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FOR CONFEDERATE DEAI Cornerstone of Monument Laid Rock Hill. Before a large assemblage ^ citizens in Rock Hill Tuesd; i fCorning. .J. Campbell Bisse r grand master of the grand lod of South Carolina Masons, plae 1 the cornerstone of the monume being erected in Confedera k park by Ann White chapter, [ 1). (\, to the memory of the Co J federate dead of that city ai community. In the eornersto were placed a number of histoi documents. The oration was delivered I James ('. Hardin, former mayt L while the welcome was by May ^ J. B. Johnson. The invocati* was by Dr. Alexander Martin ai the benediction by the Rev. W. Wtk McCord. A number of music f selections completed the prograi The base of the monument is Georgia marble, six feet big while the main shaft is of Italia marble and represents a soldi standing "at rest." The shaft to be mounted on a base suppoi ed by four pillars, with a pedest neiween. un 1 ins pedestal tl inscription will be placed. It planned to have the momimei completed and ready for the u veiling exercises on May 10, Co federate Memorial day. Miss Fair Lee Married. Miss Fair Lee. daughter of M and Mrs. J. F. Lee of Fort Mi was married at the First Bapti church in Charlotte, N. C., Su day morning to Herbert Maxwi Allen of that eitv. The cerem ny was performed by the He Luther Little, I). I)., in the pre of a few close friends < the young couple. Mrs. Allen is a popular your woman who has many friends Fort Mill who will ho sincere interested in the announcemci of her marriage. She has mac her home in Charlotte for son time and also has a wide circle ( friends in that city. Mr. Alh now holds a responsible posit if with the traffic department of tl "Wrsterik. Union Telepraph con ly. Durinp the World war 1 was telepraph censor at the po of embarkation at Newport New Va. hollowing their marriage. M ami Mrs. Allen eame to Fort Mi ami spent Sunday at the home < Mrs. Allen's parents, after whic they left for an extended tr through the mountains of westel North Carolina. Big Cows Best. Figures collected from varioi cow testing associations throng out the country and compiled I tin' United States department < agriculture tend to confirm eoi elusions of the department tin within the breeds so far as tin were represented by these an tnals. which were mostly grade the large cows are the higge producers of dairy products an are also the most profitable. T1 evidence seems to show that i the individual farmer's herd will he found that on an averaj: the larger cows are more profit hie than the smaller ones, a though there are indications tin f lllo tnillf iw\t Imlil 4 imio in am of herds of native eat tie contaii ing much beef blood. NOTICE To the Democratic Clubs of Yoi County. NOTICE is hereby given tha in accordance with the rules < the Democratic Party, all Dem cratic Clubs in the said Coum must meet for reorganization c SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 192 at which meeting each club mu elect a president, a vice presidei and a secretary and treasurer ai one member of the County Exec tive Committee, and such oth committees as may be cxpedicn Delegates to the County Conve tion, which will meet in York < the first Monday in May. mu also do named i?v oaoli oluh. ai there shall bo one delegate f k every 25 members ami one del gate for a majority fraction titer " of, based upon the number votes polled in the first primal of 1920. All club chairmen will plea see that their respective clui meet on the said date, and, aft reorganisation,' a list of the of cials of each club must be fib with the secretary of the Coun Executive Committee. JOHN A. MARION, Chairman York County Dem cratic Executive Committee. Attest: J. H. SAYE, Secretary. -Jk >. I??? in of ay u* i I a,! >r, 1 U. IA. t 5 ^ al in. of ______ N tal lie Rugs for every which are national] nt n- Rugs in all si II down to the cheapc And the variet of which you will I r. 11 For use wher st Congoleums. n U See us today? YOl 'P