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W. XI. Bradford. Editor and. Publisher! 'V r;' " The Time* Invites contributions on live subject*. but does not seres to publish more thnn 2tx> words en sny subject. The i lgbt Is reserved to edit, every commiinliiillnn mililmtteil for Dubllcstlon. on appilqitiott to the publisher, adverting rules are made known to those Interested. '? b' Telephone. locai and Ions distance. No. 11*. , ' . \ V ? ?I , Kntered at tht? pontofflce at Fort MUt. !*. C., no mall matter of the second class. THUBSDjhr. MARCH 30, 1923. ? ' L ! I. Pittsburgh, Pa., has set the seat 'of the country an example which '- ? > Should he followed. By order of the -fr & f pernt i : <h nt of police third dew ?trffce iifrttiols of obtaining confessions from prisoners accused of crlms are no longer permitted. This action was taken in purt as the result of tnals it which prisoners from whom conf?.'f slum had been wrung In thla Why wcro ucuuitted. The confessions were ih town out of court. This Is a prac Ignored by police officials who know * Hint it is not the number of arrests but the number of convictions that count. ft cannot be denied that confessions are sometimes obtained by extreme methods that could not otherwise be obtained, but the use of such nietliodn taints every "confession" thus forced. Confession by torture Is commonly thought of as medieval. it has no place in modern times. five warm wo'atKcr and the advent of spring, when motoring becomes more popular than at any other season of the yeur, remind one of the neccsily f;r a mors stringent enforcement of the rules regulutlng motor traffic. There arc State statutes and city) ordinance# to cover disregard for the rights of others, but If a public abroad in motor curs is Indifferent to the rples of the road, then there must ho'drastic action to enforce the rules. There are limes when a pedestrian takes his llfo in his bands when he ventures on the Btroets. In the larSKe-iij'Ker cities especially the man or woman on loot, even with their faculties alive to the situation, are in danger, while the child playing In the street, indifferent to everything except i he, exuberance of youth, is too often the victim of n careless driver.. The speedster should be given little 'consideration, for by the act of speeding he endangers huntun life. Too many drivers are brutally Insolent and wholly indifferent to the safety aund Convenience of pedestrians. There is something wcuk and wrong with a government, bo it State or city, that permits speeding to go- unchecked. M ' Hitting the HulLscyc. About, the worst break a man can inula.' is to go broke. >i..? _ . ?, JV.11 V II 1 it cum iittiiuvun 1[ Iituy c&ow yon to drop off. OikxK lookn catoh many men, but good cooks bold them. It look* us If Home of these moving |b{-i y MS?n;e pr.r,ifi? hjtu ireen?bad ucturar \ Some peoples 'Idea of charity seems *tn' bo to share their troubles with z' other*. *\Vy>-" . * Many girls are yet to learn that a bright disposition is better than a brilliant complexion. ?> The reason thero is so much room m t lie tup Is. Jiecuuso so many people ar<> willing to stay at the bottom. .The old wumun who used to smoke BBMSa a porncoh pipe now has a granddaughter who smokes cigarettes. The who will He to beat his neighbor out of n debt Is the sort otf citizen one would not .enjoy finding in the neighborhood of his hen roost after nightfall, t A wife was fined |B In New York lor whipping her husband on the street, Served her, right. Husbands ought not to he whipped by their w'Ivoh cj?cept_at home. There may l>e a satisfactory explaY^iitlon of the difference between stealing by the debt beating route and earning off under the cover of darkness a hog that belongs to some o?o olse. ' The rolling pin is a doubly useful housobo article in somo homes who ye the gentle housewife not only . .. uses it to thin out her dough but also ,, to[ jJ??