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:M'v ?v v THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic?Published Thursday*. Wm. R. nrilftii Mtt?r sad FakUakeft 1 8tofeH?kH! _ essSS&Sk The Times invites contributions on live subjects but does not agree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. The right Is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On :i| |>l.cation to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. ICntcrtd at the postofflce at Fort Mill, S. <*., us mail matter of the second cluss. THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 1921. The recent limitation for the abolition of capital punishment in North Carolina seems to have met with a check which means an em I of it. for the present, at least, by the announcement ol Coventor .Morrison that the prop osilionwdoes not meet with his' favor. Fj here is KOincthing to be said both for and against capital ! piinishnicnt; but by and large society is committed to this method ot punishing men convicted of ! the more heinous crimes. The fact that so many men who deserve to be sent to the gallows or the electric chair escape the puuisinent they have earned, fcewis proof that, after all. society is not as sineere in its advocay of capital punishment as appears at first blush. The criminal law of the State is what the Legislature of that State makes it. and in every State id' thetunion the newspapers from time to time inform the public of a loophole being discovered in the law through which some criminal escapes who should]be executed. It is enTTrely within the power of j tin- people of the various Stutes j to elect men In their riwimntivu , ------ - f v,"? : Legislatures who could so word their it.initial statutes as to make eseape from tleath impossible, once tin* prisoner had ueen so sentenced hv the court. But the people apparently no not want inflexible laws in respect to the State taking human lite, although frequently when some criminal has managed to defer, or perhaps nullify altogether, the death sentence hanging over him by taking atlvaiiiagi 01 provisions oi the vww law under which he was convicted there is a great outer.* that the ends of justice have been dclt.itedy and the uniformed ale ie?l ,o beiieve that the people are about to rise up against the courts. Nine times out ot tin the courts at which criticism is u'liicu in siicii cases are blameless ; they have gone 110 further than to see that me defendant gets the rights which the law says are his. If the law is wrong, the lawmakers should change it. if the people want it changed, in the Jsuite pen it 1*111 ui ry in Columbia today there are three white men who were sentenced to be electrocuted on October 21. They were not electrocuted. ?% u.> / Because the laws of South Carolina gave then.) the right oi appeal to the supreme court and they took advantage of that right, thereby automatically staving the execution of the death sentence hanging over them. And ' who can blame these nun for ex- j ercising the right the law vouchsafed them to prolong their own ' lives? We imagine that life, even 1 to the blackest criminal, is about as sweet as it is to other people, j Sometimes, unfortunately, levity is injected into the most serious i maiiers, and so it happened in the case of one of the condemned < men in Columbia. IIis appeal to the supreme court had not been perfected on the afternoon of the ; day next preceding the one on j which he was to be put to death. Then a law officer asked the man if lie intended to insist upon his : right of appeal to the higher j court, as if the man would say, 1 "Oh, no, I prefer to be put to , dtath and am impatiently await- , ing the arrival of the morrow that I may be ushered into a new world, although that new world may mean hell for me." Acta- | ally, one or two newspaper writ- i ers showed chagrin that the con- | detailed man refused to accommodate himself to their way of ' thinking - that his lift* should end at once. The people may criticise the courts and juries all they will for the failure of the law to j \ execute criminals; but back of all the criticism is this fact?the reason why more men are not legally put to .death in this country is because so many people are opposed to capital punishment. Next Friday morning. Novem- j bcr 11, will mark the third anni- j versary of the close of the World j war. it was in the early hours of the morning of that memora- j Die day that word was flashed throughout the world thut Germany had surrendered. America, in common with the other allied countries, received the glad news with the blare of trumpets celebrating the end of the most titanic struggle in the history of man kiml. For the first time in more than four years, the guns on the Western front, ever speaking a murderous language, were silent, and the soldiers, tattered and worn, laid aside their rifles and thanked God for deliverance from the fury of battle they had so long supported. Who is there among us that does not remember the sensation of relief when I the news of the armistice was , proclaimed? Who thfit does not remember the gratitude felt for the soldiers who fought and died that we might live? Victories such as Armistice day are not the issues solely of clashes ot flesh and steel. They are of a finer \ quality than that. They arc triumphs as well of an unconquerable spirit. Armistice day!?a day destined, if we will, to keep company with other days of the eal- , endar that mark great moments ' of history and will never die. Succeeding general ions will aeclaim Armistice day. Cod grant that they acclaim it in the spirit ' that lumlc it. ami that this spirit, like the day. will lie imperishable. Let every American dedicate himself to the spirit of lofty patriotism which made Armistice day j u national day of rejoicing. Pay tribute to the glory and the ideals of the American youths of 1917191b. ] I'. TAX NOTICE ? 