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YOUNG GIRL Mothers, watchyov Health b Prom the time a girl reaches the n of twalva until womanhood baatab I i shed, aba naads all the ear* a thoughtful-mother can give. The condition that the girl b than paasingthroughbao critical, and may have such tar-reaching effects upon her future happiness and health, that Itb alznoat criminal for a mother or guardian to Withhold counsel or advice. Many a woman has suffered yean of prolonged pain and misery through having been the victim of thoughtlessness or Ignorance oh the part of those who should have guided her through the dangers and difficulties that beset this period. . Mothers should teach their girls what danjger comes from standing urmiia wia ooia or wot toot, from lifting heavy articles, and from overworking. Do not let them over-study. If they complain of headache, pains In the back and lower limbs, they need a mother's thoughtful care ana sympathy. AHdnsehoIdWord in Mother's House writes Mrs. Lynd, about Lydia EL Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. "My mother gave me Lydia E. Pinkham'f Vegetable Compound when I was 14 years old for troubles girls often nave and for loss of weight. Then after I married I took the Vegetable Compound before each child ^as born and always when I felt the least run down. Both my Lydia E. Plnkham's Prlva Peculiar to Women" will be ser to the Lydia E. Pinkham Med This book contains valuable inf Spohn's i (Of ^0\ to break it up and It/a (I [7^^Pf 1)5| y?ara* u? boa m Cough* and Colda. \^\ AO/ compltcatlona, and vdeov BriiS/ Acta marvcloualy oOjSr SO cents and |1.20 BI'OHN MEDICAL rl Chill tonic5 Wards Off*Malaria and R . u?HwUkr??*u^u.?w? s p.jl Thedl BLACK-E | (Vege I Liver II , Her Opinion of Him. He?"I would rather have n mnn mil ine a knave than a fool." She? "Of course. It's the truth that hurts." DANDERINE M.ops Hair coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 85 cents buys a bottle of "Danderine" at any drug store. After one application you cau not And a particle ^ of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance.?Advertisement The half is better than the whole? if you are the one who lias to give up. - 111. Rt-iiri nun come nome* to roost liave more sense thnn some men. ' jpAVllS Msf WARNING! Say "Bayer Unless you see the name 4 not getting genuine Aspiri over 22 years and proved s Colds Head; Toothache Neurs Earache Lumt Accept only "Bayer" package 1 Bandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet*? aapirta is tke trade mark ot Barer Uaaaf } >. * S NEED CARE j Daughters' Health Happiness sister sod sister-in-law teles It sad have only the highest praise for it. It has been a household word in my mother's house for years." ? lira. Kathkbtn Ltnd, 2181 Gladys Are.. Chicago, I1L * A Little Book Helped Her t? Decide Milwaukee. Wis. ? "My daughter took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as she was so weak and did not feel like going to school She was like that for a whole year before taking your Vegetable Compound. I founds little book of yours in our mail-box and decided to give ner your medicine. She is now strong and well and attends school every day.v We recununena your vegetable Compound to all mothers with weak daughters. You may use this letter as a testimonial.Mrs. E. Klucznt, 917 20th Ave.. Milwaukee. Wis. "I was always feeling tired and sleepy, was losing in weight and woala faint at times. 1 had other troubles too, that made me feel badly. I read your little books and heard friends talk about the good LydiaE. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound had done them, so I have taken it too. The results are most satisfactory, for I have gained in weight and my bad symptoms are gone. I recommend your Vegetable Compound to all my friends and you may make whatever use you like of this letter."?Gloria Ramirez, 1116 9th Ave., Tampa, Florida. to Text-Book upon "Ailments it you free upon request. Write icine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts* ormatjion. ousts COUGHING? USE Distemper Compound i set them back In condition. Twenty-eight lade -8POHN'S" Indispensable In treating Influenza and Distemper with their resulting all diseases of the throat nose and lungs, as preventive; acta equally well as cure, per bottle. At all drug ftorea. fOMl'AVV tiOKItrv ivnuvi Not Only For Chills and Fever .But a Fine General Tonic estoret Strength. Try It, ArtWP^?