-Njnore commendable purpose 'of knocking her hubund on the head. Tho Port Attll business man who sends away v from heme for hi* Job printing-exhll.ttk no enthusiasm when hi.- hears of a citizen of the commu nlty ordering supplies from Whoahuck, Steers & Co., Chicago mail "order houso, which contributes quite as much to the progress and prosper. it? of Port Mill as the Job printing decern he putroniaes away from luotir. Cutting right dawn to brass tacks, ^ iio, why the devil should you car* who is elected governor of South Car Pounn moct August? l4You are apt to clinch the jotino amount of?well, fljtfenking of the boll weevil, one may b'. putrfoucd for taking note of the olwerv inn <>f the bosw of Zlon City. (II.. that only 5,000 miles Intervene > cdrtlr and the sun that the earth Ih flat. We are not in, position to deny that there te at leant one' flat-headed man living In Zlon City. nnlc 'rimimfti""* 1 >pp<eeij f? ! ""?*, NT.t all the ex-service men of Fort i * ;??, Mill agree that the bohua bill which was pr.HMtd by the national house of ? r?fp'rr?cni.itiv<f lust Thursday for World war veterans Ih u wise measure. "I hnve watched pretty olosely the bonun proposition since It was first iirgod. more than two yeare ago," ycryfcerday said to The Times a former f?;v? division soldier, "and the more 1 reutf about It, the lees J think It should be como a lew. My Idea Is that tbo n?ody and disabled veterans should be allotted Binall farms from ( the public lands, but 1 think the boI nuV profcon^ttotf'ehouM end there. Of t fesi Cbpree men wfcjo were wounded In the 1 ^ Sdrytce and are therefore . unable to hhntiid be cared for by the W . ernmoht,; and all things being equal i l1" HMffi?>i who are appllaanU , the federal gov be ?lT?o .th? pntTK^.^p ctaii|? V?l paopUH vtaw* fe > of 4?pM" m?ttm,?1tai? +\th tl??fn. mi liiil l ' rr~k forfait Urthto c<mnocEfeiitf''*n outoi|tnfc? Bontlm bjMWw|DMlo*? tar iii^i * A>v?lb c*ra f v.' CO Ml i For ONE Giving Two Grand, Fi A great All-Featui clean* refined, mo: ladies, gentlemen ? Take the children to see BABY LIONS It's a real sight of a lifetir are the sweetest and cutest you have ever seen. Wonderful Performing Lioi Leonards. Pumas. Panthers i NJKWN OF YORK COUNTY. tr Yorkvllle Knquirer. Treasurer H. K. Nell has receive from the 8tate superintendent uf ec ucatlon a warrant for $7,900 for Yor coupty's part of the rural grade school fund now being distributed. News wus received here Monda afternoon of the death of W. L.utt Massey on his farm near Lincolntoi He went to his farm about 11 o'cloc and his dead body wan found uhout o'clock under circumstances >vhtc Indicated that he had stubbed hiinse to death with a paring knife. M Massey was the son of the late W. ' Massey, formerly of Tlrxuh, and wn about 38 years of age. He lived I Yorkville until about two years ug< when on the death of his grant! mother he moved to Mnoolntoi which place he has since been mal Ing his home. Two negro school teachers recentl arrested on warrants charging\thei with violating the Sttate law whlc would punish school officials for pel mittlng the school attendance of ur vaccinated children were bound oy( to uppear before Magistrate Blac next Friday. The case has been Ir stltuted by the State board of healt at the Instance of Dr. John I. Burro and Is In the nature of an kmportur test. The vaccination law Is not gen orally observed In this section and I the negro teachers are convlote prosecutions will no doubt be lnstl tuted against many white teachei for the same offense. ? Out of approximately 1.300 ex service men In York county onl about 76?60 whites and 26 negroeshayg taken advantage of the offer c the clerk of the court to record thel honorable discharges, not withstand lng the fact that the clerk is dcin the work without cost. In the has of a lost certificate, the record of a honorable discharge