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'.yii - ? 1 ^H^Hnn^ Housew ^BBEw8ttihii>a??if'rtn ?<*nJt. Sho wrote these *1 felt before Compound end helped them? [^h?d nervous ek hurt*rae a& m going down ren years. For been able to do ilp. I weighed my husband's to take Lydia Die Compound, mend it to all List Rk* fjWT n UQWHI. A VBUUV^ m^UIJ ejSlglttfifc anww-^Thfratlo. Arkuut. Th? Woof Combers *^e Latin quarter of rarts on often see? groups of bareheaded worn en, sitting In some quiet corner of thi street, perhaps within a church door JHw. picking and combing the wool of thel mattresses. No matter how poor i Y' .'French peasant may be, he elmoet al ways possesses a comfortable bed wltl A Feeling of Security Z You naturally feci secure when yoi know that the medicine you are about t< , take ia absolutely pure and contain* n? harmful or habit producing drugs. "Bach a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy The same standard of purity, etrengtl and excellence is maintained in even It ia scientifically compounded fron t vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken ii teaspoon ful doses. It is not recommended for everything. ?*It is nature's greet helper in relievini and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity ia wltl every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp If you need a medicine, you ahouh have the best. On sale et all drug store IS in bottles of two aises, medium and large ( 5* However, if you wish first to try thi peed ten eente te Di Kilmer k Oo., Binghamton, N. Y., for i sample bottle. When writing be sure ant mentioA this paper.?Advertisement. mm jreaf That's the Kind. Jones?"Simmons seems to hHve i very active brain."' Bones?"Ah, yes btft Is it retroactive?" [' irr s? Hh / / 1 ?* Unless you see the name p over 22 years and proved ? for i ? ife?Happy Home *ble Compound Hu Helped Many Readh*, Pa.?"1 mi a nsrrous wreck and could hanfly do my boosawork, I always had to hasp bdporl would nerar haea (ot It coca. Through tbaadrM of ftfsoda r bara baan taking. Lydta E. Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound for my nervea and Lydia E. Pfokham's Blood Medidna for my Mood and I am foaling fina and doing iuy work all alone. I can recommend these medicines to any one, for they certainly helped me. I Buffered for Ave years end Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines pulled me through." ? Mrs. Walter U. Btotkr, 121B Mulberry St..Reading, fa. Recommends the Vegetable Compound New Orleans, La.?"I have found relief irom my crouDiee by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoond and I praise it wherever I go. fcould not do my work aa it should be done for I would sometimes have to He down because of the pains I had. A friend induced me to take your Vegetable Compound and I have got great results from it. 1 keep house and am able to do all my own work. I recommend your Vegetable Compound tomy friends whohave troubles similar to mine."?Mrs. T. FoeckLKX, 1915 N. Derbiguy St., Mew Orleans, La. > Punishment, e During the course of a ball held In i- a village a young mnn was offered u an Introduction by a chum to a lady , of pretty ample proportions. He der cllned the honor, remarking: i "Lord, Jfick, I would ns soon draw - a cart round the room." l This was overheard by the lady, who determined to be even with him. Later on he obtained an lntrodue. tlon and on being requested for the honor of a waits the magnificent lady coolly yet majestically replied, i "No, no, little one; I'm too big a > cart for a donkey to draw." > . DYED HER BABY'S COAT, A SKIRT AND CURTAINS ; WITH "DIAMOND DYES" ! Each- package of "Diamond Dyea" cofi tains directions so simple any woman car dye or tint her old, worn, faded thingf new. Even tf the has never dyed before she can put a new, rich color into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stockings I sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings . everything. Buy Diamond Dyea?no othei kind?then perfect home dyeing is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whethei 1 the materia] you wish to dve is wool m " Bilk, or whether it is linen, cotton, 01 mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak 1 spot, fade or run.?advertisement. S ?! '* hlot Flattering. I am unused to children and besides i knowing no lullaby songs 1 have no 1 voice to carry n tune. I offered to care for a neighbor's child one ufternoon. The chlhl grew tired and asked me to rock her and sing. I began bravely but ? she stopped me and said: "You don't ; need to sing. I dess. Your songs make n?e wider nwnke."