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i iii i i riirmTfinriT^nrTXsm rffi * ... .. . ^. - * ? v NEWS ABOUT TOWN. Mr. and Mr*. Zenas C. Grier of Greenville were guests of Mr. and ? Mr*. R. F. Grier during tke past week. Mrs. Augusta Culp spent several days last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. G. Moffat t, in Chester. Mrs. T. B. Speed and Miss Thelma Ott of Abbeville were, guests this week of their parents. l)r. and Mrs. A. L. Ott. Miss Eleanor Armstrong enterl tamed <25 of her friends ut a vul * eotine party at her home lust Tuesday evening. Following a v series of games, refreshments were served. N ^ Miss Louis Howie of Waynesville, N. C., a teaelier in the publie schools of Kunnapolis, N. C., was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Boyd. The Rev. W. H. Bouknight left this morning for Columbia to at.1 a ~.'A - * 11 ' icuu iuvm v u meeting oi I Hi* I board of trustees of lip worth or- ! henage, of wliicii lie is a member. The Senior Buptist Young People'A social given in the Bereah room of the Fort Mill Baptist ' church Tuesday evening was the! occasion of much merriment for i .those present. After a number of games were pluyed, following a ' brief weekly program, refresh- : ments were served. Mysterious notes signed "K. lv. K." leading to the belief that the Ku Klux Klan is operating in . Fort Mill, Sunday night were left , at the homes of four young men j living in the upper section of the j town, in the" notes the young men were warned to find jobs and get to work or leave town. With each note was a bundle ot switches tied together with a piece of cloth besmeared with what uppeared to be blood. The Junior Baptist Young l'eo pie's union gave a valentine parly in the Berean room of the Baptist church last Tuesday evening from 7:i!0 to 10 o'clock. There were about 50 in attendance, including the members of the union, their guests and the leaders. A j number of gumes were played uiul refreshments were served. A feature of the entertainment was I a valentine postolliee, from which everyone present received one or 'more valentines. B. Henry Massoy Dead. Buckuer Henry Mnssey, well known and highly'esteemed citizen of Fort Mill, uted at ins home Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. k Although he huu been in deoliu*"-?ing heuith for about two years,' Mr. Mnssey's dia'h was unexpecied up to a few hours before tincad came. 11c hud been confined | to his room only a few days and . the seriousness nl' hi* illness w,is I not realized until lute Su,urdu.>\ aitcrnoon. . x Mr. Mussey was born in Lam aster county 011 October 2j, iSt/, and was therefore in his year. He moved to Fort Mill about 35 years ugo from his frrtu in the Waxhuw^neighborhood of Lancaster county and had since lived here, in 1833 he was appointed postmaster of Fort Mill ' by President Cleveland ami continued to hold the office from mat time until the infirmities o! age forced him to resign in .Inn \ Hlidd During all the 2i years he was postmaster of the town. Mr. Mussey perfomed faithful service to the government ami the pat reus of the office. lie was frequently commended by post office inspectors for the methodical and painstaking way in which he perform- i ed his duties. Mr. Massey was a ('onfcderate veteran* having responded to the call sent out from Richmond late in the l'all of 1 Ht?4 to the young nien of the South, lie was in the army only a few months, however, imd did not have the opportunity to participate in any of the major engagements of the war. Mr. Massey was a member of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, to which he transferred his membership when he moved here more than a third of a century ago. Speaking of him yesterday, one of his old friends remarked that per- j hups no man who ever lived in | Fort Mill, trod the path of duly | to his Maker and to his fellowman more unswervingly than Mr. Massey. Besides his widow, Mr. Massey is survived by two sons, the Kev. J. B. Massey, 1). I)., of HainpdenSvdnev eolletre. Ym._ mid S. Ku gene Massey, M. 1)., of Martinsville, Va., ami two daughters. Miss Bertha Massey ami Miss Kstelle Massey of Fort Mill. The funeral services were conduct oil at the Presbyterian church this morning at 11 o'clock by his pastor, the Rev. K. li. Visor, and :\\ interment was in the eity eeine* [ tery. As a mark of respect for the memory of Mr. Massey. a i number of the business houses of the town were closed (hiring the ; funeral. Economize! See the new Ox-1 Fords, Strap Pumps and Keds at new prices at Massey's. We still have a few Winter Shoes at half price. Economist Get Massey's pri- j ces on Phonographs, N ew Home | Sewing Machines and Pianos, and I save money for a rainy day, 1 ??I I Attention | I offer Fertilize t lows: \ 8-4-4.. ? 