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m * 'r *k ? * ?* ? NEWS ABOU T TOWN. ' Henry Mcliuirt is now a potice oflicer for the tow n who will be on duty Saturday afternoons and on mi a vs. Many ? f the sid.ewnlks of Fort Mill have i -( i.:y been greatly improved i?y i !i ktu! application of ground rock secured from a ijuurry near ('olrniibia. doe F. was able to return to his home .11 Fort Mill Saturday. after being a patient for seven I days at a l*<ock Hill hospital. \\ here h underwent an operation. Miss Kli/.aheth A. Cravton of Mount Pleasant. X. ('.. and Chester <Harding of Macon, Ga., v.ere married Tuesday morning by .Magistrate d. K. llaile at his ohiee on Main street. The Kev. (Jrover <\ Kpps will preach at the Fort Mill Baptist church Sunday at 11 o'clock in the morning and again that evening at 7 :.'U). Sunday afternoon Mr. F.pps v. Ill preach at Pleasant Valb y Pap'is! i luireh. k'nuik Asia of Met 'onnellsville - - : ... i.' ...? M:II I1.... .. v ;i:> ,i \ iMiiii ill r in i .u in mi < short I iiiit* Tin: day :ifternoon. Mr A silo is ouo of tho county's well known citizens. who has tin* distinction of In in<r tho only survivii tr iih-uiImt of York's delegates }o I In* constitutional oonvontion IS!)."). \V. I). (Jrist and dames 1). (.list, editor on11 oiiioT reporter, r? spot i ivi ly. of tin- Yorkville Knuuirer. pout several hours in Fort Mill Tuesday afternoon. Anothor newspaper in; n who was a recent visitor lu re was \Y. \Y. Pegram, editor and pu'ulishor of tho Cheslor News. Mes I>Mna Tindal. toaohor in tho high sohool (loparlini'iit. Kort Mill graded school, loft yostor(lr.y for her homo in l'.eaufort, after returning to Kort Mill Tuesday from Kaok Hill, where sin* had boon a patient at a hospital for several days. Fourth corps area headquarters. Fort Md'horson. (la., has just miiromn od tli t full federal recognition has In en extended Willie II. Xiims. first lieutenant. National (luard of South Carolina, in I i? I I A < <111111>{111 1 01 iuM(i(|iiiim'rs eoiup.-ny, :u\ haltqlion. HSlli regiment. Mr:;. O. T. < *nlp 1??I* 1 Monday lor Saul tie. I'ni??n eounty. for a visit a) tin* homo of her parents, wlo-ro slio will remain until after the marriage of her sister. Miss I o 11 \ .it !t r. ;. few days hence Aiiss Je'.or has been a frequent visit??i* in fori Alili and has many frieiins here who will he interested in the anuouneeint lit of her en. gagei n ni. On I ritlay. April 14, at 11 a. m., Ir. V. . ). MetiloiliIiii. president til' furinan university, and l -r. A. i". Jamison, superintendent or ( unitio Maxwell orphanage. (i reel w ootl. will deliver addresses in ill" fort Mill 1 hip!ist ehureli. l?r. I Vi-ts, pastor of the ehureli. extends tin puhlie a cordial ill vitali tn to l)o present t?t hoar the addresses. which will be dcvntioual. inspirational and in si met ive. Sit far ?is i In1 Times yesterday was able to learn, ('apt. S. W. l'arks will be the only citizen of tbo eonuuuniiy tit ?ro tit Kock Hill Saturday to take the civil service t xuinina I ion fitr postmaster of Fort Mil!, ('apt. l'arks lias been actinia postmaster for several niontbs ami ii* tbe wishes of the patrons of tbe oftice wea'e consulted in fillimr 11)?