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; jM^SaiiTii^^^Tr: ^8bBk PfifeiSfofr JV*I ||j^ ^ I KColds Heads Toothache Neura Earache Lumb only "Bayer" package i "Btyw" boxes of 12 tablet*? * thrta* matk ot Beyer Maasti Jake|f as Tdblcts" The Build Firm "Stay-There" If you want toquiekly elean your skip Aesb on your bones, increase your ncrv< per sent, better, simply try taking two of With each meal and watch the results. Mestin'a VITAMON g&TiBTOl IVlJaia MVttaln MaMtAwiaawim. J tad yeaat-yitaxnlnea u" wall aa / ; tha two other still mora impor- /.' taat vitamines (Fat aolubla A A . and Water soluble C) and are now being used by thousands. \w, They positively will not upset / ^ tha stomach or cause gee, but. / S on tha contrary, arc a great aid Uy V g.ap to digestion, to overcome oonatination and as a general oondi- AT fioner of the whole system. Pirn- JK pies, boils and skin eruptions - * seem to vanish like magic, the Veomplexion becomes fresh and ^ dear, the oheeks glow with ruddy health, the flesh becomes firm, the eyes bright. Mastin'a VITAM0n Tablets are poaitivdy guaranteed to give you new health, energy ana ambition and improve your appearance. Do Or w Bl' not accept imitations or substi- / mott tutea.' You can gat Mastin'a CS VITAMON Tablets from any ct^d' flood druggist. wUjMTMSgr' Know everything about something and something about everything. I? . f Cutiourt Comforts Baby's Skin "When red, rough and itching, by hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of . Cuticura Ointment. Also make use now and then of that exquisitely scented dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one Bp of thie indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio.?Advertisement. v,\ ? ? ' CleanInq Paper. , Orease or fluger marks on books or papers may be removed by the follow, ing process: Make n thick paste by thoroughly grinding tip a .ponnful of J magnesium carbonate with a sufficient quantity of benzol in a cup or mortar, and apply a small quantity of this paste to the finger-marks, rubbing it in lightly with the tip of the finger. The benzol Vlll exaporato In a few momenta,' when the puper should be HgS brushed with a clean, soft brush. If tb? first application Is not suflicient, ... repeat the operation. Experiment ou 'e piece of waste paper before working MKiVzZ* . ... - i .ob anytmng you value. Decided. "Jones and 1 have made a bet, and you are to settle It. I say thai" JSWtiat are the terms-of the wager?" "Ob. the loser Is to buy a good dinner for the three of us. 1 claim that?. -Nemmlne that. I tnever knew Jones 40 pay a b?4. Xou lose."?Judge. Top never e?n tell. Some men turn I out to t>e food husbands, others are [ merely ex-hnclielorw. ,* - ? " M. H ffl * TSo secret of a "bola 9 containing an the elenr I nutrition These element ffl the tissues; starch and t H fat to supply heat; and i I the materia) necessary ft kg and tooth and bone stni A y*\ -9 Grape-Huts, the nc K '' "'* . wholewheat flour and m " ' & ?** ? or milk, is a com; ?.?' , '' Q? to your grocart -' *r ^rith atewc W~/ delidoua dessert lor tan * Every member of t / ^jWstelile and nouriahtafl ^Sg^H^w^KnileMyoecoeE. Cereal ? ' when you buy Aspirin. Bayer" on tablets, you are "i prescribed by physicians afe by millions for iche Rheumatism lgia Neuritis ago Pain, Pain vhich contains proper directions. Abo bottle* of 24 and 100?DrugglaU. mot ?C MwmoHlcMMMtK a S*lt*rHe**t4 ( Vitamon ro Clear Kkln ^ e^amee Flesh?I ncrease Energy* i sad complexion, put some firm healthy ? force sad power sad look and feel 100 Msatin'* tiny yeast VXTAMON Tablet* :{y ^ aHHBr m hat bm ar* fin* faaturaa with an ugh, lad akin, flabby luh, rankra thwlu, baa undar th* or a caiawom, sicklyM laoaT Lot VI r a man aorroct ihm itiaiia. N Am Positively Guaranteed to Pol On Finn Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Bach xuciv biu oiuuy BICE - or - uome voyagers on the sea of matrimony. Important to Moth era Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA,' that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It In Use for Over 80' Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria . Fashion Knew No Morcy. In the days when gull wings and breasts were In demand for women's huts und when the law afforded no protection to the feuthered trices, they were slaughtered by thousands all along the coust. Millinery agents from New Vork would conduct expeditions, accompnnled by expert skinners, to the breeding grounds of the seafowl and hire local gunmen to do the killing. One woman In a single season brought back 10,000 tern skins from Cohbs Island, Virginia. More than 000,000 tern skins were collected In one season In the sounds of North and South Carolina. ImoruMif. "What did you think of Hamlet-* i? Uloquy, girlie?" . * "IJe said a mofthful."