8-3-3-? t 8-2-2- ? I .8-2 1-2 1 ? ; 10-2-2 ; 8-3-0? |? 16 per cent. Acid... 'it Kainit ^ t Potash 'j Nitrate Soda 4 / C. S. Meal jt Let me have your orders. I * J. B. N I * A ! Get Yoi T v ; ! Tubes and i % \ Accessor; 1 Gulp B i ^ . I Come in a | Our Automai :> r-vn U t i noes. * ! Teleohf Y * I > *: +?* * > > > 4 * * * > .> OOOOOOOOOOOOCK I TT^ 1 r O -? *? 6 I U1U5UI1 O 0 Former Price $6i At this price the FORD SON jx horse ar.d docs four times as ^ lands of pulley work. FORD CAES FOR SALE ai >?. pair work. 1 HEATHM ooo<x)ocoooooo< ? ?????? i FURNI ir% a 15/\.KVj \ * " Wc are offering a number o slightly used FURNITURE, worked over and is in about inally was. Wo also have other househol Machines, Ranges, etc., at at / B. C. FER PHON \ FOR i SEED OATS?Burt, Fulghur CLOVERS:?Red, White and GRASSES?Bermuda, Carpet These are leaders for permanent p Nebraska, grown ALFALFA ? Lime Sulphur Spraying Matei NITRATE OF SODA at a bij Digester Hog Tankage?its gr Buttermilk Laying Mash malArmour's Mixed Fertiliser, i Sec us. Cabbage Plants, Onion Sets Seed Irish Potatoes at an &tt GARRISON-FA! West Main Street ? 't 1 ' '(.*? ' ' \ ' " 1 " "?" ___ ' ? ' ' , Farmers j < r for cash as fol- < < 4 < -s~ $30.00 3 ? 36.75 ? | - - 22.75 \ ? 24.00 ] - 24.00 \ 25.00 j 14.75' \ ---- 14.00 < 42.00 ' - 53.00 * | 38.00 \ ] /III V C 11JUJUO 2 < 4 <5 ir Tires j \utomobiIe j ies from - j rothers j ind Look at 1 I :ically Sealed j me 15 \ i 4 >OQO^ rractors? 25, Now $395 C is as cheap as a mtue or X much farm work, besides all -f y id we specialise iu Ford re- /> OTOR CO. c >ooooooooooocx TURE X I -A1NS f UNUSUAL BARGAINS in which has been thoroughly as good condition as it origLd articles, including Sewing tractive price 1GUSON E 29 SALE n, Appier and Turr. Japan. , Red Top and Italian Rye. lastures. >EED. ial and Pumps, r saving to you eat. :es 'em lay. ^cid, Kainit, Etc., on easy terms. and Oarden Seed in bulk, ractive price. R1S SEED CO. BOOK HILL, S. 0. I fHB FOOT MILL (8. 0.) TI AN ORDINANCE [Regulating the Keeping of Hogt hud Pigs Within the Oorporeti Limits of the Town of Tort Id end Providing for e Penalty foi the Violation Thereof. | Lb it Ordained by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town ol Fort Mill, S. V., m Council As J seinbled, and by Authority ol the Same: I Section 1. That after the pass > age of this Ordinance it shall b? > unlawful for any person or cor ? poration to keep or maintain a * hog or hogs or pig or pigs within > the corporate limits of the town . of Fort Mill, unless the same bt T kept aiul maintained in pens 01 > lots under the conditions set fortli > in the following sections. |> Sec. 2. Every pen must be ol > such size and dimensions as tc > contain at least 60 square feet foi * each hog or pig kept therein. < Sec. 3.-Every such pen or lot > must be located at least 75 feet I from the nearest part of an> > dwelling. Sec. 4. Every such pen shall be floored with proper material and shall be sloping from one end tc the other in order that it may > drain properly. The upper end thereof shall be not less than 'J feet from the ground, and the lower end not less than 6 inches iroin the ground. See. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep or maintain such pen or lot unless the same be kept sanitary and in such condition that it will not I give out offensive or disagreeable ; odors to the discomfort of any in> habitant of the town. See. G. Any person violating the terms of this ordinance ahull be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 or by imprisonment for not less than /ten days for each offense. l>one and ratified in Council assembled this 14th day of February, 1922. ARTHUR C. LYTLE. Mayor. Attest:? ; C. S. LINK, Clerk. Kub-My-Tism antiseptic : and pain killer, for ' infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia rheu' inatisni. o ! t CAR( ' * ' I POULTRY TON I 1 % * i i Develops pullets i ) | Keeps poultry he; > | fust growth in > | Buy a package toi > | absolute guarai ; | Hutchinson IPHC Always You will always f Store the freshest thing in GROCE1 We are in busine; get rich in a day, and are satisfied profit. M BRADFO HALL STREET When Your Farm Stock is Sick, Look for. Rats. Disease anions farm animals don't just happen. Rats.are carriers of dangerous plagues?hog cholera, foot and inouth disease and thut terrible of all scourge's? Bubonic plague. Farmers should throw around premises RATSNAP. It's sure and safe. Three sizes. 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytic Drug Co. and Hutchinson's Pharmacy. White Wyandotte Egg* for sale; $1 per 15 at the farm, $1.50 per 15 delivered. S. .E Barles. Jrf 'i HB I o . ' , s '. S?' / I ESSAYC : . < i "Washingto r \ :i , tor which we an prizes to as marvj lie schools of this a gratifying amou among the pupils As soon as possit closes on Februa will announce the test and The Tim names of the sue and one or more * First Nati Capital and Surplus Resources . ONE-HA] ?? .. If you have anything to sell, purchaser at very small coat. ) VET i > it C makes hens lay, | uto early layers, | althy and produces | young chickens. | lay?Sold under an $ utee by j 's Pharmacy >NE 91 | The Best ind in stock at this and best of every*IES. ss not expecting to a week or a month with a modest I RD & CO. PHONE 113 LISTEN! linker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. tluir Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c i Tonic 25c i Shave 15c Massage, plain 25e Come and see us. We will savtyou raouey und send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. V _ \ . >> ' ^ ^.. v A ** ^ ? V UR :ONTEST )N n a Soldier" m m A. 1 5 offering 16 cash < r pupils in the pub- ? section is attracting " mt of interest both t J; and teachers. ?? M >le after the contest ? ry 22 the judg es I Jj : result of the con- es will publish the xessful contestants v of the best essavs. !? ft VI tonal Bank oi $50,000.00 LF MILLION DOLLARS G c - G , The Times will help you find a y " 1 # t I ODD FUR I | I Regardless ol | quisitely youi furnished, we * fk tilCIC 12> II1I Furniture you advantage. t I Our stock i: | plenished evei ; shipmehts of r > ti * * ??> I and durable r I We shall be | ; show you th I stock. I YOUNG & The Furnitur ? - . t Old newspapers for sale ' fjs x "a 7-JsR VEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RIM-NWI liimi Liijr S<wi QUI Ska Triri CvUL?S?j? "iMdt Wu Serpruiaf."?Gat Alaag Fom, Beau? Nataal ud Haakkj. arlngfilld Mo.?-My back was M oak I could hardly stand up, I oald hare bearlng-dowa pal? nl ? not well at any time," eaya Mm. . V. Williams. wife of a well-known inner on Ronte 8, this plaoe. "I spt getting headaches and ha ring tS > to bed," continues Mrs. WSQlams escribing the troubles fxusa aklefe is obtained relief through the use el arduL "My husband, haying hetsd ! Cardul, proposed getting It fur me. "I saw after taking some Cards! . . that I wu Irv? ma surprising. I felt like a different irsoa. "Later I suffered from weafcaaM id weak back, and felt all run-down, did not rest well at night, I was so irrous and cross. Mr husband said would get me some Cardai, which 6 did. It strengthened me . . . Mr jctor said I got along tine. I was la >od healthy condition. I cannot ty too much for it." Thousands of women hare suffered i Mrs. Williams describee, until they tund relief from the use of OartaL lnce it haB helped so many, yeu iould not hesitate to try Oardli if oubled with womanly ailments. For sale everywhere. hi) 666 /ill break a Cold, Fever nd Grippe quicker than nything we know, preenting pneumonia. DR. T. O. GRIGG DENTIST Tlce Next to That of C. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. Telenhone Connections. 66 is a prescription for olds, Fever and Larippe. It's the most >eedy remedy we know - < L i i > ? > I y ____ < NITUREI < f how ex- ;> < > * > r home is | < > < > 5 feel sure ! < > < > e piece of I can use to I s being re- | y day with | lew, stylish I urniture. ;; < > i > i : pleased to i 1 I! rough our | 4 4 4 WOLFE | e Men. | ????? ?The Times oftiee.