* vacancy be wonlti perhaps bo eiven tbe permanent appointment without a dissenting voice. At tin- lobular semi-monthly mooti:ijy Tnsilay evenin?r of tbe j t >\\ 11 council. plans were consul* I cred fill* putting oil a clean-up ' crmpaij-n in Fort Mill within tbe lit xt few days. The details of ti;c ciiupaipn are ti> In1 worked-* out I y iIm- mayor. A. (\ djytle, who ataleil yesterday that prizes likely would bo offered the bo.VR | in tho various wards ol' tho town i for gathering up tho biggest piles ol' tin cans and other rubbish in their neighborhoods. The conditinii yesterday of M. A. Cohen. Fort Mill merchant, who was shot in tho right log and painfully wounded a few nights ago. by county officers while he was returning to his home here from Hnstonia, N. (\, was said to ho soiuowhwnt improved yesterxlay. Mr. Cohen is still a patient a' a Kook Hill hosnitid. Tho shooting of Mr. Cohen was sni<l to have been the result of a mistake 011 the part of the officers, who though he was a liquor runner operating between Charlotte anil Fort Mill. c V1 t Cohen's Out! SPECIA Fridav and Ladies' One Strap Brown Slippers, Special $3.98 Ladies' Two Strap Black Vici Slipper, Special $3.48 _ Ladies' Patent Leather One Strap Slipper, Special $3.48 Ladies' Brown Oxfords, Special for Saturday $1.98 Cohen's Out: FORT Ml * %. ^ - A * ? A ?*.-+. I ANNOUN T We wish to announce to the peo| <?> have recently opened an up-to-date ^ now in a position to supply your nee< 1 Furniture, (Mice Supplies, Stationer Z Engraving, Printing and kindred liiu Our pofiey will t?e dictated by th T be obtained by standing behind our g ? deal. It is on that tiasis that we ex| are doubly assured on this |>oint whe 1 E. Young. formerly of your city, is i 5 Your business is Solicited. ? YOUNG w Stationers and OHice Outfitters ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CO I \TY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a etimliilate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratie voters in the primary election. 1). L. Sill HOICK. I am a eamlidate for Treasurer of York County, suhjeet to the reeommendation of the Democrat ie voters in the primary election. .JOHN K. LOU AN. I am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the a] proval of tin* Democratic voters in the Priniarv Flection. KRNliST W. Ol'Y. (i(>(> is a prescription for Colds, lever and La(irippe. It s the. most speedy remedy we know PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATING I shall be phased to furnish the people of the Fort Mill community with estimates of the cost of House Painting ami Interior Dee orating. 1 <lo first class work and my charges arc reasonable. See me 'at the Lytic Drug. Co. J. M. SMALL. State Senator S. IS. Bailes of Lancaster county Monday informed The Times that he would not lie candidate for reelection in the campaign next summer. llis term expires this year and if lie wished to sit in the senate any ; longer it would he necessary for | him to seek reelection. In making the announcement that he would not again ask for the office. Senator Bailes stated that the duties of the office \Vere pleasant and that he enjoyed association with the public men of the State. hut that ilie Legislature met at a i time he could ill afford to he away from home. It is understood in Fort Mill that Representative Robinson and former Representative Ilines will be candidates for the Lancaster 'senatorship this year. The early bird used to get the worm. Now he gets a place to park his car. I fitting Store LS FOR 1 Saturday % Men's Dress Slippers, at $2.48, $3.48 $4.48 Bed Room Slippers, Special' for Saturday $1.19 Ladies' One Strap Bed Room Slippers, Leather Sole and Heel $1.69 Men's Caps, Regular 75c Value. Soecial .39 fitting Store ILL, S. C. 0\? CEMENT t pie of Fort Mill and vic:nity that we ^ Stationery ami Book Store anil are T Is for anything in the way of Office 7 y items of all kinds. Lithographing. E-s. T e conviction that success can only oods and giving every man a square pect to conduct our business. You i n we mention the fact that Mr. Alex <. > a member of the firm. ' ^ . ; & HULL N. Trade St.. BOCK 111 LI,, S. C. ^ Battery Headquarters We take care of batteries ?all makes. We rerhaw and repair batteries. But