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lipf" 1 " Jwi. IOTP ABOUT TOW*. J. H. Murphy yesterday sold hla hosM in Wbitovllts posh. Port Mill, to Hsnry Htmmond, Jr. MA. Manly 8. Tount and her ltttls son ?( Cdncord, N. C-. ara guests of Mrs. Young's mother, Mrs. Alien Harris. * Misses Lucia and Ruth McLees ot Greenwood and Miss Alice Smith of Pendleton were week.end guests of \ Mlssse Agnss and Sophie Link. ? A. W. Fra^or, who has been the guest of his daughter. Mta. E. W. Klmbreli, for several months, returnad this week to his home In Baldwins vill?, N. T. Hi* Rev. J. B. Maieiy. D. D. prof fee or of Bible at Hampden-Sydney t I college, Virginia, recently spent several days at the home of his mother, Mrs. B. H. Maasey. In Fort Mill. More than COU Fort Mill school '.children, white and negro, have been yaccinated since a case of smallpox was reported in the upper section of |he town two weeks ago. Many grown people living In Fort Mill also havet been vaccinated during the last fort; night. *. . ' A.^M. Giles, farmer, who moved from Fort Mill to the Belair nelgh' ' borbood. In L-ancaster county, three years ago, has been critically 111 at his home for several days and little bope la now held out ror his recovery. Mr. Giles Is the father of Mrs. H. V. Richardson of Fort Mill. Capt. gpd Mrs. M. C. Willis of York were visitors to Fort Mill Huturday, and while here Capt. Willis stated iiiul iis iiiuihluljr wuuiu us u cuiiuidatt in the Democratic primary next August to succeed County Treasurer U. K. Neil, who announced a few days ago thai he would not again seek tno wn?ce. Miss Jessie Merrltt. teacher of the boys' Intermediate class of the Baptist Sunday school, entertuined her class and girl friends of the members last Wednesday evening In the _ Bersan room of the church. A number of games were played and refreshments, consisting of Ice cream, cake apd confections, were served. Showers Sunday night and Monday Interfered with plana many farmers of the fort Mill community had mude to begin In earnest preparation of t^ieir lands for thjj year's crops. Thus far little spring plowing has been done in this section, but a number of {armers have taken advantage of the wet weather to haul fertiliser from town to their fields. J. E. Smith la preparing to move next week with his mother, Mrs. A. K. Smith, and his sisters, MIhscs Sallie Smith and Cammle Smith, to tho Catawba Juncton neighborhood in the agstern section of the county, where Mr. Smith will take charge of the family's farm, from which they moved to Fort Mill several years ago. The Smith home on Clebourne street will be occupied by J. F. Oates and his family. , Friends In this community of the 'Rev. J. ?. Black, former pastor of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, who resigned -about a year ago on account of III health, heard with interest, a few days ago that he hud so far recovered his health as to be able to A) accept the pastorate pf the Presbyterian church at Red Hprlng, N. and that he and his faintly were pre* 1 paring to move from Morganton, N. C., to that place Tie ?4,000 worth of Fort Mill wu.teetMprJia Uou^s recently sold to the Jean and- Havings bank of York have been received and signed by A. C. Lytle, mayor, nmUC. H. Ldnk, town treasurer, and delivered to the pur* chaser. The Conds were sold several weeks ago ~at 98 and and accrued Interest. Among the number of bids received for the bonds was that of the First National bank of Fort Mill, whose offer, the second highest, was 97 and accrued Interest. A number of Fort- Mill citizens, representing the town council, the board of health and the board of trustees of the public school, last Thursday night listened to an Interesting address by Dr. A. H. Hayden of Columbia on local health conditions Dr. Hayden Is connected with the State- board of health. His visit ,10 Fort Mill was the (result primarily of the report by the locul board of health of a oaso of smallpox In town. Dr. Hayden In his address called ats. tentton to the provision or law which mokes