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' -jj" WWK || | wallandTis II gj^^H^^HKj II Bo?fM^Pe-r j| MMUMI H laanem ftMLlbtaiiMb | IVna-na ha ^^^ ibsbbssssbbb^BBSBZS&S 4|7 r \ VJk ^|?VII1I 9 KJ Eft M>1 ? At Iklt tins# of rMf MIU/ U?J rw PIBTBMPKR, VlvW 7#w yrtTMtln ay a hut t WOPW^Afy marveloualy alTactlve \Sfi?c8y wait. On aala atUdri XXy STOHW KXD10AL < -- if Chill tonic*5 Ward* Off Malaria and R< i ffaaaaanar??A. m A rOR MLB fl Barly Spackla Valval bean aaad 11.10 buahel. (VWaHNIB VARMI, LIVE OAK. rL*. BOB MU IHBBT11 BOCK COCKBBBLS. puUeta, bane. Byya tor hatohlMT. Thompaon'a Rlaibti, Suwannee Karma, Lira Oak. Kla. BOB BULB?BIO TTPB KOLA KB CHINAS. ffu-ibiassa vast uTLraMAKB BIO MONKT aalllna electric Inaolaa and bait a. Oood tor poor elreulatlon ot tba blood and rhaumatlam Wrlta at onoa to r. B. B. MOSS. CHASB CITY< VA. ?BAST MONK* BKLUNO OCB GOODS Maka II to i? day. Man or woman. Writ# qulak tor partloulara. Boa lit. Helena. Ark. Wanted to Buy: Hooked Buys, Oovarlata. BOX I??. RICHMOND. VA. Wamoi 11.00 par hour aalllna allk, hosiery. No dellveriny, no colleotlny. Work whaaavar you can. No amp. neceaaary. Fidelity Hoatery Co.. Bok It. Tlmaa Square. Now York City. AGENTS MUX OBION CONCBNTRATKD FLAVORINGS. Bead lie for aampla. full alaa, and Ayancy Proposition on mora than 10 Quarantaad Tollat Artlclaa. ate. Maka from II to 1 111 a day. The Orion Co.. Reldavllla. N. C. No Rubber V / More Stretch ExcellO j SuSPENDWlS 1 1 W^rSMiMtfid A Pries 75c A mm en mmum. Hon Supporter! Na-Way StrK* luitH Ca.. Mfr?.. ASriaa. Mich. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO.12-1922. waasssssssv ,i 1 Reform Urgently Needed. Imagine living on a street without a name and In a house without a number I If you are a writer, Imagine waiting for a cheek from a magazine in such a residence I That Is the predicament that jpertaln Parisians are In who live In auch a street near the Ourcq canal. The city government forrJ&LiSUKlve _lt ajiame, and the only numbers on the houses are those put up by residents who sometimes duplicate each other's numbers. Now the natives are becoming aroused about It. The lot of the poor postman must be a difficult one aa he gazes at a letter addressed to "Monsieur Pierre Bergoret, the third rtglithand house In the little street two .blocks to the right of the Ourcq as you walk south." Honest. "Tea, I can give you a Job. Ton may gather eggs for me If you are sure you i won't steal any." "Youse could trust I mmmm. T me mu aurimug, iaujr. x ?ui manager i of a bathhouse for fifteen years an' nerer took ? bath."?Judge. S r '^""T j ~ : i ?W 1 WARNING I Say "Bayer" Unless you see the name "E / not getting genuine Aspirin over 22 years and proved sa: .Colds Headac Toothache Neural* fearache Lumba I Accept. only "Bayer" package w Handy fBayar" boxes of It taUota?A Asstaa to Iks tnda auk ?C low Maaafaei k IB 't'HV b II vw L. - H Jw jv R. f| *' Jm ^ ^M? ftl I IB km D 1 ?imi^IBK*WM?^ybES * " i Under. B. F. D. No. 3, Box 44, aeeota, writes: "I went to thank ar klndncea and the good your me years ago. I am perfectly ttlngin Spokane. Wash. Were ft u-na I would not have been able i trip. I always takeyour mediie for aafaty should I take oold. -ru-na." irceney remedy for erekyday His, been in use flfty years. 1MB flU EIUIIKK 11. ? lisSemper Compound horOM ar* lUblo to 'oontraet contaatoua dlainrx.UBNZA. coughs ui colds. * & baa*, an oocuHul Ao? of "BPOHN'S" la Aa a ramary (or caaaa alraady auffciinf, jr aSaotWo. OlTa It aa a pravaotlva. Don1! IV atoraa. ?MrAXr GOSHEN, INDIANA Not'Only For Chills and Fever Bat Fine General Tonic sstores Strength. Try It AafaaaOi.l^iai.?r. HI* Deduction. "Sister Amanda Ellen writes that Niece Gernldlne, who la coming to visit us next week, has had eighteen love affairs," said Mrs. IlornbeHk, looking up from the letter from her city relative. "Well, I sh'u'd wonder!" interestedly ejaculated honest Kurmer Hornbeak. "What In time can she do with eighteen Imitation Ivory toilet sets!"