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ip* v % BUY AN i 50Q Lb*. J i And you will nol price of your Ice inconvenience an< derstanding. G PHONE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. , J. M. Culp of Charlotte. N. C.. was a visitor in Fort Mill this wek. Mrs. R. L. Erwin of Charlotte. N. C., is^visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. F. (Jrier. Mrs. Mabel A. Stewart and her little daughter were guests this week of Mrs. Stewart's mother. Mrs. Mary Ardrey. Mrs. E. (J. Gait her of Statesville, N. C., is a guest at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatriek. The Rev. VV. A. llafner of Gaffney, former pastor of the Fort Mill Presbyterian ehureh, was a visitor here thi* week. > ?J. 11. MeMurray, who had been spending the winter in Florida, has relumed to South Carolina und spent Sunday in Fort Mill. \l M.. I ? 1? d% * _ - ? 11118. .1 Oil II Vl II11II t'llHTiaillCll the Sunbeam band of the Fori Mill Baptist eluirch Friday afternoon troin 3 to 5 o'clock. Various games were played and refreshments were served. The Rev. U. 11. Viser, Misses Julia Boyd, Lucy Fish, Sophie Link and Kravor Kimbrell last week attended in (jreenville" the State meeting of the Christian Endeavor society as delegates from the society of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church. A special musical program will be rendered by the choir at Pleas* ant Valley Baptist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. W. B. Patterson, superintendent of the church's Sunday school, extends a cordial invitation to the public to be present. County treasurer 11. E. Neil spent a few hours in Fort Mill yesterday afternoon on official ( business. While here a number of Mr. Neil's friends expressed regret to him that lie had decided to retire from office at the ex jurat ion of his prsent term. TOWN OP PORT MILL Financial Statement?Receipts & jjisbuisements lor Three Months Ending March 31, 1922. RECEIPTS ' Accounts paid by eounty$ 35.85 Cemetery lot soul . . .. 20.00 Dog taxes 2.00 twt iui I a License taxes 1,437.39 Property tux prepaid .. 120.48 Property tax, 1921 levy. 116.01 Sanitary tax 44.12 - Street dept., gravel sold 9.00 $1,874.85 DISBURSEMENTS Cemetery dept $ 16 00 Building repairs 4.76 Charity 2.50 Care of prisoners 1.40 Election expenses 10.75 Expense sale of bonds.. 8.00 Fire dept 614.00 Health dept 60.00 Interest 1,456.22 Legal service 12.50 Lights 405.38 Office supplies & expense 42.25 Police dept 365.17 Prpperty tax refunded.. 3.23 . . Public printing 31.25 Salaries 323.77 Sanitury dept 376.36 Street dept 1,179.95 Suspense account 58.20 $4,971.69 Deficit $3,096.84 Cash on hond .January 1, 1922 $1,942.33 Town's notes sold 1,000.00 Sold waterworks bonds. 4,000.00 . ' $6,942.33 Onflh mi li an.I AM ?... I. Q1 I <vat atuiltl AUntUII Ul) 1922 $3,845.49 C. S. LINK, Treasurer.. Attest: B. I). Cnlp, Chairman; G. W. McKenzie, J. W. Gunn. Committee on Finance. For Bale?High grade Jersey -> Cow; fresh; first calf; gives about two gallons milk. G. C. Epps. 'f x > m .. >>. V I * Jp ' ' f FCE BOOK For $2.50 ) t only save in the pcranp murk I W iiiVtVAi I possible misun| MOTHERS NO. 15. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR COUNTY TRKASURKfL 1 am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary 'lection. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the n commendation of tile Democratic voters in the primary election. W. *1). THOMASSOX. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. I). L. SIIIKDEK. I am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. .JOHN K. LOO AN. