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P THEFORT MILL TIMESj Thursday*?Democratic. Rf* V- .*?, , j XV. R. Bradford. Editor and Publisher. The Time* Invitee contribution* on live aubject*. but doe* not agree to publish more than 200 word* on any aubject. The right I* reserved to edit every com inunicanon nunmmcci ror piiDiu-auon. On application to the publisher, ailver y tlstiiK rates are made known to those IntfreMwI. Telephone, local ami lona distance. No. US. Kntcietl at the postottlce at Port Mill, S. C., ah mall matter of the second clan*. | THU RS DAY. DBC. 8. 192l7 F.irulers who are holding their | cotton for higher prices have reason to believe thai with the turn of the new Vear better days will j tome tor them. The year's pro- j duet ion is hundreds of thousands > of halt's short of that of normal [ years and the big earry-over from previous crops about which we j "heard so much some months ago ! existed more in the imagination . of those who were interested in keeping down the price of the \ staple than it did in reality. Not half of the world's needs for cotlon goods could be supplied if ; every bale of cotton were wade j into elotli overnight. Next year, j with the boll weevil destroying iniieli of the crop over the entire j cotton belt, the yield is certain to be even smaller than it was this year. The farmer who can hold his cotton without inconveniencing those to whom he may he indebted apparently is in an advantageous position. The State budget commission is an institution which was estab- I lislied by an act of the General | Assembly in 1919. It costs the taxpayers something like $6,000 a ! year. KfHc?ency and economy . in the eoiidue't of the State gov 4-rniii?*iit were promised by the 1 proponents of the measure, which provides that the commission shall be composed of the governor. tin* chairman of the ways and means committee of the house and the chairman of the finance committee of the senate, these members of the Oeneral Assembly to join the governor in his reports and recommendations to that body. The commission has an efficient secretary who makes \ i an honest effort to earn the salary paid him: but the commission \ does not make the headway we I were assured it would, and already there has been talk of i abolishing it. There is a reason for the failure of the commission ! to nroduee the good things promised for it and it is this: The governor has appropriated the commission to himself ami uses it f as an individual agency to make i..*: ... ii... n ... 1 l i ituiii uiriii in i mil* mi i im* vn*m-im Assembly. As a result, when the llie house hiuI senate the commitr? port of the commission reaches tee chairmen in those bodies who ore supposed to he members of the commission do not feel it incumbent upon them to urfte the adoption of its recommendations The budget commission has done some pood, hut not as much as was expected of it. The man who owes a debt and has n marketable commodity with which he could pay the debt without seriously incommoding himself in all fairness to both himself and his creditor should dis pose oi tno commodity at ttie nest , price ho ean sret for it and pay 1 the debt. If the business houses , of a community are not prosperous one may be sure that the community itself is in no better t condition. There are business men all over the country, some even in Fort Mill. whose backs are to the wall because thev cannot colled the debts due them. In many instance* relief would come to these men at once if those who coold nnv them would do so. The man who has a bushel of corn that he was able to prow bv secitrine supplies from a neighbor merchant on the premise that he would nav foe the supplies when he fathered his crop does not own that bu?hel of corn, ft is the property of his