? Kansas City Star. MOTHER, QUICK! GIVE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP FOR CHILD'S BOWELS Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of J*Callfornln Fig Syrup." If the little tongue Is coated, or If your child Is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teuspoonful will never fall to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly It works all the constlpa- j tlon poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you well, playful child again. 'Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which lias directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must sny "California" or you may get an imitation tig syrup.'?Advertisement. Just the Boy for Papa. "There is something," he said, "that I have wanted for a long time to tell you. I am not rich, us you know, but I am young, strong und willing to work. Miss Mlllyuns?Edith?I?" "Oh!" she cried, "I will tell papa about you. I think I heard him say this morning that he wanted to hire an office boy with just the qualifications you mention."?Pittsburgh Press. DYED (1ER SKIRT, DRESS, SWEATER AND DRAPERIES WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyea" contains directions so simple any woman can dve or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyea before. Buy "Diamond Dyes"--no other kind?then perfect home dyeing is sure because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed eoods.??c)v*rtis*m?nt Almost siiyoue will gossip a little; hut the vast majority are careful who with. SPirsh when you buy Aspirin. Jayer" on tablets, you are prescribed by physicians fe by millions for :he Rheumatism jia Neuritis go Pain, Pain hich contains proper directions. lao bottles of 24 and 100?Druggists. Me e* MaeaeeetleaeMMter of Bollcrlleoeld b^wwmwbm Ppl JACKIE JAGUAR "Any one who la Interested In the ways of the Jaguar family will be glad to hear niy story," said Jackie Jaguar. "1? cannot Imagine any one who would not be Interested In the story," be continued, "for to me the Jaguar family la such an Interesting family. "Perhaps other families feel the same way about their family history and that I can easily understand. But of course I am not much Interested In the histories Of Other families ?tmn?rh other fumllles Interest me. "For example I like birds If they're of good size, and I like nice smalt animals. I don't like them for friends you understand. < "I don't Invite them to supper or to spend ttie night with me, though In a way I do. **I mean that I do not Invite them to supper or to spend the night and give them good food and lend them my best nightgown. "In the first place I haven't any best night-gown or any night-gown for that matter. I do not'care about such things. I don't even bother to have a tooth brush. Not a bit of It. "So, of course, even it I felt friendly enough to offer visitors my best nightgown I wouldn't have a best nightgown to offer them. "But I don't even offer them food. Why? Because I do not feel generous In that way. "I prefer to eat them myself! Yes,1 that Is the way ^ have friends for supper or to spend the night. That Is the way Jackie Jaguar does. He Is sensible that way. Why should I waste my food when I needn't do such a thing? "I don't 1 That is my answer to that question. And why aliould I entertain them and give them a party? "I don't! That Is my answer to the second question. I go forth A-huntlng at night. Night Is the time I enjoy. "I Have Decoration*." . Then I look for food, and sometimes in the early morning I do my marketing for eggs. "So many creatures go marketing for eggs. Some go to the market, some go to their butk yards. But I go along the coast and get the eggs which tho sea turtles have kindly left for me. "That is a Joke. They haven't been so kind at all. They haven't left these eggs for me, not a bit of It. They do not mean thut I should have their eggs. But do you suppose I mind a little thing like that? "Not a bit of it. I get their eggs whether they meun them for me or not. That shows I'm not a