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Mrs. Agnes Harris and Missj fh Mary Harris were' guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Barron. Miss Lucy Jordan and Juson, M. Lambeth of Fort Mill were jr raerried Sunday afternoon at / & o'clock by Magistrate d. it. Haile. Jesse Harris of High Point, N (\, was a reeem gnest of hie parents* Mr. uiul Mrs. W. F. Harris. After returning to High Point u ft'W days ago, Mr. Harris was the victim of an automobile thief, who stole his new Ford ear. .John W. Hall of Fort Mill a few days ago brohght to The Times oftice a number 'of apples u hich-he greWlast summer 011 Ids farm in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood that' were of us fine flavor and equal in size to the largest apples offered; for sale loyally from other sections of the country. ^Ir. Hull's experience dis. proves- the theory that apples * grown in this section cannot be. ' successfully stored for winter use. | Miss Vivian Ellis of SSilverstreet, # Newberry county, has been engaged by the trustees of the Fort Mill graded school to teach the seventh grade and lias begun the . duties of the place. Miss Ellis I lias hud considerable experience . as h teacher and is an A. |3. graduate of Lander college. She also specialized in inusic 111 liallimofre and for the last two ?vears lias played the pipe organ at the First j Methodist church in Clinton. Miss, Fllis taught music ui the Clinton high school for two years. At u meeting Sunday evening t of the Christian Kudeavor society j v of the1 Fort Mill Presbyterian | church. Miss Julia IJovd was re-, elected president) W. H. Niins vice president, Miss Zolma Phillips recording secretary, anil W. S. Belk treasurer. These otlicers will serve for six months. At the same meeting chairmen of several 1 standing committees were lip- i pointed by the president and I these will later select the mem-jt hers of the several committees.' A j corresponding secretary will be i named by the secretary. The so- 1 eiety has about GO members and ] bus just completed a successful year; with bright prospects for the coming year. 'J'he annual meeting of the stockholders of the First Nation-! al bank of Fort Mill is being hekl ] this afternoon in the bunking rooms on upper Main street. The j reports of the officials to be submitted to the stockholders will j show that uothwithstamling the business stringency, the affairs | * of the institution are in splendid ! ? - ^~-e<Hiditiott-imd thrrt the -y rrtrmTr "of"." business transacted during the last year was grutifyingly large. The annual banquet of the stock0 holders of the bank will be given in the. auditorium of the graded school Thursday evening. ITcpa. ration of the banquet is in charge ot the local chapter. I). A. k.. and an attractive menu lias been arranged. Tie Test This Week. The Southern railway has arranged to teat thoroughly in the suburbs of Charlotte, X. C.. the latter part of the week the eon- " orete erosstie. invented and patented some months ago by Adam | L. Crane of Fort Mid'. Mr. Crane a few days ago shipped lf> of tinties to Charlotte for the test and these will be plaeed in tHh main i line of the Southern where there I is a maximum of traffic. It the j' ties withstand the strftin of the I heavy trains which will pass over j i them, tin value of the invention j< M ill be established and_ Mr. Crane i ' is expected to reap a fortune from ] if. The tie is made of e one ret e . with at number oi1 iron rods ex,- ; tending lengthwise through it and contains an inset block of 1 wood on which the rail rests intended as a cushion io absorb the , jar of the trains. Collected Old Debt. A. Ii. Withers of Jacksonville, Fla., who spent the holidays in j'on iViui wiiii relatives. win It* lit re, told a number of his friends of his good fortune, hi"recently collecting a debt of $25 he had years ago given up hope of ever ( ^ v getting. In the latter ''80s Mr. Withers was a machinist at the shops of the old 3("s railroad in Blacksburg. One summer while . he was working there the rail- i road company tailed tp pay off .