?Exchnnge. t. >IRIN " when you buy Aspirin. "Bayer" on tablets, you are in prescribed by physicians safe by millions for ache Rheumatism algia Neuritis oago Pain, Pain which contains proper directions. i -Alto bottles of 24 and 100?Drnggleta. Etctaxe ?t Uoooeoettocld?ter of ttUerllcMU VMMMMQ ford's j^,? IRAUGHT (table) ^ Hedicine I I mf pal you farmers do is loo liV^ Mode out of Stifel s r* ^ftotfeae' m^r ^ ^ ! Um datS. MHbHRv^hV^ * *, H V . THE CIVET-CATS "It"* all very fine to be ? Malayan Civet-Cat bat to be a common CivetCat la better." said the Civet-Cat. "One would expect such a speech from you, wouldn't one?" asked the Malayan Civet-Cat. "One might. I do not know," said < the Civet-Cat. ' : "Of course," he added, "you are like ( me and your fatally la Hke my family < and our families are like each other i and all the rest nf lr ??m I " ? I am not you. I "I am glad you aren't too.** said the j Malayan Civet-Cat, "for if you were, c you would always be sorry you were | and that would be- most mixing and < upsetting. i "Of course you can't help but admit i that I have large spots and that they t are actually laj-gef than yours. j "I have a stronger looking body and i I am stronger too." "You aren't as fine as I am." said t the Civet-Cat. "I am not too strong for ^ that would make me a little toughened 3 and not so refined as I now am. ( "I have large spots and my whole j body Is beautifully marked. I have a c fine ring-streaked tall too. "I belong to the wildcat family and at the suiue time I look a little like a skunk. "All creatures wouldn't consider thnt an honor but 1 do, for I consider the skunk a very handsome creature. t "And I have an odor which Is something like the skunk's. Most creatures j wouldn't like that but I do, oh yes, 1 do. If I didn't I would change my 5 perfume but I do like It. All Civet Cats do." 3 "Yes," sold Mrs. Civet-Cat. "we all do. If we hadn't cared for the famll) perfume we wouldn't have clung to \ v 1 f "She Speaks the Truth." It or allowed It to cling to us all these , years. ] "But we've appreciated It If others , have no.t. But what do we core If they j have the bad taste not to like It? It i only shows what they are, or at least ] what they are not. They are not Civet- < Cats. That much Is certain." i "I am a Spotted Lynx," said the animal In the next cage In the zoo. "I j am beautiful and my spots make me y look so dressed up." ] "Ah. but you haven't any real family ^ perfume such as we have," Mrs. Civet- | Cat remarked. t i "She speaks the truth." said Mr. j Civet-Cat. i "What Is more you sound very fine i with your name of Spotted Lynx," said f Mrs. Civet-Cat, "but you are really l nothing moro than a wildcat." t "I belong to the family," said the Spotted Lynx, "and I admit It. And you also are of the cat family." "Yes, but so different from yon," c Mrs. Civet-Cat answered. * "There are many different creatures ( !n the zoo," she continued, "who have F fine sounding names, and who live here 11 In this house, such as the Black Para- 11 doxure and the African Ichneumon, a very black animal from the Malay * peninsula called the Bear-Cat, or, as * he prefers to be called, the Blnturong. "There Is the Surlcnte or SlenderTailed Meerkat of South Africa, too. "But they aren't as interesting as we are. No, not they. We have simple names. Folks know we belong to the great cat family and civet cats are becoming more and more known. "Handsome ladies are wearing us as roats and furs and multa and as decorations on their hats. "They say that when our fur becomes damp or when they wear us out In the wet weather we're especially generous with our family perfume but they're not in the least appreciative. They are very lacking in thankfulness. "Still, they do us the honor to wear us as a family and treat us as they would fox or seal or something noble and tine and beautiful like that. "And if we give them of our perfume we give it without extra charge so even if they don't appreciate it they ought to be glad we don't charge them for It." _ li "I suppose." said Mr. Civet-Cat, "you p talk about the honor of being worn o as a fur for you know that you are l safe here in the soo." n And