sensitive creature, wanting to be asked and urged if I will not have some eggs. I Just take them without any asking. "They say that we're wild and dangerous. But we don't go after people at all. No, though people are afraid of us we don't bother about them. "We leave them quite alone. And I'll tell you something else. We're really rather cowardly and not in the lenst ready to take dangerous chances. "We're rather shy too. We're like the mountain Hons in this way. We're shy as they are and also we're a bit cowardly as they are. "But why should we be brave? It 1% all right for some creatures to be brave, but the Jaguar doesn't want to take wild chonces. "We're handsome creatures. Now I wear a beautiful brownish yellow coat. It's a very handsome coat Indeed. I have decorations upon my coat of black spots and rosettes too. That shows how fond I am of style 1 "I belong to the great cat family. Everyone knows about the cats. "Of course ordinary cats are tame. I heard some one telling a story of a black cat with pale green eyes who jumped up In the Inp of a lady who wus wearing a bunch of flowers. This cat snifed at yie flowers as he sat in the lady's lap and nudged up against her and wanted to be petted. "Jackie Jaguar wouldn't be so silly. Jackie Jaguar doess t bother about petting and sitting In a lady's lap. I fancy that ladles woildn't care for us to sit In their laps either. I believe that to be the truth. "But we don't care for we love the great wild forests, and we like the jungles, yes, Jackie Jaguar Is a Jungle animal, and the same Is true of the whole family." One Mora Question. "Just one more qu"stlon, uncle." . "Well, well, what Is It?" "ii a do.v in n inn nnn nns a siepfather is the lad a steptadder?"?Yorkshire (England) Post. History of Road Building. It is said that the Carthaginians were the first people to use a system of road paving, hut the Romans were the most famous road-makers. The name of John Macadam will always be associated wjth the roads because he Invented s form of road now known as "tar-macadam." Wood-paving was first used In Russia and Introduced to Britain in 1836. A Sweat Ms real. To the gouslp the malicious Is delicious.?Boston Transcript. Chlropraetiee Makes Perfect. Rastus?Feller, why for yo'-al! dabbtln' wld dls here oysterpathy? Sambo?'Cause Ah done read In, a book dis oysterpathy done treat ob manlpulatin' ob hones, and da on 1 lest partiality Alt's got Is humortn' de>gat| lopln* dominoes to pess In review.? American Legion Weekly. FORT MILL EVEN CAREFUL CALOMEL USERS ARE SALIVATED Next Dose of Treacherous Drug May Start Misery for You. Calomel la dangerous. It may salivate you and make you suffer fearfully from soreness of gums, tenderness of Jaws and teeth, swollen tongue and exces Ivn sailoa A wtKKl I * - -A..AW WfV CHIIT* ll/U??U(, iiVlU 11?V U1UU11I. Don't trust calomel. It if mercury; quicksilver. * If you feet bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, Just go to your druggist and get a battle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which Is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and If It doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you Just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'U be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, It may salivate you, while If you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wnke up feeling great. No salts necessary. Give It to the children because It Is perfectly harmless and can not salivate. ?Advertisement. 8llm Misted Something. The company clerk had been reprimanded by the?first sergeant on several occasions, and he was beginning to have a chronic grouch. One evening he came Into the company quarters looking gloomier than ever. "Whatsa matter, Slim?" asked his buddy. "You musta been havln' some more hard luck 1" "Haril luck?" said Slim. "I'll say I had hard luck. The company commander came around this morning nnd bawled out the top, and I wasn't there to-hear It."