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IVtephon*. looa? and lone dnuaot. - 3;!?.. ?! v , Entered at the poctoBk-e at Fort Mill, Rfi&V & <?.. aa malt matter of the second olaaa. TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1?SS. ggfctm A story is told of a Belgian > farmer who came to this country . ~ turd was asked if he could make a living on ten acres of land. "1 don't know," he replied. "I used to make a good living on five acres in the old country, but 1 don't kirlow if I can successfully cultivate ten acres." He was'unaccustomed to our wasteful, and iucftleient methods of farming. There is a lesson in this for young men who want to own farms but think they can never buy large tracts of land. A few acres, well aiEfe'tnied, will pay far better than a oig rariu pooriy tiiieu. 11 is Better to put one's toir and skill on i few^acres than to scatter it over many acres. Many farmers in< America would be better off if they owned just half, or even less than half, of the land they ? a$e now trying to cultivate. They would become more independent . every year instead of becoming poorer.' Men in the various trades used to pride themselves on the excellence of their work. There was a great deal of rivalry alo.ig this line and it was wholesome and stimulating. The better the workman, the higher he stood in the esteem not only of his employers v hut of his fellow-workmen.' J^Tow the tendency is to strive for shorter hours, increased wages ami improved working conditions which are to be desired, of course, but in striving for them, have we not lost sight of the other thing? And iu losing this other thing have we not lost the thing that k gave men their independence and self-respect T - Our system of trial by jury is the result of an-agreement for inelft, dividual di&artnament. It was adopte when men agreed to sub1 Diir ?heir differences to arbitration by their fellows. They were > * tired of the old system under which those took who would and * those kept who could. When the . nations of the earth adopt the same system, there will be no need for an Agreement as to tb<' si/.e of armaments, for/then armaments will not be needed. We R| can then scrap onr navies and demobilize our arraiea. We should have a binding agreement to submit national differences to arbitration,* and to abide by the deBSffi: cision of the arbitrators, and then We will get somewhere. W?* can f> do this through the League of Nations, but not through disarmament conferences. This ought to waSy be clear to those even in the kin- | dergarten class of statesmanship. X, El Merritt Dies Suddenly. T. Ed Merritt, former Fori Mill citizen, who had lived in Rock 1 till for the last ten years,#died suddenly at his home in thai city Sunday night* heart disease beI .; '< . ntg given as the cause df his death. Mr. Merritt was about 44 i- years old and up to the time he moved to Rock Hill Jiad spent his entire life in Fort Mill. He was a son of the late S. N. Merrilt and was reared on his father's farm J in Fort Mill township. He was a member of Catawba lodge. No. 5t?, t- A. F. M? Fort Mill, and his last visit to Fort Mill was to attend a L. fi w weeks ago the annual ban, uet of the lodge. Mr. Merritt is wurvived by his widow, who was I59&: Miss Lula Maiicrum. tn u'lmm ht? jfeHL was married in Fort Mill about 22 yearn ago. two brothers, 8am ff j ^^itt and Monroe Merritt, and number of sisters. The funeral * ^P^ill be held in Rock Hill today ' and will be with Masonic honors. I ... Tuesday Day of Pupblic&tion. ' For the nflxt six weeks or, to l>e exact, during the session of H^Kn?be Genera! Assembly which be fc.vgan today, The Times wilt be is|MjgPaiy|. on Tuesdays instead of ^Thursdays. During the absence ^^^I^M^fputblisher in attending the of the General Assembly, ofttee of The Timep vhk charge of B. W. Bradi , / Mudt of the equipment for the BBBwdK I tin ii company of? the Bj|[" jHK^lUltiiil & C. N. G., locatMB1, of which Arthur B^^filWtettlc ie*he, commanding offlBgM>t^^h^lf<feu!