Mrs. Civet-Cat made a me-owing v sound to show that she agreed. Won ths Tuq. ? "Look, daddy," said a little six-yearold. "I pulled this cornstalk right up 1 ail by -myself." "Why, but you are strong!" said his father. j "I guess I am, daddy. The whole ' world had hold of the other end of it." No Qame, Wet Grounds. Harold?Pop! , "Yes, my eon." "Did they play baseball in Noah's time?" "No. my boy; I believe not." * nil/ UIUIII IIIDJ, r?J|J7" "Wet grounds, 1 guess." All Born In Irsland. A gentleman once asked a boy where he was born. "In Ireland," said the boy. "What part?" "Why, all of me I" was the reply. Spills the Beans. Tee given np telling my wife anything." "80 have I mine. It simply goes In at one ear and out at the other." "That isn't the trouble with pty wife. It fcofs in at one ear and comes out of her icoath." Pre-WI lean Ian. "Aunt Alice whv la It ?* ?? ?? 1 snppom. m* detr, It ffsi do? to ^ my policy o^ytotcfafnl siting. "?BooTy V ~ JBL4 L SLOOSefl TEETH rhe Very Next Dote of This = Treacherous Drug May . Start Trouble. You know what calomel la. It's mer- 1 rury; quicksilver. Calomel la danger- 1 .as. ^ It crashes Into soar bile like lynamlte, cramping and sickening yon. < Calomel attacks the bones and should lever be put Into your system. i If you feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, just go to rour druggist and get a bottle of Dodion's Liver Tone for a few cents which s a harmless vegetable substitute for 1 langerous calomel. Take a spoonful ind if It doesn't start your liver and | itrsighten you up better and quicker ( ban nasty calomel and without making < rou sick, you Just go back and get your f noney. Don't take calomel! It makes you t ilck the next day; It loses you a day's j vork. Dodson's Liver Tone straightens , rou right up and you feel great. No j talts necessary. Give It to the children , >ecause It Is perfectly harmless and | an not salivate.?Advertisement. I Art Aftormstti "Hello, sir; remember me?" "Can't say I do, sir." "I met you at the club one day." "I'm n very poor hand at rememlerlng faces." "Why, that was the day I tipped ou ofT on the stock market." "So? Come to get myself together, our face does seem familiar!" "After which I borrowed $10 from rou." "Certainly. I remember you." "Aqd you promised that when next ve met you'd lend me another ten." "I'ardon me. I was mistaken in the 'nee!"?New York Sun. WORRIED HUSBANDSREAD THIS Gude's Pepto-Mangan Is the Best Tonic for Nervous, Tired-Out Wives Is your wife "all tired out" and rross and Irritable much of the time? Do the children "bother her to death" svery day, and do the ordinary houseiold tasks that she formerly per'ormed with ease' seem now to overtax i?r? lu other words, do you often :on>e home to a house of trouble Instead of a house of joy and happlne^t? If your answer is "yes" to these pointed questions, don't blame your wife until she has taken Gude's PeptoUangan with her meals for a few weeks. She is simply run-down and aervous and needs the kind of Iron that she will get In Gude's PeptoUungnn to give her more vitality and itrenffth. Kor thlrtv vears dnftiira tin va ecommended Gude's Pepto-Mangan 1 is a first-class building-up tonic. Sold >.v your druggist In both liquid and ablet form.?Advertisement. What Blue Flame Means. A steady blue flame Indicates perfect t onbustlon of gas, full heat and no 1 vnste, says the editor of Gas I^oglc 1 New York.) It shows that the * iroportlon of air anil gas fed to the r lurners Is such that every hit of hent a the gas Is being developed. A yel- e aw flame Indicates that a part of c he gas Is not being consumed and is I herefore being wasted. r DANDERINE j Stops Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautifies. J 85 cents buys a bottle of "Dander- j le" at any drug store. After one apllcatlon you can not find a particle f dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, very nalr shows new life, vigor, bright- f ess, more color and abundance.?Adertlsement. Ths "Strike" Is On. * The customer called the waiter. % There's a chunk of wood in my ? ausnge," said he. "I expect to be ' erved with the dog. but I'll be hanged 1 f I'll eat the kennel, too." r t MOTHER!CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH | CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP ' Even a sick cblld loves the "fruity*1 asle of "California Fig Syrup." If tha Ittle