?Judge. * Some people go through life on the principle that the worst medicine effects the surest cure. It certainly Isn't the absence of raw material that keeps a man from making a fool of himself. et" may sound j many people is explained i simple. \ I > need diet" la to have food tents needed for proper ts are protein, to nourish sugar to furnish energy; mineral salta to provide * building nerves, brain, store. uriahing cereal made of M ahed barley, served with >lete food for young and xlay and get a package of rtth milk or cream for id fruit, jelly or jam, aa a ch or dinner.' he family will .relish this | food? te Body Builder Reason" THK RSBSRVB RpARD RRKftlDBNT WOULD WAIT ON KNDINQ ' ?;> y ' '* HOOVER AND HARDING DIFFER : . ?Attention of tho Twelve Chairmen of Regional Reserve Banks Is Called to the Harris AmondmenL Washington.?Chairmen of all fedoral reserve banks were advised by Governor Harding of the federal reserve board to stop all construction work for whicb have not yet been let, pending the outcome of legislation before congress to require congressional authorisation for .building operations by federal reserve banks. This action, Governor Harding said, will stop building operations planned , in St. Louis, ^Minneapolis, Cincinnati. Baltimore, Nashville, Jacksonville, Detroit, Louisville, Denver, Oklahoma City and Salt Lake City. Action of, the board in stepping proposed building operations was conveyed to the 12 chairmen of the reserve banks by Governor Harding in a letter made public which called attention to the amendment to the federal reserve act proposed by Senator Harris (democrat) of Georgia, whicb would forbid the fed' -1 reserve board to erect any building without tbe express consent of congressGovernor Harding explained, however, that the action of the board would not affect building contracts already let for constructiop by reserve ban!cs in various districts. Building operations planned but for which no contracts have yet been let and which will be affected by the board's instructions were outlined by Governor Harding. Governor Harding also made public a letter from Secretary Hoover to the board, calling attention to the recommendation of the national conference on unemployment that all federal agencies and the federal reserve board should expedite as far as possible public works In an effort to provide work. In reply to Mr. Hoover, Governor Harding stated the reserve bank's building program would have to await the action of congress upon the proposed regulatory legislation. De Valera Resigns. London.?News of Eamon De Valera's decision to resign as president of the Irish, republic -was received at Prime Minister Lloyd George's offlcal residence Downing street. It was considered there aB a good sign in the sense that it indicated Mr. De Val-/ era's recognition that his cause was lost and that the supporters of the Anglo-Irish treaty would prevail. A telegram was immediately dispatched to Mr. Lloyd George at Cannes. Newberry Fight in Final Stags. Washington.?The Senate began its Anal discussion of the Newberry case, precipitated by the contest of Henry Ford against the seating of Senator Truman H. Newberry of Michigan, his republican opponent In the 1918 elections, and was told by Senator Spencer, republican, Missouri, chairman of the senate privileges and elections committee, that Senator Newberry himself would take the floor Monday and defend himself against the charges which involve his campaign expenditures. The subject, under a unanimous consent agreement, will remain continuously before the senate until disposed or. A" vote is expected some time next week. Byrnes Attacks Reserve Board. Washington.?An attack was made in the house by Representative