&eived. The stater by a mivalue of. the Ferguson, aldermeu-at'largc; YJ: < C. Stroud, J. D. Hope, B. u. Culp end G. W. McKenzie, aldermen. One of the first aets of the new council, if precedent is followed. < will be the election of a chief ot police, for which there are a num. , ocr of applicants. There seems to be little doubt that the official, whoever he may be, will serve the town at a smaller salary than has been paid for the last two years, several of the men who arete compose the new council having stated that the town could . not afford to pay the old salary, $1,800 per year, and that they were in favor of paying not more ' than $100 per month. According to the report of the town clerk published in The Times this week $730 was collected during the last * year in fines by the police department, from which, however [is to be deducted refunds amount- < ' ing to about $25. Still another matter of more or less general interest which is ex- ' pected to ulnim the eurly atten- , lion of the new council is the re- < organization of the sanitary department, about which there has been much complaint for several , months. The sanitary tax col- J looted by the town during the ' test year amounted to $1,566.05, [while the expenditures for the de- j part men t exceeded the receipts uy vis*/. 1U. Many think the department should be self-support- ( ing and that with the proper, supervision the service the town i? now getting would he much improved. ~ - m _ i Junior Order in Session. I King's Mountain district conn- ( cil Jr. Order United American ( Mechanics, composed of the councils of Chester, Union and York counties, convened for its quar- ' terly seAsion with Wade llamp ton council. Rock Hill, Thursday s evening, .January 5. T. A. Mills, < iA. L. Parks. Shelley Sutton and 1 the Rev. .J. W. II. Dyches repre- t sented Fort Mill council at the : meeting. An able address was delivered ( oj.Prof. Jt. C- Hurts, superintend- ? ent of the Rock Hill schools, fa- : vorable to the policy of free text; hooks for' the children in the public schools of South Carolina. The ( district council, by unanimous \ vote, went on record as favoring t free text-books for the State and * asked the State's representatives * and senators in Congress to vote for the passage of the SterlingTowner education bill now pending before that tyody. The next 1 meeting oi ilie district eouncii . will be held in Union 011 the'evening of the first Thursday in April. Free O&rden Seed. Congressman W. K. Stevenson has had sent to The Times office for IochI distribution several bun- r dred packages of government garden seed which will be given to householders of this eominu- 1 nit.v as long as the supply lasts. ? the distribution to begin at The 1 Times office Saturday afternoon. Two years ago there was a similar distribution of garden seed \ for Mr. Stevenson at The Times 1 ? ?- -? ? - ' ' uuivc in wiiui-viIUII wiiii WHICH " foolish question No. 1 was, "Do yon think the seed will grow ?' Neither the congressman nor The t Times guarantees the quality 'o? ( ihe seed rfor is either responsible for the quantity or variety to be distributed. The government appropriates about $200,000 yearly for a free distribution of garden and flower seed. The seed at The Times office is a part of the 1922 supply. No seed will be given to children. MnTlTI&^liaU Dead. Mrs. Olivia Hall, wife of D. K Hall, well known l'leasant Valley citiseu, died at her home in that, community -Thursday night. Due to a fall iiuwhich she sustained serious injuries, Mrs. Hall had been confined to her room for several mouths. Mrs. Hall was 71 yetfrs old uud was reared in Fort Mill township. She was the daughter of the late Andy Bennett, who died many years ago. She had been a member of-Pleasant Valley Mothodist church for inany years. Beside her husband. Mrs. Ilall is j survived by four sous and one daughter. John HjII Walter Hall, Arthur Hall, Eugene** Hall and Mrs. Banks McGinn, and a num. ber of other relatives, some of whom live in Fort Mill, one being R. L. Bennett. Following the funeral services, interment was in ihe Harrison churchyard Friday aftern Aon. An exceptionally investing musical program has been arranged for the services to be held next evening 'at St. John's Methodist church. v ^ % .a . fir". STATEMENT * llie OtodtdM of (br NavtMg* Buk offftart ftm, IAMed M Tort MQL a C?