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1 sun \ ; # 0 We stake ou: statement th Boys' Clothin known manu I ers are askin Men's Suit* Boys' Suits y F 1 If your Shoes come from NEWS AROUND TOWN. The taxable value of all property in l' ort Mill township for tlie eurrent year is $1.0(>b.437 aiu *he number of persons in the township who will have to pay poll tax is "iltt. A number of^ the Fori Mil! s.'ores, tlif li.iiil;.-; and oilier business places an* rinsed today in observance t>l riianksgiving da\ At tlif postofliee Sunday lumis arc hi'injr observed. Most t?l ilir ?.rirls from tlif Fort Mill rommuniiy who art* stmlfiits at Winflirop college wtTf expect Ii in spend Thanksgiving ?lav at their lionifs. Tlif college flosfd eipterday -afternoon and will not reopen until Monday morning. A "pounding" for whifh tlif pastor of tlif Kort Mill Baptist flinri'li, tlif Rfv. .1. W. li. Dyelies. expresed tlif gratitude of himself 1 l.i I i'lllllilv U'n? uonl !%.? !>.? ? 1 *? un m ill IU lilt" I III )> list pastorium U?t?' yesterday afternoon by members of the con gregat ion. Tlic ladies of the F'ort Mill x Presbyterian chttrch are planning to have their animal bazaar in the old "Times" oflice Thursday, hcceiiiber 1. Beside the fancy work they will sell during the day. a salad course, with coffee and cake, will be servedCarpenters are at work this week putting up for Withers Mas. sev in the Sprattville section of town a building in which he will run a public garage. Mr. Massev contemplates carrying a stock of | automobile supplies and opening I a service station in connection j with his repair department. The, business is to he conducted under | the name of the Massev Motor < i.mpany. Tw o members of the York conn tv board of registration are ex peeled to spend Friday of this week in Fort Mill issuing registration certificates to citizens of tintown. Arrangements for the visit of the board were made by oili zens who wished to avoid the ne eessity of point; to vout't | house in York to secure registr/l tion certificates to enable them j to vote in the municipal election to he held in Fort Mill on dan | nary 10. The expenses of the members of the board are to be ( pa ill by those instrumental in , having them visit the town. ' % 4 . rsR AT GR mv r reputation foi at no where in g being duplical facturers in the g for inferior cl 5 that sold up that sold up \ 4 i OTTERS Patterson's, you know what y MMHHMSIMMBil inaians uiuim Texas Land. I Tin* Texas Chcrokecs ami nsso- j ciatcil tribes of Indians claim more than 1 million acres of land in Texas. Tliev say that .just he- j fore the Civil war Texas took their land from them and they , were forced to scatter into all j |i.:ris of 1 he country. YtH'TII'S ( < iMI'AMi ?N I'ol.KS ; The folks you meet in Youth's I Companion stories are no il'ti<j>nt : from those of your home town, hot you pieet tltem in unusual situations, crowded with incident and adventure, iu which couruKc. resourcefulness and lntcrsrity are |iut to the sever est tests. The ?"oinpanion's purpose is to picture the permanent satisfaction Hint spritiKs front following the path of duty rather than the fleetlnu. |>eris)iatile distractions of those who always choose the easiest way. And t \\?? (Vtltlliooli... ?? ? . ? ?- ? ...? . nun |iruv**? again alio again that sto les based upon this piineiple are In no way lacking In , strength and sustained intereG. The 52 Issues of 1922 will he crowded with serial stories, short stories. editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now and receive: 1. The Youth's Companion?52 .issues in 1922. 2. All the remaining issues of 1921. :t. Thft/Companion Monte Calendar for 1922. All for $2.50. 4. <>r include Mct'all's Magazine, the monthly authority of fashions. Itoli puhlicaions only $2.00. THK Yoi?Tirs companion; Conuitonwealth Ave. A: St. Paul St.. ! ltoston, Mass. New Subscriptions Kfceived at this Office. IXHi TAX lll'K. I>< u* Six Month-. ol(| on Oct. I ft. 1021. .Mu?t Wear Tax I'alil Tag-. Notice is hereby given that in ac- ( cordnncc with the reuuirenients of an I ai l of the 1920 session of the General 1 A:seuihly, from and after i irtoher 15. I 1921, all dogs that are six months old or older on that date are liable to an annual tajc of $1 25 per capita. This tax is collectible and payable at lay office during the time prescrib- | ed for the payment of other State and County taxes. | For each $1.25 naid I will Umm > proper rrci'lpi and nufhhered brass lax paid t:ik. the receipt to he helil t?y tile party paying' the tax and the tag , to lie worn by tlie dog. except when ! in actual use f?>r hunting. Penalty for failure to secure the tax tag within the time for p?