vaccination against the 'dlseusc compulsory and urged that the law be enforced In Fort Mill. Capt. Ell Hott W. Hprlngs of Luncue ?? ! *r vA|<rwi<i iu uccuuie u run Mill cltlsen as noon us the work of remodeling the old White mansion In the ?n?r of the town la complated, was a visitor here Monday. Oapt. Springs Is said to have spent something like >(>0,000 In the lmprovemcnta which have recently been under way to the old mansion, built by his paternal greut-grandfather, the lata Capt Wm. E. White, in 1832. and when he moves Into the mansion a law weeks hence It will he one of tha most modern homes In this sec|K'. tlon, with electrical equipment and other conveniences new to this community. HNinety-odd pupils are now enrolled In tha night school which wns established at tha Fort Mill graded school a law weeks ago for adult Illiterates and other grown people who had received only the rudiments of an education. Seven teachers are employed to Instruct the various classes from the flrat to the fifth grades. In which the egea of the pupils range from 15 to 15-odd years. The seeatons of the . school are held on Monday apd Thursday nights snd marked progress Is being made by most of the pupils, aooordlng to the statement of one of the teachers. Among the plans for f \ the success of the school Is s public aatertalnment to be given by the puwhen the session closes a few uw. i. u. spruit and U A. Harris. Chairmen, respectively, of the iFort W HIU township road commission and the street commission of Fort Mill. With W. B. Meacham, member of the former commission, are In Columbia today to consult with the 8tate htghelf department relative to a mlsun-l demanding which has arisen over the employment of engineers to do the Surveying for the roads and streets Of the community which the commie. Hons are planning to Improve. When Ulf highway department some tlron ago recommended federal aid (or the V % read from the county bridge across - Catawba river to the town limits and through the. town toward the worth CaroMna line, the understandcommissions was that thsy ,-:r iiiiUL^K^^ " v" ' * Hr M oommlM^pii U j * . ' \ 1 1)11,,'111 I I ..j'JH'. I Penn's spells quality. ? Why? . ^ Because Perm's is pocked airtight in the patented new container?the quality is sealed in. % So Pinn'i la always fraah. Hay* yon . r raally chewad frmmh tobacco? > Buy Pann'a tba nrat tlma.Try It Node* thafin* condition?fraah?Panola PENN'S CHEWING TOBACCO (j^ SL3ZSL*S~g A. M. COHKX SHOT UY OFFICERS A. M. Cohen. Fort Mill and Onsto nlu. N. C., merchant, was ahot In tin right leg in the reir of the kucecni and painfully wounded Sunday morn tng at 2 o'clock near Phltudo'.phis Methodist church, three miles nortl of tows, by ?? parly of nfflrprtt. tad hi Sheriff Fred E. Qulnn, In scurch ol Iittuor runners who were reported U be on the "way from Charlotta to Fori Mill and Rock llill with u load ot in mi uuiuiiiui)iit\ .>11? > oner wan returnliiK to lil? home In Foil Mill front Gaxtonia to spend Hundu) with his family. The purty wuh corn, potted of Sheriff Qulnn, State Constable Horace Johnson, Magistrate Fred C. Black of York. V. I). Pot's Fort Mill police officer, and J. H Patterson. Fort Mill magistrate's constable. A short distance from the home 01 W. H. Crook one of the officers stand. Ing In the road ordered Mr. Cohen tc stop his car. Disregarding the order Mr. Cohen continued toward Fori Mill until his car ran into Sheriff Quinn's car, which had been parked across the road to prevent the pussage of ofher cars coming toward 1'orl Mill. While he was alighting from his onr Mr. Cohen received the wound In his leg. He then made his v.ny tc the home of Walter McKinney, a row hundred yards sway, und was brought to town In Mr. McKtnney'x car. Th< wound was dressed at his home at 4 o'clock Hunduy morning by a Fori Mill physician, but the bullet wai not located and removed from hit leg until Monday morning at a hospital In Rock Hill, where he hai I since been receiving treatment toi the wound. The fear was said tc have been expressed at the hoepita