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' sry-v . .t , MHHIM Ladies', ? 1 25 T * I " READ Coats that sold v Other values up I closed out at Children's Coats All Wool Serge Crepe and Sat Middy Suits, in e Skirts in all thei cents on the d H All Ladies' an price. This st P a | If your Sho?? come from I NEWS AROUND TOWN. Mr. and Mrs. Meachain Moor*' j of York spent the eurlv part of j< tlie week in Fort Mill with rela |?j tives. hi Mrs. \Y. L. Hoyd returned to \ Fort Mill Wednesday with her p I'hildren from a month's visit to p her sister. Mrs. T. .1. MeGregor. i| in Huntsvillf. Ala. in . i.. i lie miiiinern railway nus neen i iri\ rii permission hv tli** town an- ii thoriiies to close Clebourne street m to traffic long enough to repair u the overheat! bridge on that c? street. 01 At a meeting of town council Tuesday evening the local hoard o< health was reorganized by the elect ion of Dr. K. S. DesPortcs Dr. .!. B. Klliott. (>. T. Culp. A. B !. Sheppard and K. L. Hughes. y Workmen are busy this week B installing the window sash at St. M John's Methodist church. When l the work is eompleted within the a; next day or two. the new build- u h>tr "ill be practically finished, fi The lights in the sash are leaded si and stained and add to the attrac- h tive appearance of the building, u The Rev. J. W. H. Dyches and " l Iii rilirtli 1111 t*lr ?>\i I..O Tii?o.I...i tl . .... *?? ?? ini i urmia > morning for Greenville, where y they are attending the centennial 11 session of the Baptist State eonvent ion. While he is away from home. Dr. Dyches expects to visit liis daughter. Miss Martha, at Anderson college. a A large attendance of the mem- ^ la rship of Catawba lodge. No. 56, n A. F. M.. is expected at the reg- 1 nlar eoinnmnication to he held in f the lodge rooms this evening, s when officers are to be elected for I 1 lie ensuing year. Friday even- ' ing the new officers will be in- I stalled and an oyster supper serv. c ed the lodge membership. > The home which has been nil* l' der construction for some time in * Whiteville park. Fort Mill, for v Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall of the , Pleasant Valley community is! nearing completion and Mr. ami I Mrs. Hall are preparing to move's into it next Monday. Mr. Hall n has a splendid farm and modern 1 home in Pleasant Valley which , he says he leaves reluctantly, but his health has not been good for < some time and he wishes to get ] away from the cares of farm life J by moving to town. J1 =jj Misses' a Sui O 50 C THESE PRICES ip to $75, now only to $50, now being . . . . $8.9 , special values $2.9 :, Tricotine, Canton in Dresses $3.95, $4 ill Wool Serge . new materials at 50 ollar. MILLINERY d Children's Hats i ock must and will ATTERS Patterson's, you know what y I Cotton Still Blooming. I. K. Harper returned t<? his Dine in Fort Mill a few days ago. Mowing a visit oi* ten tlays to his rother. Thos. llarper. a large iiulowner. in Charleston county. Ir. Harper says there has been ractically no frost in the lower ;irt of the State this fall and lat cotton may la* seen hlooinig down there as in midsummer, he place of Thos. Harper is near leggettts. in the truck growing etion, where Mr. Harper was >ld two tons of cabbage seed, sting $17,000. had been sown i one place. Miss Georgia Ott Married. Woitl wjis received in Fori Mill luirsilay of the marriage in r.snwood on November MO of liss Georgia On, daughter ot >r. iind Mrs. A. L. Ott of Fort till, to li. 1'. Speed of Abbeville, j lie annouiieetnent of the utarri- i ge of Miss Ott whs a matter of ! neb interest to her many home { riends. For the last two years lie has been a teacher in the Air I ville eitv publie schools, of j bich Maj. .lames I). l-'ulp. forterly of Fort Mill, is superiu- | indent. Mr. Speed is a rising ! oung business man who is collected with one of the Abbeville auks. Welcome for New Pastor. The Presbyterian. Methodist ml Baptist congregations of Port 1 ill joined Sunday evening in a in ion service of welcome at the 'resbyterian church for the Rev. I. II. Viser. who has just asutned the pastoral work of the after church. Addresses w? re aade bv the Rev. .1. \V. II. )vehes. pastor of the Baptist burch. and the Rev. \V. R. Bonk iifrht. pastor of the .Methodist htirch. The sermon was preach I by Mr. Viser to a congregation vhich almost filled the church. Millions of Frost proof Cabbage dants now ready. $1.7f> per thouand. r>tH) for $1. postpaid. Strong md healthy. Mcdlin Plant Farm. ?\>rt Mill. S. C. Telephone 125-B. This is the tWth year that Santa 'laus has made he.ubpiarters ai Massey's. where lie has a beautiful array of "Gifts That Last " at owest prices. THE EOET MILL TIME, Tt SPECIAI nd Child ts, Dresse ENTS I Su^ . $29.75 gy g|[ e <feoa nc Aw! U Hi 5-$ 9.95 .95 & Up ? 