tongue is coated, or If your child s listless, cross, feverish, fujl of cold, H* has colic, give a teaspoonful t? deanse the liver and bowels. In a few lours you can see for yourself how :boroughly It works all the conatlpa* Jon poison, sour bile and waste out o' the bowels, nod you have a well, play, tal child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Pig Syrup" handy. ?hey know a teaipoonful today saves a sick child to narrow, nravnr angp rar genu- ? ne "California Fig Syrup" which haa ' llrectlona for babiea^and children o! ' ill ages printed on bottle. Mother! foo must aafc "California" or you may ret an Imitation tig syrup.?AdvertiseDODL ( . Cleenllnes^ may he next to godllnesi >n one side,\Nut It la next to Impoa Ible on the otW-r. \r-: --jr At. ' 1 Am VB .v-'--'.wi I-"'-" ^ - '.ilm * .M -f r * - * * * Sunday School ' LessonT [By REV. P. B. F1TZWATKK, O. D.. T?tch*r of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyright. leas. Western Newspaper Oilee LESSON FOR MARCH 26 REVIEW GOLDEN TEXT-The Lord U righteous In nil Hie ways, and holy In nil His works.?Psalm M6:1T. DEVOTIONAL READING?Paolxn 1*>. PRIMARY TOPIC?Kovorlte Btorles of the Quarter. JUNIOR TOPIC?Israel's Heroic Prophita INTERMEDIATE AND 8ENIOR TOPIC -Estimate of ElUaa. Ells ha. Jonah and trnos y YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC -Social Teachings of the Quarter's Lesr-ni ???; uiciuuu vi review win lurgeij >e determined by the taste of the eachera and the grade In the school oncerned. To the writer's taste, two food methods are avalluble: the biographical and the summary. In using he biographical, the lives of four p-eat prophets. Elijah, Ellsha, Jonah md Amos may be considered. These 'our men are connected with nearly ill the lessons of the quarter. This nethod can be used to good advantage n nearly all the grades of the school, in the summary method the principal 'act of euch lesson* with its leading esson should be set forth. This nethod can be used to good advantage n the adult departments. The followng Is a suggested summary: Lesson I. Rehoboam refused to jrant the request of the people for he lightening of the burdens of taxaion. Because of this ten tribes under he leadership of Jeroboam revolted ind formed another kingdom. The nost effective cure for social and Killtlcal unrest Is Justice by the rulers 0 those ruled. Lesson II. Elijah, after announcing :o Aluib the withholding 6f rain for 1 term of years, fled and was fed by he ravens and by the widow at 'jirephnth. God adapts himself to the Ircumstnnces of His servants, and sometimes In the most unlikely ways irovldes for His own. Lesson III. At the request of Elijah, Ihab called the people together to witless a supreme challenge of Baal vorshlp. Faith In God will stand the nost severe test. The flre of God Is he linflllllnc si en nhlrh rtlfforimtlntM rue from fulse religion. Lesson IV. Elijah, though brnve be'ore the 4.r>0 prophets of Baal, fled for ds life from Jezebel. God dealt most fently with his discouraged servant. >Ve should learn from this that freluently we fall In our strongest point. Lesson V. Nahoth refused to sell his rineyard to Ahuh, whereupon through rezebel's plot he was murdered, and lhab took possession. Nations and tings should respect the rights of Inllvidunls. Lesson VI. When Elijah's work was Inlshed, God look him to heaven by ? whirlwind. Elijah had once requested leath, but God had ? better why for lira to go to heaven than by way of leath. Lesson VII. The Shunammlte voman, seeing Ellsha passing by on rrrunds for God. was moved to proride a comfortable lodging for him. vhercupon Ellsha sought to recotniense her by promising that God would five her a child. Not Infrequently has he prophet's chamber brought blessng to the home. Lesson VIII. At the command of Clisha, Naaman dipped himself seven lmes In the Jordan and was healed >f leprosy. In order to be healed of he leprosy of sin, human pride and uhlty must be put away and obedience endered to God. Lesson IX. The king of Assyria sent i great army to apprehend Ellsha be ause he had repeatedly Informed the ting of Israel concerning the movenents of the Assyrian army. When he Lord opened the eyes of Ellsha's lervunt. he beheld the mountains tilled vlth horses and chariots of tire. "The ingel of the Lord encampeth round ibout them thut fear him, and deIvereth them." "Lord, open our eyes!" Lesson