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Kv,< ; - * , . ; mri?* Former wear agency for it Epps went 01 The price? you will get ii No shpddy sh turers, charge tion and pro\ Mi PA I If your Shoes come from NEWS AROUND TOWN. Short Stoiicj Picked Up by The 1 Times Reporter. Mrs. R. L. Erwin of Charlotte, X. C., is visit in*; her sister. Mrs. R F. Crier. Miss Zelma Phillips* had as a v.rdk-eiul truest Miss Eunice Slog tier of Wiutlirop college. T. Lesslie Powell of Charlotte v. as a week-etid truest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Phillips. Ntiiiu rotts Hold Hill and Flint Hill farmers are reported plowing . j> he ration stalks in their fields to deprive the boll weevil of food ami a home throughout the winter tuoudis. Two Fort Mill men who have 1>? 1*11 drawn to serve as jurors during the second week of the November term of court for York county are NY. L. Hall and li. NY. A l i us I rung. A religious pageant. "The Trial ol tin* Hohhers," will be presented at Pleasant Valley Baptist ehurch Smuiay afternoon, November II, al :> o'eloek, by the Senior 11. V. P. I*. of the Port Mill Baptist ehureh. Mrs. Creasy llawlev was mar ried to llenrv 1'. Keller Sttmlay morning. Nov. I?. at t! o'eloek. '1 lie ceremony was performed by the Key. .). \V. 11. I>vehes at the home of 11. II. Clarkson in the up* j'i r mill village. Fort Mill, in the presence of a few friends of the parties. The Kev. J. B. Black, former pastor of the Fort Mill Prcsbyt? rian ehureh, is now preaching a' a ehureh in Morganton, N. ('.. according to a letter received in Fort Mill a day or two ago from Mrs. Black. Mr. Black was in poor health when he left Fort Mill during the summer, but his condition is now much improved. rn i ? ?. ? i n?' not weather ami lack of - rain in this section during the lust month has 4iad the effect of retarding farmers in sowing w heat and oats, lint a compensating advantage was found in the adinost ideal weather for pick it.g cotton, nearly all of which has been gathered in Fort Mill township, according to farmers who were in town Saturday afternoon. Merchants in this section now display their Christinas goods earlier .than formerly was the custom. Although Christmas is * J7 "IT TiLr XJJ Quality I ers of this splen back to Fort M it of business. Possibly you co n every instance loes are carried 2 a fair profit ai res economical. enz "Ease" W iTTERSC J Patterson's, you know what y< liUMHHMHMSMMI more than six weeks off. a mini Iter of Fort Mill stores already have opened up a part of their holiday storks and have begun making sales. I'p to a few years ago. Christinas purchases were confined principally to Christmas week, but flic "shop early " move, liietit of rej/nit years lias had the effect of influencing many to do 1 their holiday trading weeks in advance of the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. dames W. Barber and their three children of Columbia are in Fort Mill visiting Mr. Barber's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barber. I hiring the last year Mr. Burlier lias hern engaged in the training section of the rehabilitation division of the 1 nited States veterans' bureau. Kinee duly 1, last, his headquarters has been til Khrcvepori. La. A part of his duties is to assist ex-service men in filing their applications for vocational training and in placing the Incn in suitable training after their applications have been approved. Time to begin saving money up for ('liristmas. Buy your merchandise at Massey's and save the difference in prices and have a big < 'lirist mas. If you like good, sweet nutsie. get a Brunswick Phonograph. If i it is simply noise you want, most I any other machine will suit you. ! _ . i When "Baddy** needs a laxative? the "littl? Inrlinn" tm ill ?? ariM Cat IUU | often?give him f*"\ FIGSEN VV THE FRIENDLY LAXATIVE /lj/ Easy to glvo Easy totako ll'dopleaunl he'll even L U/ / J go to bed early to get hi* r' PjLmiOj lj "medzin." Its action is thorough without harsh* \Vv\o!w IVA oess or nausea. K'.w^Oq ( m Fins for "Mumsy" sod WirTj K] "Daddy," too. |jl jAky A A Family titt, SO entti Alt* i? 25c an J 10c tins For Sale By Hutchinson's Phaimacy 1 THE ?? 4SE" "mm thn d\ - ? - - - v m ip V did Shoe will be ill after a lapse < Today, as then, i uld find a shoe 5 just what you j in stock here, id turn over to c All styles Mem rork Shoes are IN'S DR FORT MILL, Sc ou are getting. MHHHHyHMMMMI j=) -J I IL _ WE IVIL $5.00 CASH REWAR ~ CHARGE to the wearer, any Shoes with a Star stamped Leather-Board, Paper or hit Leather) in the Outsoles, In "STAR BRAND SHOI Roberts, Johns Manufacturers For Sale in Fort Mill b} H=] =11 5 =K= I The Boil We t And thoughtful f< t to prepare at once struction theyknow t flict in this section displaced by other t We are in position I the enemy. We ha> t rect from the factory | Barb Wire, H( 1 Fence I at special prices ai * customers the benef I Fort Mill L p \ ?"I \ ?T MILL, SOPTH OABOUH WOR if the Toe to 1 # pleased to knc of several years it is one of the at a little lowe >ay for. We buy shoes >ur customers f : "Ease" Shoes, i priced at fro Y G001 ...iL r? i juiu Carolina. --^=JF= J i 5 ?iF=n | L PAY 1 *- I ID and replace FREE, of pair of "STAR BRAND" U on the Heel, containing >re-Board (Substitutes for isoles, Heels or Counters. L IS ARE BETTER." >on & Rand , St. Louis. V THE CASH STORE ir==^=]i =3tjj i > evil Is Here! irmers will begin 4 ^ to meet the de- ? th inoonl' *?? !! -? * L11V_ IHOCCI Will 111" if cotton is not * farming interests. :o help circumvent ; /e just received di / a carload of * ig Wire and i Wire i id are giving our I it of the saving. t .umber Co.j -? ? ? I \ . I f ; **' \ JL \ \ \ i KSHl the Heel. >w that we have b ??in fact, since IV s best Shoes on tl ir price, but in bi only from the bes ootwear that brin but m $4 to $6.50. DS STOR Give Us Yo We are again in bu the fire which dest and we solicit the p with a full stock of fr< Heavy and Fauc at the lowest prices, expenses are light am small margin of profit BRADFOR l HALL STREET +*> * *: > FOI > THE UN I VERS/ X NEW PI 4* 4* % (F. 0. B. DET] % CHASSIS | RUNABOUT __ | TOURING CAR . . ... I TRUCK CHASSIS | COUPE _ | SEDAN ... T III'I* tin low ?'st prices of hoi I-or.I Motor < 'oin|?;iti y. i Orders or.* ?*??minin fast, so pla. X Hiiiv early delivery. \ HEATH MO )EsJl \ \ rought the leacham & I he market. 1 jying shoes I it manufac- /1 igs satisfac- I E ur Trade siness following royecl our store mbl ic patronage -sh y Groceries Olir oneratinor 1 o : 1 we ask only a 0 & CO. PHONE 113 ID | iL CAR * ?? o {ICES | ROIT) o $295 ^' $325 \\ $355 ;; $445 \\ . $595 ;; $660 nl curs in the history of 0 c vours promptly to in- ! \ ? TOR CO. ! 1 * < > i