>in?nt | of other State and County taxes Is not less than |.r> nor more than one-half to go to the informer. Applicants for tax tags whether In person or l?y mail must advise ine of the number of the Seimol lMstrict in wldch they reside, or the tag cannot he Issued. II. K. XKU-. Treasurer of York County. TBI VOKT MILL TUBS. T 1- =^=SBS=8 iRMI EATLY R1 I T flpnpnrlaKl^ a * this section are ted. You will fi \ country at from othing. -Come t to $60 now to $25 now ION'S DR FORT MILL, S ou are getting. w Make tin* whole family happy I Christmas. A Brunswick Phonograph will ?lo it. The only phonograph that plays all reeords perfectly. Millions of Frost proof Cahbagc plants now ready, $1.7f> per<thousaml. ">(tU for +1. post|*Jli?l. Strong ami healthy. Medlin I'lant Farm. Fort Mill, S. C. Telephone l'J.Vli. TAX BOOKS?W, have received a list of the taxpayers of Fort Mill Township showing the amount 41 lit* by 11 one. We ailso 11 ;i v?* ihe lndiaiilitud Township book within <i few Ways. All taxpayers of both townships ar?* cordially invited to make use of our services in paying their taxes. The First National Bank. To the Public. The undersigned forbids tinv hunting or trespassing iu any nianiu'r on the lands of B. M. Lee | or T. K. Lee. This applies *o ev- I cry body? friends and enemies. If I you don't delieve it. I am prepared to prove it. .+"> reward for convict. B. M. JjKK. TAX NOTICE 192I-22. onto* of the fount)' Treasurer of York Comity. * Notice is hereby Riven that the Tax 1 I looks for York fouiyty will he opened on Tuesday, the lath day of No- I \ember. i:?21. and will remain open I until the :: IMt day of lieeemher. 1921, ! for the eollection of State, County. I School and l.ocal Taxes, for the fiscal | year 1921 without penalty, after i w hich da\ i Mic I'er Cent Penury will , he johhil to all payments made in the month of January, 1922. and Two Per Cent Penalty for all Payments made in the month of Fehritury. 1922, and Seven Per Cent Penalty will he added to all payments made fi^tm the 1st day of March, 1922. to the I day ot March. 1922, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go Into execution and all unpaid SinRle | Polls will he turned over to the several Magistrates for prnnecution in | accordance with law. All of the Hank-- of the County will mirr uicir accnmlaudations and facilities to Taxpayers who made desire in make use i?f the ' sh-" (iiki* pleasure in ? p eni; t* attention to all roin . 1 n the I subject. All Taxpayers ap:>< ' 'tr a< tuy of- i fl?'e will receive prom a ' Hon. Note;?The Tax Hook < 11 l>? made i up hy Townships, and pui es- ??rltinK j about Taxes will al expedite I matters if they will el .?v? n.ention the Township or Towi s in which their property or pro a e located HA It I ' M H-. Treasurer oi . ,.nty. oBTiinx,swra oasouh ENAI EDUCED ] Ivertising and 1 the prices we nd here Suits m i one-third to or o Patterson's foi :Y GOOD outh Carolina. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ______ CITATION. St ate ??1" South Carolina County of York. By ). 1j. Houston. Ks(|? Probate Iud<;c of York County. Whereas .!. II. Bailes lias applied to ui?* for Letters of Admin* i.strat ion on all and singular tins roods and chattels, rights and credits of .Mamie Lee Thompson.' late of the County aforesaid, de j'cast d. These are. therefore, to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appear before on at our next Probate Court for ;kc said County, to be holden at \ ot'k t'ourl House on the 1st dav of |)eeeiuher Jo shew cause, il' any. wliv the said Adininist rat ion should not he oraiilei 1. Civen under lay h.iiid and seal this 1 lit li day of November ill tinvcar of our Lord out thousand 11 iii<* hiiiulri'd and twenty-one. and in tin* l-ltith year of Anierii-a11 iiit 11'|MMiiIt*n?*?*. .1. L. iiocston. Probate .Iud?re of York County. This is the dHtli year that Santa Clans has made headquarters at Massey's. \\ h?*i*?* lu* has a beaut ifnl array of "(lifts That Last " a! lowest prices. Special cut priees on Ladies' and Children's Sweaters. Coats. Hats and Shoes at Massey's. When "Biddy" needs a laxative? the "little Indian" VfiU eat too often?give him FIGSEN THE FRIENDLY LAXATIVE jflM . Easy to give Easy to tako V It'i 10 pletunt he'll even IT n/ / 1 go to bed early to get hie v \ h(J "medzin." Ita action is thorough without harah* \V\^fv\ H neaa or nauaea. A^iVvvvvs kA* Fine for "Mumay" and Wwrr Is! "Daddy." too. */ Family tit*, SO cents llryF^L/f Alee l? 25c and 10c tiaas For Sale By % Hutchinson's Pharmacy V ~L _ v \ I un n# HU 01 PRICES lonest merchandi are offering on ade by the large: le-half less than r your Winter Su $14.95 $ 3.25 S STORE Give Us fo We are again in be the fire which desl and we solicit the r with a full stock of fr Heavy and Faut at the lowest prices, expenses are light an small margin of prohl BRAOFORi HALL STREET > * * * * > : HARDV z & '> | We have moved the remaini * ware Store to Fort Mill and * on what you may need in the t Utilises, Stoves, IMov | * and all kinds of Shelf Hardv ? t < % THE CASH | ^ PHONE * t ' S. A. LKE and T. b\ i / i^~ 'h y I II I Ill1" fl ll IYS I ' li ' i * ising on the I. Men's and st and best many dealit. to $28.95 to $12.95 i ?J nr Trade isiness following roved our store public patronage esh :y Groceries Our operating cl we ask only a t. D & CO. PHONE 113 /ARE | ?> ?> Jer of our York Hardcan save you money ?? ; Hardware line. * > i > vs, IMiono^mplis i: /are. Come to see ut. ;; < ? N i < t < STORE lo. 8. ;; LYTLK, Mgrs. * j