creditor and ehonbl he <?ohl and the nroeeeds turned over to the creditor. For Sale?Three .Ter^evs and one scrub cow: also four scrub calves suitable for beef. J. F. Moore, R. 3, Fort Mill. S. C. WB " |i V-* mm mm m : f $ CANDIDATES' CARDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Mayor of Fort Mill, subject to toe > will of tbe voters In the Democratic primary* to be haUl Dec. 13. A. C. L.YTLK. I t am a candidate for Mayor of Fort ' Mlir and will thank the voters for their , support In the Democratic primary on j Dec. 13. B. C. FERGUSON. The Times Is authorised to announce. ! B. W. BRADFORD as u candidate for Alderman-at-L.urge In the Democratic primary to be held for town officers of \ Fort Mill on Dec. 13. Your vote will be appreciated if you cast It for me as u candidate for Alderman-ut-Latrge In the Fort Mill Democratic primary on l>ec. 13. J AS. T. YOUNG. .Ir. Friends of W. L. FERGUSON beg" to announce him a candidate for Aldermaiiut-Uarge In the Fort Mill city Democratic primary to be held on Dec. Jii. I am a candidate for Aldermnn-att.arge in the city Democratic pi imai > 10 be hehl on Dei*. 13. Your vote am. support otherwise will tie greatly appreciated by me. J. C. Mi'KLllA.NKl. The Times Is authorised to announce JOHN XV. UU.XN as a candidate for Alderman-at-Lurge In the Democratic primary to be held in Fort Mill on Dei-. 13. The fa vol utile consideration 01 me Democratic voter* of Kurt Mill I* *> ... iteil tor my candidacy for Aldei man-atI.arise In tlie |ii Hilary on Dec. 13. \V. J. STKKI.K. 1 should be pleased to repiesent Ward J In tlie Town Council ot hurt Mill ami um hereby unnouticiiiK m>*ell a candidate for that ottlce In the Democratic i primary on Dec. |:t Hltlt'K D. t'Cl.l'. \ \V. M. KI'I'S authorize* The Tune* to [ announce hi* candidacy for A Merman In j w uril 3, subject to tlie will ot the voter* ill the Democratic pi until > on Dec. I;;. I'. D. HUl'K i* a candidate for Abler- '| mail in Liiy i imiik 11 iiom u aiu j .him w ill l?e grateful to all who vote for titin I ill the I leinocratic primary oil L?ee. 1.1. 1 I am a candidate for Altlermaii from Waril 4 In the 1 lemuci alio prlinury on l lee. 1;4 and will thank all who favor , tie with tlielr votes. U. K. MrKIIIUKN. The Times is authorized to announce IV. v. Su oinl as a cutulnlutc or Alder man in Maul 1, subject to the result ot the city Democratic primary on Dee. 13. 1 The Tunes is authorize.! to announce liKOKUK W. MrKKNlCIK as a caiull- v late for Alderman In Ward I. subject | ' to the will of the voters III the Demo- 1 ciatic primary on Dec. J3. The Times is authorized to uiinoimee C. J. CKKIlillToN as a cuiidldute tor I I'ubllc Works Commissioner In the Dein- 1 ocrutlc primary on Dec. 13. Notice of Democratic Primary. '! Notice Is hereby given that the Fort Mill City Democratic Club was organ- ' tzed Frlduy night, November J,*), In compliance with the rules of the Democratic purty of South Carolina, and that the ' Executive Committee of said club, meet- ] ing Saturday night, November 3?i. de- | cliled that u Democratic primary for the nomination of a Mayor, two Aldermenat-L.arge, four Ward Aldermen and two ^ members of the Public Works Commis- I slon to serve the town of Fort Mill for , the terms provided by law. beginning in Junuury, l!?22. lie held in Pint Mill on Tuesday, Daoember 13, It was further ordered tliat books of enrollment bf opened for I n-monitt itvoters on Monday, November 2S, said ^ books to remain open until and IneludiiiK Saturday, I ?eeetnber ju, during which I time candidates desiring to enter the prl- | mary must pay their assessments to the secretary of tin- Kxecutlve Committee as 3 follows: For Mayor, $.