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!sun I t We stake oui statement tiu Boys' Clothinj known manui ers are asking Men's Suits I n t - - tsoys suits P | If your Shoes come from NEWS AROUND TOWN. Anions tl??? Thanksgiving visil?rs i? Fort Mill was l)r. A. T. Neely of Newberry. Mrs. Manly S. Young and her' little son of Concord, N. urt* guests of Mrs. Alice Harris on White street. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parks and , Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Harkey vis ( iied relatives at Swansea. Lexing ton comity, during the past week Miss Cleo Murphy of Summer \ ille. lla., who is teaching in the 1 city schools of Abhevtllc. was the week-end guest of Miss Thelma Ott. Regular morning and evening services will he conducted at the Fort Mill Presbyterian church Sundav hv the pastor, the Rev. R. 11. Visor. Arthur Young came home from ? Washington and Lee university. ' Lexington, Va., and spent several ( days last week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Young. At the regular communication of Catawba lodge. No. 56. A. F. ' M.. of Fort Mill to he held Thurs- i day evening. December 8. the annull election of officers will he < held. The following Friday even- ' itsg the new officers are to lx? in s'nlled and an oyster supper serv. 1 I the members of the lodge. Dr. -J R. Elliott is the present worshipful master of Catawba lodge. Lloyd Culp. Fort Mill township farmer, failed in Magistrate 1 llaile's eonrt Wednesday after- 1 noon to secure a verdict of guilty ' against two negroes whom he charged with larceny. Mr. Culp testified that he lost a pockethook in the public road near his home which there was reason to hejieve the negroes found and that they had refused to deliver < i* to him. I "Authorities as well as those | who have no information on the subject may differ all they will i over the proposition that tridge is a destructive enemy of|( the boll weevil." said a day or < two ago C. W. Kason of Fort Mill. !| "hut I can tell you from observa- j t:on that ebickens will eat the in- _ * I fed a handful of weevils, to the chickens at mv home he | e: r'v part of the week and you < n he my won' for it that not ,| one of those weevils will ever de- | ciroy another boll of cotton. TheL * ro rr to n 4 AT GR reputation foi it no where in g being duplical Facturers in the I for inferior cl i that sold up that sold up ATTERS \ Patterson's, you know what j hiekcns took to th?? insects as it' I hey were a choice morsel." An intensive campaign to interest fanners in cooperative marketing is to Ik1 put on in York county on December 7 ami 8 by I. R. Blair, county dcinonstration agent, am) A. A. McKeown. *Iistrift (leinoiistration agent. Right meetings art in be held at varimis places in the county, the meet ing for Kort Mill being scheduled lor Thursday. December 8, at 2:110 p. in. In a letter to The Times Mr.McKeown expresses the hope ihat every farmer in the Fort Mill section will attend the meeting; here. .1. Kb Pattrcson. former Fort Mill citizen who has Ihm?ii living in Lancaster 1'or several years, spent Thanksgiving day at the home of his I rot her, K. K. Fatterson. Mr. Patterson is one of The Times' good friends who says lie enjoys reading the paper not oiilx heeatise it is from his old home Imt also heeatise when lie pieks it up lie is confident he will see something in it that lie has not already seen in the daily papers. "Deliver me." said he. "from the country newspaper whose editor lias not learend enough ahout the business to keep out of his eolmnns press dispatches which nine people out of ten have already read. The final quarterly conference of the year of the Methodist churches composing the