on the clerk' books might be invaluable to the sei vice man. Tnere la a record u Washington, it Is true, but the Wash lngton authorities must have certal Information to be able to find tha record. The name of the soldier ^?n the county from which he halls la no sufficient. . No MuuIc^mU Dog Tax. vrnuipver aouni existed as to in ability of municipalities In 8outh Car olina to legally collect a tax on don In addition to that imposed by th State under the act of 1920, seems t have been removed by the I^egl.datur at the session which ended u fe\ days ago. The nett Sot law p-ovlde specifically for a State tax only 01 dogs and In addition puts "teeth" |i the old law. Under the terms of the new acl which Is effective for the tax thl year, every owner of a dog 6 niontn old or older on January 1 must pa, to the county treasurer a license o <1.26 on or before Fehruray 1 for i collar marked "dog license." Of thl amount the county treasurer Is al owed to retain 25 cents for the col 4ar and for expenses. The balanc will be returned to the school dlstrtc from which It was collected. Thi new law la very plain, much In con trust to the old law, and unmlstaka bly does away with all county, mu nlcipal or other dog taxes and re j'.rji only the *!.!* to the stnte For failure to pay the tax ,n fine o S6 or five daya la Imposed and eacl person reporting a collarless dog wil receive half the fine. "Eats Around mj Place Wert Wise." Btvi John Tnthill. "Tried everything to kill them Mixed poison with meal, meat chaeae, etc. Wouldn't touch it Tried RAT-SNAP; invade of ter daya got rid of all rata." Yo> don't have to mix RAT-SNAF with food. Saves fuaaing, brother Break a cake of RAT-SNAP, la> if where ratp scamper. You wil mo no more. Three aizea. 35c, 65c $1.25. Sold by Lvtle Drug Co and Hutchinson'a Pharmacy. You would perhaps holler ao lout! that you oould be heard over hell the county U The Times should brim en action against you In maalstrate'i court tor the subscription you hav? refused to pay It for sovdral years, but you think It all right to go ahead uvd use Indefinitely the money you ?wo the paper. 0. Xiaf, ToUd a Wondarful n jSrnem. **4 U. kj or monuu ^ wai I didL 3obkjwIi? \ ** . "' NG TO DAY ONLY? ill, and Complete Perfoir ed Show with everyl ral, high class and ind children. SL our little Highly Educatec Mules, Dogs, Go ne. They and Elephants, little pets Great Acrobats, tionists, Aerialisti ns, Tigers, Tumblers, Juggle! snd Bears. 20 FUNN ? e<?nf* it. k AFTKH WE HAVE ' EXAMINED THE EVER "" h 11 They are tested with proper p' lenses. then we supply and fit ls kIuhscu with which y<?u can see n pleurly. The only pliu'd of Its B> kind In this part of South CarUna where glosses arc made while you wait, Broken lenses duplicated by mall h Williams Optical Co. >- Optometrists and Opticians , Izard Building Ground Floor ?- ' Hampton Street n ROCK SILL S C. it J i- ^ a STATEMENT '* Of the Ownership, Management, Etc. '* of The Fort Mill Times, PubUahes Weekly at Fort Mill, S. C., Requires by the Act of August 24, 1912. ~ Editor?W. R. Bradford, Fort Mill ' S C |r Managing Editor?W. R. Bradford ' Fort Mill, S. C. K Publisher ? W. U. Bradford, Fori ? Mill. S. C. n Owner?W. R. Bradford, Fort Mill S. C. Known bondholders, mortgagees anc it other security holders, holding 1 pel i- cent, or store of total amount of boi dv n mortgages, or other securities: Mort it' gageis?Savings Hank, Fort Mill, S. C. d W. R. BRADFORD. ,1 Sworn to and subscribed before m< this 27th day of March, 1922. C. P. LINK. Notary Public S. C. f> . _ _ ' Dont' full to take advantage ol a thut 10 to 50 per cent cash discount e on Shoes at Massey*s. > HOUSE AND LOT J FOR SALE Six room house, recently thort. oughly repaired and repainted, or ? half acre lot, Tom Hall Street; " good neighborhood, fine well ol f water and?excellent garden spot; #, will sell cheap. T. F. Lytle. 