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r ' i < Graded School Notea. The basketball game scheduled I for Friday with Kershaw in Ker- I shaw was postponed on account I of bad weather, but the game was | played Monday and Fort Mill lost, 19 to 17. This is " Educational week" at the school and all the patrons and friends of the school are invited to visit the class rooms. The superintendent. principal and teachers will appreciate the in- | tcrest shown by the presence of , visitors. Miss Beuiuh E. McNemar. ? ?'!? - ' brated entertainer, will give "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" in the school auditorium Thursday evening. I The parent-teacher eluh met I Thursday afternoon in the school g auditorium. Miss Tindal's class G in mental arithmetic gave their I lesson for the day, the glee club fl sang and after a short business I session the club adjourned. 3 The girls' basketball team will R play the Lancaster high school il team in Fort Mill Friday after- IB noon and the hope is expressed I that a large crowd will see tliejg game. J Boll Weevil on the Run. We understand tin* remedy's found To stump out tlie boll weevil? We'll put aside out possom hound And hunt no more this season. The possum does Ids work at nlRht CllmblttK on the trees; tip and down the slinmon tree CatrhltiK weevils with Rreut ease. The rahhlt travels too at nlRht From pea patch to the cotton; And If he finds the weevils there He tukes them off a-trottln . Old bird iIiik you're no more Rood ? For us In the straw fields; The only tiling you're fit for now Ik to i'omv ami net voiir iiiciiIk. x The <111:> 11 also should In- Kind X For It's tin* most Important thlnr.; 4? The weevil will not last Ioiik If It's here In the sprlnK. X The foreign iliK'k (we'll not sllKht yon' X For eontlnK close aronml. If you could stay a while with us X No weevils cotlhlhe found. J The squirrel he's out at break o' day J JumpluK about the trees? X The weevils soon will Im-kIii to say. You can fluht us all you please. X We'll put aside our old shot K?U ? And k?*ep it oiled and cleuned - J 1 think some day there will not he X A boll weevil to he seen. v A If the farmer had taken the good tdvlce Offered him years uro, X There would not now he weevils here 4 To eat his cotton, you know. C P U I $ Fort Mill. S. t\ T Don't net Iniuifu/./.leil by read-i* injr l>i?r advertisemeiits with odd *j* eent prices. Yon can always bet a your bottom dollar that Massey'sjx prices are lower. | J Make 11 it* \vliol?> family happy $ Christinas. A liruiiKwick Phono- % tfiapli will ?lo it. Tim only phono- X jrrapli that plays all reronls por < fectly. nolo TAX DUB. The attention of owners of <l>>ns within the limits of Kot I Mill is ? ;? 11 I to the ordinance reoiilrlnr; the paynieiit annually of a tax of $| no for males uml I'.'.no for females New tans will he i Issiieit upon payment of the tax to the Town Treasurer. K. B. AltOltBY. Mayor. | It BAD A NO I.ISTBN Itememher I he t'lt.V I'ressltiK I'luli wants your ?lry eleanltiK. French <trv eleanliiK. d.velnit, repairing. altering. etr We Kuarantee satisfactory service on every pleee of work we ito. For quick j servlee phone if?.*>. Our motto Is to please I everybody. (Jive us a trial Ilo<?l Williams, Manager; Bonnie tTnwford. Proprietor. orrn u;uc at jlili/ yy t ijl/\ 1 AND OATS Any Variety?Any Quantity. Vetch. Rye. Clovers, Hurley. TJpland and Lowland Permnnitnt Pasture .Mixtures. Lawn Crass. Lime, and eerythiuj? for the garden. Garrison-Faris Seed Company W. Main St. ROCK HILL, S. C. "Our Seed Will Crow. j Pyramid Paint Shop / HOCK 111 IX, S. C. PAINTING If your cur needs painting we will paint it for you and do it in such a way that you will be surprised at the difference it makes in the looks of your old cur. Our corps of painters ) are the host that can lie obtained and only those who are experienced In car painting ure on our force. The looks of your car is Just like the looks of your person. It Roes a tang wgy. "1 MUKS A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. | J JUST 1{ You will find here a larpc si day (roods from which to uial moderntily priced that yoi THE CASi phon: S. A. LEE and T. A DOLLAR 5 DOLLAR (ict our prices on triminiu(r. > tiiins. jilso painting- When \ see the difference. We have from which you can select. ^ tliin-r iiiitl (rive you another. Our price meets with tin* ipml Our workmanship can't he be uicr in the South, that is the isfied eusloniers. We are in that type. It' you give us your job \v? a: and (pialitv of material can't Tops, Curtains, Cushions an We also carry a full line Far drag harrows, disc harrows, plows of the host kind, the .l( over the world. (Jet our prici you need them to fi?rht the (Jet our prices on Buggies. \V? J. C. HARDIN Black Street .j, Mr We \vi f a complete Some of tli i Pianos, Sewing and Embroidery Puzzle Parties, Dolls from 25c t mobiles, Rocking Horses, Pictur Mechanical and Electrical Trai Signal Engineering Sets, Gilbet Wagons, Mechanical Boats,, Me Disappearing Guns, A, B, C Bio Light Houses, Aeroplanes, RocV Jerseys, Transformers, Skip-a-L We will be delighted to h r. O. FLOWERS, Ma ? tort