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May Move Capitol. serious project, said to have the backing of a large number of . the lawmakers, hus been launch V ed in the Louisiana Legislature for the removal of the iState capi tol from Baton Rouge to New I Orleans. The transfer measure I j provides for a referendum vote If 'and makes provision to pay tor f | the new capitol, if the election , carries, out of money from the r severance tax fund, which will Ar, then be available. The Cash store, S. A. Lee and & T. F. Lytle managers, is preparT . ing to move to Fort Mill within the next week or ten days the remainder of the stock of the Farmers Hardware company of York, bankrupt, which it bought some weeks ago and has since offered for sale in that town. FARM FOR ~ RFNT? 1.. upper section of Fort Mill township; land in good state of cultivation. Apply to V. B. Blankenship, Rock Hill, S. (\, or S. A. Blankenship, Fort Mill, S. C. ISNov New low prices on New Home Sewing Machines at Massay's. The only machine that never wears out. L. *). Massey has been selling New Home Sewing Machines here " for the past d7 years and none of them are worn out yet. Administrators' Sale. We will sell at auction at her late home on November 2."> at 10 ; o'clock a. in. the personal property of the late Mrs. Blocker Culp, consisting of farm crops, tools, livestock, automobile, etc. S. K. BAILKS, t. w. c'uiip, Administ rators. CARD OK THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bayne desire to thank their nijrhhors and friends for their many acts of kindness durinjr the lonjr ill- ' ness of Mrs. Mamie Thompson mother of Mrs. Bayne. and for ! the spirit of helpfulness and eonr- I ' tesy they displayed at the recent funeral and burial of Mrs.Thompson. I Card ok thanks. We wish to express our thanks to our many friends, both white 1 and colored, who last Saturday .about noon assisted us iu putting out the fire which was about to destroy our home. Mr. and Mrs. L. (\ Walker and Children. Executors' Sale of Personal Property. In compliance with the law. notice is hereby given that on Friday, Nov. 25. at 10 o'clock a. in., "we will offer for sale all the personal property, consisting of mules, cows, fanning implements, wagons, corn. hay. etc.. of the late II. N. Patterson at the home place of the said deceased in ihe Parherville community of Fancaster county. S. ('. Terms ot sale. cash. W. K. PATTKHSON. H. It. ItYHI'M. Kx ecu tors of the Kstate of 11. N. Patterson. I)eceased. Nov. 10. 1921. BBDDDDDBDBBDB DB BD B B g Indigestion g B Many persons, otherwise O B rigorous and healthy, are B B bothered occasionally with Q Q Indigestion. The effects of a ga m disordered stomach on the gg gg system are dangerous, and B B prompt treatment of Indlgea- B B is Important. "The only Q BB medicine I have needed has n gg been something to aid diges B tion and clean the liver," Q M writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a mm gg McKlnney, Texas, farmer, gj B "My medicine is S3 n ThaHfnrri'e n IIIUUIUIU O M BLACK-DRAUGHT H for Indigestion and stomach M 22 trouble of any kind. I hare =2 B never found anything that H B touches the spot, like Black- M m Draught. I take It In broken LI B doses after meals. For a long B ! D t,,ne 1 tried pills, which grip- Q Bed and didn't give the good results. Black-Draught liver B B medicine is easy to take, easy n to keep. Inexpensive." mm _ Get a package from your J druggist today?Ask for and B B Insist upon Thedford's?the O fl only genuine. Q B Get It today. Q SS -IBB ^ ' a! '. TAX NOTICE ?1921-22. Office of the County Treasurer of 7ork County. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Books for York County will be opened on Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1921, and will remain open until the 31st day of December. 1921. for the collection of State, County, School and Local Taxes, for the fiscal year 1921 without penalty, after which day One Per Cent Penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January, 1922, and Two Per Cent Penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1922, and Seven Per Cent Penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March. 1922. to the 15th day of March, 1922. and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into execution and all unpaid Single Polls will he turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. All of the Banks of the County will offer their accommodations and facilities to Taxpayers who may desire to make use of the same, and I shall take pleasure in giving prompt attention to all correspondence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will he made up by Townships, and parties writing about. Taxes will always expedite matters if they will always mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties arc located. ' 11ARKY K. NKIIj. Treasurer of York County. Executors' Sale of Personal Property. In compliance with the law, notice is hereby given that on Friday, I )?-e. 2. 1021, at 10 o'clock a in we will offer for sale all the personal property, consisting of horses, mules, cows, farming implements. wagons, pine cordwood. etc.. of the late S. 1\ Blankcnship ;it I lie homo plaice of the sniil ile erased in the upper section of Fort Mill Township. S. tTerms of sale. cash. V. B. PLAN KKNS1 IIP, .1. S. PLANKKN.S11IP. A. S. BLANK KNSIIU'. Kxeeutors of the Kstate of S. P. Plankenship. I)eceaseil. Nov. 10. 