?The Leatherneck. DOES YOUR HAiiAriAfftni# nuudtnuitK SEEM HARD? h - ? ?i Has Your Strength Left You? Gude's Pepto-Mangan Will Restore It If you have dyspepsia and headaches and feel "nil In," don't take It for grunted that there Is no relief. Strength and ambition for your tasks will come when you build up* your weakened blood with Qude's PeptoMangun. Take It with your meals a few weeks and 6ee the permanent benefit. It Is just the thing to aid you to recover full health. This wonderfully ettictent form of food Iron quickly Improves the appetite, atlfis color to cheeks nnd lips and imparts strength to the Jaded ntuscleo. Remember to ask for "Oude's PcptoMnngan." Sold In both liquid and ' tablet form.?Advertisement. Improved Weather Map. Three-ditnenslon ^naps ore being made by the United States weather bureau as a result of the development of flying, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. It was found necessary to chart wind directions at different levels for the airmen. A weather map carrying wind direction arrows for different levels Is photographed from two angles, nnd when the two pictures nK1 seen through a stereoscope, they blend, btinging the posts und arrows Into str?ng relief. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the ba<k, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Don't delay Parting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-^loot, a physician's prescription, obtaine__ at any drug store, may be just the renrlly needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium ?r large sice bottle immediately from drug store. However, if yc,t wish first to test this meat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Qnghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. *"vhen writing be sure and mention this p^er.?Advertisement. Proof. "I am a philosopher," admitted the gentleman wfjpse frontispiece was as elongated and solemn as that of a rare old fiddle. utirv.a n imi IIIIIKCH you imnK BO7" we Bkepttcally Inquired. "Because," he answered. "although I ain aware that I am not appreciated It does not hurt my feelings In the least." ?Kansas City Star. Our own heart, and not other men's opinion, forms our true honor.?Coleridge. Mr9. Nannie Kelley ' Lexington, Ky.?"I have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and the Oolden Medical Discovery In my fam ny Tor years, and i cannot recommend them foo highly. During; the period of m'.udte life the Prescription and the Discovery were a^pnderful Ifelp to me. No womn^^Hk try to do without them Mrs. Nan"M uld mMppf (S. 0.) TDCB8 x MMIOVZD (MPORM BflUNATIOiUl Sunday School ' Lesson' (By RE v. R B. KITZ WATER. D. IK Teacher of Engliah Bible In the Moodj Bible Inatltute of Chicago.) Copyright. IIH Weetera Newapeper Oetun LESSON FOR APRIL 2 A8A RELIES ON QOD LBBSv :i TKXT-II Chronlclee 14:1-11. OOLDEN TEXT?Help ua, O Lord oui Ood; for we rest on Thee.?II Chron. 14:11 HEKERENCE MATERIAL?II Chron 14:11-14; lan. 41:10-11. PRIMARY TOPIC?A Kins Who Truit* Ood. JUNIOR TOPIC?Qod Helplns At*. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC ?A Ruler Who R?1ImI on Ood. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC ?The Source ol Person*! end Nation* Power, 1. Au'i Reformation (vr. 1-0). Asa was the grandson of Rehoboaro Both his grandfather and fathei favored Idolatry, but In spite of t5li record of his ancestors, Asa had s will of his own, an though rouni when he came to the throne, Inngurat ed a campaign of reform whlcl brought great good. He not only hat the handicap of the Idolatry and Im mortality fostered by the two formei kings, but he had to contend against the Influence of his mother who hat encouruged immoral worship (I Klngi 15:13). In order to carry out his re fonnatory measures L- had to wrest authority from her by deposing her Asa did that which was good and right In the eyes of the Lord (v. 2). , 1. Cleured the laud of Idolatrout emblems and Images (vv. 8, 5). (1) Strange altars. These were the altan devotefl to other gods. (2) Hlgt places. These were places where un lawful sacrifices were offered. (S] Broke down the Images. These wert upright stones connected with Idola tfori worship. (4) Cut down th< groves. These were trees or polef connected with tree worship. He hat all these relics of idolatry destroyec In Jerusalem and other cities through ut his kingdom. 