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the Primary Election. KmVFKT \V IM'V You never know how much money you Rive away If you don't compare Mnssey's prices with the prices you pay other places. New stock Ladles' anil Children's Hats Just received at Massey's at about half the usual price. TAX EXTENSION. Notice is hereby given that the time for the payment of State ami county taxes has been extended to dune 1. L922, with a penalty of d per cent for March, 5 per cent for April, G per cent for May and 8 per cent plus eosts of treasurer from June 1. when executions w ill go into the hands of the sheriff. II. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. To reduce our Shoe stock we will Rive 10 to fi0 per cent ensh discount off our entire stock next two weeks. 1.. J. Massey. Rub-iViy-Tism antiseptic and fmin killer, for infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia rheumatism. Dont* full to take advantaRe of that 10 to 50 per cent cash discount on Shoes ut Massey's. Barliana Tomato Plants, 10c per dozen; now# ready for trans1 \f VI ?-?l /?? mg. ij. iu. rnonc Di?. Battery Dope There are a lot of places offering to give your battery a fresh start in life by putting "dope" in it. As & matter of fact there isn't any kind of dope made that will take the place of recharging and proper care. If your buttery does really need acid it is far cheaper and safer to come to Battery Headquarters to have it put in. Whether your battery is a Wil lard or not, bring it to ua?if it can be done at a saving to you, well set it on its fret in the Quickest possible time. Hughes Battery Co. Opposite Poetoffic? ROCK HILL, S C. I i Representing Wiilard Storage Batteries li3^BaSamS3^Q^9^^^^|^9HHPQUm^H % ' K r <? V . V * i *Tv^ *\ .'' " " v * |Tead&zi i ^ ^ ^ l I (L I f | ywl KLKCTKIK R Ask your ?r?Nrr for KI.KCTIt lirt'iul to lie had on the Port \vni|>|M>(l In a sanitary \\ra|i|)ri Klictrlk Maid on it. Fort Mill uroccrymau also ha cents, anil as fine as .anyone < ELECTRIK MAi K. A. Wilson, I'rop. >^v? <K? '' ' l ANNOUIS ? We wish to announce to the pec T have recently opened an up-to-date t now in a position to supply your net ? Furniture, Oflice Supplies, Stationei Engraving. Printing and kindred liti Our policy will he dictated by tl P be obtained by standing behind our | ? deal. It is on that basis that we es * are doubly assured on this point wht p E. Young, formerly of your city, is Your Business is $oiicited. I YOUNG * Stationers and Office Outfitters "Lucky Dog" ] We arc carrying in s &S taiu< Rock Hill l 123 Hampton Si. ROCK K>?C^?<C>WO^OO>WC>WC Sj - FOR E. i ' SE1 I NUNNAL ^ Agents For SCH4 jj LYTLE DRUi ? "The Service "I Never Knew You Could Keep Rats Out of a Butcher Shop." Ralph Watkins says: "Figured ri:ts around store had enough to feed on; wouldn't touch anything suspicious. Heard about RATSNAP, gave it a trial. Results were wonderful. Cleaned all rats out in ten days. Dogs about store night And day never touch RATSNAP." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. and Hutchinson'h Pharmacy. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever, and LaGrippe. It s the most speedy remedy we know X J / We Guarantee 7*"""^ I f means actual cash in your I ocket to take advantage of I lis offer! DAINT half your house with Ditw' I ' Lead and Zinc Paint; paint the other H If with any other paint you chooae. H Devoe doesn't take (ewer gallons and H at leaa money, we wilt make no charge > r C.voe. ^B Devoe doean't wear a year or two or three are longer ?longer and better?we will ve you enough Devoe to do the job over. ^B r. paint half your house lead-and-oil; the - H her half Devoe. In ihree years the lead* ^B id-oil half will b? hungry for mora paint, ith Dtvoo Mill aound. not, w?'U give you enough for the wtwto H H tvot Product* are tim*-t?ot*d and proven. I I eked by ?ho 1?