*CW..L^Urgto.Kj. i ford's IRAUGHT table) ^ . ledicine j Explained. Hewitt?Cruel never takes a clgni T & v uun nun. Jewltt?Perhaps lie lins n craving for tobacco.?Houston Post. DYED HER BABY'S COAT, A SKIRT AND CURTAINS WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package -of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple any woman cai dye or tint her old, worn,' faded thing; new. Even if she has never dyed before she can nut a new, rich color into shabbj skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stockings sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings everything. Buy Diamond Dyes?no othei kind?then perfect home dyeing is guar anteed. Just tell your druggist whethei the material you wish to dye is wool 01 silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, 01 mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak spot, fade or run.?advertisement. 8ulpburous Language No Good. Tlu> furnace is patient and ion}; suffering. No matter how much thf householder may swear at it, the fur nace never gets hot Just for that.? Boston Trnnscrlpt. Important to Nrothoro Examine carefully every bottle ol CA8TORIA, that famous old reraedj ; for Infants and children, and see that ll Slgnatore of ' In Use for Over SO Yenra ' Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoric The hutter and the shoemaker rnnj not be divlnltlea, but they shape th? ends of men. >IRIN " when you buy Aspirin. "Bayer" on tablets, you art n prescribed by physicians tafe by millions for ache Rheumatism tlgia Neuritis >ago Pain, Pain which contains proper directions. -Also bottles of 24 and 100?Druggists, tetera of UoocscstlcscldMtsr of SsUcrUcadd , I HIS AWFUL HEIR ; '! " 1 By EDNA BARNM qOWWww^gWWIw^BWwPWUOWAwPWwAwii Ifik loM. uy MoCiar* ix?way*p?r ttyaUlo?t? . Silvester Pel am, la the parlance or Ola fellow-townsmen, was a rich old crab, lie sorely was rich, eveu as fortunes are reckoned nowadays; he was old. If one considers three score and IS as such. As to being a crab?well. It might be said that be walked backward, at least as far as his Ideas were coucerued. But everyone has one Inconsistency, and old Sylvester's pet bobby was tills Be was interested In chlrograpliy to the point of its being an obsession. He was forever having to explain to his acquaintances that chlrography was not the care of the feet, but a science by which one can read character In handwriting. Let l\lui get hold of a neighbor's writing, and he advertised 'the poor unfortunate's faults all over the town. Never did lie have uuything commendable to report. So far did old Syl's bobby possess 111 in that ruiuor bad It that ho had willed that Ills entire estate be used to establish an Institute to promulgate the truths of the science (as Interpreted by Sylvester i'elum) to the^jmd of dispersing a universal knowledge of chlrogruphy. Now, there wus none to dispute this will. His only son was deud?really dead?although to old Syl he had been dead from the moment he announced his intention of marrying Edltli Mel' vllle. She wus an actress. Old Syl wouldn't even see her. Thus, for 23 years, old Syl had heard of his son only twice?once recently when he died I uud on unother occasion when his wife died at the birth of their little son, Melville. Old Syl might have softened toward the child, had he not bden branded with his mother's name. He had almost forgotten the existence of "the brat," when out of a clear sky came a letter from the youngster, now aged twenty-one. It was an ordinary enough letter, typewritten on the letterhead of a well-known brokerage concern in New York. Melville was applying for a life Insurance policy nnd he wanted ' to know what his maternal grandmother died of. Old Syl might not have read the missive but lor the signature. Never had he run across such a specimen. It was clear-cut and bold, with Just enough slant to denote ambition, but with no trace of unpleasant aggressiveness. So he was interested In life insurance?more prudent than his lather, old Syl reflected. Old Syl went'to the phone. Finally came the report that Melville was not yet in. Old Syl retired to brood over the wonderful signature, assured by the operator that he would be summoned as soon us his "party" could be located. It was nearly 11:30. The "pnrty" was in a tawdry New York boarding house, leisurely attiring himself for the day. He emerged looking like