in ly _________ it \o ~~ ? wwwwwwwwmnwwwwn ~ 4* 3L b bbbbbbiimmmiihiimumi >11 Be Sure s You're Right r- Your battery may seem ill to be so full of life that you [>f may conclude everything is ;li O. K. But it pays to be sure, n because batteries sometimes die very suddenly, right when they seem to be in the best of health. ,s Here at Battery Headquarter* It- we know the facts before we tell >V you either that your battery is in 'f good shape or that it needs repairs or replacement. . Everything's done here ac1 cording to Willard National v Standards of Service. * Hughes Battery Co nl Opposite Postoffice i',1, ROCK HILL, S C. r,. Representing Willard ii- Storage Batteries 1LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop tha baked the prices, but it didn't d< ^ it at the expense of service. of Hair Cut.. 25 o- Shampooing, plain 25 ty Singeing 25 ,n Tonic 25 o. Shave 15 Massage, nlain 25: i?t Tome and see us. We will sav< ul you money and send you aivi; u- smiling l'r BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. it. >'" DR. T. O. GRIGG ,a DENTIST r>r Office Next to That of C. S. Linl e" Formerly Occupied by Dr. * j J. B. Elliott. rv Telephone Connections. E 666 fi- WillJjreak a Cold, Fevei ?cl and lirippe quicker thai ty anything we know, pre venting pneumonia. o- ? How about a little more hom rule for the Statea of the Ameri can Union! __ ? THE FORT MILE (8. 0.) TIMES \ I i EW RUGS ' use. Beautiful new fresh patterns from Rug Mills < ly known for the high quality of their product. < zes?in all qualities from Axminsters and Velvets < >st Grasses. < y of colors and patterns makes a selection possible )6 proud. < s e desirable, we have a wonderful assortment of < i < you will be delighted with what you find. < JNG & WOLFE The Furniture Men. Always The Best You will always find in stock at this Store the freshest and best of everything in GROCERIES. We are in business not expecting to get rich in a day, a week or a month and are satisfied with a modest profit. BRADFORD & J HALL STREET - - PHONE 113 ! I ' < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -A_. O. JOHSTES GOOD THINGS TO EAT e c n Groceries, Market, Country c Produce. B l'hone Fourteen. c 6 Y ORGANDY | 9 Come in and see the pretty new shade of ORGANDY we have in Turquoise, Tea Rose, Apricot, Naiad and other colors, 44 inches wide, at 75c yard. THE CASH STORE PHONE 8 r S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTLE. Mgrs. I I JOB PRINTING k AT THE TIMES OFFICE - PHONE 112 ' w v '? . - > "> .. ? .. W&bBi Sac**b SttFGB&j*. r ^ :r ====B5BS=Bgg? Pure Crystal Ice At Reduced Prices % We beg to call attention to the NEW PRICES we are offering on PURE CRYSTAL ICE, effective May 1: 300 Lb. Block $1.50 200 Lb. Block ... __ 1.00 100 Lbs 60 75 Lhs. 60 Lbs 36 50 Lbs 30 40 Lbs 28 25 Lbs 20 20 Lbs 16 15 Lbs. 15 .10 Lbs 10 B. C. FERGUSON PHONE 29 ! I | FOllDSON Til ACTORS | | HASSLER \ Shock Absorbers | On Ten Days' Free Trial il ? Not one car owner in a thousand will get along ? without Hasslers after he knows what they will do S t for him in the way of greater comfort and saving | in expense on his car. ^ | For that reason we find it profitable to put | i Hasslers on cars on a ten-day trial. { Hundreds of car owners to whom this offer is t ; made occept it without a moment's hesitation. They I J have either used them themselves on some previ- | t ous car or they know some of the more than a Z I million owners who have used them. 2 | Try them and if you don't like them we'll take | | them off. Could anything be fairer? t i Uaa^ ? r I IiicdLii nuiur tuiup y | S%DTict' 1 TME.UNLVERS>CCLCAR> I (GENUINE FOllD PARTS I |i The Modern Way j of Canning | <> o O & J? I have accepted me local agency for the best and simplest ; > < I CANNING OUTFIT to be obtained anywhere. < \ It seals, opens, reflanges and reseals both pint and quart < J; cans without solder or acid, and is so simple that a child \> ! I can onerata it- < | (* i* <> i < i O ? Win, S. BELK j *"4T" -Ttr-miiTiiiin J