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PtJf " *?s - (i\e? in Fort KBH Dr. T. O. On*# and his family -/ si i?it several days last week with ? . r^atives at Shelby, N. C. Miss Ulennie Kirk and Miss Wniurd knight were guests last, week of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. H&ile. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hall left yesterday for Tampa, Fla., where they may decide to make their home Mrs. Laura Capps and her children of Qaston county, N. C., v ere recent guests at the hotae of A. H. Merritt. The Rev. W. R. Bauknight left Tuesday morning for a visit of several days to his mother in Saluda. Edgar Jones left one day last v.xek for an extended visit to .Jacksonville aud other points in 1 toridu. ? William J. Erwiu of Lynchburg. Va., was a Christmas guest of Ills mnllicr Mrs. Ilnvif Krwin. in l* ort Mill. S. 1). Howie left a rew days ago for a visit of several months to his daughters in Charleston and Jacksonville, Flu. Mr. and Mrs. W. L.- Laugstou ol Spartanburg were Christmas guests of Mrs. Langston'sparents, lion, and Mrs. S. 11. Epps. Mr. uud Mrs. Win. M. Howie of Columbia were guests last week ol Mrs. Howie's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. \V. R. baukuight. Maj. and Mrs. Erskine Ardrey of Fort McPherson, Atlanta, Ga., were guests during the holidays < of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sprutt. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coy of Sanford. N. C., spent the Christinas holidays in Fort Mill as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Potts. George A. Ainsley has sold* to llenry Hammond his 50 acre farm f on the old Nation Ford road near the corporate limits of the town. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kiiubrell are A. W. Fravor and Mrs. Baker of Haldwinsville. N. V., father ami sister of Mrs. Kimbt ell. Mrs. W. L. Keardon and her children of Graniteville, Aiken county, ure guests of Mr, uud Mrs. \V. F. Harris at tlie Palmetto ho.el. This week the Woman's Mis- i sionary union of the Fort Milt I Jtaptist church is observing the week as one of prayer for missions. Christmas day eollections for Near Fast relief at the Fort Mill Haptist Sunday school uinounted to $70.81, S. A. Lee; superintendent. announced. Miss Aileeu Barber, teacher in the city schools of Columbia, was i) guest during the holidays ofj her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ' under Harber. '1 he Rev. Kdward Mack, I). D.. of Richmond, Vu., was a guest for several days last week at the home of liis mother. Mrs. Hattie Mack, in Fort Mill. Miss Helen Epps of Umatilla Flu., is a guest at the home of her nnele. Hon. S. 11. Epps, in the Jolil Hill community. Miss Florence Boyd of Montevallo, Ala.. Parks O. Boyd of Norfolk, Vu.. and .John 0. Boyd of Fnrmington, N. were guests of their mother, Mrs. Mamie Boyd, during the Christmas holidays. A small blaze that was easily extinguished was discovered between the ceiling and roof of the main building of the For^ Mills graded sehool Tuesday afternoon. The fire was thought to have started from an overheated chimney igniting a number of rafters. A social event of much oleiisnre during the Christmas holidays was a reception given Tuesday evening of last week at the Presbyterian manse by the Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Viser to the members of the Fort Mill Presb.vtarian church and a number of other friends. Dr. .1. W. H. Dvehes, pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist church, states that he and his family were rite recipients of numerous table comforts from the Pleasnnt Valley Baptist church during the holidays, and also a substantial check frotn the Fort Mill Sunday school, for all of \vhieK they were deeply grateful. Col. Wm. Mack of New York city spent the Christmas holidays it; Fort Mill as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Hattie Mack, and his