nn advertisement for a haberdashery, whistling nonchalantly and feeling quite positive that his' lateness this morning would be the last straw. The manager would surely stand for no more. He was a rotten bookkeeper, anyway?lie was clever enough to know that. However, he didn't care. Something would \ turn up. Some: thing always did. The reason for today's lateness wns the usual one?up until all hours the night before dancing with Kathleen, the pearl of all womanhood. Kathleen talked to Pel-Mel frankly. > Let him get a decent income and she would consider matrimony. Pel-Mel l'elam's conjecture was i right; his doom was already sealed 8 when he reached oflice. The manager 'r was prepared to deal the blow. "Yes, sir " U'llH nil 1*4*1.Afnl hoH tn cow whnn > told Wis services would be dispensed 1 with. He hardly had a chance to realf iv.e he now belonged to the vast army r of unemployed when Boston colled f again. ? Pel-Mel emerged from the booth ten minutes later, warm- and dosed. The gist of it all was that his grandfather , ?his .mysterious old grandfather of , whom his parents had told him almost nothing?was arranging for flOO.OOO to be placed to his credit in a New York bank thnt very day. "Don't want you to have to wait till I'm dead to he glad you have a grandfather," Old 8yl had t explained. r A more curious person than Pel-Mel [ Pelam might have wondered at this ' sudden interest, but Pel-Mel's mind - was occupied only with the jingle of money. Why, $100,000 would buy ( Kathleen s conseJtt, with some change left over I Pel-Mel grabbed his hat and started to Kathleen. "Pel-Mel" was the right name for him, thought many a clerk, as he dashed through the office. The accommodating stenographer with the big, serious eyes, sat near the door. "O, Mr. Pelam." she called to him, and 'then she gave him a prosy roesMflA A. I? puic, nniuu/ ur* fill Ul nrr, Ml course, thought Pel-Mel. but why stop him. even for a moment? Couldn't she see he was In a hurry? All she had said to him was: "You wero gone last night when 1 finished that letter to your grandfather, so I Just signed It myself. I hope you don't mind?" In All Humility# "You sometimes discuss subject# you don't understand," remarked th? censorious friend. "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum; "but In all humility. I'm perfectly willing to keep the conversation going so that the other fellow will have a chance to explain 'em to ine." Ban Franklin's Parents. Henjnmln Franklin's father, Joslah Franklin, emigrated to America from England about 1685. Ills mother, a second wife, was the daughter of Peter Folger, a lending settler, noted for his philanthropy and tolerance. Aromatic Vinegar. Aromatic vinegar Is a solution ot the volatile dfls of cinnamon, Cloves lavender. Juniper, peppermint, lemoc a ad rosemary In alcohol, vinegar and water. It is used as a cooling lottos In headaches and fevers. a? xatT Mnx <s. o.) time StOVED UNIFOIII WTStNATKMUt Sunday School ? Lesson * TBt RKV P. B. KlTZWAlbM, D. D.. Teacher of English Bible Ilk the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyright, 1H1 Western Newspaper Union. LESSON FOR MARCH 5 JEHOVAH'S MERCY TO A HEATHEN CITY , LESSON TEXT?Jonah 9:1-4:11. GOLDEN TEXT?Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him: and to our God. for he will abundantly pardon.?lea. 66.-7. REFERENCE MATERIAL?lea. 66:?25; 49:6-7; Jonah 1:1-2:10; Mai. 1:10, 11; John 3:16. PRIMARY TOPIC?God 8ends Jonah on I Bfrtuhd. JUNIOR TOPIC?How God Spared a Wicked City. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC ?Janah'a Missionary Adventure. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC ?The Missionary Teaching of the Book of Jonah. " Thnt the book of Jonnh Is historical we believe for the following reasons: First, Its record und use In the ScrlptureS. That the* writers of the Bible Intended the Impression of Its historicity Is without the shadow of u doubt. The suggestion that it is u parable is absolutely gratuitous. Second, the unbroken testimony of tradition among the Jews is thnt it is historic. Third, the testimony of Jesus Christ (Matt. 12:39-41). The words of Jesus Christ are final. f. Jonah's Second Commission (vv. 1, 2). When called the first time to go to Nineveh, he found the tusk too great for him. For his i^ifnithfulness, he was chastised. He repented and God restored his commission^ The Lord said to him, "ITeacli the preaching that 1 bid thee" (v. 2). God knows how he wants His work done. Happy is the missionary, minister, Sundayschool teacher, who preaches God's Word Just as He gave it. II. Jonah's Preaching (vv. 3, 4). 