X. At the preaching of lonuh, the wicked city of Nineveh relented and God showed mercy. God's nercy and forgiveness should move is to preach the gospel to the heathen. Lesson XI. The children of Israel >rlded themselves in their security ind gnve themselves to luxury and lensual Indulgences. God sent Amos o warn them of the judgment which oust follow. The Lord will bring the ingodly to judgment for their ungodly Ivlng. Lesson XII. In due time the prophecy >f Amos came true. The Assyrians nme and carried the children of srael tnto captivity, from which they lever returned. Rejection of God and he despising of His worship will be ollowed with Judgment and destruclon. Praying. Some think that because SL Paul mid. "I would have men pray In every dace," It Is therefore unnecessary to pray In any particular place, but hat It suffices to Interlace our prayer *1111 ine real or our worus. And a rood thine it is to pray In nil placet*, tut that will not suffice us If we would mltnte Jesus Christ our Lord, and iractise thnt which His saints have lone In regurd to praydh For be thou veil assured that no man will l>? ahle vlth profit In every place unlgss first le have learnt to pray In a particular dace nnd to employ some space of line therein.?Juan de Avlla. Harken to the Vole# of God. In meditation let the person rouse dmself from things temporal, and let dm collect himself within himself? hn4 Is to say. within the very center if his soul, where lies Impressed the rery Inmge of God. Here let him lenrken to the voice of God as though ipeaklng to him from on high, yet iresent In his soul, as though there vere no other In the world save God ind himself.?San Pedro de Alcantara. Mockery. There Is no mockery like the mock* try of that spirit which looks around n the world npd believes that all la snptlneas.?F. H. Chapln. True Morality. To give n man u full knowledge of rue morality, 1 would send him to no rther book than the New Testament. -1/oeke. The Tax te Be Paid. Fear la the tat that coo science pays ? guilts?Sewell. t, ' .? w >*. |i COULD DO THAT, AT UAST Kx-Judgs LandiaP Advioo to Elderly Man Who Had Prot?tod Against Lengthy Prleon Term. In trying cases Judge Landls had a stale all his own. Of all men he hated a liar most and some of his best shafts of wit were directed at men ho caught lying on the stand. One of his best examples of ready wit occurred about twelve years ago, when he was sentencing a group of defendants for oleomargarine ."moonshlnlng." One defendant was a man past sixty years of age. "Your sentence," said the Judge pointing his finger at the old man, "will be five years." "Why?why, I can't serve that. Til ho Hon ft h iifnro I fo ,, exit ?? - >. - sentence like that." declared the old man. The judge leaned back "or a second, then a twinkle appeared In his eye. "Well," he said, leaning forward confidentially, "well, perhaps you cnn't, but uu the best you can, anyway." Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. It Is wonderful what Cutlcura will do for poor complexions, dnndruflf. Itching and red rough hands.?Advertisement. CHRISTMAS TIME FOR DOLLY After Small Maiden's Plea Few Daddies Could Have Refused to Buy Toys She Wanted. Little Lady Patricia walked down to the corner store with her dad. She carried her favorite doll and displayed all motherly pride and care. In the store there was a toy department not yet cleared of Its Yuletlde tappings. The little mother discovered a small red chair, a dnl! buggy and several other things that caught her youthful fancy. She demnnded that they be bought immediately. "Oh, no, Patsy, we mustn't do that," the dad protested. "Christmas Is over." Patsy thought a moment, then called her father to one side and whispered, quite confidentially. In his ear: "Sh-h-h-h! Not so loud, father. It's going to be dolly's Christmas and she mustn't hear us." Did she get tho toys? Uh- huh.?Indlannpolls News. Whom They Do. Orntor?"And speaking of work Voice From Hear?"landlords do the leased !"