- M the Clow OfttoSoni, Dec. ' > ' RESOURCES. ? DliMBb . . ..fll6.0lf.47 8t*eiu' Qwnai \. *t^4? by Bank .. ?? ...V 10.40f.00 furniture and ftxtnges 1x 4.200.00 TS ? ? .gfi W?'? '.'J** * 8.043.01 Currency .. . "jfS*.'.. . ? f.800.00 Silver and ottflfc nlnor coin .... SOS.64 . * iii i Total 1145.047.41 LIABILITIES Capital Stock poid In .. ..f J2B.OOO.OO Surplus fund .. IS,000.00 | Dividends unpaid . .. 1,000.00 individual deposits subject to check .$106,777.SO Cashier's checks 270.0* 107.047.42 Total .. .. f 146.047.42 Rate of South Carolina. County of York. S. g. Before me came W. B. Meacham, ^resident of the above named bank, vho being duly aworn says that the ibove and foregoing statement is a .rue condition of said hank, a* nhnuin >y tho 'book* of said bank. W. B. MEACHAM. I Sworn to and subscribed before me his 7th day of January. 1922. W. B. M EACH AM, Jr.. Notary Public. ""orrect Attest: 8. L. MEACHAM. J. M. GAMBLE, W. B MEACHAM. Jr.. Directors. IN MEMORIAM. In Rad hut loving remembrance of our darling baby, Bennett Edwards rimmernmn, who departed this llfd >ne year ago, January 3. 1921: The month .of January Is here. To uk the saddest of the year, Recause one year ago today 3ur darling Bennett passed away. lust a thought of sweet remembrance, lust a memory fond and true, hist a token of Dove's devotion \nd u heartache still for you. r Mother. Et&t Breeds 6 to 10 Times a Year. Averaging 10 Young to Litter. Remember this, act as soon as >rou see the first rat. Get a pkg. >f RAT-SNAP, it's a sure rat and nice destroyer. It's convenient, oines in cake form, 110 mixing. Mummifies rat after killing? caves no smell. Gats or dogs (von't touch it. Three, 35c, )5e, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. md Hutchinsou's Pharmacy. FOIt 8AI.B?Ume Sulphur Spray naterlal for winter sprnylng. Spray l*Unip? on hand. Itemember we are Jfork County distributors for thut rood Sugurlne Dairy Feed. It's great ead. A?k the Cooperative Store for t. Seed line complete. OAltRlSONF*AItIS SKKD CO.. 123 West Main Ureet. Kock Hlll^S. C. L. J. Aiassoy is having a special Mean up Shoe Sale. Many are going at one-third former prices. ESTATE NQTICK. All persons indebted to the estate ?f the late C. P. IMnnkenshlp are lereby notlfod to make payment to he undersigned ut once and all periods holding claims against the said ? u.111 U- ? ' UVt. * !? |>| oovtll lllVllli UUIJ tt|#? roved, to tho undersigned. GUY BUANKENSHIP. J. A. TATE. Mrs. l\ P. BDANKENSHtP. Cxecutors of Estate of C. P. Blanken. ship. Deceased. NOTICE. Having made my final return is administrator of the estate of iV. M. Adkins. deceased, this is to ?ive notice that I will apply to he Probate Judge for discharge >n February 1, 1922. J. L. SPRATT. U - . For Knlc?Two foot ash wood, $2.5o oad; 14 to 16 Inoh ash tfood, cut in docks for stove. $2.60 load. Osmond Harlisr, Wuteroak Farm. , CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank our many friends ind neighbors for their aots of dndness ancj^eourtesy at the funeral >f my brother, W. Dallas Ktmbrell. J. 8. KIMBREL.U Don't fail to attend Massey's ipeeial Shoo Sale and get a pair >f $7.00 shoes for -$2.50 or lejw. "Clean 1 We are getting ready to tak< come to'our "CLEAN UP1 SHOES, UNDERWEAR, Et THE AS S. A. LEE and T. THE FORT I BIG SUBSCRI1 Yn Get ALL I MAGAZINES and < YelrE^h FOR $2 tm.q owwmm'imi MacaaNH Mr m M? W iwwL AB n ifrrss rrrwM T K>n lOK. for th^ pui^oeo of listing for taxution all Personal and R?al Ppoperty n?ld In York County, on January 2. ltll, and wPl bo upt open until tho . 20th day of February, 'lllh and for tho convenience of th6 Taxpayer* of tho County I will be at tho plaoea enumerated below on the dates named: . Bandana?(Perry Ferguson'a Storojyj Thursday, January 6th. - j Hlckorfl4jpra??~Monday, January , Sharon?Tuesdhy. January. 