1. His Held (v. 3). "Nineveh was an exceeding great city." Not only was the city large, but Its Inhabitants were noted for their cruelty. 2. His message (v. 4). "Yet forty days and Nlngveh shall be overthrown." This means that forty days were given by God for rcpcntuuce ere the Judgment would full. ' God Is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should repent (II L'et. 3:9). Though He Is merciful, yet there Is a limitation to It. He says, "Yet forty days." III. The Repentance of Nineveh (vv. 5-10). 1. They believed God (v. 5). They believed thnt God was speaking to them through the prophet about their sins and Impending judgment.' 2. They proclaimed a fnst (vv. 5-8). The king and people Joined sincerely in this movement. The call was for thera to turn away from their sins. Their penitence was genuine, for they not merely put on sackcloth, the visible sign of mourning, but they cried to God (v. 8). o. i ney reasoneu mat God would repent (v. 9). Though' they had no assurance that God would have mercy, yet they reasoned that the sending of a prophet nnd the giving of n tling before the fall of doom implied that God would be merciful If they repented. They were wise In so doing. We today know that God will have mercy If we repent (Acts 3:19). What utter folly to go on In sin in the face of the assurance thut God will Judge.5. God's mercy shown (v. 10). "God saw their works that they turned from their evil way." God's eye is omniscient. Wherever there Is a soul who Is turning from sin In penitence. He sees. No one has ever wept over sin unnoticed by God. God rejoices when a sinner repents (Luke 15:10). In the Book of Jonah we have portrayed the typical history of Israel: "1. Jonah was called to a world mission, nnd so was Tsrael. (2) Jonah at flrat refused compliance with the divine purpose and plan, and so did Israel. (3) Jonah was punished by being cast Into the sea, and so was Israel by being dispersed among the nations. (4) Jonah was not lost, but rather especially preserved during this part of his experience, and Israel is not being assimilated by the nations, but being kept for God. (5) Jonah, repentant and cast out by the flsh. Is restored to life and action again, and isrnei, repentnnt and cast out by the nations, shall be restored to her former national position. (6)# Jonah, obedient, goes upon his mission to Nineveh, and Israel obedient, shall ultimately engage In her original mission to the world. (7) Jonah Is successful In that his message Is acted upon to the salvation of Nineveh, so Israel shall be blessed In that she shall he used to the conversion of the whole world." ?Dr. Gray's Commentary. Th? Apostles Work Wonders. And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people. And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of *01611 and women. ?Acts 5:12-14. * Death In Life. f or we wmcn live nre always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death worketh in us. but life In you.?11 Corinthians 4:11-12. Bandits Shoot Express Messenger. Alamosa, Col.?Two masked men robbed the express car of an Eastbound Denver & Rio Grande Western train about two miles oast of here, shot Express Messenger Gomez when he resisted, and escaped.. Gomez is thought to be soriously wounded. Tbe amount of loot takon by the robbers is unknown. ?The bandits after shooting Gomez. hurriedly filled their arms with packages, pulled the bell rope, jumped off when the train slowed down, and disappeared. A posse started in pursuit. \ 8 ih^ts I VHT/1 & \H y I Sip iiii n f blending < colors wh fabric ?? I At a cost * IB B ANY good decora ffl paints can supr fi Tiffanized walls fore BIB Ilnsteac AD that b necessary is just A has been used in homes, apa durable, economical and artist With Alabastine, regularly ap| the Alahastine-Opaline-Proce Before decorating ask to see s The A1 To most people "the musses" means an Indistinct body which doesn't include them. the Man who looks VIGOROUS Good red blood is the only sure foundation of Permanent Health and Vigor. GruNl color, bright eyes, solid flesh, erect hearing are dependent upon rich red Mood. If your blood Is not up to j the mark yotfr general health can not j he. hate hours, eating the wrong foods, ; working ludoors, futigue, affect the j blood. So' many people eat well and i take exercise, yet never seem to Improve In health. Oude's Pepto-Mangan | taken regularly for a while gives the I blood that richness and redness that produces bounding health and vigor. . It Is a simple, natural way to get well t and strong. Oude's I'epto-Mangnn j comes In liquid or tablets?at your ; druggist's. Advertisement. A man of undecided opinions Is con- ! sldered fair game for arguers on both { sides of a controversy. SWAMP-ROUT FAR ? * ?