* for several months, and 'in the emergency he loaned a fellow- | workman $25.- Time passed and Mr. Withers a number of times . wrote the man about the debt ' f but could never get a Waring from him. Some months ago he 1, was in Columbia and learned*thai his old friend ha# a fine position, in that city which v jis paying h?m several ihousctid doi'mrs un, nually. Then he wrote another 1 letter congratulating his old 1 friend on the good fortune which 1 had come his way and wound up j by reminding him of the 83-year- ' old $25 debt. In a few days he ' - received a check fbr the $25. ' The Jacksonville br.nlfer who ( cashed the check for Mr. Withers | H* IJttU conuiuoil, (1116 lO TIM * '* .1 '* t> V ' -* in the State of Sauth Carolina, at the , V ! lUMOui Loan! ant discounts, Including rsdtsoo Notes and bills rediscounts^ with W al Statrve Bank (ether than to acceptances sold> r. U. S. Government Securities owned: Deposited to secure clrculatldn (U. value) *... A.. <' .:.. ; All other t)nl?ed 8tntes Government ? Other bonds, at<fks. securities, etc... Furniture and Statures Heal estute owped other tlpth banklt lawful-reserve with Federal ReeervaB Cash In vault and amount dlie^trom n Amount due from Stats bihiks, bankei In the United States .. ' Checks on other banks In saihe city 01 Checks on banks located outside of bank and other cash Items Redemption 'fund with U. S. Treatu Treasurer Total ? LIAB1L Capital stock paid In Surplus fund T. Undivided profits ^' Deserved for Interest and t^xe#accrue< Circulating notes outstanding . v. Amount due to Federal Reserve Ban ('ashler's checks on own bank outsta: Individual deposits subject to check . dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits (other ti posits) subject to KeHerve Certificates of deposit (other than for*i other time deposits ' Total or time deposits suhjedt to IT. S. Government Securities borrowed. I-.IIN payable with Federal Heserve Bai Advances received from War Finance Total . * Ktute of South Curottna, County of Yb I, W. T. IJurron. Cashier of the swear that the above statement is tru belief Subscribed and sworn to before n Correct Attest: J. L. 8PRATT. U A. HAKIMS. J. T. YOUNG. Directors. SUMM Capital Undivided Profits. I Deposits , Resources FRl I You will always and choicest Fruit market .affords. Give us your orde of getting as good had anywhere. B. C. FER muNi s . \ .i i TAX NOTICE 1021-22. DHUv of the County TiU'^urrr of York County. Nortec* is hereby given that the Tax I looks for York County will be opened on Tuesday, the^ lfith day of No- ^ i/smlicr, 1 y21. and will remain open J1 iintil the :?lst day of December, 1921, for the collection of State, County. J. School and l.ocnl Taxes, for the fleoal year 19 21 without penalty, after ' which day One Per Oent Penulty will . I>c added to ull payments made in . the month of Jununry, 1922. and Two e Per Cent Penalty for all Payments ^ made in the month of Kebruary, ( 1922, and Seven, Per Cent Perftrtty will lie added to all payments made j, from the 1st day of. Mara-h, 1922, to I lie IMh day ol\Murch. 1922, and after this date ull unpaid tuxes will go into execution and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Ma gist rates for prosecution In accordance with law. All of the Hanks of the County w?ll offer their accommodations and facilities to Tnxpuyers who made desire j li) make im? o? ?