2. Comm. ded .Tudah to seek thi Lord (v. 4). He knew that If the ref hrmatlon was to be effective It musi be by the positive seeking after ant worshiping of God, accompanied bj /. til.. ? I ? 1- n? ?'irvvj|i uv.c IW Ilin UMII ll|U IIMIIU II I o. structlve work nvnlJs little unless fol lowed by constructive. II. Asa's Defensive Preparation! (vv. 0-8). 1. Built fortified cltleR (v. 0). Th? cities nre not nnmed, but the meaning doubtless, Is thnt It wns h general sys tent of defense which Involved tN cities nt strategic points. 2. Me erected walls about th? cities (v. 7). These were usually of stone. Upon the walls were observa tlon towers from which the posltloi and movements of the enemy could b< seen, and from which defensive war fare coufd be waged. 3. Made gates and barred then (v. "). The reason ho assigns foi these defensive preparations was tha they had sought the Lord God. Thos< who really trust God will make ever: effort to provide defense. 4. Had an army of spenrmen (v. 8) These spearmen were also protect e< with large shields. The army wai made up of 480,000 brave men. The; were prepnrod to wage an offenslvi no well as a defensive war. III. Asa's Victory Over Zerah, th< Ethiopian (vv. 9-12). 1. Asa set the battle In erray (v 10). He went out to meet the enemy first made a disposition of hi: means of defense. This was wlsdon on his part. Intelligent fnlth move the possessor to do first thnt whlcl Is within his power. 2. Asa's prayer (vv. 11, 12). Hi cried unto the Lord. He sought thi source of national pbwer. In thl prayer note (1) his conscious helpless ness. As he faced the Egyptian arm; two to one against him, he was clenrl; conscious of his ltnpotency. The firs requisite In obtulnlng help from Goi Is conscious weakness. The Chrlstlai conquers not by self-reltnnce, but b; self-distrust and fnlth In God. (2) Ap peals to God for help. He knew thn though they were helpless before th mighty enemy, with God's help the; could win tho victory. One man wltl God Is n majority. (3) Reposes fnltl In God. The word "rest" means t lean upon?to cast the entire weigh upon.* In the measure that we reallz our need of support will we lew hard upon God. (4) Advanced cou rageously. He went forth dependln upon God to fight for him. Rep I fnltl does not wait until It sees Its wa; clear, but goes forth expecting God t clear the way. (5) h lung hlmsel upon God's nrmr. "O Lord, thou or our God." His cause was God's cause If God has taken us (or His people and If we have taken Him for our Go<! no enemy can prevail against us. Ma we experimentally say, "Thou art m God." and hear Him say, "I am th GeJ!" 3. The Egyptians smitten (v. 12] The enemy fled before IsrcaJ and coul not recover themselves. Judgment of Christ. The Judgment of Christ, the Son c Man, Is the revelation of things a they ure. His Judgment docs ne chnnge the Judged; It simply show them. It Is not. as far as we can cor calve, a conclusion drawn from th balancing of conflicting elements or verdict upon a genCrnl Issue. Th Judgment of God Is the perfect man testation of truth. The punishment e God Is the necessary nctlon of th awakened conscience. The Judgmor Is pronounced by the sinner hltrihel on/1 hn Inrtlofo Inavnpnhlv hlo tence.?Bishop Westcott. B* of Good Choor. Be of Rood cheer, then. Let thl be always plain to thee, that thl piece of land Is like any other; an that all things here are the same wit thing* on the top of a mountain, c on the seashore, or wherever tho choosest to be. For thon wilt fin Just what I'lato says. "Dwelling wltl In the walls of a city as In a she] herd's fold on a mountain."