1-2 Price i now half be sold. ION'S DF FORT MILL, S ou are getting. Educat B IMPORTANT MEETING I] URDAY, DECEMBER 10TI Trustees and Patrons and Notice:? State Sperinteiuleiit of Kdu dress von. The County Teaeliers' Asoci Miss Will Lou Gray will eoi the ten Adult Schools to and February. If vou have not visited vou J A CITIZENS' EDU( Will In* formed in the* Ko Hull next Friday Morning Hurts is in charge of t JOHN E. t County Superinten i ?i ^?????? coiiNTv nnMMTsaxnvPDc Annual Meeting to Be Held on January 5, 1922. Pursuant to Statute. notice is hereby ;,lwn to whom i* ii?hv concern that tin 'AN NT A I. MKKTINtI of the Hoard ?f , * 'utiiniisslmicrs o. York County will he lichl in tin- i ? In < !' the Count . >'u|i. ij visor in tlie Cent llouse on THIIli.-'.l?AY, .1 ANl'AiiV ;,TII. lir?, commenclnt nt l? o'clock a. in I'niler Section of the -*iv;l Co-le all j claims against the t'oiinty n->t pievlonsly j presented must In ftleil Aim the Clerk of the Itoanl o*i or before January I, 1anil holders of the claims take notice that If the same are not presented anil filial iliiiiny the year in which they are contracteil, or the year following, such claims will he forever barred. All claims against Y" 1 County must he itemised ami they i. -a he acc-impanleil hy atttiiavis of the claimants setting j forth that the several amounts clnlmeil are lust, true, due aiul owIuk. and that no part tltereof has been paid by discount or otherwise. All persons authorised by law to ad< minister oaths are required to probate claims Hicalnst the County free of charge. Hy order of the Board. HUGH O. BROWN. Supervisor. Annie L. Wallace. Clark. i I ?tTMILL, SOUTH CAROLINA j SALEren's Coa s and Skii ON THI ^3 For Her aafo be long re W&) Pocketbool wear, Bedr t-cf . I 3 gee waist, 3 kerchiefs, 1 Mat, Blanl Counterpar Hin Crossett Shoes, S Couple Suits W 1 wool, lisle or cot Dozen Handkei Trunk, Suit Cast :y good: outh Carolina. I : ion usiness t !* THE COURT HOUSE SATI, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. Teachers Will Please Take ication Swearingen will adation will be reorganized, lfer with those interested in he operated during .January r School do it. 3ATI0N ASSOCIATION ek Hill Chamber of Commerce * at 11:00 o'clock. Supt. K. lie program. I _ CARROLL I ' ? . lonf nf P./iiipatiAn ' uvliv V* uuuv?biVii> ?' 1 ihm; tax die. i Six Month- Old on Oct. I A. 11121. 3 Must Wear 'I'm* I'nid Tate*. J | Notice Is hereby Miycn that in tie- i cordance wttli the requirements of an 1 a? t of the I it2o session of the Oeneral [3 Assembly, from and after October 1 o. jj 15*21, all doKs that are six months old , 3 or older on that date are liable to an I J annual tax of $l.2"? |?er capita. 4 This tax is eolleetlhle and payable ^ at m\ otllee dnritiK the time preserth- <j ed for the payment ??f other State 3 and County taxes. 3 For each $1.2.r? paid I will Issue a 3 proper receipt and nntubered brass e tax paid taK. the receipt to be held by 3 j the party paying the tax and the taK 3 to be worn by the doit, except when i in actual use for huntitiK j ?j I 1'enalty for failure to secure the ^ tax Iuk within the time for payment ?5 of other State and County taxes is 1 not less than $.r> nor more than |2o, 3 one-half to go to the informer. j Applicants for tax taifs whether In *j person or by mail must advise me of * the number of the School District in which they reside, or the taK cannot be issued. H. E. NEIL. j 1 Treasurer of York County. ' ts, Suits, fl *ts E DOLLi CHRISTMAS GIFTS ?Some that are usef membered: Bathrobe, t, Silk Hose, Kid Glc oom Slippers, Georgett Fur Neck Piece, Swes fable Linen, Scarf, Tc cets (all wool, mixed les. l?Overcoat, Suit of C itetson or Velour Hat, Nice Shirts, right's Underwear, Half Dozen ton, Half Dozen Collars, Pair Hou rchiefs, Pretty Necktie, Pair G1 or Bag. n fTAnr 3 31URL Our Grc Busini Is growing from day to day. W GROCERY BUSINESS than ever, people of Fort Mill appreciate tli ness of our stock and our prompt If you are not already one of 01 be pleased to add your name to c BRADFORL HALL STREET y.j. s..%,% .% ?; A ,% Christ ma? We Have aCompl MANICURE SETS IV TOILET SETS PERFUME SETS C COMB & BRUSH SETS INFANT SETS V XMAS STATIONERY SAFETY RAZORS FLASHLIGHTS Ei PURSES SI JEWELRY K< NUNALLY S AND LIGGE1 LYTLE DRl "The Strvice Drug > p < > < <. .> Did newspapers for sale? iliddy i (VR ? . ul and will Umbrella, >ves, Neck:e and Poniter, Hand>wels, Bath or cotton), lothes, Pair Suit ot Pajamas, Pairs Sox?silk, ise Slippers, Half loves, Umbrella, >cery ess e are doing a larger which indicates that the le low prices, the freshservice. nr customers we would tur list. >& CO. PHONE 113 I * o > Gifts ! ?t <? ete Line Of * i: < > < > [ilitary brush ;; sets :: igars, pipes & toraf!f!n t /ATERMAN & CONK- o LIN FOUNTAIN PENS o ISTMAN KODAKS ;; IUMATE RAZORS ]; sj. JDAK ALBUMS ; PT S CANDIES. L/G CO. Store." ;; ? -The Times office* \ j