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- .* ' v far 13 - iMPlwir ** v" > *" X WAR RELICS IN THE BALTIC. Drifting Mines and Derelict Submarines Haunt Sea. Ghosts of the World war still haunt the Baltic sea. Hardly a week ousses without reports alone the coast of Sweden of drifting old mines and derelict submarines which are dangerous to navigation. The mines are principally of Russian and German origin. Ever since the armistice, Baltic storms have washed mines upon the coast and dwellers along the shore have long since become accustomed to the terrific detonations of exploding mines hurled (gainst elif1'* during heavy gales. Energetic efforts have been made to sweep up these dangerous relics of the war, but it will probably be years before either the North sea or the Baltic is free of them. It is not uncommon for fishermen to catch mines in their nets. They are regarded as lucky catches. although they have to he handled gingerly, for the government pays handsomely for the removal or destruction of the mines, if satisfactorv nroof of their diseov cry or destruction can be furnished. The submarine derelict's are said to have been discarded English vessels, lost while being towed from English ports to Copenhagen. The menace to navigation from these two sources is such that passenger and merchant vessels have to change their schedule in the Baltic and travel only by daylight. New stock I ?a dies' and Children's , Hats Just received at Massey's at nhout half the usual price. TAX EXTENSION. Notice is hereby given that the lime for the payment of State and county taxes has been extended to dune 1, 1922. with a penalty of A per cent for March, ft per cent for April. (5 per cent for May and S per cent plus costs of treasurer from dune 1, when exeeutions will go into the hands of the " sheriff. 11. E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. To reduce our Shoe stock we will *i??: iw iu ?u per rvm ciisn uiscoum ??ff our entire stock next two weeks. L. J. Mnssey. "I Never Knew You Could Keep Rats Out of a Butcher Shop." Ralph Watkins says: 44 Figured rats around store had enough to feed on; wouldn't touch anything suspicious. Heard about KATSNA1\ gave it a trial. Results were wonderful. Cleaned all rats out in ten days. Dogs about store night and day never touch HATSNA IV Three si/.es, doc, (inc. $1.2n. Sold by Lytic Drug Co. and Hutchinson's Pharmacy. Hatching Eggs from fine quality Reds, Id and lo ait $1 .'Jo and $i.o(), respectively. Best utility stock for sale. Cedar drove Poultry Farm. Fort Mill, S. C. Ira (1. Smythe. Mar2S You never know how much money you slve away if you don't compuro Masscy's prices with the prices you pay other places. Rub-My-Tisni antiseptic and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia rheumatism.* Pont* full to tuke udvuntuge of thait lft to f?ft |M<r cent caish discount on Shoes ait Mussoy's. Ear liana Tomato Plants, 10c per dozen; now ready for transplanting. 1j. M. Masaey, Phone 62. A DIFFERENT MATTER! The Fort Mill business man who sends away from home for his job printing exhibits no enthusiasm when he hears of a citizen of the community ordering supplies from Whoabuck, Steers & Co., Chicago mail order house, which contrib. utes quite as much to the progress and prosperity of Fort Mill as the job printing concern he patronises away from home. "Found Seven Rats Dead in Bin ilVAV MAVAUill^f Robert Woodruff says: "My premises were infested with rats. 1 tried RAT-SNA1* on friend's recommendation. Next morning found seven deud rats in bin, two near feed box. three in stall. Since found large number. No smell from dead rats?RAT-SNAP dries them up. Rest thing I have ever used." Three sizes, 35c, 65c $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. and Hutchinson's Pharmacy. Buy BEARING 0 II Thli machine poea ling point*, but. In erer the limit of human Ing practical, thorough and Beat Need lea, (o appllM, Bepalrla von OIUUiA O OAADAA DAUf. DR. T. O. GRIGG DENTIST Office Next to That of C. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J B. Elliott. Telephone Connections. 866 Will break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than anything we know, presenting pneumonia. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until Ska Triad CarduL?Saya "Result Was Surprising."?Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. 8prlngfleld Mo.?MMy back was so waak I could hardly aland up, and I would have bearing-down pains and waa not wall at any time," says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife ot a well-known fanner on Route 6, this place. "I kept getting headaches and having to go to bed," continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use of Cardul. "My husband, having heard of Cardul, proposed getting It for me. "I saw after taking some Cardul ... that I was Improving. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened uie . . . My doctor said I got along fine. I was In good healthy condition. I cannot say too much for 1LM Thousands of women have suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of Cardui. Since It has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui If troubled with womanly ailments. Wot sale everywhere. ELM LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will save you money ami send you away smiling t> a trisn ?o " rag roET MILE (8. o.) TnnBf * r The Best I r?r?WH j (OLD STRICTLY ON ITS MERITS . #E WORLD'S HIGHEST GRADE ti* SEWING MACHINE 4 wZnSf FREE INSTRUCTION ^ ' "J==? i AT YOUR HOME. ?OLD FOR CASH," jSHSJjl ALSO ON CAS/ PAYMENTS \ WITHOUT INTEREST. ^ Tho machine that Impresses you with 1U perfection the moment you open It W Tho Warranty on tho N EW HOMC^ la porpetual. ?om no non essential fsatnrtd whoie chief ralue la their use aa 7 particular, Ita oonatructlon boa been thought out, and tried out, to ;enulty, making the "NEW HOME** without queatlon the moat dependable Sewing Machine made. nr own moke),Oil. Belt* and all Itlndaof flewlno Macbloe % a specialty. Get a price from us before you purchase. NG & WOLFE The Furniture Men. , . I Always The Best You will always find in stock at this Store the freshest and best of everything in GROCERIES. We are in business not expecting to get rich in a day, a week or a month and are satisfied with a modest profit. BRADFORD & CO. HALL STREET - - PHONE 113 _A? O. JONES GOOD THINGS TO EAT Cirooeriea, Market, Country Frmlutv. l'lionr Fourteen. PROMPT SERVICE Is what you want, and when you call the OASH STORE vnil aT*a aura mt - * /?? ? ? ???? ?u nuab jruu uiuei iu oiUij. UU1 US for anything you want and if we haven't got it we will get it for you. THE CASH STORE PHONE 8 S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTLB. Mgrg. JOB PRINTING AT THE TIMES OFFICE - - PHONE 112 t"4 . V . Ip' - ? s T " ?? GOOD FLOUR At A Low Price We are making a specialty for the next thirty days of "WHITE BUSCUIT" FLOUR, made by Grimes Bros., Lexington, N. C. If you want good Flour at a bargain price try this brand at 24 pounds .... $1 48 pounds .... 2 98 pounds .... 4 B. C. FERGUSON PHONE 29 .|4?. THE UNIVERSAL CAR I||| Buy Now- Don't Wait And r?member-rte /owe if Armt coat, tlm? lowmat upkeep nrf "M lug ha at reaala value # aav aaltr car cvar buiU. { Let the Ford One-Ton Truck | cut your hauling and delivery J costs. Records of savings j| made by hundreds of thousands I of users in practically every | line of business are actually ( | Ill astounding;. Let us show you. IM | You do not obligate yourself I | in any way. I I Equipment 1 HI Pneumatic Tirea and Demountable Rims. Your 1 HI choice of either the special gearing of 5 1/6 to 1 for I HI speed delivery or the Standard fearing of 7 1/4 to 1 1 HI far heavy hauling. ' Heath Motor Co. ] I FORT MILL, S. C. 11 I I The Modern Way j of Canning < it o o i> <> it it it 4 T I have accepted tne local agency for the best and simplest \* I! CANNING OUTFIT to be obtained anywhere. {I It seals, opens, reflanges and rescals both pint and quart < J > cans without solder or acid, and is so simple that a child i Z can overate it. X 41 A Witt. S. BELK