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i. TilTi1 Annual Pi a Commencing ft at 9 OTlr Mlf V ViV Ei In This Si Clean Up Ends, Sm t . nants, Etc partment V ROi ?, ?1II111 ? ? ? ? ? || A Happy and v II New Ye < > < 11 s To each and every one of < who have helped us make tl j the best yet, we wish for y< is good for the year 1922 i your liberal patronage, and even better in the coming yi < LYTLE DRl * "The Service Drug i * > i? < Special for In order to clean u inventory, we otter ten days many Shoes, Underwear ^ Etc. Come to see THE CASH PHONE No S. A. LEE and T. F. L i " 1 > . I ? 8 E fz s IRD'S e-Inventory Friday Mornin] >ck, and Lastin ight Days ,1^ wr^ 11V T T V/ 1111C1 ? All Odds lall Lots, I 4 In Every Of Our Sto ZK HILL, S C. 1 | Prosperous if Oi ar ! f i || We < aur many patrons | * frJen he old year one of 4* f t i gave >u everything that * * I ?. sei V< and thank you for | J -V7 i I f Vv 0 1 hope to serve you | J i ous I 4* < * UG CO. |i : Stoi'e." iJ'J- & o ? F M o a I I 10 Days p for taking ! You fort ho next and bargains in marl , Sweaters, Give ns, of g< had i STORE . 8. B, YTLE, Mjarrs. __J % A . ? Baker's is the Barber Shop that I bakcci the prices, but it dicta't do W I it ftt the expense of service. * ^ Hair Cut. 25c %?_ Shahipooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c I Tonic 25c Shavf .. 15e Massage, plain 25c \ Come and see us. We will save " you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER 8H0P. TRESPASS NOTICE. V All persons are positively for,bidden to I hunt, fish, cut timber or otherwise treo I pass on the land of the undersigned | U either In Fort Mill or Ebenexer township. I 111 IK. Persons disregarding this notice will bo vigorously prosecuted and a reward of % is hereby offered for evidence to conelot any such person or persons. HAMILTON CARHARTT. B, R. Patterson. Manager. TRESPASS NOTICE. V AH persons are hereby wnrned not rC lOH to hunt> cut timber or otherwtM ^ 11 if IB- trespass on the lands of the under^ 7 signed. This notice not only Included bird hunters, but rabbit hunters, posgf l_ sum hunters, duck hunters and 9<iulrrel hunters us well, and anyone vioil Ml|\ 1, latlng It will be prosecuted as the law prescribes. B. F. MASSE Y ESTATE, ? Mrs. HATTIE B. MACK. ( J. A. BARBER. W. M. WHITE, E. B. WHITE H. M. WHITE, S. E. WHITE. TRESPASS NOTICE. ^ All persons are hereby warned aot to hnnt> ""b. cut timber or otherwise I trespass on the lands of the undtf* signed. This notice Is Intended tt apply to everybody. * j Dec22 FRED NIMS. Sr. and DR. T. O. GRIGG _ DENTIST O tTl Office Next to That of G. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J B, Elliott. I a 'Teleohone Connections. ESTATE NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate | of the lute C. P. Rlankenshlp aro ' | 1^ v y hereby notlfcd to muke payment to the undersiKned at once and all persons holding claims against the said estate will present them, duly approved. to the undersigned. , OITY HI.ANKENS1IIP. J. A. TATE. Mrs. C. P. BEANKENHHIP. Executors of Estate of C. P. Rlankenship. Deceased. ir Good Wishes / < * wish to thank our customers and j ds for the splendid business they us in 1921 and we hope to * you again in 1922. ; wish you a happy and prosperMew Year. lutchinson's Pharmacy FRUIT will always find the freshest choicest Fruit at Ferguson's the *et affords. j us your orders and be assured etting as good Fruit as can be anywhere. i . C. FERGUSON PHONE 29 JW -VWWWWWWWw WwWVW^WWW^^* i 1921 1 < ? <? - o . JI ^ < < < > As the old year g< we wish to expr< o . <> QinrAVA * ? * t oil tvv/1 V.X appi CLlc&l the friendship an< || will of the folks I 'community, giver generously durir past year. I We wish for a | good folks a pros f and haDDV New } t ? 1 ' : First National t Capital and Surplus . ? | Resources . ONE-HALF MlLLl o<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ?S 1..1 i!?ll C I 6 miLumaucaiiy deau 0 Let Culp Brothers equip your ca X Tubes. They will automatically a Q tures without losing air?giving m X casings, saves time, temper, mom ? eliminating low pressure, which is X per cent of all tire troubles. ? We have a car of COAL. Give u | CULP BROTh cS PHONE NO. 15. AAA A A* ? ?> - WAAAAAAAWWWWVt 4 We Are Gr< To all our friends for tf age with which they fe in 1921, and we wish of them a happy and ous New Year. BRADFORD I HALL STREET ' f , J ' i 922 i I J L oes out i: 2ss our x ion of I I igood | of this | I us so | lg the I 1 II you | perous I Y ear. t I I 1 Bank I t $50,000.00 t ON DOLLARS ><xxxxxxxx :d Tubes 8 r urlfU ' TMT/^AIf?/I? * ?T IVU 1UV ff dUC V J leal their punc- x ore mileage for <Q> ey and tires by X the cause of 95 O s your orders. r ERS | >oooooooo< xtefu\ le patronivored us i for each prospr r& CO. PHONE 113 * I 'l ' J