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'* /f ' S&f v : , ' * * * nvobmh Ladies', 25 7 # , i w .1 ztt: I fffEAJ I Coals that sold 1 Other values uf | closed out at I Children's Coat All Wool Serg Crepe and Sa Middy Suits, in Skirts in all the cents on the i All Ladies' ai price. This s F H | If your Shoot come from NEWS AROUND TOWN. Mr. mid Mrs. Meachaiu Moore of York spent the curly part of the week iu Fort Mill with rein t ives. Mrs. W. L. Boyd returned to Fort Mill Wcilnesdiiv with her children from u month's visit to her sister. Mrs. T. .1. McGregor, in Huntsville. Ala. The Southern railway has heen ?rri\cn permission by the town authorities to elose ('labourite street to traftle long enough to repair the overhead bridge on that street. At a meeting of town eoimeil Tuesday evening the local board of health was reorganized by the election of Dr. H. S. DesPortes Dr. .1. B. Elliott. (). T. Culp. A. B Sbeppard and E. L. Hughes. Workmen are busy this week installing the window sash at St. .John's Methodist church. When me work is completed within the next ilay or two. the new huild?)>ir ivi|| he practically finished. The lights in the sash are leaded and stained and add to the attractive appearance of the building. The Rev. J. W. II. Dyches and Harmon Harkev left Tuesday morning for Greenville, where they are attending the centennial session of the Baptist State convention. While he is away from home, Dr. Dvehes expects to visit Ins daughter. Miss Martha, at Anderson college. A large attendance of the mem1)< rship of Catawba lodge. No. 56. A. F. M.. is i'xp4?et4'4l at the regular iMumiiiiuicHtion to he held in t li ? lodge rooms this evening. \\ hen officers are to be elected for ihe ensuing year. Friday evening the new officers will he installed and an oyster supper served the lodge membership. The hoiue which has been under construction for some time in Whiteville park. Fort Mill, for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall of the Pleasant Valley community is' Hearing completion and Mr. ami Mrs. llall are preparing to move1 into it next Monday. Mr. Hall has a splendid farm and modern home in Pleasant Valley which he says he leaves reluctantly, but his health has not been good for some time and he wishes to get away from the cares of farm life by moving to town. j'vV f .A' ^ Misses' ai Suii \J 9U V D THESE PRICES up to $75, now only > to $50, now being . . . . $8.9! s, special values $2.9 e, Tricotine, Canton itin Dresses $3.95, $4. all Wool Serge . 1 ! new materials at 50 dollar. MILLINERY id Children's Hats r tock must and will 'ATTERS Patterson's, you know what yc Cotton Still Blooming. I. E. Harper returned to his home in Fort Mill a few days ago. following a visit of ten days to his brother. Thos. llarper, a large landowner, in Charleston eoiintv. Mr. Harper says there lias been praetieally no frost in the lower part of the State this fall and that cotton may he seen blooming down there as in midsummer. '1 he place of Thos. Harper is near Meggettts. in the trnek growing seetion, where Mr. Harper was told two tons of cabbage seed, costing $17,000. had been sown on one place. Miss Georgia Ott Married. Word was received in Fort Mill Thursday of the marriatre in (.tv.nwood on November III) ol Miss CJeorgia Oil, daughter ol Dr. and Mrs. A. 1<. Ott of Fort Mill, to 11. 1*. Speed of Abbeville. I lli?' announcement of tli?' marriage of Miss Ott was a matter of much interest to lier many home friends. For the last two years she has been a teacher in the Air la vilie eitv public schools, of which Maj. .lames l>. Kit I p. for- j inerly of Fori Mill, is snperin- I tendent. Mr. Speed is a rising j young business man who is conueeted with one of the Abbeville banks. - Welcome for New Pastor. The Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist congregations of Fort Mill joined Sunday evening in a union service of welcome at the Pi esbvterian i lun-i-li tti.. !?..? K. II. V ixer. who lias just as- I, sinned the pastoral work of the latter church. Addresses w? re I made by the Rev. .1. \Y. II. Dyches. pastor of the Baptist church, and the Rev. W. R. Itouk night, pastor of the Methodist church. The sermon was preaehed by Mr. Yixer to a congregation which almost filled the church. Millions of Frost proof Cabbage plants now ready, $1.75 per thousand. ">00 for $1. postpaid. Strong and healthy. Medlin Plant Farm, j Fort Mill. S. C. Telephone 125-11. This is the 28th year that Santa Clans has made headquarters at i Massey's. where he has a beautiful array of "Gifts That Lust" at lowest prices. f thb poet mill Tn?8,r< MM??? 3PECIAI nd Child ts, Dresse ENTS . $29.75 5-$24.95 (fife 5-$ 9.95 95 &Up ?; I -2 Price tow half be sold. OPTS DR FORT MILL, S >u are getting. Educat Bi IMPORTANT MEETING IK URDAY, DECEMBER 10TH Trustees and Patrons and Notice:? Stair Sperintendent of Kilm dross you. The County Teachers' Asocial Miss Will Lou Gray will con the ten Adult Schools to and February. If you have not visited your A CITIZENS' EDUC Will be formed in the Rot Hall next Friday Morning C. Hurts is in charge of tl JOHN E. ( County Superinten. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. | Annual Meeting to Be Held on January 5, 1922. Pursuant ! > Statute, notice is hereby i,i\ * 11 to uIioiii i' may concern thut the ANNI'AI, M KKTINtI of the Hoard jr 'oliiniissioncrs o? Vol k I'lilint;. will tie hel.l ill tile In of tile ?'oil lit . Ifupervlsor in ttie tVrrt limine on TlilJltSI'AY, .IANI'aijv .".'I'll, )ViJ. commencing nt lo o'clock a. hi I'nder Section !i;i' of the '"ivil 1'iele nil claims against the t'ounty not |u evlot.sly presented must In fileii .viiii t'le < "Jerk of the Hoaril o'i or before i.inuary I. l'.fJJ. ami holders of the cluin.s take notice that if the same are not presented iiiul file.) during the year in which they are contracted, or the year following, such claims will be forever Irirred. All claims against Y? 1 t'ounty must be itemized and they ?. -.1 be .iccunpaIiied by attldavls of the claimants setting j forth that the several amounts claimed | are lust. true, due ami owing, ami thut no part thereof has tiem panl by discount or otheryvlse. All jiersons authorised by law to administer oaths are required to probate latins against the County fiee of charge. By order of the Board. HUGH Q. BROWN. Supervisor. Annie L. Wallace. Clark. ,, >RT MILL, BOOTH OABOUHJ j SALE ren's Cos s and Ski ON THI \ i For Hei be long r BR*v Pocketboo ^ wear, Bed; f *9 gee Waist, ^ kerchiefs, Mat, Blan Counterpa For Hit Crossett Shoes, Couple Suits V wool, lisle or cc Dozen Handki Trunk, Suit Cai :Y GOOD outh Carolina. ion Lisiness r THE COURT HOUSE SATC, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. Teachers Will Please Take I I [*)ilion Swearingen will ii? 1. it ion will he reorganized, for with those interested in he operated during January School do it. ATION ASSOCIATION k Hill Chamber of Commerce at 11:00 o'eloek. Supt. K. lie program. :arroll lent of Education. !><><; TAX l>l'K. Hog- Six Month- Mid on Met. ir?, 10*21, >Iiim Wear Tax I'nlil Tug*. Notice Is hereby given liiat in necorilance witli I in- rei|uiremeiits of sin so t of the l!?2o session of the (JeiieraI I Assembly, from and after i ictober la, i 1021, sill dogs that are six months old i or older on that date sire liable to an J annual tsix of $1.25 per capita. This tax is collectible and payable j sit my otllce during the time prescribed for the payment of other State and County taxes. For each $I.2!V psiid I will issue si proper receipt and numbered brass tax paid tag. the receipt to be held by the psirty paying the tsix and the tag to be worn by the dog. except when j in actual use for hunting. Fenalty for failure to secure the | tax tag within the time for payment of other State and County taxes Is not less than $5 nor more than !2o. one-half to go to the informer. Applicant* for tax tags whether in person or by mall must advise me of the number of the School District In which they reside, or the tag cannot be Issued. H. E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. i . its, Suits, rts E DOLL CHRISTMAS GIF" r?Some that are us emembered: Bathrob k, Silk Hose, Kid ( room Slippers, Georg< , Fur Neck Piece, Sw Table Linen, Scarf, kets (all wool, mixed nes. II?Overcoat, Suit of Stetson or Velour Hat, Nice Shii Wright's Underwear, Half Doz< >tton, Half Dozen Collars, Pair F erchiefs, Pretty Necktie, Pair se, or Bag. S STORE Our Gr \ Busii Is growing- from day to day. GROCERY BUSINESS than e) npnnlp nf Ti1 TVTiU v** a. wi b mm ivj;pi ruitut ness of our stock and our pron If you are not already one ol be pleased to add your name 1 BRAD HALL STRLET i 1 j <. m 1^% 4 I V_>< 111 IS llllc ? We Have a Com % manicure sets % toilet sets ? perfume sets :i: comb & brush sets % infant sets xmas stationery safety razors i flashlights + purses % jewelry i nunally s and ligc % | LYTLE Df jj "The St rvice di | Old newspapers for salt . * W3;:<3 vv'..1*' ."1 Middy nrt rs ieful and will e, Umbrella, jloves, Neck;tte and Ponreater, HandTowels, Bath I or cotton), Clothes, Pair rts, Suit of Pajamas, en Pairs Sox?silk, I CP i i r louse Clippers, nair Gloves, Umbrella, I I ' uter y less We are doing a larger /er,which indicates that the i the low prices, the freshlpt service. f our customers we would to our list. D & CO. PHONE 113 * ?. ts Gifts I! < i plete Line Of * :i MILITARY BRUSH sets CIGARS, PIPES & TO !! BACCO | WATERMAN & CONK- ? LIN FOUNTAIN t PENS EASTMAN KODAKS <; SHUMATE RAZORS ;; \ KODAK ALBUMS JETT S CANDIES. ?? IUG CO. rug Store." * i ?The Times office. \