Fort Mill circuit is to he held at St. John's church Smiling -- - - IIIUI IMIlg II 1 II o'clock. Following the business session of the conference, a sermon will he delivered by the Rev. II. Leonard, presiding elder of (lie Rock llill district. Members of Pleasant llill Methodist church, in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood, a few days afro irave their pastor, the Rev. \V. R. Poukuight. a "pounding." At a ineetinir hist Snndav of I lie Stewarts of St. John's. Philailelphi ami Pleasant llill Methoilist churches, the salary of tin pastor the Rev. AV. R. Bouknight. was fixed at $2,f)00 for the next year. Make the whole family happy I'hristmas. A Brunswick Phonograph will do it. The only phonograph that plays all records perfectly. > tmeyMttmix wants, ft ttn BII IK Ml EATLY RI r dependable ad this section are ted. You will fii country at from othing. Come t< to $60 now to $25 now ION'S DR FORT MILL, S. rou are getting. lax Collections Good. Tin* collect ion of the annual property tax for the town of Fort i] Mill for the current year was almost complete at he time the penalty became effective on Noj veinber In. yesterday said C. S. j Link, town treasurer, ''According 1the records." Mr. Link added, "probably 95 per cent of the whole amount had beeti collected by that time. As at general thing, payments have been made cheerfully. though the levy is higher than it has ever been, with the exception of hist year's. The total collections probably will reach $5,750." ^ To Test Concrete Tie. A. L. Crane. Fort Mill man who some months ago invented and patented a concrete erosstie, has1 arranged with the Southern rail-j , way to have the first test of the) tic in Fort Mill during the present I week. A number of the ties are) to he placed in a sidetrack near it... I , ii -? nillllUll it IK I Will 1*0' ma in there until it is (leinonstrnt- ' ed whether they will support tin* ^ heavy traOic passing over the road at that point. A second test will lie given the tics in ('liarlottc I a few days hence. jv Letter to Santa Claus. ' I , , We are writing to Santa? s j Oh. how glad lie will be in 1 To }ret a little letter that was v written all by me. j I4 We will tell liiiu about our toys, n I And wish he'd bring some more, e And so lie won't forget us we A will have to tag our door. [We'll send him losts of kisses and < bright and shining curls. And tell him to remember his little Kori Mill girls. il! Janie and (iladys Hitch. Sasakra. (>kla. j Sc?* lirbr 1 >jiiii?'ls at iliy Majestic, today. Opt-ns 4:!iU p. m. Sale of Personal Property. | 1 Arranging to discontinue farm- * in jr. I h?*?r to call H'vuti >:i io the auction sale I will . rttlit i at mv i home in the Pleasant Valley section on Saturday. Dim*. 10. when ^ 1 will offer for sa?e two wagons, one buggy, one horse, one mule, various kinds of farming implements and tools, W reaper, mower, _ disc plow, etc.; also some household and kitchen furniture a J. W. HALL. I ? wait, aotrra oaboiji i PAI I in a -IDUCED IHHHHUHHH i J iv ci using ana the prices we id here Suits i\ one-third to o :> Patterson's fc YGOOI 3uth Carolina. Notice of Democratic Primary. Notice is hereby given that tin Fort Mill City Democratic Chili a*as organized Friday night. Nov .Tt. in compliance with the rules >f the Democratic party of South 'arolina. and that the executive 'oumittce of said club, meeting Saturday night. Nov. 26. deluded hat a Democratic primary for lie nomination of a Mayor, two \hh rmcn-at-Largc. four Ward Mdermcn and two members of he Public Works Commission to serve the town of Fort Mill for he terms provided by law. begin, ling in January, 1922. be held in M>rt Mill on Tuesday. Dec. 13. t was further ordered that