sisters., Mrs. Elizabeth Belk and Mrs. W. B. Ardrey. Col. Mack is a close observer of national politics and says ha will be greatly surprised if the Democrats do nftt wrest control ofMhe bouse of representatives from the Republicans in the congressional elections next November. Jte an slMticm^ t^e c of the board of trustees of the < Fort Mill graded School, district t No. 28, to succeed W. D. Wolfe, i W. J.Kimbrell and H. D. Harkey, p whose terms'are about to expire. t The new members of the board r will be elected for six years and j their terms of service will begin immediately following the an- 1 nouncement of the result of the ( election. ^ School district No. 28, a special > district created by act of the Leg. j f i&tature some years ago.coraprises 11 not only the whole of the town of J i Fort Mill but also considerable , f contiguous territory lying out- i ( side the corporate limits of the I town. The election for trustees J will not therefore be confined to c | citizens of the town, but may be ] I participated in by citizens living i I in any part of the district. Yes- i terday The Times was unable to ascertain the name of even one t ( itir.on ulin lilrol,- Mri 11 Km 1a* | . .. mv ??nvij vi ill Ut |/UI 1UI - t| iward as a candidate for .member- 1 '.'hip on the board. Married in Glover Street. A crowd estimated at 800 per- c i sons last Thursday evening at 7 ?! o'clock witnessed the marriage in '' one of Clover's streets of Magis- 4 irate A. J. Quimi of King's Moun- ; lain township and ' Miss Kmma i urrence as iliey sat in an auto- 11 mobile. The ceremony was per- ' formed by the Kev. W. 1*. Crier, pastor of the Associate Reformed , i reibyterian church of Clover. t As soon as the last words of n die ceremony died away end be- ? tore the crowd could tender congratulations to 1 lie poplar official i Mid Ins bruie, the automobile < started otf. bearing the couple to 1 au 'Unannounced destination for their bridal trip. They departed. t however, amid shouted expres- i sions of good wishes and a tusil- v lade of fireworks discharged by * bo.vs. intimations of the unitpie mar- j riage got abroad only a few min- ! utes before the ceremony was per- ? i i*?.* ?? -?*? i-? ? tviuicU) mil in (line lor II targe crowd to foregather as it by magic. Magistrate t^uinn is a ' , brother of Sheriff Fred l^uinn. , t Covers Much Territory. I ? '"1 notice." a day or two ago f said a reader of the Vorkville , tjtiirer, "that former Senator J. 1 j.. rteaniguard expresses the opin- ^ iou that there must lie a tlior- 1 ough cleaning out of the member- ' slup of the Legislature before the , people will be given any relief |irom high taxes. Everybody ( ^ vauts lower taxes, of course, and t| everybody, 1 take it, is willing to change members of the Legisla- I lure as often as necessary to so- ! 1 mre relief; but Senator Beam- j r f.uurd is covering a good deal of territory in his remark. "Up to 1921 he hail been a A m< niber of either the house or 1 senate from York county time j t our of iuiud, almost, ami he knows j that there are men in both those t bodies as anxious us he is to low- * er the levy aiul who have striven f as hard to that end us he ever did. e Senator Beuraguurd was in the < Legislature when the 1920 appropriation bill was passed, and surely no one will claim that all the big tax increases have come ubout since then." Ml*. Brown Tells How Bats Al most Burned Her House Down. "For two mouths I never went j in our cellar, fearing a rat. One ( night in bed I smelled fire. Sure enough the rut had been nibbling, ;?t the matches, Jf 1 hadn't aytcd 'promptly my house would have 'burned down. Later we found the dead rat. HAT-SNAP killed it. It's great stuff." Three sizes. 