Byrnes democrat, of South Carolina, on the federal reserve board, which he said planned to construct at a cost of |25,000,000 an elaborate headquarters/in New York city; with a gymnasium, club, auditorium and othCT "extravagant features." A Such a building will Wfc> more to incite bolshevism than anything else,'' Mr. Byrnes declared. Another Bid Against Ford. Washington.?Another offer for the private lease and operation of the government's nitrate and water power properties at Muscle Shoals, was received by Secretary Weeks. It was presented by Marion Butler, former United States senator, acting as attorney for Frederick E. Engstrum, president of the Newport Shipbuilding Co., of Wilmington, N. C.. and was accompanied by a lengthy statement explaining the offer in detail and comparing the offer in detail with that submitted by Henry Ford. Opls Enters Sweeping Denial. Washington. ? Sweeping denial of i charges that he had shot two of Ills men while his command, part of the Twenty-niutli division, was in the thick of the Argonne fighting, was made before a senate investigating committee by Major H. L. Opie of Staunton, Va.. and nearly a dozen men serving with his overseas. At an all day session only one voice was lifted against Major Opie?the voice of a shell-shocked vlctini of war. now a patient in a Virginia hospital, for the insane. Steamship Company Cuts Wages. New York.?Wage reductions of 16 per cent and upwards will be put into effect' Immediately by the American Steamship Owners' association. Wages of officers, Mr.. Marvin sild. would be cut 16 per cent with higher reductions for some oth$r classes of employes. These cuts were necessary, he added, to meet the competition with foreign vessels. * It was pointed out that there is no wage agreement now existing between the Ocean Boatmen's union and the steamship owners' association, jj Ooprrt*hi. ttSS, WMt?r> Nimt^r La too. Janey sat looking at her adored V '^7 '-. / "Why,** she asked Impulsively. "do you sever have your ptetore taken. MoltleT I have not seen one Is the house, and you would--* Janey'* eyes were caressing, "make such a lovfly picture." Miss Mottfs Demlng, spinster, smiled. "Mo one^woald value my photograph, unless It might |pe you," she replied. "My relatives would doubtless write polite notes of appreciation when ttiey received them, and relegate them to some unremembered corner." "Ton know better than that," Janey jeered. She Jumped to her feet. "Anyway, I want a picture and I am going to have It You look especially lovely today, like some sweet shepherdess lady, with your soft crldkly white" hair, and your % true-blue eyes. Poet Terry will be glad of a Job. He really should have been an artist In the city. ' Sentiment, holding him here, alone prevented." Mollle Dealing laughed, when she and the girl Jane were at home again. "Terry posed me so many times and was altogether painstaking, that his efforts should be rewarded with success," she said. "You, looked?" Janey mused, "so pretty, and, sort of wistful, sitting there?Mollle! Do you know, that Is the way vour eyes always Impress me, by their wlstfulness? Tell me, please, did'you have an unhappy love affair) I wonder so much about you at times? I suppose, because I love you. I would be your confidante^ Mol I le." The older woman gazed tenderly, thoughtfully. Into the eager young face upraised to hers. "People would tell you?your own mother mayliuve told you, Juney?that X was In a careless, unthinking way, noted years ngo for my conquests. It wns at the time considered ^ clever to fluunt one's captivating power. And I?well, well, there "were many young men who came to my uncle's home, and I, uncle's ward and charge, played a merry game of 1 earts with them all, my own heart ever untouched in the game. Some day, I hoped to find my true love, to marry jind settle down to a life of devotion. And when he came, my own love, I knew him: knew him instantly, by the thrill of Joy that filled my days. And he loved me. That, 1 did not doubt. Why doubt the sincerity ot this man, when others had been sltAere? I think 1 lived In a dream?" Miss Mollle's eyes were misty, across th^ years; still her voice trembled Its sorrow. "I live on In that dream of the past," she ended, sadly. Jantey's hands went