yesterday that Mr. Cohen's leg would be stiff for life. I M* Cohen Is said to have struct while his wound wus being dressei that he did not stop his cur when h> was ordered to do so because lie wai positive he was being held up to br robbed. After he reached Fort Mil and before he went to his own home ho said he went to the home jf 1). V Potts, police officer, and to that ol J. H. Patterson, magistrate's constable, to report what hud happened but at neither home did he succevt In seeing either officer. At the forme! he said he was told that Mr. Poiti wan not at home and at the lattei that Mr. Patterson was sick In bee uuu vuuiu not sec mm. Air. cotter stated positively that he did not huvt a pistol and that he had not fired m anyone. He said eight or tea slioti were fired at hint, one of whlcl truck the windshield of his ear iiiv mediately In front of the steerlne wheel, which he had left only thi moment before. The other allot h< was able to account for definitely w n the one which struck him in the leg While the physician was at Mr Cohen's home dressing his woupi Sheriff Qulnn and Officer Potts alai visited the home. Neither seeincl ti have known positively until they re turned to Fort Mill about an no-ji after the shooting that Mr. Cohen wu the man at whom' the shots hud heui fired, although they had found In hi car a bunch of keys to the ring o which was attuched a metal tag bear ing his name. Sheriff Qulnn is sub to have expressod regret to Mr. C> hen that he had been mistaken fn and shot a. the liquor runner tlr party was, trying to upprehond. H also Is said to have expressed rcspon stbilty for the shooting. Between the statement of Mr. Co hen and Sheriff Qulnn relative to ih hots that were fired there la- wid variance. Mr. Cohen states posit I vol that he was unarmed aad did not fir upon Ihe ofPcem. Sheriff vjuliu: 01 the other hand. Is said to be cquall; positive that the officers did not fir at Mr. Cohen until he had first flic , at them. The sheriff's statement I support's! by other officers, it u mi It! The shoot In* of Mr. Cohen ha caused muon Uilk In Port Mill. Yes tefday It was ^tat^d by a Fort Mil cltlsen who visited Mr. Cohen at th hospital In Hock Hill that he had en raced Judge Mendel U Smith o Camden and Messrs. Herbert Dunla {and Walter Dunlap of Hock Hill t take charge of the case he teetn h has against the county and tne offl cere and that developments may h expected as soon as he la able i leave the hospital. lower Wool Crook News. Mr. and Mrs. it. A. Torrence lei Sunday for Oastonla, N. C., to visl Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Davis Frank Lee Brown spent the week epd with his parents. v Albert Torrence, Kobert Torrent ....... _.n w.?i> luittnrc wire rei-er IUmM of lira, C. U Torrance at tl Idem Of the Southern Power compaa: | . Ml? Freddie Oryrter, teacher in tl '~MM#"%Mh her pcnati in Rook Mill. j ^et'irday even^^ool " | hie, Fh^ns ftrtonde . orere poeosi^ fi r{ by ail. Refresh n? en t? were eeryed. ifcre^ll. S. Perk# e^l On ' ^ ^ *l - - V&kwv. II III II I t I [McyraRO n w B enc v ^B K^lHj ^m\ i a s r? - THUR FRII I SATUI t ' March 30-2 r WILL B1 88 CEN* , A.' EFIF i Mak^88( $1.00 These Th EFIF ROCK HILL ' \ JOB PR AT THE TIMES OF] 3 iton aro visiting Mrs, ltaifisey's p%i rents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ogburn. I. Sir. and Mrs. John Oyercush wer* 'guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. i- Ogburn. II ?, e It Automobile Tops THE IjATKST DKSIGXK o * And made of the very heat material? ~ to he procured, we will put on yogg car when your old one Is shabby. 0 Nothing gives your auto the classy appearance thut a New Top matt , from waterproof and llrst quality materlal will and made with Plate Olaaa Windows. We will put a Top on your car that ;? will lust for years. 1 jomsors PA,^OP f. JAB.JL JOHNSON. Manager. ROCKH1LL5-ci i wulbre???Jd^ ir 4 -ffcfSKtwUdfek|IOWf ?In?* 1 grAfiftnii iiiiiiiiii!ii.BtiM - Ji " 1 ?