8 . _ i New stock ladles' and Children's - Hala Just received at Massey's al n auugi iiet11 me usual price. t ? - - . - . ? TAX EXTENSION. _____ ^ Notice is heiteby given that the * time for the payment of State and county taxes tins been extended t to .June 1, 1922, with a penalty | of 3 per cent for March, 5 per cent for April, 6 per cent for May . ami 8 pe r cent plus costs of treasurer from June 1, when executions wid go into the hands of the sheriff. H. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. 1 To reduce our Shoe stock we wilt 1 xlve 10 to 60 per cent cash discount ' I off our entire stock noxt two weeks. , L. J. Mussey. r ? ~ ? ? I 666 is a prescription for , Colds. Fever and La Grippe. It's the most . speedy remedy we know t FOR COUNT* TEEA8CBKK. [ I hereby annotinre myself as a can * dldate for Treawrsr. of York County. . subject to the recommendation of the I Democratic voters In the primary > election. D. 1*. SHIKDER. -i? 'i - - .lie I Baxrod Plymouth Book Qm per setting of 15, $1. Phone 59-R. i C. M. Blackwelder. *-r 28mar ( '.U'HI... . I 1-1 I. -a .1 t !.". 5 Hatohfny !?( from fine qual; fty Reda, 13 apd 15 at $1.25 and $1.50, reapopfively. Beat utility for Cedar Orove PoulWBHS5|pwt Min? a c u* m w \ m " t 4R9RV TBB TOST MD > FORT On MONDAY, nances at 2 and 8 O'Cli thing to please and instructive exhibitijo r ' 1 Horses, Ponies, A ser^e ate, Monkeys, Seals BITIOflN Gymnasts, Contor- Grouud i, Vaulters, Leapers, ieem? * rs,Wire Walkers and il alon B Y CLOWNS tM.nil ; " " T # LA\{ FORI A fortune grov are certain. Mo away does not grc duce. If kept in circ 1 seed, it will sproul an abundant harv \ The bank w5y i is the safest and [ end means financi Put your idle Cc s ' :1 9 First Nati Operated Under the S 1 United States i ; II l l ll ' i Away from the old time methods of presenting tented amusement enterprises is Cole Bros." World-Toured i ) Show and Trained Animal Exhibition which will give two performances, j afternoon and night, at Fort Mill on | Monday. April 3. Tito Cuio Bros.' J World-Toured Show t ravels in its own trains. As its title denotes, animal features predominate, but do not by any means form all of the program; high class European novelties and horse, pony, dog and men hey acts are Interwoven into the program with such varied effects that the onlooker is taken from one surprise to i another with such wonderful rapidity I that he hardly knows what to expect next, and it is In the arranging of thn , r- wB..... mj an IU lUKC UUVtinUfe OI | these surprises wherein lies the charm of Colt Bros.' performance. 0 , Rub-My-Tism antiseptic and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia rheumatism. A noticeable feature of Cole Brae.' Show, which will be In Fort Mill fer two performances, Monday, April S, Is Its atpotute freedom from anything suggestive that mars so many performances; Its clean, wholesome fun, the real coipidy of the clowns In uof-leaqulng important topics of the tiny. In grotesque Impersonations of people prominently In the limelight la real humor and greatly appreciated. A wore of funny clowns under the lead ershlp of happy Billy Held, the. see# terclown of th? <hu . ..... ^I absurdly comic acta. "The Bit Wf*} frafatt* Maoatln*," "A BaMhaU Nn? I bo*" /"Comedy Policemen, MachMw and Antoanobila NpmHoc." i "Rnbo\aad Old Lady Nmnbti- <*ad I V v ' f .? r v [X (8. 0.) TIMES mill] APRIL 3d ick P. M., Rain or Shine ? * . \ nothing to offend? >ns for entertaining > of FREE OUTSIDE EXHIIS will be given on the Show b at 1 and 7 P. M. Don't miss his big, free, outside Show, as is worth going many miles to it is absolutely FREE TO ALL \ \$ rS OF rUNE rs under laws that ney that is hidden >w and cannot proulation, like fertile increase and yield CSl. is the best way. It surest, and in the al independence. | i ' ish in the . \ ional Bank Irict Supervision of the i Government -g .. j. .... l? TTI???