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it- ^ Hill School is again in ij? S06n$lL The enrollment is.large jhfc fartMot as large as that of last (- Jlnanksgiving day proved interStting for some folk in this sec1 y ifok. /Some left to go dear hunt rv uif and others went dear hunting. Miss" Winnie Crook from Winf throp college spent the holidays at her Jhome. She had with her | aa her guests Misses Stellae Pat- j terson and Aubrey Brown, also Winthrop students. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Windell and Miss John Crook, who are teaching at Wadesboro, N. C., spent the Thanksgiving holidays 1 at home. Brice Windell of Charlotte, N. ! . C.,, spent several days in the community last week. Misses Nannie and Mary Boyd , of Indian Trail, N. ('., spent last week with their cousin, Miss Mae j Boyd. Misses Ethel and Mabel Patter> son of Pleasant Valley were visi- ! tors at the home of their uncle. J. | W. Patterson, Inst week. Miss Ellie Mae Railes of Pine-1 rille, N. C..-spent the holidays: with her aunts, Mrs. Tom Wilson .and Mrs. Ed Bailcs. Price Faris and his bride of Greenwood spent last week-end ywith his brother, Karl (5. Faris. Willul'il Wlivnn ui\..n< l.iul ?? ?i ill Kingstree, the purpose of his ( visit being to limit various kinds | of game. Myron (lorrion of Conwav visited his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Crook, last week. M. ''Boagus." ' CITATION. State of South Carolina?County |i of York. By J. L. Houston. I'jSip. I'robate 1 | Judge of York County. Whereas .1. II. Bailes has ap-1 plied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Mamie Lee Thompson, lute of the County aforesaid, tieceased. These are. therefore, to cite anil admonish all and singular the kiudreil and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before I v UK at our next l'rohatc Court for miiil ( 'limit \* t /? Ko ot ! York Court on the 1st day i of December to shew cause, if ' any, why the said Administration , should not be granted. "Given under my hand and seal t this ltith day of November in the j year of our Lord one thousand j nine hundred and twenty-one, and in the 14(>lh year of Amor- 1 ican independence. J. L. HOUSTON. Probate d i id go of York County. | ' TRESPASS ~NOT 1 OK All persons are positively forbidden to hunt, fish, rut timber or otherwise trespass on the .lunds of the undersigned either in Fort Mill or Kbene/.cr township. Persons disregarding this notice will be vigorously prosecuted nipl a reward of $f? is hereby ofered for evidence to convict any such person or persons. HAMILTON CAKIIAKTT. B. E. Patterson. Manager. SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION Tbodiord's Black-Draofht Hifhlj Imi?M by a Tennessee Grocer fer Troubles Reeuhinf from Torpid Liver. L jut d t < Boot Nashvlllo, Tenn.? The effleloner Of Thedford'o Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, la Touched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is without doubt the best liver medicine, and I don't believe I could get along without It I take It for sour stomach, headache. bad liver. Indigestion, and all ther troubles that are the result of a torpid liver. "I have known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend It to every one. I won't go to bed without It la the house. It will do all It claims to do. I can't say enough for Many other men and women throughant the country have found BlackDraught Just aa Mr Parsons describes -reliable In regulating the liver to Its normal functions, and In cleansing the bowels of Impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught liver medl tan la the original and only genuine. Aooept aa Imitations or substitutes. ^*lwafa as* for Tho*tord'a, JUST 2 1 in wnicn to ao your unris until the last minute to buy before the rush comes on. 1 storekeeper too. Visit our store and see wli and HOLIDAY GOODS Sa in many