?liarcv Aurellu* Antoninus. Lovs, Faith and Hope. A MttJe love from day to day, an strength enough to preach It; glimpse of heaven along the way. An faith and hope to reach it. Consols Thyself. If thou suffer Injustice, console thj self, the tnfe unhappltiess Is In doln It.?Democrltus. . ^ - ^ r . 'tZi ' * A ^ * {^B i B 1 H^H* > % ^B ^B ^B - _ wgagjii i V-ge^sk \ K~ t t I \ 1C ^A\IC' JL WilVV X haf I Norfolk, Va. ! Tarboro, N. C. Columbia, S. ( Macon, Ga. 1 Birmingham,^ \ ? A Carver. ^fhe new hotirtU'r shyly took his seat - at Mrs. Slmpklns' table. J "May I ask, glr," said the old hoarder, "whnt your occupation Is?" > "Oh, I ara a sculptor," replied the f newcomer. "You cnrve marble, do vmi?" nor. i sued the veteran. ? "I do." w "Then," continued the other. "I see you will be n valuable acquisition In i this happy house. Do you mind coinr Ing up to this end of the table and * carving the fowl?" f Cuticura for Pimply Faces. To remove pimples and blackhends smear them with Cuticura Ointment. 1 Wash off In five minutes with Cutl- | ' cura Soap and hot ynter. Once clear f keep your skin clear by using them for 9 dally toilet purposes. l>on't fall to Include Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement. WHY SOME MEN LEAVE HOME ' Thla Kind of Thing, Served Up Daily, s Would Drive Almost Anyone From 1 His Loved Fireside. R 1 "George, dear," cried wlfey from the bedroom, "have you shut the dining e room window?" e "Yes, love." " "Put the plate basket behind the k bookcase?" y "Cm!" y "Have you put the dog out?" * "Y ps." ? "Sure you bolted the scullery door?" n "Sure." y "Turned off the gas In the cellar?" K "Yes, precious." * "Wound the clock?" 0 "Yes, darling." y "Brought In the mat from the porch ?" h "I have, my ownest." 0 ' "Have you locked up the wine?" * "Yes, yes, my sweetheart. I hnvc 0 done .even thnt." n . - - meres no neeo to got wild l" about It. Wliy can't you coine to bed B at Home decent hour? What on earth 1 have you been doing down there all this time?"?London Tlt-Blts. Pickpockets in Hard Luck. A soclul worker reports that New York pickpockets who used to slip a finger into a vest pocket and get a watch, now get only a scratch front n pin used to hold the watchiess chain la place. Prove all things, and hold fast to d that which is good. 11 i 11 ii I?II in" i~ia iiT iTirill ! Wishing i> is a poo 4 :! J A LITTLE wisd lf IN is a better ass j. II] any amount of anx !j nerves are a-jangle |i| What you do Is D more influence on s 18 H want and hope for, (1 I h n Coffee's drug r j whips up the ner | II use is continued th || alty which no amo v H can avoid. jj The part of wi thous I , ..i' T *~\r \ _ _ \__ y^H ^r> ^illSlfJt; tdaoi mark /c>i, "l.tJlK REOISTCHCD TER GUANO C Richmond, Va. Lyr Charlotte, N. C. Wa 1 Spartanburg, S.C. Atls Columbus,Ga. Moi Ua. Baltimore, Md. Tole f for sleep ?r way to gi om in the daytime turbance to r urance of rest than the little chile ious wishing when joyment of P " n,gh'' If. bette. at noon often hhs than to be dr ileep than what you ,t,8 at midnight. serve sound element, caffeine, health than t< ves, and when its at arM* ! ere's usually a pen- You can unt of mental effort good food or An order todi sdom, a. *> many for J00' <* ?? and. have found, I. ?hlc n away fromnarve- ound in Post ilation and adopt - Yourgrocorhi lelicious Postum as On tint) mada K. . . , addition of boilii nealtime drink. um delights the to maka tha drin but brings no dis- |>at*d) mad* bj ( ^stun 1 for Health?*'Th K ?da by Puatuoi Caiwl Co., loc, Not Ever. Itnstus (i<? Samho, In nn undertone)?I nln't tIn* innn I useter wur.. Time wiiz when I cniild whip the ol' woman in n fair, stan-up tight. The t >I<1 Woman (overheating) ? Yoti's a black liar, Itnstus Johnslng. Time wuxn't, time ain't, an' time nln't gwlne to wiiz.?Nashville Tennesseean. NAME "BAYER" IS ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear, If You See the Safety "Bayer I Cross." If you want the true, world-famous Aspirin, as prescribed hy physicians for | over twenty-one years, you must, ask I for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The "Bayer Cross" is stamped on I each tablet and appears on each pack| age for your protection against imitations.?Advertisement. | HAD NO "COMEBACK" TO THAT Marine's Winterfield Uniform Scored Heavily on the Khaki Which Started the Controversy. The marine's three uniforms hung side hy side underneath Ids clot hint shelf: one winterfield, one blue ann one kliakl. Suddenly the khukl uniform grew critical. "You look pretty green," it suld to the winterfield. Tile wintertiold uniform nindo no ?