1021. * J\ggU I LAXATIVE ASPIRN A "cold"was formerly thou; ure. hut we know now t luit \ hy depressing the resisting p tation and inflammation are ^ erohes. + For the general treatment < + all Laxative Aspirin (F.lU'o 1 lets combine in suitable dosj very effective in relieving fe< cular pains; a laxative to g? this condition is very neeessa y ?and a stimulating eariuina stomoch. Those tablets, like other Hex + an absolute guarantee. jf LYTLE D I "THE SERVICE ] EAGLE "MIKADO">^^| For Sole at your Dealer ASK FOR TH" YELLOW PEh EAGLE M EAGLE PENCIL COM < I ROCK HILL FURN: : Funeral I b m m u m m + C. K. Chreitzberg, L ^ Now York State License No. 4(W4; I JESSE HARR Day Phone 503; Ni^ht ; ROCK HILL. MOTOR EO *4 # >$> *4 * 4 4 4 4 < TORT MILL TIMSS, I ' ' The Time Is I New Fall A su , "Why not come i you a STYLEPLU beauties. In you also conservatives., woolens. The worl Why not let yo STYLEPLUS? Si . teed. Priced at $20 $25 $: We also carry t Collars. Ties, Shirt wear, etc. It s a pleasure to 1 Af II II I w. n. nope iy The Store That K< ROCK HILL, S. C. Store | I COLD TABLETS j rlit to be caused hv expos- T vItiI?? a chill favors an attack * lower of tlie tissues, the irri really caused bv disease mi | >f eolds we reeoiuiueud Hex- f .) ('old Tablets. These tab i<re drugs which have proved 1 rerishtiess headache and mus- ? ntly move the bowels?since ry for the treatment of eolds . tive to give tone to the (4 all Kennedies, are sold under A < RUG CO- | DRUG STORE." <. $ n ;i ai_ IT4"! pencil* | Made in five grades ICIL WITH THE RED BAND IIKADO i IPANY, NEW YORK t ITURE COMPANY t >irectors j icensed Embalmer + South Carolina License No. 141 4 IS, Assistant Phones 212* and 126 SOUTH CAROLINA \ UIPMENT i: ro?T knx, a. o. iere For That | ind Winter IT 11 and let us show fS Suit? They are ng men's models, Made of the best tmanship is superb. nir next Suit be a itisfaction guaran30 $35 $40 i complete line of :s, Hosiery, Uiulershow you. May we? lercantile Co. sept Prices Down. GASTONIA, N. C. You Can By Tradit We wish to call the attent thing in GROCERIES on \ where in this section. " ourselves, and we help ou Because of quick turn-ove to consider. And we guai number is 159. Fort Mil! Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK HILL, S. C. PAINTING If your car noe<ls painting we will paint It fur you and do it in such a way *hat you will he surprised at the difference it makes In the looks of your old car. our corps of painters are the best that can be obtained and only those who are experienced In car painting are on our force. The looks of your ear Is just like the looks of your person. It goes a lang way. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. kim kin: Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will save you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. If you have anything to sell, an advertisement in The Timet will find a purchaser for you. ! D^vll I UW11 n I I % A most important factor f< ? conditions is hard and inte 4 The slipshod farmer will and only those who worbe * ods will remain. k I ^ The year 1921 has been mo ? vil than any year since he < <4> Consequently he has done A His damage next year and 4 pend on weather condition: t industry used in fighting We are distributing to the pamphlet printed at our ow + line of a program to fight worked out by some of the State and is, we believe, wel sideration of every farmer. i We shall be glad to put oiu + hands of every farmer in t I t i | l First Nati T THE BANK THAT ? | Capital and Surplus j Resources - ONE-H A i it iOld newspapers for si Save Man ig at the Coopera ;ion of the public to the fact vhich a better price can not 1 We are in business to help rselves better when we help t rs our stock is always fresl rantee auick deliveries and eff I Cooperativ E. S. PARKS, Manager. FR1 You will always and choicest Fruit market affords. Give us your ord of getting as goo had anywhere. B. C. FEF PHOl DR. T. O. GRICG DENTIST Office Next to That of C. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. Telephone Connections. V. . * ? Veevil I dk } or success under boll weevil . * lligent work. ^ out of business in a few years, T iard and use intelligent meth- <sN re favorable for the boll wee + mtered the cotton belt in 1892. more damage than ever before. ? I in succeeding years will des and on the intelligence and ^ him. farmers of the community a 1 n expensec ontaining the out- 4 the weevil. This plan has been most practical farmers in this X 1 worthy of the serious con- ^ i of these pamphlets in the he community. J I It | I ional Bank I tACKS THE FARMER. * $ 50,000.00 | LF MILLION DOLLARS $ | | <s> ilo?The Times office. 1\7 nfc I kj jL^vruiAl O tive Store ; that there is hardly anyt>e secured here than elsethe consumer as well as he consumer best. 1, which is something else icient service. Our phone e Store UIT find the *reshest at Ferguson's the ers and be assured A Fv.iif - ~ ~ l? v-t a i u 11 as Laii uc tGUSON HE 29 READ THE TIMES EVERY WEEK EOR HOME NEWS