that isn't all. We're a clearing house for battery information! If you want to know what happens when water in the battery runs low?when the charge goes down?when a short circuit occurs, we'll tell you. More than that we'll tell you the few simple things you need to know to sidestep battery trouble. Come int Ask questions?no matter whether yours is a Willard Battery or not. We're glad to be of any service we can. Hughes Battery Co. Opposite Postoffice ROCK HILL, S C. Representing Willard Storage Batteries i ' CQMKM(V ^ : DO YOUE EYES NEED ATTENTION? ?, Do You Have Eye-Strain v Headaches? WILLAMS' SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM Of Fitting Classes at Prices i You Can Afford to Pay l| Ilav<? your glasses made and* lenses duplicated while you A wait. All styles in frames and eyeglass mountings. , Williams Optical Co. Optometrists and Opticians 11 Izard Building Ground Floor * Hampton Street ^ BOCK HILL 8. C. c V I J V ^ Coming T u< The Most Remarkably! Produced at a Cost oi TUDnnRINP with the pre- I I nnUDDIllU cious ferment of ' love, devotion, loyalty, adora- i tion, heroism and sacrifice. i PRODIGIOUS h,"*.tSE , tudes, its gorgeous galleries,. ] teeming with the bizarre lifcof the ancients. MAIPQTIP in it8 massive * IVIHJlO I III. grandeur, its colossal theme, its inspiring romance and sumptuous settings. TEEMINP with laughter and I LLmillU love. with feastincr and wine, with romance and madness, with charm and beauty. CKinPUnilQ >n the cyclonic cnunmuuo fray of ambition, jealousy, intrigue, greed, treachery, craftiness and deceit. 50,000 Players Take ing Girls;10,500 Hon OPEN AT 3 P. M. The Majest Automobile Tops 1^ I 1 ^ | TIIK LATEST 1>HSIGXS l j 1 J I j ind made of the very best material? o be procured, we will put on you? Ask your era ar when your old one i.s shabby. bread to la* I wrapped In a Nothing gives your auto the classy Fleet rik Maid p pea ranee that a New Top mad? Fort .Mill yro rom waterproof and first quality ma- vents, and as rrlal will and made with Plate Glaaa Windows. We will put a Top on your car that ELEC rill last for years. J It. A. Wllsoi [QHISON'S pa1shop === JA8. A. JOHNSON, Manager. r uto Painters, Itody and Top ItuHdera I ROCK HILL, S. C. J EAGLE"MiKi Saturday afternoon by being I laced In w roni? smtnmnliilo stand- 1 i? on Main street, Fort Mill two For Solo ot yoar I airs of new Boys' Shoes, slten 4 1-2 ASK FO nd &; one pair tan. other black. Involution that will lead to the reovery of the shoes will he greatly EAGLE ppreciated by W. H. Crook. 1**^? jC .?1?? APRIL ssday, nth * HH|^^ >vlkvKtflpJ9j^ SNVA ^HBE&'^SB&dFMBBMlW^MMI^W F $1,5000,000. IMPPPifll >n its mighty splen'?" LlllnL dor^ its-royal luxury, its lavish beauty and magnif- g [cent pomp and ceremony. | FN! inHTFNINn w'th its v*v" h ??,w" id truttis, * the thundering* assemblage of historic fact, the knowledge of another day. THE REMARKABLE CAST INCLUDES Constance Talmadge, Mil- | dred Harris Chaplin, Tully R Marshall, George Fawcett, | Seena Owen, Elmer Clifton, el Alfred Paget, George Sieg- g mann, Kate Bruce, Elmo a Lincoln, Carl Stockdale, Al- ft ma Rubens, Ruth Darling, [] Pauline Stark, Winifred S Westover and others. I Part; 4,000 | ?es and Wild Beasts g ADMISSION, lOc and 30c | l iv, ? iicau c | JTUIK INI All) 1VREAI) irr for KI.MTIIU' >1 \ 11? ItlCi:\l>?(lie In st tit I tin tin* Fort >1111 market. I'.ju Ii lour Is sanitary uni|i|M'l* wliielt lias a pielnro of flit* on 11. it>ryninii also handle our Itix-iiits?10 |'or 10 fliit* it*, miyoiii* roiiltl wir-li. Try a piirkiiKc. ! TRIK MAID BAKE SHOP I. Prop. IIOCK III I.E. S. C. M)0?>^^^^^Pcnca No. 174 Daaler Mulo ia five gradm R Til'. YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK V