University of South Carolina Libraries
Baptist Moat The Baptist Woman's Mission1 ary union, of South Carolina will hold its annual convention Wednesday and ^Thursday, November 0 iiiH tO it* fVio Piiw* Uo?\+iii* ? ? *MM %UV * uot J^U|/ ! *?? church, Spartauburg. Sessions of the executive board will be held Tuesday, with an informal superintendent's 'conference following. Tuesday night at 8 o'clock there will be a young : njjpple's conference. An attractive program has been arranged for the convention, including a number of gifted speakers. Wednesday night's session will be devoted to young people s work and the principal address will be made by Miss .Juliette Mather, secretary of the Woman's Missionary union. There was considerable delay in the arrival in Fort Mill Saturday morning of southbound passenger train No. Ill on the South era railway, due to the burning of an overhead bridge about a mile north of the depot in Pineville, N. ('. Railroad men ex? pressed the opinion that tinbridge caught fire from a blaze kindled by tramps who were spending the night under it. DOG TAX DUE. Dogs 6 Months Old Oct. 15, 1921, Must Wear Tax Paid Tags. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the requirements of an act of the 1920 session of tile General Assembly, from and. after October lb. 1921, all dogs that were six months old or older ou that date are liable to an annual tax of if* 1.2b per capita. This tax is collectible and pay- ! able at my otliee during the time ! prescribed for the payment of other State and County taxes. For each + 1.2b paid 1 will issue I a proper receipt and numbered brass tax paid tag. the receipt to be lield by the party paying the tax and the tag to be worn by the dog. except when in actual use for hunting. Penalty for failure to secure tintax tag within the time for pay- ! ment tor other State and County 1 taxes is not less than +b nor more than .+20, one-half to go to I lie 1111 Ul lilt I . Applicants for tax tags wheth- ! er in person or liy mail must ad- | vise me of tin* number of (lie School District in which they re- I side, or the tag cannot he issued. 1 II. H. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. t it i-:sr a's^nt vr i rE | All persons are hereby warned not to hunt, cut timber or other- | wise trespass on the lands of the undersigned. This notice is intended t<? applv to everybody. tDec'22 FHV.P XI MS. Sr. FARM FOR RENT In up- ' per section of Fort Mill township; land in good state of cultivation. Apply to V. M. Ulankcnship. Uock Hill. S. ('.. or S. A. Hlankenship. Fort Mill, S. ISNov STRAKH1T SALARY *:F> per week and expenses t?? man or wo man with rig to introduce Eureka Egg Producer. F.ureka Mfg. *'??.. East St. Louis. 111. UfCAV UCDUnilC VV R.m\) I1LIIVUUU) ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until Sh? Tried Cardoi.?Says "Result Was Surprising."?Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.?"My back wia so ?Mk I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and waa not well at any time," says Mrs. B. V. Williams, wife of a well-known tamer on Route 6. this place. "I kept getting headaches and baring to go to bed," continues Mr6. Williams describing the troubles from which he obtained relief through the use of Cardui. "My husband, having heard of Cardui. proposed getting it for me. 1 saw after taking some Cardui . . that I was Improving. The result vu surprising. I felt nut a airrerem person. "Later I Buffered from weakness Ud weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband snld he would get me some Cardul, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said I got along fine. I was in ood healthy condition. I cannot any too much for it." Thousands of women hare suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they fonnd relief from the use of Cardul. lace It has helped eo many, you should not hesitate to try Cardul U troubled with womanly ailments. Ifer sale everywhere. Ill msmmsss ? *? W ^- v W vvv V V ? V s i i * < < I R^ll XI Ts <? | f ^ A most important factor fc conditions is hard and intel The slipshod farmer will and only those who wor be < ^ ods will remain. k hi + The year 1921 has been moi A Xfll fVin M n*iv trnor oivt aa Via n tii tnau cviijr jrvtti oiiiV/U uu c t Consequently he has done r His damage next year and pend on weather conditions industry used in fighting 1: We are distributing to the f ? pamphlet printed at our owr line of a program to fight t worked out by some of the 1 State and is, we believe, well ^ sideration of every farmer. We shall be glad to put one f hands of every farmer in t! I First Nati * THE BANK THAT B ^ Capital and Surplus