- - m ram m MS FINISH I j "~ " ^" S I ot Its Age, But Its I J nish Makes Your Car I "Old" or "New" K ; TO matter how good ha motor? H i I if its body it dingy and dull, your j b considered a " has-been." H ik: the old bus look younger than B years. Give it coat of Devoa I t tor Car^Finwh. H till be proud of its dazzling brill* I 2 cc. its glossy smoothness. d you can do a satisfactory Job H 4 irself. at a small coat if you make B J - WTW *nv\M vm niwi, 11 ros Froducts are time-tested and vcn.backed by the 168 years'experi of the oldest paint manufacturing cern in the U. S. Founded 1754. LYTUE DRUG CO. Fort Mill, 8. 0% The Drug , hhhhI ? ? - SDAY, )AY, IDAY, . jr 11. April 1 I E 3 BIG 1 r DAYS T ID'S 3ents Buy Worth tree Days ID'S South Carolina UNITING F1CE - PHONE 112 ' I AJNN'C To The Bu We are equipped and any kind of 1 Iand cordially ifivit We carry Framir Lime, Plaster, Cei LL (8. 0.) TnM^ | The Modern Way j of Canning I I I have accepted the local agency for the best and simplest ? CANNING OUTFIT to be obtained anywhere. % It seals, opens, reflanges and reseals both pint and quart | ; cans without solder or acid, and is so simple that a child f can operate it. ? 5 ; ' ' I Wm.S. BELK ! i 4 ' +++++*+* *+$+<*+*> * ?????? STRONGER THAN EVER At no time has the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. or the Mutual Live Stock Insurance Association been in better shape than now. Each year these companies have shown a substantial increase over the previous. Their policies and manner of doing business are on a sound basis ami all just claims arc paid promptly and in full. These institutions were recently complimented very highly by the Auditor of the State Insurance Department. Are your buildings and mules insured with ust If not, write to D. E. BONEY, York, S. C. v | "Lucky Dog" Baseball Goods We are carrying in stock a full line of the \ jfK famous "Lucky Dog" (D. u \ ? . .... ^MjliSr M tsranu ana Keacn i Baseball Goods. Come to Sf us for anything in base& ball goods. Jar At this store you also W^: ^ will find a complete line v gk^ Bicyles-& Fishing t ackle. Rock Hill Cycle Shop 123 Hampton Sr. ROCK HILL, S. C. Phone 425J Always The Best You will always find in stock at this \ Store the freshest and best of every- 1 thing in GROCERIES. \ We are in business not expecting to ? get rich in a day, a week or a month ; and are satisfied with a modest : profit. | BRADFORD & CO. ] HALL STREET ' . - PHONE 113 " j I 1 "I 1 - ' J <9 TRUNKS and SUIT CASES j We have on hand a few good Trunks and Suit <j Cases which we gan give you bargain pricds on. < Come in to see them. , < * ' i THE CASH STORE PHONE 8 ] S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTLE, Mgrs. j <* i If you have anything to sell, The Times will help you find a j kTTMrrAyirMT^ 11 ' 1^ \J 1YX 1^1X1 } * 4 tilding Public of Fort Mill i s \ to make quick deliveries of Lumber < Building material right at your door :e your incriries. ig, Floori^^^fling, Siding, Shingles, nenU^^^^Uathci, Doors, Sash, Millwork. pat Your I I And remember? the I | | loweat firat cost, the l! | I loweat upkeep and the 1 | III higheat resale value of * 1 1 ' | ! any motor car ever built ' J j Expand your sales zone?reach ||J I more customers. Figured from || | every conceivable standpoint a j j I Ford Chassis, and a body to !| I suit your needs will not only I ! speed up and substantially III lower the cost of your light |] J delivery and hauling, but it ill j will establish for your busi- j ness an invaluable reputation Jj for promptness and efficiency. j j Buy now. Terms if desired. I Tv Heath Motor Co. I FORT MILL, S. C. i ' m EAGLE "MIKADO"^^^g^^JPeiica No. 174 For Sala kt your Dealer Made in fin yradea ASK FOR TH5. YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL'COMPANY, NEW YORK ? ( , select your ^ REFRIGERATOR! , , now ;v [ We have on display a complete ;; ? line of the famous j; | "Tacoma" i| | ice"Boxes ip. > Also we have, several slightly i: I used Ice Boxes we are offering at i; ^ bargain pi ices?all repainted and in i I first class condition, i; jk | See N us for your Screen Doors i M \ and Screen Wire. i: %fl|