>. ply. "And that outllt right next to you must be downhearted?It looks so blue," the kluikl uniform went on. The wlnterfleld then spoke up: "I might be green," It said, "and that outfit right next to me might have the 'blues.' but doggone your hide?you're yellow!" The khnkl uniform piped down.? The Leatherneck. New Employee. "rat," warned the contractor, "today you became a new employee In this corporation ami I want to tell you that all such employees must work quickly and quietly." "Yls, sor." "And when 1 give an order I want it obeyed on the instant." "Yls, sor." * "And furthermore. I will brook no argument and no back talk." "Well, don't ye start It tlten!" Kindness is an Instinct?politeness only an art. r s I ' *:? s"1 ? DMPANY ichburg, Va. Lshington,N.G, mta, Ga. itgomery, Ala. ido, Ohio What Are Symbreals? The novel of the future, according to Sliaw 1 >esniond, will he llku Ills novels, tuit a novel at all but a symi brenl. Mr. Desmond pies on in h'ghly technical and polysyllnble terms to define what a symbreal Is, comparing It to n kaleidoscope, and to u manyfaceted diamond, but disregarding the spelling, one is very likely to think | the name originated with the tinkling symhal and that the great diflferenco lies in the Introduction of one syllable for euphony's sake. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of l CASTOTtlA, tlint famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It ' Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. ' ( Children Cry for Fletcher's Oustoria DOGS GIVEN VICTORIA CROSS 0 \ Three Have Been Awarded Highest British Decoration for ^fravery in Face of the Enemy. The English In asking that the Victoria Cross he awarded to the cut ' v , which so heroically saved her young during the tire of the rrlntemps only | follow an example given by the tjuecn | of England herself. To appreciate the value of this reward we must re( member tlint the Victoria Cross Is for a soldier, general or private, the highest military ortler. In the last war at the utmost 30 have been awarded. However, several j dogs belonging to the British army , have received this honor. These were: Bob of the I loyal Berkshire, which In ! the Afghanistan war saved tlie life of ! several soldiers; Jack, which accotni nllshed the same feats at the battle of j tlie Alnia, and Jerry, the hero of the 1 Crimean war, which received from the j city of iMihlln a medal and?n dinner. I The odds are that the mess made the dog happier than the medal.?New York Tribune. Giving the Old Man a Treat. tlondpatter? I tell you, Nlckelpinch, the whole town is talking about your driving your old father to the poorhouse in your automobile. Nlckelpinch?I reckon they see now that I can do a good turn once in a while. I never charged the old man a cent for it. Just sent the bill to the county. . If It wasn't for cut-nnd-drled sayings we might have to think. ?t it si i lerves or digestion. Even i J iren can share in the en- ^ jr ostum at any meal. f ' to anticipate warnings v iven by them. * to encourage and preI nerves and complete > listen to the clock ticks ay, "I wish!" get Postum wherever drink is sold and served. ?y may be the beginning, le great satisfaction and :h so many others have um. a both forma: Instant Poatum [ji Instantly in tha cup by tha ng watar. Poatum Caraal (in Ji ar bulk, for thoaa who prafas til k white tha meal is being pre* |j{ ' boiling for 20 minutes. It' I M t, I 4 m. t lere's a Reason*9 I ?Battle Creak, Mich. I J