hooks >f enrollment he opened for Demicratic voters on Monday. Nov. !8. said books to remain open unil and including Saturday( Deet 0. during which time candidates lesiring to enter the primary nust pay their assessments to the ecretary of the executive comnittee as follows: For Mayor. $ ">; or Aldermaii-at-Large, ijcj; for Yard Alderman, $2; for Public Yorks Commission, no charge, ihouhl a second primary he neessary to nominate a candidate or andidates for any of these oliices ii and including Saturday. Dec. 0. The polls will open at the fore* of Young & Wolfe at 8 a. 1. and close at 4 p. m. J. C. Saille. Heath Belk and Barron leiinett are hereby appointed uinagers of the primary, (ienral electiofi to la held Tuesday, an. 10, 1922. W. It% Meacham. Secretary. ieorj*e Fish, Chairman. Sec I*? !>?> Daniels at the Majestie a I ay. Optus 4:1(0 p. m. twsmneia^m^, hachihu M?lll IP PEIFECTION. BB g pi PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Wdlea. Oil, BHta and all kind* of Sewin* Machine auppliea, Repairing a apecialty. For Sale Bv YOUNG & WOLFE. Special cut prices on Ladies' nd Children \ Sweaters, Coats, lats and Shoca at Massey's. ? * , i * A* 3Tiix1 ' ; * ' ' NO Rl PRICES honest merchant are offering 01 nade by the Iarg ne- half 1 tW >r your Winter S $14.96 - $ 3.26 >S STORI i i Give Us Y : We are again in 1 the fire which dt I and we solicit the with a full stock of Heavy and Fat at the lowest price: expenses are light z small margin of pro BRADFOt HALL STREET # i>o<. TAX m i:. I>?Six .Month* t >1(1 on <><'!. i:?. I 'fJ I. Must Weill- Tux I'niil Tints. Notice Is hereby Kiyen that m accordance with the rcnuircmcnis of :in act of the lS>2o session of the (Jenerul Assembly, from ami after < icloher I a, 1H21, all iIoks that arc six months old or older on that date are liable to an annual rax of $1 2f? per capita. This tax is collectible and payable at my olllce duriiiK the time pr< s< rilled for the payment of other State and I'ounty taxes. Kor each $1.1'."? p ail. I will issue a proper receipt and numbered brass tax paid tim. the receipt to be hi Id by ' the* party payins the tux and the 'a" ' to he worn t>y tin* <Iok, eve-opt w hen j in actual use for hunting, j Penalty for failure to seenre th ' tax taK within the time for payment of other State- anel County taxes is not |e-ss than $-' nor tne>re> than $.'o. one-half tee to the- informer. Applie-ants for tax ta<s whe*the-r in perwon or h\ mail must aelvise- m <-f jthe- numhe-r ??f the- Sehe>ol lhstriot in j which the-y res'.ele-. e?r the- tnK e-nnnot he issue-el. II. K. NI-1IL, Treasure r eif York <"?unty. This is the* 38tIt ye*ar iliat Stint a Clans has made luailquarte-rs at I1 Massev's. where lie- has a heautix|KJ ftil array of4i(Jifts Tliat Last" at a lowest prices. | F ml sgp 1A\ ^?\V1 ' *^n !BI^ . ^K-V V s Ptf l K< & i .^HS^Ka. dising on the lal 1 Men's and LR est and best lln 1 many deal- |P1 > to $28.95 II > to $12.95 y MHMHMHHaMi -r- ===== ' * > our Trade Dusiness following 'stroyed our store public patronage 1 resh f icy Groceries s. Our operating uiu we cisk only a fit. ^ ?D & CO. PHONE 113 When "Baddy" needs a laxative? the "little Indian" v>Hl eat too often?give him FIGSEN V>. THE FRIENDLY LAXATIVE h\M Easy to glvo Easy to tako \*TUf It'aao pleaaant he'U even vUu/.f I go lo bed early to get hie v a Vjflr Jg "medzin." Its action ta thorough without karah* UtitraflK lU nets or nauaea. Fine for "Mumiy" and MnfflT JU "Daddy," too. ? Family tint, SO ttmit Aha i? 251 amd JOt $iaat For Sale By Hutchinson's Pharmacy Mil lions of Frost proof Cabbage j hints now irmly, $1.75 per thou* J niu 1. 5(H) for $1. postpaid. Strong 1 nd healthy. Medlin Plant Farm, fl 'ort Mill, S. C. Telephone 125-B.^fl