- ? " ' __ wk tnc ;?niiiv, im?i i snau j j tuke pleasure In glxlng prompt at-'} tontion to all correspondence on the j subject, | ( All Tax pa yore appealing nl my of- ] flee will receive prompt attention. I \ Note?The Tax rtookn will bo made ] ut> by Townships. Und parties writing about Tax en will always oxpedlte j, matters If they will always mention ' j. the Township or Townships In wKlch i their property or properties ate lo- l cated. If Alt K V E. NHL, S Treasurer of dtv Mrs. Brown Tells How Rats Al- i most Burned Her House Down. U "For two months 1 never went|( in o.ur cellar. fearing a-rat. One ( night in hot! I smelletl fire. Sure ' enough the rat had been nibbling lit the matches. If 1 hadn't acted promptly my house would have Imrned down. Later we found the lead rat. RAT-SNAP killed it. It's great stuff." Three hires, 35c, A fftc, $1.25. Sold by Lytic Drug Co. anjl Hutchinson's Pharmacy. - ? ? - t --.^.?^--3 L. Massey says that when nouey is plentiful people buy mywhere, regardless of price. > tint when money ia scarce they t ?unt lower prices and he gets the a nt. 9317,183.97 fX M?jni.M-|i?MT9.JJ 8. bond* par lecurtties 29,960.00? ?9,95fcoo .i.'i 18,871.88 . ..'iV i. 3,910.99. iff house., i 2.700.00 ank .. .. .. ; 27,897.If atlonal banM 7,907.72 re. and' trust oempanlea. . . ....... 191.70 r jtown as reporting bank 920.09 city, or town of reporting 270.40 rdc and due from U. 8. .....1 8,000.90 ._C*T K........ 0462.786.86 ITIES . .. .. i 9 40,000.00 . .. ......... 10.000.00 99.110.83 J ..... .. .. r, 100.00?. 10.210.83 . .. 40,000.00 k (.deferred credits) .. . * 4,961.66 ndinffi .. .. 1,196.23 70.680.23 , 1,600.00 ian bank de- * . v. . |72,280.13 monfy borrowed) 17,769.86 . . . - 181,018.06 rserve 8198,787.81 T.7.60.00 nk 88,000.00 Corporation 48,660.00 - t 1463,726...5 rk, as.: , above named bank, do solemnly e to the best of my knowledge and W. T. BARRON, Cashier, te this 6th day of January, 1922. C. 8. LINK- Notarv Public. s ARY - r $40,000.00 $10,210.83 $272,264.37 ......$495,644.89 ? JIT find the freshest at Ferguson's the rs and be assured Fruit as can be ^ i GUSON E 29 ' ??? - -?- ; Tnufv /4W * - wmi */f r UIVI nilili * iMidriMMl Statement Receipt* and UtMbarxeinents for tlie Year Ending IH>eember 41, IDStl. ' " RECEIPTS 'emetery lots sold t 100.00 Toes. less refunds 730.00 di-ense tux 1,098.14 nterest 12.07 innitary tax 1,566.06 itreet tax ' 1,110.00 'ropeerty tax (1920 levy) 483.92' 'roperty tux (1921 levy) 8.4x8,42 )ok tux .....< 48.tfo Itate firemen's fund .. .. 139.29 >(flce supplies sold l.OO Collected for cure of prisoners 30.00 k?ld wagon 5.00 $11,411.93 DISBURSEMENTS >ok tugs for 1922 .. .. ..$ 4.12 ! election expense 2 2.00 I ''are of prisoners ^1.86 I lemetery department .. .. 7.00 I toard of Health > 15.76 !*lre "" *" v - j nterest ....... 2.382.34 j .cgal services 365.11 j Ureet lights 1.119.75 | license tax refunded .. .. 17.60 j ifllce expense 1.79.84,1 'arks and wells 55.10 ( Police department 1,883.15 ' Public printing .. .... 131.00 ; Salaries 760.00 , lanltary department .. .. 1,823.87 j Itreet department 655.81 Town hall account 88.00 "fre insurance .. ,, .... 43.20 linking fund .. .. .... 375.00 | #10,018.88 talance # 1.393.05 ?ash on hand Jan. 1, 1921.. 549.28 1 x 'ash on hand Jan. 1* IOCS.3 1.942.33 Outstanding Notes: Waterworks extension ...63,040,30 Street Improvement .. .. 