^ ?M All Makes Welcome I Some driven of can not equipped with Willard Batteries . think they ought to go to the I service station that sold the battery. Not at all) ; The safest rule is to go to the i place that gives you the best at* i tention, has the asost skilled J i ( workmen and seems to be moat | ! on the job?the place that de- * serves the title of "Battery ? " -H-"-" IThat's the kind of battery sta- T. tion we have always run and 5 always expect to run. ( Come in and we'll ihow yoa \m heti lo 1UU per cent we ?r? , In skill, courtwy and pwapt- < Hughes Battery Co. Opposite Poetoffice ROCK HILL, S C. Representing Wiliardf Storage BattorUa "" UMUUmUilJHtttlMMM 58SB8H8S^$^^v R9K NEW | We have new Coat 5 ! 5 All colors, Capes, Caj and Silk C fashions. New Milli] ferent to s IFOR I Made by ! best clothi Oth New Oxf wear, etc. I s _? I I THE TIM! Your I - The- constant endeavor c possible for tfieir money, of depressed conditions. Our customers are alwayi be had and our service is solicit your patronage on Fort Mil I * ? | A Tonic S t iFor Women t % "l was hardly able to drag, I M Jf j was so weakened," writes Mrs. \ SW. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C.' Z "The doctor treated me for about > ^ two months, still 1 didn't get any better. I had a'large fam- ^ ily and felt I surely must do y something to enable me to take 2 ^ care of my little ones.; I had ^ ? heard of \ iCAROUl! MlTL. ?ai I ^ mi lira woman's :ionic g JL ' "I decided toltry It," con- X r] itinues Mrs. Rayf. ./. "I took V Hcighi bottles in Mil ... i re ^ j gained my strength and have ^ ^ I had no more fcroible with wo- M X I manly weakness. \ 1 have ten Z y 1 children and am dble to do all y 7 my housework and a lot out- 7 p doors . .f. I can:sure recom- H W mend CaKJuL" M P Take Cardul \ today. It may ^ U be Just what yoil need. \d ^ At aH druggists; I LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. IlairCut .. 25c Shumpooiug, plain 25c Singeing .... 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15? Massage, plain .. .. 25c Come and see us. We will save you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. 7 " ragjasggaETr TT n t /%t Yirn/s P bPKlNU 5U115 | FOR LADIES ',1 received several shipments of I Suits, in Tweeds, Jerseys, etc. S best styles -$12.75 Up ' B 4 De Dresses, Coats, Canton Crepe 1 )resses?the last word in Spring E r nery?Every day something dif- fi ' elect from. ' *1 Ey VIEN & YOUNG MEN I. f: ^JEW SPRING SUITS / J | ; Schloss Bros. & Co.?the world s f; I ers. Priced in reach of all, | $25 to $37.50 | 1; er Makes $15 lo $25 & 1 * ords, Hats, Shirts, Ties, Under- . -J 1 Everything to wear that's right. \ TTERSON'S Ji A * v S DEMAND ECONOMY I , dollars Stretch Out Here :'_ J| if this store is to give our customers the best value.?/' ^ That is why our business continues to grow in the face J t &) ' i* ? sure of getting the best and freshest GROCERIES to ! prompt. If you are not already, a customer of ours, wo this basis. ^ t , . 4 "X ' i 7 , 1 Cooperative Store E. S. PARKS, Manager. . ' . * _A~ O- J02STE3S GOOD THINGS TO EAT ( rorerks, Market, Couutrj Produce. I'Iioiic Fourteen. ? \ / >V' V / ELECTRIK MAID BREAD Ask your jjroeer Itir KLKCTHIC MAID I IRE AD?the best hreml to lie IukI <m tlir Fort >1111 market. Eaeli loaf la wrapped In a sunt tarry wrap|ier wlileli lias a picture of the Elcctrik Maid on It. Fort Mill rnwmaian altui handle our Hlwulir III for 1Q cents, and mm Mi Mr gut anyone could wish. Try a package. , ' ? A ELECTRIK MAID BAKE SHOP n. A. Wilson. I'mojm ROCK MILL, H. C. / - - ' - ' ? GOOD FLOUR At A Low Price We are making a specialty for the next thirty days ,01 "wmitjs jsubuuit" n'luua, made by urimoa Bros., Lexington, H. C. If you want good Flour at a bargain prion try thin brand at " 24 pounds .t?. . . $1 j : 48 pounds . . . . 2 A I 98 pounds . . . 4 , /I r v- w 1 \ - -, R dr" JV~^!5kwM1JSI Fwt