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'l <1 1 g IaD . V Fra this Sal< 1 | Pro I taki I The t vak V,. Ext WHEN 1 AM U j* GONE, YOU K ; WILL I PAY MORE NEWS AROUND TOWN. Short Storitd Picked Up by The Timeu Reporter. / ? W. Corcoran. superintendent <#l" tin* printing plant at the Home 01 plumage in \ ork, spent Mom-. ?ia\ in Fort Mill. Miss (iertie Cohen of Charles* ' ion iiinl Miss Marie Karesh of En- I I;iv. vi!l?*, Orangeburg eonnly. are . j in sis of Mr. ami Mrs. M. A. ! < 'olieii. A erih containing several bundled hushels ot eoni al the home of Walter Me Kinney.. neair town, nns ?lest roved by fire last Thtirs- j ii. \ evening. i he Rev. Robert 11. Viser of l.anrel Hill. N. will supply the I 1411 it of the Fori Mill Presbyterian ehureh next Sunday morn- I ing and again that evening. Dr. T. O. (Irigg, dentist, has , opened an offiee in the rooms in the Ardrey building formerly ocetipied by Dr. .). It. Elliott for the praetiee of his profession. F. E. Ardrey left Fort Mill Monday evening for a visit of several days to friends in New ' York eity. During Mr. Ardrey's ahseiiee, his place as ticket agent and operator for the Southern ! railway in Fort Mill is being I tilled by 11. M. Let\ Numerous I-on Mill p ople i iiiv spending a 41 ay or two this week in Columbia attending tin* Si ate lair, which opened Monday iiiul is to run through Friday. As is every year the ease, the fair is id to lie the best ever held by ihe South Carolina Agricultural ; ud Mechanical society. 'I lie Kev. T. .1. ilouck, who for tlie last year or two has been the pastor of the Pineville and liar r.snn Methodist churches, has just In en reassigned to those churches t<?r another year's work by the presiding bishop at the annual meeting of the Western North < at'olina conference, which closed i s |!r_'l session at High Point the early part of the week. handbills will be distributed in Fort Mill the latter part of the v.?ek advertising an open meeting of the local textile union to be held at the Masonic hall Monday evening at which addresses / are to be delivered by Frank MeKoskie and Kdward Callahan, representing the United Textile Workers, and A. Gordon, repre I SE 9 c \ ntic buying, furi Sale. Eager bi 5. But in order EXTRAS fits have been c ng and it will p< LAST TWO D ies await you th \ra Big ATTERS seining 11n- I nilrtl (Sarmcnt | Workers and tin* American Ked-! elation of Labor. A religious drama, "The Trial of the Robbers." will In* presented at the fori .Mill Itaptisi church next Sunday niorniii^ at 11 o'clock l?v tin* Senior It. V. 1*. I". The play will be repeated at I'leasant Valley Itaptist Sunday evening at i :l~> o'clock. An invitation is extended tin public Mo be present at botli churches to see tin* drama. Plans were under way in Kor: .Mill .Monday inorninj; lor an in vital ion to he extended the lp per South Carolina Met hod is .'onterenee, w bieb meets in Lan easier next Wednesday, to lioio ils IM22 meeting with St. John s .Methodist cbureli in Port Mm. Inn after a thorough canvass ol die situation it was found thai | the town could not furnish entertainment for tin1 22") ministers iikI others who compose the eon , t i-reuce The national weather bureau i I ".as again demonstated its inefficiency. Kain was forecast by the , bureau for this section Tuesday, hut if any rain fell hereabouts on | that day the average citizen was unable to observe it. There has been a considerable drop in tin i( temperature during the hist 1M lu urs, however, and all day yesterday there were enough clouds apparently to produce an abuiid- , ance of rain, luil the rain many | had expected to see failed to materialize. I Mrs. A, O. .Jones entertained , last Wednesday evening at her . home oil Ilai11 street the Woman's Missionary society ami the lip i worth League of St. John's Methodist church in honor of the Lev. and Mrs. L. I>. Anderson, j t formerly of ltichhurg. Chester | county, now of Songilo. Korea. , who are at home for the first , time aft MP UMVttli *o. ' - ? .i ii MTVH'C 111 j the mission field in the Kar Kast. i | Following interesting talks hy the j , missionaries about their work. 1 | refreshments were served by Mrs. j Jones ami a social hour enjjoyeil l)v the large number of ?