University of South Carolina Libraries
S >' ; - s * ?&*?' * ir' ^ T0W^.'. cutuV home fr'onr aim Lee university 1Sfc;Stav "jf W.'V'ijryeh^jeft . /* tVik knnnt tiwiutnng nf tlio BaaJ . tirt hospital, of which he Is a mvtnWr. II. J. Massey. Osmond Barber. F M. Mack and A. O. Jones. Jr., Sunday were elected elders of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, following the regular morning Service of the church. The Fort Mill Baptist Sunday school contributed Sunday $25 to the building fund of the Rescue orphan ge in Columbia whose main building was destroyed by fife a feW* weeks ago. The Methodists of South Carolina are planning to care for a considerably enlarged number of , children at Epworth orphanage. Columbia, by the erection of an additional dormitory, for which the contract was let a few davs eco according to the Rev. W. R. Bouknight of Fort Mill, member _r xi 1 .1 _ ? _ .r ,i.( ox tfit* uouro ni ihishcn oi i in- institution. The lost of th?' essays written on "Washington as a Soldier" bv pnnils of be 10 public so boots in the Fort Mill section ami ontpped in the contest of tin First National be Ilk Avere received bv ''?> iudjces Saturday. As soon as.the judges have completed their Avork of -cradinf* the.*^?pers announcement will be made of the winners of the 10 cash prizes offered by the hank. Douglass Nims. local baseball player, has signed a contract wbli the Charlotte team of the South Atlantic league and expects toreport for spring practice the latter part of March. During the 19'JI season he played in the onKfield for Fort Mill and made a record that attracted the attention of the managers of both the Charlotte and Columbia teams. Complaint was made last ni?rlit to Mayor A. C. I'.vtle that a virions bulldog vestenlav afternoon had attacked a small negro bov iti the Spaattville section of town and'tore the principal pert of the Nothing from bis body/ The owner of the dog is said to have stated that ho wonhl destroy it. town ordinance makes it an offense to allow vicious dogs to run at lrirge without being muzzled. Word was received in Fort Mill a flw days ago of the marriage in Columbia last Thursday of S. 1 j. Garrison of Fort Mill and Miss Amy Garrison of Charlotte. N. C Af T* (1 nil AT I'O n OlMMUAII 0 1*<1 II All' on ft bridal trip to Charleston. Mr. Garrison is a well known eiti 7.en of Fort Mill and both ho and Mrs. Garrison have many -friend* here who will be interested in the announcement of their marriage. T. N. Alexander, well known ^ \ Confederate veteran \Vhose bono ir bu the Steel Creek section ol 1 Mecklenburg county. X. C.. was a visitor in Fort Mill this morn _ing. Mr. Alexander served in tin 6th South Carolina regiment during the War Between the States and received a severe wound fron which he has never entirely re covered. Although advanced in yearn. Mr. Alexander's general health is {rood. Handy White, JM. negro farmei who lives on the Pleasant Vylle.v road near town, was stricken wit I: paralysis Sunday morning whih teaching a Sunday school class at Bethlehem Baptist church and u| to this morning his condition had been so serious that the doctoi advised against mo/nig him to his home. Handy is one of tin leaders of his church and has tin confidence of both the white and colored people of the community An enjoyable social event >1 the season was an informal damn given by the American Legion club in its club"rooms last Friduj ovAiuntv A Iowoa "1 V?1 it 111! -1 I I I I I I I I H ' I' (II young people were present for the pleasures of the evening Arr\ong the out-of-town guest t werp: Misses Margaret Kainey Hattie Belk and Virginia Barbel * from Winthrop college ami Misse> Alexandria Link. Klizaboth dame; and Mary Turner of l'ineville N 0. Musie was furnished hv the Legion ftlub's "Famous 1'lay era." Refreshments were served Carnival Companies Outlawed. Citifcens of Fort Mill who dt not object to carnival eotupanie) visiting the town will br displeas ed to learn that the Legislator* , bus just passed, a hill which i? now awaiting the signature of tin governor making it an of fens* .punishable by a heavy fine or im prisonment for such companies t< put on their exhibitions