| yoor*' ??pori*?Ko.of the Je?t point manufacturing oonooro in th?. H . S. Founded 17S4. LYTLS DRUG CO. I Fort Mill, S. 0 I Rexall Store I ] I I AID BREAD 14' MAID IIKKAD?4Im> best Mill market. hacli loaf is r wlUHi lius a picture of tlto utile t?ur Biscuit*?1(1 for 10 tuild wish. Try a pucka^c. \ ID BAKE SHOP lUK'k HI1X. S. ( . > s*#* <?> *?* vo-# ICEMENT t pie of Fort Mill and vicinity that we 4 Stationery and Book Store and are " da for anvthinir in the wav of Office T y items of ull lutuls, Lithographing, 4 ICS. ie conviction thut success can only 7 ;oods and giving every man a square 4 :pect to conduct our business. You 1 ?n we mention the fact that Mr. Alex ? a member of the firm. 4 & hull N.Tr*<le St., BOCK HIl.L, S. C. i Baseball Goods tock a full line of the i>us "Lucky Dog" (I). .) Brand and Reach shall Goods. Come to [>r anything in basegoods. this store you also . find a complete line les & Fishing Tackle. Cycle Shop r HILL, S. C. Phone 425-J ASTER | ND V r9S CANDY I DLJZ The Florist jf G COMPANY | iDrug Store" ? Automobile Tops TUK LATKST DEftlGXB And made of the very best materials, to be procured, we will put on yoUfi car when your old one is shabby. ( Nothing given your auto the clause appearance that a New Top ma4s.. from waterproof and drat quulity. nip- . terial will and made with Plate Glass.: Windows. We will put a Top on your car that' I will last for years. (I mors pa,?Sop ' JAB. A. JOHNSON, Manager. < Auto Patntera, Body add Top Builder* ( ROCK. HILL, S.C. i % % Cohen's Outf SPECIA1 Friday and Ladies' One Strap Brown Slippers, Special i $3.98 Ladies' Two Strap Black Vici Slipper, Special * $3.48 Ladies' Patent Leather One Strap Slipper, Special $3.48 Ladies' Brown Oxfords, Spe- ] cial for Saturday $1.98 Cohen's Outf FORT MI SEALED AIR-TIGHT ^ JJ,??? jSjjjli air-tight in the patH ented new conI tainer. It is always next time. Clean? M fresh?sweet. ?g) Guaranteed JhlLS Jw-rti I Eyes In Need Of GLASSES Deserve Specialized Efforts. That's Why We Specialize. comply Hampton Street ROOK HILL . S. C. PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATING I shall he pleased to furnish the people of the Fort Mill cominulity with estimates of the eost of House Painting and Interior Defeating. 1 do first class work and my harges are reasonable. See me it the Lylle Drug. Co. J.. M. SMALL. itting Store LS FOR Saturday Men's Dress Slippers, at $2.48, $3.48 $4.48 Bed Room Slippers, Special for Saturday $1.19 Ladies' One Strap Bed Room Slippers, Leather Sole and Heel $1.69 Men's Caps, Regular 75c Value, Special .39 itting Store LL, S. C. to J M BBBBBBSIBBBBBB DO DB p B g Indigestion g 01 Many persons, otherwise O fell rigorous and healthy, are Q Q bothered occasionally -with Q Q Indigestion. The effects of a M disordered stomach on the J system are dangerous, and H prompt treatment of lndlges- H n tlon la important. "The only Q H medicine I havo needed has m 2 been something to aid dlgesQ tion and clean the liver," Q a writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a n McKinney, Texas, farmer B "My medicine is D S Bedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT Q for Indigestion and stomach M JJJ trouble of any kind, Phave JJ 13 never found anything that Q- V 4y Q touches the spot, like Black- Q Quraugnt. i take it in broken = doses after meals. For a lone B B time I tried pills, which grip- Q Bed and didn't give the good M results. Black-Draught liver B Q medicine is.easy to take, easy Q h to keep, inexpensive." mm ? Get a package from yonr 5? J" druggist today?Ask for and H Q insist upon ThedXord's?the ES B only genuine. Q B Get it today. B DD ENHB BflBBflBBBBBBBB