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Freedom for Dtbi Today? The announcement was made lis Washington a few days ago that President Harding would is-1 sue a pardon ou Thanksgiving day for Eugenl V. Debs, now serving a ten year sentence in j Atlanta for obstructing the draft, i ^ Debs has repeatedly been the can| didate of the Socialist party for .the presidency WTien he gains his freedom., it is announced, other socalled political prisoners now serving varying terms for violating wartime laws also will be released under the president's order. There are now about 150 of the wartime offenders in different prisons. Miss Julia Boyd, president, announces that the Christian Endeavor society of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church will hold a special meeting in the church Sunday evening. L. S. Matthews, formerly connected with a local drug store, who is now traveling out of! Charleston for a Philadelphia concern, spent the week-end with friends in Fort Mill. Don't, get binnfu/./.led by read ing big advertisements with odd cent prices. Von can always bet your bottom dollar that Masscy\s prices are lower. Executors' Sale of Personal Property. In compliance with the law. notice is hereby given that on Kriday. Dee. 2. 1021. at 10 o'clock a in., we will offer for sale all the personal property, consisting of horses, mules, cows, farming ini- ! plements. wagons, pine cord wood. ( etc.. of the late S. I*. Blankciiship at the home place of the said dc j ceased in the upper section t?f J Fort Mill Township. S. (Terms j of sale, cash. V. It. BLANK KNSIIIP. J. S. BLANKKNSI II P. i A. S. BLANK K.NSIIIP, Executors of the Estate of S. 1'. ! Blankenship. I )eeeased. Nov. 10. 1021. Administrators' Sale. We will sell at auction at her late home on November 20 at 10 o'clock a. in. the personal prop ' erty of the late Mrs. Blocker Cult), consist inir of farm erons. tSols, livestock, automobile, tractor. suwiuill. thresher. gin and press, corn mill, corn shredder.ete S. K. HAILKS. T. W. CULP. Adtninisl ratal's. Executors' Sale of Personal Property. In compliance with the law. notice is hereby given that on Friday. Nov. at 10 o'clock a. 111., we will offer for sale all the personal property, consisting of i mules, cows, fanning implements. ! wagons, corn. hay. etc.. of the i late II. N. Patterson at the home place of the said deceased in lhe Harherville community of Lancaster county, S. ('. Terms ot sale. cash. W. F. PATTKKSON. H. H. BYKUM. Executors of the Estate of 11. N. Patterson. I )eeeased. Nov. 10. 1021. h Tired S PB "I was weak and run-down," jk M relates Mrs. Bula Burnett, of ^ A Dalton, Qa. "I was thin and Just felt tired, all the time. B I didn't rest well. I wnan't U Sever hungry. I knew, by H this, I needed a tonic, and A as there is none better than? K |GARDUI| ? The Woman's Tonic S 9 ... I began using Cardui," ^ S| continues Mrs. Burnett. V R "After my first bottle. I slept kd ? 0 batter an* ate ^tter. I took M jfl four bottles. Now I'm well, A M feel Just fine, eat and sleep, R H my skin Is clear and I have D Coined and sure feel that 0 flft Cardul Is the best tonic ever R K made." 1^5 Rj Thousands of other women M 4 have found Cardul Just as A n Mrs. Burnett did. It should R M help you. y| IV At all druggists. lr ^ ''>> v : Jjy!' >?? - ? * W*: ' i ! SATURDAY NOVEM At the Stroke of 9 I ed This I Merch Savin To Last Through 1 A Help Yours Piled on Tables, Thrown in Bins ination and Ch< Prepare yourself for the gn far-reaching merchandise event This sale is a blessing to the pec er, laborer and merchant must ? Saving Sale. Never before and nity be offered you. The doors to sacrifice the entire stock, cons parel for Men, Women and Chile Hats, Etc. Don't miss it. The price may be, or however great turned into cash. .Our loss is yoi Sale Starts Saturday 19, at 9 O' Saturday morning, Novembe sell Soap and Washing Powder cent a bar for washing powder, as long as it lasts. A Few of Big > SHOES FOR 10(1 pairs of Children's and Mis sale 100 pairs Hoy Scout Shoes, exec of $2.."?0; this Kale I.aides* Shoes, regular $7 values Ladies Shoes, regular .+(? values: Ladies' Shoes, regular $5 values 1(H) Men's Suits from Ladies' Coat Suit*, regular $40 sale IiUilies' Long ('oats, regular $1* One lot Men's Hats in all eolors. I One lot Men's Hlaek Sliekers, re? This sale has many features that Sox. regular 15 rent value. i We wish we hail more of these value; this sale, pair Another real bargain that gives llose. regular 75 eent value I Here is a real sale of Ladies' Sill j Cohen's Out "THE HOME OF I FORT M "a 'i?i FORT MILL TOMB. r MORNING IBER 19 O'Clock We Launchmammoth iandise g Sale acrl n ir 7 T T vunwouajr y L/CV* ? _______ _ ___ elf Sale?Goods , Hung on Racks, to Make Examdosing Easy. mdest, broadest, most liberal and in the history of York County. >ple of this community. The farmittend this Great Merchandise never again will such an opportuwill be thrown open to the public isting of up-to-date Wearing Aplren. Drv Goods Notions SVir?*>o stock must be sold, whatever the the loss, as the stock must be lr gain. Morning, November Clock Sharp r 19, at 9 o'clock sharp we will at 1 cent a bar for soap and 1 not over 5 of each to a customer, I the Many If rtlUCb # EVERYBODY *es Shoes. regular $2 values; this | 98c 1 Ihnt values at the regular price I .$1.69 ; this sale __...$4.98 ^ t t his sale. . . . $3.98 , : this sale $2.98 , $7.00 to $27.50 ' values, in all wool tricotiue; this I $20 ! values ; this sale $12.50 values; this sale .. ..