things for Christm All kinds of GOOD THII THE CAS PHOJ S. A. LEE and T. SCHOOl DECEMl The Patrons, Taxpayers ant erally?Men and Women?; Their Local School Any Tim THE WEEK BTGINfl You are .spending a good de; purposes and it is not only ; to see how it is being used, you will probably find you than ever before In its hist for improvement and if yo us about ii or take someste Perhaps some trees are neei trees or glass in the wimlov fresh eoat of paint. Possibly your teachers will ing the week have some e little music ami a talk or Put if no public meeting is < It will not take much of yo tend von everv eourtesv snn Tilt' County Snp?*ri 111 ?*ii< 1 ?*i11 falls" and if the County la ran^f a trip for the purpos {rood first-hand informalioi Toaflift's are requested to n report to this office. Such a horliootl interest in seliool < A general Citizen's Meetinj House on Saturday, Deceml good delegation present fr Details of the hig ineefing JOHN E. CARROLL, TIRESF * 30 l>y 3 1-2 United States I' These Are ] I We have only ~>0 Tires t $! low price and they will he j yours NOW. i 32 hy 4 Firestone Plain Tre 4. 33 hy 4 Firestone Non-Ski i If you want some of the J too late. || We also have other sizes tractive as the above. ! [ We are in posit ion to ?*et \t pay yon to see ns before hn I J. C. Har <? Black Street FOOT Btt TBB, 1 1 DAYS |i 1 I HQ H MPS ? jsnL V tmas shopping. Do not wait what you want, but select it :t is better for you and the lat a nice display of TOYS nta Claus has left. Specials as. Phone us. 1GS TO EAT. HSTORE IE No. 8. F. LYtLe, Mgrs. . WEEK 5ER 5-10 1 Citizens of teh County Genare Cordially Invited to Visit le TING DECEMBER 5TH. nl of money for educational I'Olll* 111*1 v lint Viillt' illltv With very few exceptions r school in hotter condition ory. lint there is always room u fiiul something lacking tell ps to make the desired change. ded on the grounds, new shade *'s, a better heating plant or a I arrange for a gathering durxorrises by the children, or a two on soiny pertinent topic, railed visit the school anyway, ur time. The teachers will exI make you glad you went. will make a number of "pop gislalive Delegation could are they would get some mighty i on both roads and schools. otc the number of visitors and report will indicate the neighiffairs. f will be held in the Court ber 10th. Arrange to have a om your community. will be announced later. County Superintendent. 'ECIALS 1 hi in Treads $7.50 * % i i Not Sprnnrlc ' <11 o offer at litis exceedingly quickly disposed of. (let " at! $15.00 ;; d ...$i7.5o se tiros. Intrrv or von will bo ? ?> iit prices that are just as at- \\ ? ? tires at bargains and it will i.viiiff tires of tutv kind. i! * > din & Co. ROCK HILL, S C. \; i > W " ' " roMgLL,8.a^:: notice: of election. ? Notice is hereby given that an elee. J Jon will .be held at the store of | i'ouifg A Wolfe in the Town of Port | dill, S. C., on Tuesday. January 10, * .922. for the purpose of electing the <) ollowing officers to serve two years: ? Mayor, two Aidermen-at-Large, Al* % lerman from Ward 1. Alderman from y iVard 2. Alderman from Ward 3. and % Alderman from Ward 4, Also at the same time and place ?ne Commissioner of Waterworks to ^ >erve six years to succeed W. B. Ar- ? Irey, whose term Is about to expire, * ind one Commissioner of Water- <|j svorks to serve two years to succeed i I. J. Bailee, whose resignation be- T :onie? effective at that time. v Qualified electors of the said Town ^ jf Fort Mill must have new reglstra- * :lon certificates. * J. T. Young, Jr.. J. C. Savllle and 4 W. E. Klnvbrell are appointed niana- 1 iters uf said election. The Hooks of Registration for the 4 laid town of Fort Mill are open at ^ the office of C. S. Link, supervisor of * registration, and will remain open j until and including Friday, December 4 10, 1921. F. E. AUDREY. Mayor. . AttOBt 4 C. S. LINK. Clerk. | TKKSl'ASS NdTirK. 