5,500.00 Fire hose 600.00 69,140.30 C. R. LINK. Clerk. attest? A.'O. JONES, A. U PARKS T. F. LYTLE, Committee on Finance. V ' MB?WB. - -1-U* I' lWe had a good business last -ear and sincerely thank our cna-, oraers and wish you a happy . nd prosperous New Year. L J. New J ; ; ^ :: To etch and every one < who bare helped us mak< the bent yet, we wish for 4 i is good for the year 192! your liberal patronage, a even better in the comins in LYTLE Dl < "The Service Di I fr; ...wW1 . . -'r. J 1? 8 Automatically ! O Let Culp Brothers equip X Tubes. The^will automat Q 'tures without losing air?gi X oacings, saves time, tempi sO eliminating low pressure, w X per cent of all tire troubles. Q. We have a car of COAL. ? GULP BRt O PHONE N oo<xxxxxxxxxxx> I I I Our Good 1 J I | We wish to thank o ;; : friends forthesplen i; gave us in' ID21 a serve you again in ;; We wish you a hap :: ous New Year. Hutchinson's We Are I * ? To all our friend? age with which tl in 1921, and we * of them a happ' ous New Year. * 4 > ' 1 BRADFttK .HALL STREET \ i LISTEJj! I j linker's is the Parker Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. v Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic .. ... 25c w, Shave .. , 15c <ti Massage, plain .. .: 25c yu . ft!" Come and see us. We will save on I 09 you money au?l scud you away io. smilihg ' JJJ BAKU'S SA&BKE SHOP. r J par ' ' 1 : >f our many patrol)* b the old year one of you* everything that 2 and thank you for nd hope to serve you' <> I year. ;; < > < > ?UG CO. rug Store.*' \ ' !! ? < * 5000C<C<000<XXX Sealed Tubes | your car with McWade Q icauy seal tneir pnnc- X ving more mileage for Q >r, money and tires by hich i8 the cause of 95 Q Give us your orders. O : o OTHERS | O. 15. v DOOOOOOOOCKXX * I Wishes V ?i P ur customers and did business they ind wo hope to 1 1922. . >py and prosper- :: % ; Pharmacy ' j . Grateful r i i tor the patroni Key favored us wish for each y and prosperi I to & CO. PHONE 113 k x T \ ' tyraim-1 Paint Shop noi'K mi.i.. s. c. PAINTING If your car needs painting we will ilnt 11 far you and do It in tucli a ty hut you will .lio surprised at the ffeVoncc It mnkc in the moke of | ur old car. < >ur' corps of |i?lnleM | ? the boat that cvtn he obtained and ily those who urc experienced -In r painting are on our force. The i eke of your car In Just like the ika of your pi iton. It goee a land iy' I JAKES A. JOHNSON. Proortctof-. \ ' j > TM '' I '' ' " ^ ' '' I Dining Boom I - We are every da"1 shipments of that gc kind of Furniture. 4 * I Especially do we tion to the latest d Room Suites?in the finish, with antique I To see these suites i | I $ marvel at thier beau Prnmnt Son ~ ""r" " I s?",arc ' *v? t I ? j Young & / -A., o. oro: GOOD TH1I CSrocorlrfi, .Market, Country Hrulucc. I'lionc Fourteen. 1 _ / ' A Q~. 1 I. Where can von spend in yur dollar will fro as far as in tin Car? The initial outlay and the aftci Ford Touring Car will pay for itscl used as a family ear, for pleasure, f< n The sooner you plaee your ord? joying your Ford Car. Terms c on HEATH M071 ' J % EAGLE?MKADO?>^[ i gj|gg|gggygyQjQ For Solo >t your DmIct ASK FOB TH.". YELLOW PGNO | EAGLE Mil EAGLE PENCIL COMP JOB PRI AT TTI1? TTMi?c nrui ^^ Sih 4 i7]s> 4V' lli^M I f " JI -" llJ!z** fn i 11 ffR .A * ^jj5S== wr-^J-^ [* .'4 jcflM i Furniture y receiving new : J >od, dependable ^ call your atten- | iesign in Dining jj < > . # : new Italian oak ? silver hardware. | % n this finish is to i; . 4 1 ity. :: . 4 > 4 4 4 *S rice and a 4 > 4 Deaf 4 > ; .11 i : W % 4 > 4 'J - * * J < * ? ? < > 4 > il \ < ? Wolfe r J ija ISTES ^ 1 NGS TO EAT lvestment J motor tm asportation where. ..,>* purchase of a Ford Touring fiy T ? /.* V?. w%'' expense are so small that your .v yM f many times over whether ' >r business purposes or bdttfc >'. r, the sooner you will be eii- i he arranged. 'j* lg| ' v ' fv 1 ' v jfc )R COMPLY. ' . ?i . / '' IL WtTH THEUOWO JPr ANY.