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^ ' * ^ ' y- ' ' f\ X -* . OSBBBSBBaMMMBB-aB S oui Thanks to tl of the unusu put on two I Along with I across the lii away satisfic The Sale wil None of the reductions h P/ 1 11 NEWS AROUND TOWN. Short Storifes Picked Up by Tk; Times Reporter. Mrs. \V. L. Boyd unci her ?hil dreu left Fort Mill this week foi an extended visit to her sister Mrs. .). T. McGregor, in limits ville, Ala. Aliss Fannie E. Coble and Eugene Faulkner. both ol' Uock Hill x.eiv married in the study of tin Baptist pastoriuni last Sunday Him mug at 9 o'eloek by the Kev .1. \V. It. Dyelies. George Fish, general luanagei of die plants of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company, Satur day afternoon left for Boston Mass., and other New England cities, where he will spend a vaca. lion of about ten days. The jury list for the first week ot the \ovember term ot court for York county contains the names of five Fort Mill citizens, S. A. Lee, .1. M. Gamble, M. Ij. Moser, E. S. Parks and W. .1, Steele. After spending the suiiim. r at the home of her son. the Rev. Edward Mack, near Orange, Ya., Mrs. Uattie Mack has gone to Decatur, Ga., to be present on November 5 at the murrioge of her grandson, .Joseph B. M^ck. son of the late Alexander Mack. M I). The Rev. W. M. Whiteside, superintendent of the Baptist bos pital. Columbia, will deliver an address in the Fort Mill Baptist church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. A deacon, recently elected. will be ordained in connection with the service, the Rev. .1. R. Smith 6f Flint Hill participating in the ceremony. A recent real estate deal in Fort Mill township was involved in the sale of a tract of land ad.mining ihe farm of the late W. 11. Windie which was bought from from Mrs. Lucy E. Blackwelder by C. W. Eason of Fort .Mill. The consideration was said to have been $1,400. Clarence E. Patterson, honor graduate of Clemson. 1921. whose home is in the Pleasant Valley community, has about decide* I not to accept tin* commission in the army which was offered him some time ago. Mr. Patterson is at present teaching school in the Marvin community. Union county, N. C. \ > - ' X ' ;'l i ? % 0 < 5AI AND ie cooperation oi lal bargains offe weeks ago has :he home folks, p tie in North Caro id. We are gral 1 continue until f thousands of ba ave been made i kTTERSC Interest in County Fair. Fort Mill township will he rep- j J resented l>v three booths in the | home demonstration department of the York County fair at Roek 1 Hill next week?one by the pa' ' ront-teaeher elub of the town am! the other two by the women's clubs of tlie Cold Hill and Flint Iiill communities. Interest in the Fair in the For. .Mill section of the conntv scents 10 be greater this year than ever and the local attendance is expect etb to be large oil each of the three days 4 lie fair is in progress 'the fair association, the business men and the Frank Roach post. ' American Legion, of Rock Hill extend through The Times a special1 invitation to the people of Fori .Mill township and the upper sec , tion of Lam aster county to attend the fair and it is hoped thai especially on next Friday. Arinis ticc day, every ex-service man and Confederate veteran in thi> section will be present as the guest of the association and the Legion post at the dim^r which will be prepared for them. "The York County fair." vi sti rdav said the secretary of the association. Miss Marie Fewell, "is as much a Fort Mill iustitu tion as it is an institution of any other section of the county and we are especially anxious to sec large numbers of our neighbor from across the river at the fair. IV.. ..I.- _ * ?> ? iiiMi air*' .anxious lo have Willi us as many Lancaster county people as can possibly attend," News of Gold Hill. Col.I Hill lias bad splendid ruins and a little dust lias taken the place of the dust from whim tinI community suffered for reveal w eeks. Miss Winnie ('rook up from Wintlirop college and spent the last week-end at tile borne of her father. W. II. Crook. Farmers of this section tore preparing to sow wheat aiml oats. C. T. Crook is still keeping house by himself. "Better Thau Nothing." According to the Koek Hill Record. Betsy Harris, one of the older Catawba Indians living on the reservation in York county died suddenly Saturday morning at the home of her niece. Rosa Wheclock. She \? us tii years o! I. I p THE TORT MILL TTMX8, FOB \ . .E A] NOT YET F the buying publi red in every dep; been even more' teople have come ilina to supply the: teful to all who ha urther notice and irgains have been n many lines. HI'S DR' FORT MILL, Sou I The Boll Wee ; And thoughtful far t to prepare at once struction theyknow tl t flict in this section i ; displaced by other f; | We are in position to the enemy. We have | rect from the factory ! Rarh Wire Hn< a a# IV II 11V^ j Fence V % $ at special prices and customers the benefit 1 Fort Mill Li THE FORT Ml BIG SUBSCRIPT mi You Get ALL FOUI MAGAZINES and OU fe/fc, TOR $2.1 THIS tXCIPTIQWAC OfKR IS COOK 8ub*crii>Uuu? uuy be mm ur i?nrw4. All rri<c?vul y?m Uon (.ickui il<le ci * . ' > r MLL, 80TTfH OABOLUTA OTP C OIVIC AT AN 1 c, which was qv artment of our I Wire and ? Vire i 1 are giving our _ of the saving. ; imber Co.i I ILL TIMES' I ION OFFER | lother's larmlourjMl i r 1 i 9 of Theso < H NEWSPAPER | CJ Order Noto || r~POn A SHORT TIME OWLY | i ul?? fi,MI..U. Hill U otcuUcd tor OM . t CApinUUMU successful tha here from all < ir fall and wint ive favored us 1 we again invil i withdrawn. 1 V IHUHHi Y fiOftl ith Carolina. ivil Is Here j A mers will begin to meet the de- tj le insect will *n~ *1 if cotton is not || arming interests. help circumvent ? just received di a carload of 4 . ?! \ * ?ucc END lick to show its ' store, the Spe 1 * * n we naa dar< aver York Cgut er needs, and a with their patrc :e the public to On the other 1 )S ST01 / ~ Give Us Y> We are again in I ~ the fire which dt and we solicit the with a full stock of Heavy and Fax at the lowest price expenses are light c small margin of pre BRADFOi HALL STREET >.< .J .%.j. FO THE UNIVEI NEW P (F. O. B. D CHASSIS RUNABOUT TOURING CAR .. TRUCK CHASSIS COUPE SEDAN ... Those jiiv tin* lowest priri's of Fori I .Motor ("omptiny. OnliTs jiiv coining in lost, so sure ejirlv v?*i*y. HEATH I llll III Ig ircc JL/JO || appreciation I ;cial Sale we I sd hope for. I lty and from I ill have gone I >nage. I profit by it. I land, further I Kti I liiilliHMHHHHBHi ( our Trade business following \stroyed our store public patronage fresh icy Groceries s. Our operating ind we ask only a I >iit. ?D & CO. PHONE 113 RD *SAL CAR :: < * RICES | i ETROIT) _ ... JZW0 f $325 o $355 ]\ $445 ;; . $595 ;; $660 ;; Konl i-iirs in Ih?* history of < ?? I * In i*i* yours promptly to in<? i ? i > OTOR CO. II 11 i i >