4 All i>ersons are hereby warned not ^ to hunt. fish, cut timber or otherwla* <n trespass on the lands of the under- 1 signed) This notice not only include* d bird hunters, but rabbit hunters, pes- j sum hunters, duck hunters and suu'.r- i rel hunters as well, and anyone v'o- ? luting it will be prosecuted as th* 1 law prescribes. i It. 1". MASSKY ESTATE, \ Mrs. I1ATTIE R. MACK. , J. A. BARItEK. < W. M. WHITE. < E. B. WHITE. 11. M. WHITE. < S. E. WHITE. i < TRESPASS NOTICE. ? All persons are hereby warned not i to hunt, fish, cut timber or otherwise Jj trespass on the lands of the undersigned. *frhis notice is intended to | < apply to everybody. < Pec22 FREI> NIMS. Sr. v - i SEED WHEAT AND OATS | Any Variety?Any Quantity. * Vetch. Kye. Clovers, Parley, Up- 4 hind and Lowland Permanent ^ Pasture Mixtures. Lawn Grass. 1 L'nie. and eervthinyr for the ?rar- \ dell. d Garrison-Faris Seed Company ; ..... .? !- " I are tlit* best that can he obtained and only those who are experienced 'n car painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is Just like the looks of your person. It goes a laog way. JAMKS A. JOHNSON, Proprietor. LISTEN! linker's is the Barber Shop that baked lbe prices, but il didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Conic and see us. We will save you mono}* and send you away smiling BAKER S BARBER SHOP. ( An ad in The Time* will find a purchaser for you, i con V Ta A most important factor for conditions is hard and intelli The slipshod farmer will and only those who wor be 01 ods will remain. k ha The year 1921 has been mori vil than any year since he en Consequently he1 has done m His damage next year and i pend on weather conditions I industry used in fighting h i We are distributing to the fj pamphlet printed at our own ^ line of a program to fight tf ' worked out by some of the r State and is, we believe, well * sideration of every farmer. ^ We shall be glad to put one bands of every farmer in th | \ First Natii ? THE BANK THAT B/ | Capital and Surplus Resources - ONE-HAL [ I W. Main St. ROCK HILL, S. C. 1 "Our StM'iI Will (irow. ' You Can By Tradin, We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. \ ourselves, and we help our Because of quick turn-over to consider. And we guari number is 159. Fort Mill Pyramid Paint Shop HOCK 111 LI., S. C. n 1 IKT?T?f^T/>i r airn i iinvj If your cur needs painting we will paint it for you and do It in such a way that you will be surprised at the difference it makes in the looks of Old newspapers for sa Save Man < g at the Cooperai on of the public to the fact hich a better price can not be STe are in business to help tl selves better when we help tl: s our stock is always fresh, mtee Quick deliveries and effi< Cooperative E. S. PARKS, Manager. FR1 You will always and choicest Fruit market affords. Give us your orde of getting as gooc had anywhere. B. C. FER PHON DR. T. O. GRIGG DENTIST Office Next to That of 0. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. Telephone Connections. >* ) " *?V " /eevil | Ik | 1 success under boll weevil ^ gent work. 4 nt of business in a few years, rd and use intelligent meth; favorable for the boll wee + tered the cotton belt in 1892. ore damage than ever before. in succeeding years will deand on the intelligence and ^ im. irmers of the community a ? expensec ontaining the out- + le weevil. This plan has been nost practical farmers in this ? worthy of the serious con of these pamphlets in the e community. t 1 anal Bank f tCKS THE FARMER. $ 50,000.00 ^ .F MILLION DOLLARS i I vV le?The Times oftiee. y Dollars live Store that there is hardly any3 secured here than elsebe consumer as well as te consumer best, which is something else 3ient service. Our phone e Store JIT find the freshest at Ferguson's the irs and be assured 1 Fruit as can be 'GUSON IE 29 UEAI) THE TIMES EVERY WEEK EOli HOME NEWS