1921-22. Office of the County Treasurer ol York County. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Looks for York County will be opened oil Tuesday, the loth day of November, 1921, and w ill remain open until the 21st day of December, 1921. for the collection of State, County. School and Lo- 1 en I Taxes, for the fiscal year 1921 without penalty, after which day 1 One Per Cent Penalty w ill be ad ded to all payments made in the month of January. 1922. and Two Per Cent Penalty for all payments made in the month of Febriiarv. 1922. and Seven Per Cent Penalty will be added to all pay- j meiits made from the 1st day of March. 1922. to the 15th day of March. 1922. and after this date an unpaid taxes will go into c.\ecut ion and all unpaid Single , Polls will be turned over to the j several Magistrates for proserin j tion in aeeordanee with law. All of the Banks of the County will offer their accommodations and facilities to Taxpayers who may desire to make use of the same, ami 1 shall take pleasure it> giving prompt attention to all correspondence on the subject. i All Taxpayers appearing at my ' office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be ' made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will always mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. ' HARRY IS. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. TEACHK K S' C IS UTI Kl C A T1SS. Teachers are reminded that either a State certificate or a permit from the State Board of ISxaminers must be registered in this office before their warrants can be paid. JOHN IS. CARROLL. Supt. of Education. New low prices on New Home Sewing Machines at Massey's. The only machine that never wears out. DR. T. O. GRICG DENTIST Office Next to That of C. S. Link, i Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. 11 Telephone Connections. i Ij. .1. Mhski'V has been selling New Home Sewing Machines her? for the pust 37 years uiul none 11 ot them are worn out yet. - ~ FORT MILL TOOK r/ -! ?t)e never lose sight he future growth dcpendi I much we can help our are building for tomorrc that fie ahead of us. In I ? YORK COUNTY': I THE SAVINGS BAI t?^.\ .% N?..% ? i More New < t We have received another s j. arid Children's Sweaters, sonn f white, tan and white, and otli f i them. ?(. j| Do not forget that 1 "STAR BRAND" SH | I ? Wc are selling lots of them, t in shoeing your whole familj *> ?? THE CASl :: phoni S. A. LEE and T. 1 ? ?> o QOOOOOOOOOOOOC I BUI X We offer best grade 8 Hyacinths, | T ulips, <K The prices are not Q for home grown bu q ity is much better. ? Hutchinson's 0 PRESCRIPTION OOOOOOOOOOOOOC 1 Big Yoi wum ROOK HILL,NOV SPLENDID LIVESTOCK Al A REVELATION OF YORK AND PR< BIO MANUFACTURERS D SHOW FARM AND STRATION BIG ARMISTICE D HORSE RACES DAILY? HIC FREE ATTB REDUCED RAILROAD R SCHED I, f ORT mxj., 8. o. ire of the fact that our I > in part upon how depositors today. it)e >ur and the 'tomorrows' )e are here to serve. I S OLDEST BANK I IK OF FORT MILL I TO BANK ON ^ 1 J* ** ?j? ** ?$ j* ?{ ?j? % ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? Sweaters hipment of Misses', Ladies' e real pretty styles, in black, icr colors. Come in and see OES ARE BETTER and you can not go wrong r with "Star Brand" Shoes. H STORE 2 No. 8. F. LYTLE. Mgrs. ! >000000000000 -BS I genuine imported ? I c ssus Bulbs > : any higher than <* lbs, but the qual- v Pharmacy <! druggists C C >ooooooo<xxxx>< Fk tyFair KM 15 KU i), 10, 1 I 40 POULTRY SHOWS COUNTYS RESOURCES 3GRESS. ISPLAY AUTOMOTIVE HOME DEMONWORK. AY CELEBRATION rH CLASS MIDWAY AND .ACTIONS ATES?CONVENIENT ULES * # 11 : " ;/l I i i f i ^ | <i? {| THE HO j HOME FUR t ;;! v I il l Young & l\i I: | THE FURNH i m . i * ::if ;; j ;; i :U i -r i'lr > ' > > . >! O. JO 1 GOOD THI > > ^ Marki'l, < ountr> ? | I'Ikiiic l-'oiirlt'i'ii. > k I r> > >! i ! i SEED W $2.75 Pei We have just received a GOO I Wheat?Leap's Prolific, Fullc and Red Rust Proof. This lot of wheat is especially true to name and free of onior uniform and full. Come and Clovers, Rye, Oats, Vetch, Ra Pasture Mixtures, Grasses and Our Flower Bulbs are choice Garrison-Faris ROCK HIL Our Seed Will Grow." ||l maam?*:\?at < 1 < > . t / < < t < > < > i > * > < ME OF I MINGS) I : Wolfe | URE MEN 1 I ? $ * I i 1 1 I I NES NGS TO EAT 'HEAT * Bushel jushel lot of splendid Seed aster, Red May, Blue Stem adapted to this locality, IO O llfAA/ln f ikj nuu nccus. vri ttlllS HTB inspect it. pe, Barley, Lawn Mixtures, everything for the garden, and select. Seed Comp'y L, S. C.