10th Bullock's Creek? Wednesday, January llth. McOonnellsvlHe Thursday, January 12th. ^ Newport?Friday. January 13th. Fort Mill?Sjonday. Tuesday and Wednesday, January 10th, ITth and 18th. Rock Hill?Monday. January 23rd through Saturday, January. 28th. ' All males between tho ages of twenty-one ami sixty years are liable to a poll tax of 11.00 and all persons so liable are especially requested to Rive the numbers of their respective school districts In making their re. turns. BROADUS M. LOVR. Auditor of York N County. T>oc. 2. 1921. , TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt. fish, cut timber or otherwise trespass on thei hinds of the undersigned. This ndtlee not only Include* bird hunters, h\jt rabbit hunters, possum hunters, ducic hunters and squir. rel hunters as well, and anyone violating It will be prosecuted as the law prescribes. B. F. MASSEY ESTATE, Mrs. HATTIE It. MACK, J. A. BARBER. W. M. WHITE. E. B. WHITE. ' / H. M. WHITE. S. E. WHITE. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt. fish, cut timber or otherwise trespass on the lands of Mrs. MaVy K. Ardrey. LICENSE TAX-DUE. Annual license tax is due and payable without penalty during tl.e month of January. W V. AKhRRV \Tuvor DR. T. O. GRIGG I DENTIST I Office Next to That of C. S. Link, R Formerly Occupied by Dr. ft J. B. Elliott. Tqlonhone Connections. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until Sim Tried Cardui.?Says "Result Was Surprising."?Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.?"My back waa so weak I could hardly atand up, and I would hare bearing-down pains and was not well at any time," says Mrs. D. V, Williams, wife of a well-known farmer on Route 6, this place. "I kept getting headaches and having to go to bed," continues Mrs. Williams L describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use of ? Cardul. "My husband, having heard _ of Cardul, proposed getting it for mo. "I saw after taking some Cardul ,.. that I was improving. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardul, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said I got aloug fine. I was In good healthy condition. X cannot ay too much for It." Thousands of women have suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief froga the use of Cardfcl. oiucv au neipea to many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui 11 troubled with womanly ailments. For sale ererywliere. B.8I Jp Sale" I ! 9 stock and invite you to ' SALE.. c., as SPEOIAL PRICES. p STORE F. LYTLE, Mfrs. 4ILL TIMES' PTION OFFER TMotherSlj^jounidl | Mdgtlli.r 'OUR of Thau 9UR NEWSPAPER !.15 Order Now || i>? r?? a rhort Tm?~oRiv wmfwmI iH^cr^dosi will bt f?trmfH fuc mm 4mmm i : We desire to tliank the publ usih 1921 and to extend the .wish bring many blessings to each an customers. Your support in all which enabled us to expand our husinesi ply your every want in our seven - # Incorporate in your New Y y / that you will continue to trade at \ I i PATTER I You Can Save P By Trading at the Co We wish to call the attention of the public to thing in GROCERIES 011 which a better price where in this section! We are in business ourselves, and we help ourselves better when Because of quick turn-overs our stock is alw to consider. And we guarantee auick deliver number is 159. Fort Mill Cooper E. S. PARKS, Ma WE ARE MAKING A New Peri Oil # \ The best known and mosl on the American market. We have the New Perfect] | Burner Sizes, and for a lin to the public at 25 Per Cent Of POTTS SUP . Let Us Fill Your Furniture *' - I It YOU -?* s r . { V I -*7*J ic for the support given i that the New Yeat may ., . (1 all of our friends and 1 we have undertaken has I s until now we can siip- I il lines. I ear's resolution a nlode'e I ? _? I ?t this store. SON'S j - ^ j Aany Dollars ? operative Store R the fact that there is hardly anycan not be secured here than elseto help the consumer as well as we help the consumer bes^. ays fresh, which is something else Les and efficient service. Our phone ative Store nager. ? SPECIALTY OF Wtinn b V W A V Alb i >ves t reliable Cook Stove ion in Four and Five lited time offer them N egular PricesPLY CO. % Wants.