_r,t.'s:s. \ A piece of tree surgery thai < lias proved of interest to main passersby recently lias been per- I formed on a large white oak in , the yard of lv \V. Kimbrell at i bis home on Hall street. Several i \ THBFOBTMILL TOMBS. LLIT > If A i ym.Ai 1911s selling mar lyers packed th< to make a final nrr?i * * r rLUAL I t completely annil ly you to visit tl AYS will be that cannot be du Is for Friday , ON'S DF FORT MILL, < I years ago the trunk of the tree began to decay ami Mr. Kimhrell fen ret I that hesitles losing a valnahle shade tree, it might blow down on his residence unless st? ps were taken to preserve its lite. l'pon examination, however. the workmen found that the tree was not Inidly 'decayed and the coating of eeiuent they applied where the hark and (dead wood were removed is exported not only to strengthen the tree hut also to add many years to its life. The tree is one of the largest and is thought to he one of the oldest in this section. pleasant Galley news. interesting Items From Progres sive Community. A. K. Harris of (lastonia. N. spent 1 he Week-end with his sisler. Airs. M. lilackwehler. .Miss Helen Heath of Midland. N. is visiting relatives in this I'oniiniiiiity. Alter spending the' summer unl early tall in Los Angeles and Detroit. Stroud Elms has return d to his home in this sect ion. C. E. Patterson and Calvin Hall liave gone to Colunihia to attend the State fair and annual fare liua-Cleinsoii football game, one ?f l lie pruieipal events of the fair. A ph asaiu social affair of tinpast week was a party given by Mr. ami Mrs. .1". I'. Harris Friday evening in honor of Misses (Jra 11 a in ami Wln-eler. teachers in the Pleasant Valley sehool. Those.| present were : .M isses Sadie Wheeid', Naiu v (indium Kathleen llall nWil Verda Wolfe, Shiii Kell, Ko\ Haw field. Walter Pat tcrson an<l Flafenee Patterson. The evening was spent in enjoying music, games a id progressive eonvcrsa llnli. iict rcsliincllts were served. A Hallowe'en party will be given at the Pleasant Valley "ieliool house Friday evening and mi evening of rare fun is anticipated for all in attendance. Several plays will he given by the pupils of the school. "Spinner." Interest in Municipal Election. The extent to which a number >f citizens of Fort Mill are inter >-ted in the municipal election to '?e held in danuary for a mayor nid six aldermen of the town, who will serve for two years, is indicated by arrangement a they FORT MILL, SOOTH CAROm na d 1 VP 1\ yHEI ked the immen e store throughc cleanup we hai :UTS IN A tiilated in this b lis Shattered Pr e BANNER DA [plicated anywh* and Satur tYGOOI South Carolina. j aiv making to have tin- county hoard of resist rat ion visit the town for a day during tin* input h of November to issue certificates t?? those who mig;ht not ollicrwise he ahle to participalc in the elect ion. The law provides that no rcg-j istration eertificate issued wit tun less than dt) days of a {rein nil ( lection shall entitle the holder to vote in such election. Heretofore it has heen the eustom of nninerons Kort .Mill citizens wiio found thenisnlves without rcjris- j (ration certificates for municipal > ohctioiis to go to York to secure the certificates. It -is said to lie ; the purpose of those interested in having the county hoard visit i Kort. Mill within the next few j weeks to ?rive those who wish to; participate in the town election j in January an opportunity to do so without having; to g;o To the inconvenience id' making; a trip to the. county seat. | To Some Subscribers in Arrears for The Fort Mill Times. I During; the last month the pub. lislier of the Kort Mill Times has mailed statements to a number of persons who are in arrears for their subscriptions to the paper. Within the next week or two similar statements will he sent al' those who have not paid for their paper and it is hoped there will he a ready response to the request for the money which i I most ot those who Cojii! lln? v ill I agree has been earned. 1 >111 then* j is reason In believe 111:r 1 sunn of I those to wIioiii statements have been soul, ami other* to whom they will Ih? sent. do not Ink** I h ? in seriously ami intend to try to heal the paper out of what they owe it. To all such, if there he such, the following announcement. may prove interesting: A reasonable length of time will lie ?riven those who are indebted to this paper for subscriptions to settle their indebtedness. If within a few Weeks, the accounts to which reference is made arc not paid, the publisher will go before a magistrate and secure judg- j incuts against the parties involved. following which lie will endeavor to get his money by offering for sale, through the col- , ttmns of this paper, all such accounts. IA ECOl ) v \ \ se opening days >ut every day of re made . w j aiiu rdi at the lowest prices expenses are light a small margin of pro BR A D HALL STREET . . ?_ ??_ *J? ?J* ?5* ?J? { ?J? ?J? ?J? ?* ?5? ?j? ?j# % ?j? ?j? < < nAMJT" r i l/uin i r T | That Gulp Bros, can | ol good Fancy and t LOC | Sliced Breakfast Bac - Sliced Boiled F4am, 1 ? * CULP BRC ? PHONE N< LL LINES ig, immense und ice Sale. YS of this Sale, ire. Oct. 28 and 1 vfi nmAiM Id dIUKI Give Us Y( We ; re again in V the fire which de and we solicit the with a full stock of 1 Mo 91/1/ p I RDSf J \ of the ler> for >9. i IF YOU DON'T Jk KNOW ME, , WE BOTH LOSE MONEY 1? Dur Trade >usiness following stroyed our store public patronage fresh icy Groceries >. Our operating nd we ask only a fit. W & CO. PHONE 113 * ORGET | ry a complete line :} Heavy Groceries. )K! I if ? .on, lb . . 55c t lb . . . . 65c 1 i )THERS >? >. 16. < * * i t