anvwhen hi the Stute outside fair gronnds and there only during fair.weeks No carnival company to whiel games of eltanee or gambling de vices of any kind are .attache* are th be allowed in the State a aay time. The bill was introduce* . B- by Representative Blease of New Riding a hobby is alt right un Bp lesa you expect to get somewhere ;| W *3. F.O.B. D NEW! vYou have nevei i opportunity of s motor car vali price. Take a< opportunity and now when y< prompt delivery Terms if desirec l Heath Mot . . FORT Ml | The Mod j of Ca 1 | I have accepted the local ag ' | CANNING OUTFIT to be t i % It seals, opens, reflanges an< ? cans without solder or acic ; % can operate it. : I I :j Wm. S ' FURN1 BARC We are offering a number i ' slightly used FURNITURE worked over and is in abou ; inally was. I We also have other househ* Machines. Rancres. etc. at t B. C. FEF PHOl I 4 / McNinch Verdict Upheld. j The . supreme court of North . Carolina Inst Thursday upheld ? the verdict of the superior court ' for Mcckleiilmrg county award* ing $20,444 to S. S. McNinch in j;u damage suit he brought for . ! $100,000 several months ago I 1 against the American Trust comI I puny of Charlotte,, in which he j claimed that the trust company had sold at a sacrifice ami in violation of an agreement he had with it the plant of the Charlotte - BricK company, located near fc\>rt . Mill, and other property in Char , ' * 4 . y y .V *' ' - - ? .. - ' . < ' 'r \ III 48 ETROIT I PRICE : before had the ecuring as much le at so low a ivantage of this 1 place your order du can obtain L ' ' or Comp'y ILL, S. C. \ ( | lern Way j! nning ency for the best and simplest < * j i 1 lubiwueu miywnere. I d reaeals both pint and quart 1 I, and is s3 simple that a child + ? < > > i < * i. BELK <? ? 11 (> < < [TURE JAINS of UNUSUAL BARGAINS in , whiqh has been thoroughly t as good condition as it orig Did articles, including Sewing ittractive prico ' fcGUSON NE 29 I lotto. Tlio trust company Inn I a mortgage <>n Mr. McNinoh's property and foreclosed on the brick plant under ail order of the York county court. The case was tried in Charlotte ami consumed several weeks. A number of Fort Mill citi/cns were called to the stand, some for and others against the plaintiff. Cane Seed?We will thresh cane seed 011 March 14 and 15 at home of J. /. Bailes in Pleasant Valley. J. Z. and S. E. Bailes. ' "lv i -: V' '< '" '; ? . ' A?".. nn romt mpj. <a. o.) to IN ME3IOBIAM , On the ev?Dlnf of February 19 the Death Ansel came and put Uttl* Arthur Paul Jackaon. Jr.. eon of lir. and Mrs. A. P. Jackson, to sleep, and carried his little spirit hack to Heaven. The body wis laid to rest in presence of many sorrowing friends and relatives In Belalr cemetery. Jesus said, puffer little children to come unto me. and forbid them nor, for of such Is the Kingdom of Heaven. Idttle form so cold and still. Brow of almost marble hue. Flowers of violets In. the waxen hands, Baby, Baby. It. Is you. If we call no answer beams In the eyes of heavenly blue. All so strangely, sadly quiet. Little brother It Is you. Down In the grove all covered with flowers. Hidden from our loving view. Lies a lonely waxet} image, | Baby, darling, it Is you. Up to Heaven a little soul hastened As It bade us all adieu. Mid the shining hosts we sre him: Little brother It Is you. v *> Father, keep our angel baby Ever, in your loving view. Till he once more hears us saying. Arthur, darling, this Is you. Mrs. J. R. Hope. Economize! Se$ the new OxFords, Strap Pumps and Keds at new prices at Massey's. We still j have a few Winter Shoes at half ; price* Eggs for Sale?Purebred Rhode Island Red Eggs, setting of 15 $1. Phone J. W. Hall. Fort Mill, S. C. < __ I O.^ - ?1 j^uiiuiiiinr; ofc i in* new ^uuua at new prices at Massey's. Yard vide ginghams 121-2c; AmosI heap 32 inch Ginphams 20c. "I Lost^fly Best Customers Thru Rats, ' Writes J. Ammo lis. "Used to*have the busiest Restaurant yi town until news spread that the kitchen was infested with rats: lost a lot of my best customers until 'I tried RATSNA 1'. Haven't a pest in the j place now. Restaurants should use RAT-SNAP." Three 135c. tific, $1.25. Sold by Lytic | l)rnj? Co. and Hutchinson's Phari niacy. Economize! Save about half vou^ money on Watches. Clocks, j .Jewelry/ Silvcrwars. Cut Glass and China at Massey's. i . 