%v V ? M VA% KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that real'y ! stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the | highest for the reason that it has proven ! to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in - most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if yon wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Advertisement. We niny put oft doing unpleasant duties, but we never forget them. Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Uggtti (w Mjirs Tobacco C#. % 0 , ( > trails) Harmonics never before imi >f tints and tones, a magic interw ich will transform your walls in urpassed in its charm and cheerful r ell within your means. lor can do the work?nearly >ly the material?anyone can lerly the exclusive privilege < I of Kalsomine or Wall labastine, the same nationally accepted w. rtments, offices and public buildings of all ic wall coating sold by the best stores and plied you get the exact color to match your ss you obtain a combination of colors m< iamplcs of the Alabastine-Opaline- Process. labastine Cor Grand Rapids, Michigan nmn He'd Have to Be. Pluhb?What do you calJ a mail who has three wives?" Dublr?A millionaire !?Life. Cuticura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum, and you have the ^Cuticura Toilet Trio.?Advertisement, i Wider Field Necessary. He (rejected)?"Well, you may go farther and fare worse." Sin-?"Yes; It can't be done around here." Rats in the Cellar, Mice in the Pantrv. Cockroaches in the Kitchen What can be more disagreeable than a home infested with pests? Destroy them I with Stearns' Electric Paste, the standard exterminator for more than 43 years. Kill rats, mice, cockroaches, watcrbugs J or ants in a single night. Docs not blow j away like powders; ready for use: better ! than traps. Directions in 15 languages in j | every box. Order from your dealer. I 2 or. sice 35c. 15 oz. she $1.50. Che&e CIGAR] of Turkish and Domes / \ t iginedl A earing of to | rich ^BB acta?and ^^B all stores dealing in B now afford to have B >f the very wealthy. H m I Paper 8 aD vtint which for forty yean I kinds ? the same sanitary, j^R used by the best decorators. H ' rugs and draperies. Through ^Hj Mtapleasing and satisfactory. HR npany 1 i BtUiHBB lat you farmer* do is too lothes made out of Stifel's i. Jumpers and Work Clothee ? cloth last longer, wash bettheir "looks.' [et it. Look for this boot shaped tnped on the back of the cloth. | ents sold by dealers everywhere-? re makers of the cloth only. J. L. STIFEL & SONS Indigo Dyers and Printers \ ^ Wheeling. W. V?. 260 Church St.. New York. N. Y. I RHEUMATISM I | Tskn niivrw ? - _ uvionvavrt vu muiuTO IDOCaaiO ^ und driTo the poison from the system. I 'Ullklm iUK OX TIIK IRIIOB y PLTU ItMSl B1TIMB OR TUB 0CTB1DB" ? At All DniRRliU I Jbs. Bailjr k Son, Wholesale Distribntors ANOl S CA l' have ionic very promising Angus heller* ami bulla lor Hale, aired by our ii.600 pound bull. Ten culvea from crub cowm Hired by a Sunford A Illch Annua bull are worth nnounh more than common calven to pay for one of our bulla. Practlrully all half breed Annus are hornless and black like their father. If Interested lit starting a pure bred herd or raising market topping beef cattle from common cows, writs us Our herd won all the Championships and moat of the tlrat prises at the Stats Fairs of N C.. S. C. and Oeorgla. 9ANFORD A RICH. R F r>. No 9. Moeksvlllo. N. C. Local Agents Wanted. to sell a High Clalb fully guaranteed stapls line of Sllverwars direct from factory to unern. Investment of $9.00 for samples required which will be refunded upon the return of samples to I.ynchburg office. Live agents make big money. Credit given for repeat orders. Write for further particulars to VIRGINIA MLVKRWAKE COMPANY Wall Hulldlng Lynchburg, Vs. W. N, U., CHARLOTTF, NO. 9--192? \ . I - rfield .1 ETTE S tic tobaccos?blended f / / ? J tr