$2.48 ! in mr vault's; mis salt'.. will appt'al strongly to you. Mt'ii's while tlirv last, pair 5c ' . " I l.atlit's Host'. regular 15 cent _.5c this sale its name. Ladies' Silk i : lliis sale, pair 38c c Hose. $1 value, this sale. pair. 58c % lifting Store BETTER VALUES" [ILL, S, C. | < FOKTMLL, 8. a NOTICE O* ELECTION. < Notice is hereby given that an eleo. < tton will be held at the store ot ) Young '& Wolfe In the Town of Port < Mill, S. C., on Tuesday. January It. j 1922, for the purpose of electing the 4 following officers to serve two yearei < Mayor, two Aldermen-at-Large, Alderman from Ward 1. Alderman from Ward 2, Alderman from Ward 3. and Alderman from Wurd 4. Also at the same time and place one Commissioner of Waterworks to serve six years to succeed W. B. Ardrey. whose term is about to expire, and one Commissioner of Waterworks to serve two years to succeed J. J. Bailes. whose resignation becomes effective at that time. Qualified electors of the said Town of Fort Mill must have new registration certificates. J. T. Young. Jr., J. C. Seville and W. K. Kinvbrell are appointed managers of said election. The Books of Hegtstrution for the said town of Fort Mill are open at the^ottice of C. S. Dink, supervisor ot registration, and will remain open until and including Friday. December 30. 1921. F. E. ARDRKY. Mayor. < AttOBt * C. S. Clerk. < TRESPASS NOTICE. < All persons are hereby warned not < to hunt, fish, cut timber or otherwise < trespass on the lands of the under- J siRued. This notice not only includes < ibird hunters, but rabbit hunters, pus- < sum hunters, duck hunters and sqnir- , rel hunters as well, and anyone vio- * latiiiK it will be prosecuted as tho ' law prescribes. < It. F. MASS FY ESTATE, 1 Mrs. HATTIE It. MACK. J. A. ltAHHEIi, 1 w. m. White. , E. R WHITE. i h. m. white. i S. e. white. 1 T11 ESP A SS NOTIC E. All persons are hereby warned not 1 to hunt, fish, cut timber or otherwise ( trespass on the lands of the undersigned. This notice is Intended to ' apply to everybody. , Dec22 FltEH NIMS. Sr. SEED WHEAT AND OATS Any Variety?Any Quantity. Vetch. Rye. Clovers. Harlev. I'p- ] land and Lowland Permanent ' Pasture Mixtures. Lawn (Jrass. ! Lime, and eervthiny* for tin* ?rar- < I i den. < Garrison-Faris Seed Company ; W. Main St. ROCK HILL, B. C. "Our Seed Will Grow. You Can - By Tradin; We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. V ourselves, and we help ouri Because of quick turn-overi to consider. And we guan number is 159. Fort Mill 1 Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK HI LI., S. C. PAINTING If your car needs painting we will paint it for you and do it in such a way taut you will lie surprised at tns difference It makes in the looks of your old car. Our corps of painters are the best that can be obtained and only those who are experienced in ear painting are on our force. The looks of your ear Is Just like the looks of your person. It goes a tang way. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop flint baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 2:1c Miampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c , ? Come and Ree ns. We will save you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. ( The big value giving sale at Yandle's Store, Pinevilie, N. C., continues through Saturday. 1 i Boll V Ta * > l ?? > * % A most important factor for | conditions is hard and intellij t The slipshod farmer will ? and only those who wor be ou t ods will remain. k har The year 1921 has been more I vil than any year since he ent t Consequently he has done mc ? His damage next year and i: | pend on weather conditions i J industry used in fighting hu EWe are distributing to the fa: pamphlet printed at our own ? line of a program to fight tin * worked out by some of the m * State and is, we believe, well * sideration of every farmer. | We shall be glad to put one < ? hands of every farmer in the $ * ' | I First Nati( T THE BANK THAT BA T ? Capital and Surplus f Resources - ONE-HAL1 I Old newspapers for sal Save Man] g at the Cooperati on of the public to the fact t hich a better price can not be Te are in business to help th selves better when we help the s our stock is always fresh, ' intee auick deliveries and effici Cooperative E. S. PARKS, Manager. FRl You will always and choicest Fruit ; market affords. Give us your ordei i ui getting as gooa had anywhere. B. C. FER PHONI DR. T. O. GRIGG DENTIST ' >ffice Next to That of C. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. Telephone Connections. 1 < 4 < < > 1 r | Ik f $ success under boll weevil ^ jent work.. % it of business in a few years, t d and use intelligent meth favorable for the boll wee 4 ered the cotton belt in 1892. >re damage than ever before. n succeeding years will demd on the intelligence and T 11. 4 rmers of the community a ? expensec ontaining the out- 4 5 weevil. This plan has been ost practical farmers in this t worthy of the serious con >f these pamphlets in the 4 1 community. | I t | mal Bank f CKS THE FARMER. * $ 50,000.00 i F MILLION DOLLARS % f !* } * e?The Times office. / Dollars rve Store hat there is hardly anysecured here than elsee consumer as well as > consumer best. wnicn is something else ent service. Our phone i Store JIT find the freshest at Ferguson's the rs and be assured Fruit as can be GUSON i 29 tEAl) THE TIMES ? EVERY WEEK ^OlI HOME NEWS