1 Kconomiztg-L. Get Massey's prices on Phonographs. N cw Home New in j? Machines and Pianos, and save money for a rainy day. ^ t j CARC <? ? t <? <? :: POULTRY TONI t ?| ? t Develops pullets ii ;; Keeps poultry hea fast growth in ?; Buy a package toe absolute guarai | Hutchinson PHO i' ?? . i ? ? ? l Always' You will always f Stor*e the freshest thing in GROCEI We are in businei get rich in a day, and are satisfied profit. BRADFO HALL STREET , I ' ! ! When Your Farm Stock is Sick, Look for Rats. Disease among farm animals don't just happen* Rats are carriers of dangerous plagues?hog cholera, foot and mouth disease ami that terrible of all scourges? Bubonic plague. Farmers should throw around premises RATSNAP. It's sure and safe. Three sizes, 35c, 6uc, $1.25. Sold by Lytic Drug Co. 'and Hutchinson's ' Pharmacy. White Wyandotte Egga for sale; $1 per 15 at the farm, $1.50 per 15 delit ered. S. .E Bailes. / * KK8 ~ THE INF a bank exerts and developing community is r numper and c people it serves Tl 1 XT i nis strong INa der the direct si United States ( been in success the last dozen y iness has growi ceeding year ur serving hundre efficiently and Are you one of First Nati i I Capital and Surplus Resources . ONE-HA1 ! If you have anything to sell, I pui chaser at veiy small coit. Z ^ \TT?^T I j , y ii/1 | M < o o o C makes liens lay, ;; a to early layers, :: ftlthy and produces young ehiekens. t lay?Sold under an itee by | 's Pharmacy NE 91 j \ The Best md in stock at this and best of everyWES. ss not fxpecting to a week or a month with a modest RD & CO. PHONE 113 LISTEN! linker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't ?lo it at the expanse of serviee. Hair Cut *. 25c Shampooing./plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain .*. 25c Come ami-see us. We will save you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. / ' ' v. * ' v*\; T # ' ' % "'r ** = \ V" ' "* } * ' # ' ' 1 / LUENCE /* # on the industry int of its home neasured by the haracter of the tional Bank, unjpervision of the Government, has ful operation for ears, and its busri with each sucltil today we are ds of depositors well. the number? ional Bank j I $50,1)00.00 .F MILLION DOLLARS ! The Times will help jou find a I . I TRAVl I GO( I * If I I We are pleased to rival of shipments $ \ TRUNKS, SI | and B f of the famous Stew ? fk a rtfirko f inui gups U1C cell III I A style to please e * A price to suit eve l . - , I I ?1 T I YOUNGS * The Furnit Old newspapers for sal aanaaaaanoBM g Indigestion g D Uur persons, otherwise B fl TtsoTon and healthy, art B Q bothered occasionally with H g Indigestion. The effects of a M q disordered etomach oa the 5? gg system are dangereas, and gg 2 prompt treatment of Indices- B Q tlon Is important. "The only B n medicine i have needed has M JJ been something to aid dlgee- gg O tlon and clean the llrer,"* Q ? writes Mr. Fred Ashby,- a an ** McKinney, Texas, farmer, gg B "My medicine is B 5 Bedford's " BLACK-DRAUGHT n mr laaigrauon ana nonien H J2 trouble of any kind. I hay* 5J B never found anything that B Q touches thft spot, like Black- M m Draught. I take It In broken S B doses after meals. For a Ions B Q time I tried pllla, which grip- tj Bed and didn't give the good M results. Black-Draught liver B Q medicine Is easy to take, easy Q mm to keep, inexpensive." ? n Get a package from your 5J B druggist today?Ask for and B M insist upon Thedford's?the D B only genuine. Q B Got it today. Q SSniinnnDaanaD 666 Will break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneumonia. DR. T. O. GRIGG DENTIST Office Next to That of C. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. Telephone Connections. > (>(>(> is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaCirippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know ELING 'v r^\ 1 J 1 | ^ j announce the ar- | of new models in ? LJIT CASES I AGS I art line?"the line | I i l* o < > verybody, <> ry pocketbook. | * > i: < > < > WOLFE 1 < > ure Men. < < . le?The Times office.