out to her. "He died then?" she questioned?"your lover?" "I almost wish that I might tell you so." Mollle hesitated. "No," she added, "for the first time, I will speak the truth. It was thought that John Douglas, like others, hud been Jilted. But one knew, and after joim aisuppeurea uos menu or ms came and told me the truth. It was I whom John Douglas hud Jilted, heartlessly, and with a purpose. The ?rl?hd said that he hud been Instructed to tell me that John deliberately planned my punishmeut, as he had deliberately, and oh, so skillfully, acted his part. "He was charming In manner, you $ee, and well known for his wflffling fray with,, women. So, coming to our small town, and hearing of my merry, never-may-care flirtations. John Douglas confidently and successfully planned the retaliation of winning my own heart, to cast It as carelessly away. But this I could not guess, as he held me close In his arms and bade, 'me goodby, until tomorrow. " 'Tomorrow,' he promised genfty, 'I will come back to you. Tomorrow, my dearest, watch for me.' "So, through all the tomorrow I have watched and waited; and have lived how wearily no one may know?my punishment." When Janey framed her friends photograph and placed it upon her dresser, she was ,moved distressfully later to hide that same photograph away. For the sadness of Mollle's pictured eyes had a provoking frlck of bringing quick tears'to her own. "That man!" exclaimed Janey eonteuiptoualy. "Fancy being true to the memory of such a creature." Then one day, as Janey- entered unannounced Miss Mollle's sitting room, she faced a picture. And the two central figures facing the picture continued, happily, oblivious of her presence. "It was fate!" the distinguished appearing man was saying, and even in her astonishment Janey responded sympathetically to the sincerity of that voice. "When I thought that I had utterly lost you, Mollie?when the never-ceasing longing brought me back to this old town to view again. If only in secret, your face, 1 came upon that photograph In Terry's window. You, Mollie, had only forgiveness In the sweetness of your* expression?had only grieved appeal In your eyes. So I am here, dearest, for that punishment I would have inflicted upon you has long been my own." Janey closed the door noiselessly be hind her, and when she wns n^nln in he* own room, she hummed u gay little son* as she searched out her friend's picture and replaced It upon the dresser. Persia Now Educates Women. In Persia, where parents' at one time were glad to be rid of little girls and willingly sold them for a few dollars, there Is now a strong desire for edu* ' cated womanhood, as evidenced by the establishment of Industrial and othqr schools for girls. The Abbreviation "Xmaa" "jr* Is the Creek equivalent to "Ch,n and ao the Initial letter of the'<3i*ek name "Chrlstoe.'* From this Mtter the abbreviation "Xmas" for (Jbridtmas it believed to have been derived. . >? _^-lHV ' ? ' ' .- * 'I I ?J I 3M9 f^cfMWMMJUtS ' l vw^^||Bnfi88ff^A. *ik Help Your Winter Colds and Direct Cause IIS winter-time your b'aclk I every cold, chill or atta< you lame, achy and all i your back throb and ach< you just can't keep going a Then look to your kidne and chills throw a heavy si neys. They overload tl poisons and impurities tl * nave to filter off. The 1 under this rush o?. new woi gested and inflamed. It's little wonder then, " Use Doa J08EPH EASON, Carpen N. C.f rays: "My kidneys got oui by a cold settling in the small of bago set in and my back was hardly bend over to pick up an; was all played out and too frequ kidneys made me get up during tho kidney secretions. I began 11 ncy Pills. One box put my kidni and relieved all the other sym complaint." Doan'i At all dealers, 60c ! * Classification. We hud but recently moved Into tbe town, .writes u correspondent, und I went to church on Sunduy, accompanied hy my daughter. After the services the minister rushed to the door to shake huntls with us, and said to Hilda: "And why didn't you bring your daddy with you ?" z She replied, "Oh, he's home taking care of brother. He doesn't care for churches or picture-shows, anyway." MOTHER! OPEN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Your little one will love the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" even