* : for Aldermanat-Large, 12; for Ward Alderman, $2: for Public Works Commission. no charge .' Should a second primary he necessary to nominate a candidate or candidates for un> of these offices. It will be held 1 on Tuesday, December 20The polls will open at the store of Young & Wolfe at X a. m. and close at 4 p. in. J. ('. Suvllle, Heath Helk and Barron Bennett are hereby appointed i managers of the prlmury. The general election is to he held Tuesday, Januur.v 10. 15*22. W. B. MRACHAM, Secretary. | OKOIlflB FISH, t'halrman. TAX NOTICE 1W1 -2i. onice of tlic (dimity Treasurer of York County. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Hooks for York County will he opened on Tuesday, the dnv of Vo vember, 1921, and will remain open until the 31st day of December. 1921. for the collection of State, County. School and Ix>cal Taxes, for the fiscal year 1921 without penalty, after which day One Per Cent Penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January. 1922. and Two Per Cent Penalty for all Payments made in the month of February. 1922, and Seven Per Cent Penalty will he udded to all payments made from the 1st day of March. 1922. to the'15th day of March. 1922. and after this date all unpaid taxes will go Into execution and all unpaid Single Polls will be tprned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. All of the Hanks of the County will ' offer their accommodations and facilities to Tuxpuyers who made desire to make use of the same, and I shall take pleasure in giving prompt attention to ull correspondence ? n the aubject. All Taxpayers appealing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Hooks will be made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will always n.enthm 1 the Township or Townships In which their property or proneili-?s a*e located. If A It It Y K ill.. ; Treasurer Special cut prices on Ladies' | ami Children's Sweaters. Coats, llats a lid Shoes at Mussey'a. * ~ FORT MILL. TIMES, I''BH State and Coun |gj| copy of Counti I B J922 Automob |gg| ?og Jax ?Cicen Xmas Gifts of t * I'OILKT SKTK l!ANUTKK SKTS VOKY fOMIi AND DUt'SH si\ i s 'KKKl'MK SKTS y TAT ION KliY ! K\Y KLHY MPMS roiiAcco 10 A RKTTKS 10 A lis I, A si I LI (HITS A'A TO I IKS . \MAS 1IOXKS. WITH SKALS. * A i\ I /n WHITMAN'S and NORRIS' CAN lortment. PARKER and C *EDIP01NT PENCILS, Nickel. Sil rou do your Christmas shopping. Hutchinson FRl You will always and choicest Fruit market affords. mo /-vv/4q VJ1VC U3 J/UUl UIUC of getting as good had anywhere. B. C. FER PHON EAGLE "MIKADO For Sale al yet r '?al r ASK . ... Tl. . V:LLOW PEN EAGLE M EAGLE PENCIL COM JOB PR I AT THE TIMES OFF FORT MILL, 8. 0. _ 7 11 ty. Duplicate f treasurer's ||| He license. I lif H &k/J? se. $ J.25 on I pp I he Better Kind u% Vr % A fi'/'fMwl .layr [ fi?k s if -.\ > \ \ i " s 4 DIES, 50c to $25 Box; Big As- 4 :ONKLIN FOUNTAIN PENS. 4 Iver and Gold See us before j < ? Pharmacy i JIT | find the freshest i at Ferguson's the I rs and be assured 1 Fruit as can be GUSON E 29 i Pj ^^^VPencil No. 174 Mode in fi?? |ndM OL WITH THE RED BAND IKAPO PANY, NEW YORK INTING ICE - - PHONE 1121 Standai Red Ced VltVUtL > * n ii i 'i! 5 * i ri FNI ; ?1 I il oil : ^': " . tlT'U Anti? MOTH UU51 DAMP Young & V THE FURNITURE M A.. O. JOUST GOOD THING! (ihKi'rlcs, Market. Country I'lXMlUtV. I'lionc Fourteen. BIG REDUCTIOI Goodyear Tire (loodycnr Tin's <11*? now ;is cheap as s|)(M*ulat?' when yoii can Imv kn own ipiali moneyT ("ompnre tlicsc with any oilier l?ri JlOxd Smooth :i?x:i1-2 Non-Skid WW I 24x4 1-2 A. \\\ < 'onl ^ * II ^ In luldilioi HEATH __ pd lar ! i { ! 1 %N A II { ! -- ? j I I > %? ! ! t I I /olfe ! T1 t [EN | I ' "V ES 5 TO EAT M IN Prices inferior brands. Why tv for tin* same or less ind ? Now Formerly $ 9.85 *12.00 10.98 13.95 14.75 17.50 18.00 24.00 24.45 28.25 32.40 46.30 33.40 47.70 43.90 54.90 55.75 68.45 i to having "the right e have "the right ser)R CO.