOP JA4S. a. JOHNSON. Manager. Auto Painters, Hody and Top Bulkier* ROCK HILL, S. C. TAX EXTENSION. Notice is hereby given that the time for the payment of State and county taxes has been extended to June 1, 1922, with a penalty of 3 per cent for March, 5 per cent for April. G per cent for May and 8 per cent plus costs of treasurer from June 1, when executions will go into the hands of the sheriff. H. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. im i J ... . . "Rats Pass Up All Other Food tor One Meal of Rat-Snap.'' Their first meal of RAT-SNAP is their last. Kills in few minutes Dries up the carcass. Rats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no odor RAT-SNAP coun*8 in cake forin, Break into small pieces, leav* where rats travel. No mixinp with other food. Cats or . dag> won't touch it. Safest, cleanest surest rat and mouse killer. Three sires. 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytic Drug Co. and Hutchinson1* Pharmacy. Apparenly nobody -wanted Muscle . Shoala until Henry< a bid for it. | "We H: V And we take just pride in tli a built up for us. We dislike t y "We are sorry, but we are jr A That is a very rare remark i: y made unless we are up again: A Because we believe so firmly i V customers' everv want. !We carry a complete line of ' ery, Brushes, Shaving Accessc prietary Remedies. Our Prescription Department can be relied upon to give a at reasonable prices. LYTLE "The Service 1 ELECTRIIv M Ask your jctiM'er for KI.IKTItll lireinl to 1m* had on tin* Fort wrapped In a sanitary \\ra|>|?er Flrctrlk Maid on It. Fort Mill KriMHTyinau also lian rents, ami as flnr as anyoia* r? ELECTRIK MAI K. A. Wilson, l'rop. PES SPELLS jr\ Qt Penn's is patented new ,]J is sealed in. "W Penn's is ? Buy Penn' ?fresh?s\v< SEALED yrR^SS AIR-TIGHT X t i x igA ri Uunromeet IS EYES ' IN NEED OF GLASSES DESERVE SPECIAL r EFFORT. I t 1 That's Why We ' * Specialize. ; " C^<Y ^ I Hampton Street ROCK HILL S. C. 1 1 PAINTING. & INTERIOR DECORATING ' I shall be pleased to furnish the > people of the Fort Mill ^ominu' nity with estimates of the cost of House Painting and Interior Dec1 orating. , I do first class work and my . charges, are reasonable. See me , ai,?ia Jjyue urug. uo. I * .*. SMALL. ave It" I te reputation that, policy has A o have to say to anyone, * ist out of that." A ri our store and it is never ^ i it it. A n being able to supplv our s Q Foilet Preparations, Station- S tries, Rubber Goods and Pro- (1 is a very specialized one and i ccurate and prompt service * M $ m I COMPANY | Drug Store" X xu < ;x ;rv xir. < <kiz>C(ki^h All) lilt HAD MUM HICK\l)?IJ it* ItrM Mill murkt-t. 14M*li It ml' i wliit'll I in ^ :i | tit - (111-4" til' Iht* illt* tun* lll-tiiil- IO |ti|* 10' iiiltl wi.-li. Tr> a pnt kiim*. D BAKE SHOP ikm'k mi.i.. s. r. packed air-ti^lit in the rcontainer?the quality ilways fresh. s the next time. Glean set. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick For Tbreo Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed?Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala.?Mrs. C. M. Stegall, of near here, recently related the fol lowing; interesting account of her r? covery: "I was in a weakened condition. I was sick thrco years in bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; Just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number o! doctors. Still 1 didn't get any relief. 1 couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I ( ? believe if I hadn't heard of and taken W Cardul I would have died. 1 bought ~ tlx bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. 1 haven't had any trouble since ... I sure can testify to the good that Cardul did me. 1 don't think there is a better tonic mads f 4* .. 1I*? ? HUU A WA1UWO At* OAf UU 111 J For over 40 years, thousands of wo? men have used Ccrdul successfully, In the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women dldi take CarduL It may help you, too. t all dfrogKUt* B tt / " /T. -v ,1 : ' , \