?Wayside Tales. B8|(Q|giJ | rjjpr" ^ I <in'I BMCt Copy of Wrappr. ^ sirups h chili Not Only For Chills BUT A FINE Gl IIWMMti rmt wtttm J Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. ldgz*a V Mjtrj T?k*cn Ct. , v \ . ' i ( # , * :<w ~ > J&1' ... ,.'v/ \ ^ * * v?' " ^ ??r*' * * ?I^H fLook-for Me Cross I and Circle H Printed in Red on Every Pa* I . J^lulm H Instead of Kalsom\ B Becauie only genuine Alabastine will give gj colon, which add ao much to the beauty BB Good decoraton uae Alabattine. Neatly K A?k your dealer or decorator to ahow yi CD Opaline Proceaa?the newert and moat || The Alabastii R? Grand Rap Must Have Been a Bostonian. An English teacher asked the class to write a sentence that meant the same thing as "A wink Is as good as a nod to a blind horse." Some answers were good and some were had. hut she nearly fainted when she read this one: "The closing of the right optic Is as sufficient as a rapid inclination of the cranium to a sightless quadruped." ?Exchange. Where Texas Draws the Line. Personally we claim that women have a right to smoke If they want to. but we would hate to see a housewife mnkiiur nles with n nine In li?>r ?Onlvestoti News. mm For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That j Genuine Castoria Always / , tears the /% ft iA*% In ! %/' Hse J> For Over Thirty Years 1AST0RIA | MK CCRTAUII COMPANY. NCW TOftlC CITY. r50xears^ SSS* i, Fever and Malaria lneral tonic i?? rm? * (it.. u?btiu?. ?i. 'v'yf m Cheste CIGARl of Turkish and Domett I M I J ^y U Jj H \J^ H Ufcw Cdi^* /> *^55^w II II ckage of Genome Alabastine n tstine I ine or Wall Paper H you thoie soft delicate, aituic Alabastine Hj of your home. H all stores selling paint* carry it in dock. EH mi sample* and explain the Alabastine- KM beautiful method of interior decoration. HE ie Company M Ida, Mich. E?3 So pifferent From Her Own. "1 do enjoy those films with children In 'em," remnrked it tired-looking little woman. "When the children rotnp around on the screen they don't make n particle of noise." AS SURE AS DAWN .BRINGS A NEW DAY 1*i an Will Break That Cbld and """fl fnoas Make Voi* FitTomorrtxr. coml QL, 01) W. H. M I ?_*_ CO., OKTNOIT. fl oj frAkKERS HAIR BALSAM f|ySjjgGy^JMRamoTc?Panariiff-8 topi Half Falling Rtttorn Color and U-MB Beaoty to Gray and Faded flair 60c. and $ 1.00 at Pnsjrcrltta. Was.falcb^nr.W.T.1 HINDERCORNS ?? I ounce, etc-, stops all pala, emurra comfort to t!ia feet, mtkrfl welklctr fas*. IBa by mall or at Drue* pitta, Bitoox Chemical Works, PatchoffM. M. X. ^J HacKett's Gape Cure IT'S A POWDER AND INFAL1JBLK The chick* Inhale the dust. Kills the worm as well as the Oerm?saves the chicks. MAKES POl'l.TRY RAINING BOTH PROFITABI.K AND PHEASANT Your money relumed If not satisfied. IIACKETT'N OAPE Cl'R? ln~ POSTPAID Stamps, Money Order or Coin. IIACKETT GAPE CUKE CO. Department II - lllUsboro, Md. Travel by Sea Norfolk to \ x BOSTON Wed. Sat 4:00 P. M. V BALTIMORE Mon. Thur. 4:00 P. M. Meals and Berth Included on Steamer. Through tickets from principal points. Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. A. E. Porter. O. A., Norfolk Health-Rest-Economy KOYN?tilK1.N. We have aomethlns to give you If you will send un your name and addreas today on n postal card, Thla la ao.ue. thins new. The gift la absolutely free to >ou. WIi.HON MANUFACTURING CO. T. O. Box 4-ld Atlanta, (la. WANTED?FRUIT TREE MACKS.MEN Good Business fur Hustlers Concord Nurseries. Dept. SOI. Concord, Go. KMXIll IIABKK A GOOD TONIC And Drives Molnrln Out of the System. "Your Hnbek' acts like magic; I have given It to numerous people In my parish who were suffering with chills, malaria and fever. I recommend It to those who are sufferers and In need of a good tonic."? Rev. S. Szymanowskl, St. Stephen's church Perth Amboy, N. J. Elixir Hnbek, all druggists or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewskl & Co., Washington, D. C. AMK VOI R GROCER OR DRUUOIST KOR "Caro Vet" livestock Remedies. Remedies for all common diseases; resu'ta guaranteed or money back. Wrlto for FREE Farmer's Veterinary Guide. It tells about treatment of livestock diseases. CAROLINA REMEDIES COMPANY. Box 352. UNION. S. C. We Mend by Insured Mall guaranteed heavily rubberised waterproof apron 27x36 Inches on receipt of 90 cents. Excelsior Waterproof Co.. 201* Amsterdam Ave., New Y'ork City. AGENTS 8KI.I, OKION CON'CKNTBATKD HAVOHINOH. Send 25c for sample. full slxo. and Aiirnry Proposition on more than 30 Guar* an'eeri Toilet Articles, etc. Make from S5 to SIS a day. The Orion Co.. Hetriavllle. N. t\ 11/antaH Young Men to Learn VftilllCU the BARBER TRADE Best college in the South. Write Charlotte RarKee rollern. Charlotte. N. C. W. M. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 13-1922! 7T A rfield STTES ic tobaccos?blended ** .