If constipated, bilious, irrltuble, feverish, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never falls to cleanse the liver and bowels. ; In a few hours you can see for your- ! self how thoroughly It works all the | sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine ".California Fig Syrup," which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or-you may get an Imitation flg syrup.?Advertise-1 ment Tims to Quit. This one from the Flash, pulUlshed by the Merchants Heat and Light company: Hnrry Warren, Ave-year-old ston of E. A. Dlstler, came around the other day when the latter was singing the baby to sleep. "She's almost unconscious, Isn't she?" he Inquired. "Yes." said daddy. "Well, then," said young Harry, "you better quit singing or you'll kill her."?Detroit Free Press. SOME PEOPLE . PBEFEOJIBLETS Pepto-Mangan Is Sold in Liquid and Tablets?the Same Medicinally. ' The famous blood builder, Gude's Pepto-Mungun, can be had In tablet form, as well as in liquid. Some people prefer Pepto-Mangan tablets to the ; liquid. They are put up in a convenient package. There are people who J take the liquid Pepto-Mangan nt home . morning and night, and take the tab- J lets at noon time. Medicinally the liquid and the tablet form of Gude's Pepto-Mangan ore the same. Any druggist can supply this well-known blood builder. Physicians have prescribed Gude's PeptoMangan for years. It restores the blood to its normal healthy state by increasing the number of red cells. Men, women and children who are run down, weak, pale and alckly. regain norma* heaUh by helping the blood to get back Its strength. Look for the name "Dado's Pepto-Mangan" on the package. Advertisement. Misery loves company, but'It la better to have rheumatism In one foot ;ha? In both of them/ ?? Be rigid to yourself and gentle to others. \ I * ' k ' - Kidneys Fight ! Chills Weaken the Kick ? of Many Serious Kidne che-time? Does finds you suiferini dc(of grip leave rheumatic pains, I vorn out? Does annoying bladder s until it seems But don-t wor n? 5. ,y your kidneys are < sys! Grip, colds and need assistan arain on the kid- Kidney Pills today le blood with kidneys the help iat the kidneys also by drinking udneys weaken lightly, and gettin rk; become con- fest. Doan's KU thousands and sh that etery cold neighbor! n's," Say These Go ter Smithfield. I MRS. H. B. RUi t ot order, caused c., says: "I cm mv back. Lum- severe backache an so lame, I could .? * f of my tools. 1 '"'"Ti ' , ?e Ihizy spells often ci ient action ot mv , ,, J \ . , ., , the night to pass I 1 thought I would fi ising Doan's Kid-1 U mykidneys acted ir sya in good order Kidney 1'ills and t< ptoma of kidney I finished the second I all the kidney troub s Kidney a box. Foiter-Milbum Co., Mfg. Chemi His Condition. "How are you coming on. Uncle Bragg?" asked an acquaintance. 1 "Well, I'll Just?p'tu?toll ye, tJabe," i answered old Ilrugg Sockery of Mount IMzgy, Ark. "I hain't doing no per- i tickler good. Tears like the doctor 111,1 Mm 1.1 1 ? 1 ...... Hi.- nriiiiiiioi n null I lliun-ininmi my ease. Some says one thing about It and some says something else, till I'll lie (logged If I don't get to sorter wondering whether none of 'em have got any sense. I don't like to dlsnpp'lnt my friends, though, and I hate to waste what I pay the doctor for. So I've took enough of one thing and tuther to float a boat, and have klnda got the notion that what's the matter with me is simply what's the matter with me, and there hain't no?p'tu? help for It."?Kansas City Star. Exceptions. An astronomer says that the term "fixed," as applied to stars. Is a misnomer. Still, we know some stars that i are mighty well fixed.?Boston Tran- | script. Simple. "Why di<1 lie Rive up lending the simple life?" "lie found It too complicated."?Life. Are You a Weak and Ailing Woman? Beauty and Health Go Hand in Hand Fort Thomas, Ky. ? "Several yean ago I had become so poor and weak from trouble of a feminine character that I could not walk around in my room without holding to the furniture or having come one to assist me. I was so nervous at times I could hardly endure arv one walking across the floor. Finallv I began taking T>r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and in three months' time I gained 20 pounds. I continued taking the roedicins until I was entirely well. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription certainly saved my life."?Mrs. Laura Klepfer, 15 Oak St. Health is most important to you. Do not neglect it. Obtain this Prescription of Dr. Pierce's now, in liquid or tablets, from your druggist, or send 10c for trial ; pkg. of tablets to Dr. Pieroe's Invalids' 1 Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., or write for free medical advice. This will fix my cold 1 ALWAYS keep Dr. King's New Discovery handy. It breaks up hard, stubborn colds and stops the paroxysms of coughing. No harmful drugs( but just'good medicine. All druggists, 60c. Dr. King's New Discovery For^olalsandjOov^hs Stubborn Bowels Tamed. Leaving the bowels unmoved results in ! health destruction. Let the gently stimulating Dr. King's Pills bring to 1 I you a regular, normal bowel function1 ing. 25 cents. All druggists. *\ PROMPT I WON'T GRIPE Dr. Kind's Pills ECZEMAS Mossy back without question / aA IP HUNTS aUARANTIBD-^h^At SKIN OtlBASK KUfDIM^X 5M (Hunt* SaW* and Soap).fail Is I jfc yTl thitNatsnt oflub, WMma,Vgyf II RlnCwom,T?MarorOChaHt?h- J If / / I isasktsdlaasaoaTiytblatraat.* *' ? uMat atosr tlak Sold by all rallabladfsnlsta I A. B. KMaria MsONne Co, Sbsmaa, Tesao | That Cold! leys and Are tfie y Disorders I with torturing backache, headaches, dizziness and irregularities. ryl Simply realize that overworked at such times ce. Get a box of Doan's and give your weakened they need. Assist them pure water freely, eating . g plenty of fresh air and Iney Pills have helped ould help you. Ask if01" i/u m i/mo 38, Le Grande St., Cheraw, Light cold and it gave me a d settled in niy kidneys. I my kidneys all the time. ?me over me so many a time all. I had a tired feeling and regularly. I heard of Doan's jok two boxes. After I had box, 1 was entirely cured of le." r Pills Us, Buffalo, N. Y. The Opportunity. In this world the one thing supremely worth having Is the opportunity to do worthily u piece of work, the doing of which Is of vital convenience to the well'ure of inunklnd.? Itoosevelt. Urban Ignorance. "Ever go chestnutlng?" j "No; what do you do, follow a 4 worm?"?Host on Transcript. Adam wus the original oldest Inhabitant. For CROUP, COLDS, INFLUENZA St PNEUMONIA ? Mother* should keep a |t' of Btatnc'* Vapomentha Sale* cooreaient. When Croup, lafluenza or Pneumooia threaten* tkla deltgbclol tt'n rubbed well Into the throat, cheat aad under the arm*, will teller* the choking, break congeatloa and proawta reatfnl olecp. ^VAPomentHA^ 1<W> ^SALVE"1*!^^ WILL nox sum mt acmes 30c. 60c. taJ $1 JO at al Ana m tmt mpM ly ^Bra^^^rviK^o^^l^WUkejiborOjN^C. dfyjc// VxJttifCXA KING PIN PLUG TOBACCO Known as "that good kind" cIry it?and yon will know why 111 YOU MH promptly with I B and you work tha boras Kj^j^H same time. Does not blister Hr or remova the hair. $2.50 ^per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write, leek 4 A free. I W. r. TOUWC. lac.. Ill Tfpfa SC. SprfcrfsU. Mass. WALLBOA^D Cheaper Than Laths and Plaster Rubens Walt Board keeps the house warm In winter and cool In summer. 3.75 per 100 Rquare Feet It aheete to the bundle. In the follow- * Inr slsea: 41 In. wide by 4, 7. I. and 10 feet Ions This Wall Ttnard Is Just the thine for tbat Job where economy Is necoesarjr. Write for Free Seams is4 Our Itv rtct llrt ECBKNS PA7NT A G1.AH8 CO. RICHMOND, VA. ? RAW FURS Ship at once to BACH *FUR COMPANY 118-120 W. 27th St.. NEW YORK, N. Y. They Pay BEST Prices Free Bail lo Trappers Write Today How to Get It and for Price LMt POK HAI.K- YALLKf KEDLAND FARM HKKK: UU acres: seven room painted dwelling; bis barn: rreestona water; half mile to churches. yfc?1 end railroad station. Price I14.M7.64; terma Umoeaab, balance ran be paid la velvet beans, aw,*t potatoes end com (Insirad of cotton). Easynnnoal payments. City dank A Trust Co . AnnlstonTAla. IKimeatte Orchard Tree Htueberries beet fruit aveetm't. Small cost, quick retnrns. Free cat. So. Blueberry Co.. Tampa. Fla., Atlanta, On. SAVE MONEY. We aell Hosiery, Towels, Handkerchlrts and 1.000 othar housenold / nesda rat ail at wboleaale prices. Catalog free. THE CABLTON COMPANY MM rnachtmn BL . AUnrtn. (is.