85c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. and Hutchinson's Pharmacy. ? ? ? For Kale?Two foot ash wood, $ I091I; 14 to lt> Inch ash wood, cut In block* for stove, $2.50 load. Osmond Barber, Waterouk Farm. NOTICE OF ELECTION. ?? i Notice Is hereby given that un elec- , tlon wilt be held In Fort Mill, S. t\, on Tuesday. January in, 1922, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 4 p. at., at the store of Young & Wolfe, to elect three trustees of school dls- | trtct No. 28 to succeed W. !?. Wolfe. < W. J. Klmbrell and H. I>. Harkey for : , the term of six yeurs euch. beginning ' j Immediately after the result of said I election is declured. Qualifications for voting In this election arc the name | as those for voting In any other gen- j era I eteoUon held under the laws of the State of South Carolina. J. B. MI1.LS. Chairman. | F. M. MACK. Clerk. Board of Trustees Fort Mill School * District, No. 28. I Don't fail to 'attend Masaey'a Special Shoe Sale and get a pair df $7.00 shoes for $2.50 or less. j % '' ' The annual fcestiug of the Yodc f tounty iegialaBve delegation was' ield at- the court house in York Wednesday morning. A number if citizens from various sections it the count}* urged the delegaio:i to make appropriations for oa d work and Hugh Brown, supervisor, submitted an estimate of honcost of equipment he said was lecessary for the chaingang dur^ ng the year. Writing to The Times from his loine at Dobyville. Ark.. W. J. *apps. former Fort Mill citizen vho moved to Arkansas many ears ago. urges his fanner riends in this community to treat he boll weevil kindly?not to kill t. "The boll weevil really is a riend of the farmer." writes Mr. ^apps. "It will make him raise .is hog and hominy at home." Ir. Capps adds that it is not nnommon to hear of hogs weighng 625 pounds being butchered B n his neighborhood. Q TRKSPAKK NOTIPR H All persons nr? hereby warned not r? hunt, fish, eut timber or otherwise rerpass on the lunds of Mrs. Mary J. Ardrey. l)0(i TAX DL'E. Notice Is hereby given that in aeordance with the requiri nients of un et of the 19 20 session of the Cleneral isieinbly. fro.n ami after October 15. 921. all dog? that are six months old .r older on that date are liable to an nnuaI tax of >1.25 per capita. This tax is collectible and payable t my otllcc durtiiK the time prescrlbd for the payment of other State ?td County taxes. For each $1.25 paid 1 will issue a > roper receipt and numbered brass ix paid tug. the receipt to be held by lie purty paying the tax and the tug o be worn l?y the dog, except when a actual use for hunting. Penalty for failure to secure the ax tng within the time for payment f other State and County taxes is lot less than $5 nor more than $2o. me.lialf to go to the informer. Applicants for tax tags whether in lemon or by mull must advise me of he number of the School District In vhich they reside, or the tag cannot '? Issued. II. K. NKIIj. Treasurer of York County. \NMWI. ASKF.SH.MEXT Foil 11122. "nth r or <>| cuing or Hooks of Auditor for Listing i b -1 n mi- for Taxation. I Auditor's t>lllce, Dec. 3. 1921. I Pursuant to the requirements of I ho statute on the subject, notice In I terehy (Ivcn that my hooks win he I polled In my office In York Court Rj louse on Monday, January t, 1922. I or tho purpose of listing for tuxn- I ion nil 1'orsonnl and Heal Ppoperty | ield In York County, on January 2. _ 922, and will ho kept open until the Oth ?lay of Fehrunry. 1922. and for _ he convenience of the Taxpayers of ho County I will he at the places numerated below on the dates tamed: Bandana?< Perry Ferguson's Store) Thursday, January Rth. Hickory drove?Monday, January th. Sharon? Tuesday, January, 10th Kullock's Creek? Wednesday, Jan- | McConnellsvlMc Thursday, Januay ISth. Newport-?Friday, January 13th. I Fort Mill?Monday, Tuesday and iVednesday. January 18th, 17th and 8th. Itock Hill?Monday. Janunry 23rd hrouxh Saturday, January 28th. All males between the axes of vventy-one and sixty years are liable o a poll tax of $1.00 and all persons io liable are especially reqnested to rive the numbers of their respective chool districts In mnklnx their reurns. BHOAni'8 M. 1XWF. Auditor of York County. Dec. 2. 1921. 3 A Tonic B J Xj For Women K|j; 33 "I was hardly able to drag. 1 DE I m was so weakened." writes Mrs. La. jy W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. HE | a ri ' 'The doctor treated me for about Hv M two months, still I didn't get W j% M any better. 1 had a large fam- Mj n Ld ily and felt 1 surely must do U I <> XI something to enable me to take Ok 1 J heard of nf CARDUll t Tha Woman's Tonic W_ Jy "1 decided to try it," con- yy R [j tinues Mrs. Ray ... "I took Q W eight bottles in all... 1 re- M M gained my strength and have M y Li had no more trouble with wo2U manly weakness. 1 have ten 0L m Hj children and out to do alt Q, <:< XI my housework and a lot out- HP I y N doors ... I can sure recom- rj |, Uq mend CarduL" * M w IS Take Cerduf today. IS may n 6i M be Just what yoi seed. M ai ? T MTT.T. SOUTH qazotjka mTmm ( p? F WE' We desire to tl us in 1921 and to e: bring1 many blessinj customers. Your support i (Mmhiod us to expan ply your every wan Incorporate in that you will contii l PAT & n j. You Can By Trading We wish to call the attentic thing in GROCERIES on wl n/UnrA in 4-!ki? XH ff UUA V AAA WUiO OOl/tlUU* W ourselves, and we help oura Because of quick turn-overs to consider. And we pnnra number is 159. Fort Mill 1 L. J. Massev says that when loncv is plentiful people buy m nywhere, regardless of price, || lit when money is scarce they J unt lower prices and he gets the ashless. , NOTICE. Having made my final return s administrator of the estate of tT. M. Adkins, deceased; this is lo ive notice that I will apply to He Probate Judge for discharge n February 1. 1922. J. Ij. SPRATT. , Fence Posts?Cedar posts and j lack locust posts for sale. Sec J. . Moore, R. 3, Fort Mill, iS. C. LICENSE TAX jflUB. / Annual license tax is due and * ayahle without penalty during .e month of January. F. K. ARPRKY. Mayor. at Breeds 6 to 10 Times a Year, Averaging 10 Young to Litter. Remember this, act as soon as ou see the first rat. Get a pkg. I' RAT-SNAP. It's a sure rat and lice destroyer. It's convenient, Dines in cake form, no mixing, lummifies rat after killing? aves no smell. Cats or dogs on't touch it. Three sises, 35c, Sc, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. nd Hutchinson's Pharmacy. L. J. Massey is having a special lean up Shoe Sale. Many are ^ oing at one-third former prices. ^ ' rHANK/i lank the public for the &tend the wish that the ] to each anil all of o ii all which we have i nl our business mil il me t in our several lines. your New Year's resol lue to trade4 at this store i TERSOI Save Many ? at the Cooperativ >n of the public to the fact tha lich a better price can not be se f : _ i : a - i i ' ? o uiu in uusiness xo ncip xnc < elves better when we help the c \ our stock is always fresh, wh ntea auick deliveries and eflieicn Cooperative L. S. PARKS, Manager. Dairy and Pou We waul t'vciT owner of ?*li i< ken Iv to food linttermilk Laying Mash for your cow for more milk, just so you for more e<r?is. Have you tried our Sl'tJAKlNIC I t'alf Meal? Tin y are jrreat. ('all upoi ure wholesale distributors for this liu< HARRISON FARIS SI ROCK H ILL, West Main Street. "Our Seed Will ??? ? ii mm i? EAGLE "MIKADO">^%y^ For Solo kt your Dealer I ASK FOR TIL" YELLOW PF-NCII. V CAG1.E MIKAt EAGLE PENCIL COMPAf )ld newspapers for sale * rou - ' V support given New Year may >ur friends and 1 ^ I ? muemiKeii nas iv we can supution a pledge \ rs 4" r^n lyunai 5 e Store t there is hardly anycured here than elseconsumer as well as onsumer best, icli is something else t service. Our phone oiurc iltry Feeds s in the Fort Mill rommuiiiinore eggs. .lust as you feed must feed the right ration )airv Feeds, liog Feeda, and ii your grocer for them. We L*. ZED COMPANY S. C. I Grow." Phone 699 S^^^^Pencil No. 174 la fin irUa /ITH THE RED BAND X) ^Y, NEW YORK -The Times office*