m. mm 5 DAYS ork o!" Toys' and other holier your ?rit'f selections, all so i will not hesitate to hnv. tf STORE E No. 8. V. LYTLE, Mgrs. iAVED IS A I MADE ! ?ii* 11 its tops. cushions, cur- x oil ?;ot our prices you will t ii larjre slock of ifuilcrials Ye ilo nol promise you one i'ou do your own selecting' i,y- ' ? at. We have the West trim reason we have so many sat- X need of another trimmer of X .sure you that workmanship * he heat. ~ A d Painting Our Specialty. A m Machinery, Harrows. j jrrain drills, stalk cutters. J >11N DKltK line, known all % i's. Now is the time that 4 ho|| weevil. T appreciate your patronage. T &: COMPANY I ROCK HILL, S. C. 4 : * ** * ? ? W TO Toys F< I A sii 10 announce to the assortment of Toys o many things we lur Sets, Trunks, Doll Furniture, E o $15, Doll Carriages, Mounted e Books, Magic Drawing Books, ns, Gilbert Erectors, Gilbert Chei t Telegraph Sets, Gilbert Mysti chanical Fire Trucks, Sandy And cks, Building Blocks, Guns, Air ting Horses, Kiddy Cars, Irish M ongs, Games of All Kinds, Oropl ave you see our assortment i Rock Hil nager ,ro?TMm?g.a~" : . i, i " LISTEN! ? Baler's is the Barber Shop that | haked the prices, but it didn't do ? it at the expense of service. j Hair Cut 25o $ Shampooing, plain 25c <! Singeing 25c \\ Tonic . 25c < * Shave 15c o Massage, plain 25c < \ Code and see us. We will save o you money and send you away ^ smiling ^ BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. TRE8PA8S NOTICE. All persons are positively forbidden to huht, fish, out timber or otherwise tree- A pass on the land of the undersigned T either in Fort Mill or Ebenezer township. J Persons disregarding this notice will be # vigorously prosecuted and a reward of ? is hereby offered for evidence to convict v any such person or persons. ^ HAMILTON CAKHAiO'T. 1 B. E. Patterson. Malinger. TRESPASS NOTICE. 1 AM persons are hereby warned not ? to hunt, fish, cut timber or otherwise 5 trespass on the hinds of the under- A signed. This notice not only IncludM a bird punters, but rabbit hunters, pos- <y sum Hunters, duck hunters and suutr- j rel hunters as well, and anyone v'o- J I i..ti..ol ?? - - I ......<B. .. I.MI He pruKt'i'iiiPii as in* O ln\v prescribes. 1 i B. V. MASSKY KSTATR. Mrs. HATTIE B. MACK. ^ J. A. BARBER. | W. M. WHITE. E. B. WHITE. J H. M. WHITE. <| S. E. WHITE. | TRESPASS NOTICE. 4 All persons are hereby warned rot i to hnnt, fish, cut timber or otherirtw * trespass on the lands of the und*N J signed. This notice Is Intended to 4 apply to everybody. ' I .Pec22 FREH NIMS. Sr. | DR. T. O. GRIGG , DENTIST ? Office Next to That of C. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. TdIOnK/\n A ^ vuiiiiwVlUilfli ! You Can By Tradint | We wish to call the attenth thing in GROCERIES on wl where in this section. IK ourselves, and we help ours Because of quick turn-over* to consider. And we guara number is 159. Fort Mill i YLAI or the Chi > Toy Buying Public of out of which we can ve: =FOR GIRLS= >andy Paint Boxes, China and Alumi Cats and Dogs, A, B, C Blocks, Picti , Tinker Toys of All Kinds, Horns, ! =FOR BOYS= mistry Sets, Gilbert Mutt & Jeff Jo! 5-Magic Sets, Gilbert Tool Chests, M ly Full Backs, Automatic Cranes, El Rifles, Accordions, Horse Shoe Sets, [aili, Automobiles, Wagons, Goat W tones, Leggings, Flash Lights, Footbi and believe we can satisfy you y 1 Supply C I e \ x iii Tax B< FOR i Catawba and J \ Townsh You are cordially invited to cor books which we have for the ben dianland Townships. You will f plete list of all the taxpayers ii T/ i -1- A- - ii you wisn to pay your taxes no> tend to the matter for you. If December 31 to make the paym come in to see us and it will be e service to you in this connectioi you are already a customer of tl First Natioi THE BANK THAT BACK] Capital and Surplus Resources - ONE-HALF C A/I jttvc iviany I at the Cooperative m of the public to the fact thai aich a better price can not be Be 'e are in business to help the < elves better when we help the c< i our stock is always fresh, wh .ntee Quick deliveries and efficien Cooperative Z. S. PARKS, Manager. ldren Fort Mill that we have supply the whole com nuni Tea Sets, Mud Pie Sets, Washi: ire Blocks, Doll Beds, Tricycles, Bic Pony Cars, Skates, Toy Stoves,Music 1 kes, Gilbert Wheel Sets, Gilbert Ei [echanical Autos, Mechanical Street ectrical Dynamoes, Pool Tables, Drums Symplexophon, Bugles, Aeroplane Gu agons, Engines, Wheelbarrows, Bicycle alls. vith anything in the Toy line. Company HOCK HIL < )oks I < < * < * ndianland i ips < < i * < > < > I >, ' *$ you prefer to wait until ent, write, telephone or ? l pleasure for us to be of ^ l, regardless of whether ^ ais bank. ? I I I | I tal Bank ! 3 THE FARMER. 1 $ 50,000.00 I 1ILLION DOLLARS I I i Dollars e Store t there is hardly anycured here than elseconsumer as well ns onsumer best, ich is something else t service. Our phone Store _ I in stock m unity. i n g and Wringer Sets, 1 fTi -1 -1 /"< A * jrcies, xtiuuy tjars, aiuo Boxes, Rock-a-Tots. igineering Sets, Gilbert Cars, Mechanical Mail i, Horns, Guns, Long Tom, ns, Magic Drawing Books, s, Skates Pocket Knives, iL, South Carolina