t Resources - ONE-HA1 Drink at Ov wk ski;vk dklickh s TAIN hi;INKS MADK II t I >! KNTS. on; U K okka: ^ KNOWN. HAS WON ITS 1? ; 1TV. TI1KKK IS NONK < I CAN WK OAKKV AT ALL TIMI KHKSI1 OAND1KS. IN |\\( ? l'AKI4 AND SICK Ol'U KIN it LYTLE D * "THE SERVICE I EAGLE "MIKADO TS^bkikhbhi I For Sale at your Dealer ASK FOR TH". YCLLOW PE EAGLE 1 EAGLE PENCIL COT t ROCK HILL FURN f ! Funeral I ^ C. K. Chreilzberg, I ^ N'i'W Y??rk Stat** 1 .icfiist' No. t JESSE HARI Day Phone 50:?; Nitfh ; ROCK HILL. MOTOR K< Old newspapers for sa b'. , rOKT HUE TIMM, 1 Veevil I ilk I I ir success under boll weevil ^ ligent work. | >ut of business in a few years, ? ard and use intelligent meth- ? -e favorable for the boll wee- + ntered the cotton belt in 1892. nore damage than ever before. 7 in succeeding years will deand on the intelligence and 4 lim. armers of the community a 1 t expensec ontaining the out he weevil. This plan has been most practical farmers in this T worthy of the serious con- 1 of these pamphlets in the lie community. T I onal Bank \ ACKS THE FARMER. J $ 50,000.00 ; LF MILLION DOLLARS ? % ir Fountain ; DRINKS AT OUR UOUN _ _ _ _ __ ; Hi III". 1'lxO.M IT UK I N < 1K K- T \\. SO WKLL AND WIDELY t OITLAUITY ON ITS QUAL- ; )K HIOIIKU QUALITY. DIES 1 . :s A COMPLETE LINK OF 4 KAOKS AND IN BULK. K. t t RUG CO. : DRUG STORE." <> < 4 No. 174 Made in five grades NCIL WITH THE RED BAND MIKADO flPANY, NEW YORK T * ^ 1ITURE COMPANY ? Directors \ ? i r l i ^itrnsea c.mDaimer ^ I; South Carolina License No. Ill ^ US, Assistant ? t Phones 212 and 12<? SOUTH CAROLINA ; HIPMKNT le?The Times office. % i 1^.. roBTmmao. i ,i>i 1 ii 11 gg= I Read This t j New York N. Y., Oct. 26, 1921. The Ladies' Shop, Rock Hill, S. Car. Bought entire stock of five manufacturers, consisting of 5000 coats, 4000 dresses, and 1000 suits, at 50 cents on a dollar and we are sending you several hundred garments of this wonderful purchase. This should prove the biggest value offered in your state for high grade merchandise at this time. The Fellows Buying Co., Inc. COATS, SUITS . I COATS These are shown in Bolivia, Panaline, Velours, in Brown, Reindeer, Navy and Black. Priced at $15 $25 $29.75 EXQUISITE Of Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Canton Cre Black. $18.50 $2 THE LADIES' ROCK HI - . !! ! " * You Can Save By Trading at the i We wish to call the attention of the publi thing in GROCERIES on which a better p: where in this section. We are in busii ourselves, and we help ourselves better w Because of quick turn-overs our stock is to consider. And we guarantee Quick del number is 159. Fort Mill Coop< E.S. PARKS, Pyramid Paint Shop I ~ HOCK HILL, S. C. PAINTING If your car needs painting we will Is a 1~ pnint it for you and do It in such a way that you will be surprised at the . _ difference it makes In the looks of tflC | .PVf | your old ear. Our corps of painters are the best that can be obtained and | only those who are experienced in \Y/ I < or painting are on our force. The \W C lit looks of your ear is Just like the looks of your person. It goes a lang 1 C\ way. ry. z,u ct JAMES A. JOHNSON. I?ropr1ctor. for SI. listen; You v linker's is tli<? Harbor Shop that in{? lOI" " baked tile nriooe Iml it /11.1 > *t .loll 1 J. - .. X-., ?'??? >1 it at the expense of service. Hair ('ut 2.r>c TJ f Shampooing, plain 25e O. Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see ns. We will save you money and send you away A. L. Pi smiling BAKER S BARBER SHOP. FUNERAL DIRECTOF ? . , T EQUIPMENT M If you have anything to sell, an advertisement in The Times will find a purchaser for you. FORT Mil $ .r . . sj-^v j|ra v. : Tp|^,m I This telegram speaks for itself. We might add that some of these garments have arrived and that they are being sold rapidly. We consider ourselves very fortunate in securing these handsome garments and are now offering you a chance to share in our good for- | | tune. AND DRESSES SUITS Properly Designed and Tailored Suits of Tricotine at $25 to $35 , DRESSES pe and Satins, in Navy, Brown and Priced ligh-Grade Coffee roasted by mng Coffee Company. ave it ground or in the bermts per pound, or 6 pounds v'\W make no mistake by callFlavo/' FERGUSON PHONE 29 LRKS, ' KEA1) THE TIMES t AND FUNERAL OTOR HEARSE EVERY WEEK .L, s. c. FOR HOME NEWS 15 $29.75 1 Ready-to-Wear |Ji lV/JT y Exclusively LL, S. C. Many Dollars Cooperative Store C to the fact that there is hardly anyrice can not be secured here than elsetoco f A 4-? .v?o iu uui{i liiu consumer as well as hen we help the consumer best, always fresh, which is something else iveries and efficient service. Our phone erative Store Manager. FLAVO"