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Newt of Gold Hill. Gold Hill is suffering under a cloud of dust. A good deal of cotton is still being ginned by S. P. Wilson, but this week will wind up the picking and ginning. The Ladies' Demonstration club of Gold Hill had an interesting meeting at the school house last Thursday. They are still taking their produce to the market ot Miss Juanita Neely, county home demonstration agent. There is little sickness in this neighborhood. Work on the enlargement and improvements to he made to the local school house will begin the , latter part of this week or the j first of next week. Malcolm Smith has just returned from a two-dav visit to Orangeburg county. "Better Than Nothing." Labor Against New Party. The proposed national labor party, the American Labor Alliance. now being formed by radical labor organizations, will receive no support from the American Federation of Labor, according to President Samuel (lumpers, j and will have to combat the vigorous opposition of the lenders of j the organized labor movement pi . tl is country. This alliance, which is said to J aim to establish a workers' soviet , republic in the l.'nitcd States, will not be tolerated bv the American workers, according to (Jumpers. : He did not consider the movement , seriously, he said, and referred to j other attempts along this line. Mrs. Mamie Thompson Dead. Following an illness of several months, Mrs. Mamie Thompson u i :_ r , M:II uitru ?it utri xiwiutr hi rwii i>iiii this morning at 2:10 o'clock. Mrs. Thonpson was the mother of three children. Mrs. .John Bayne, Tonmiie Thompson and and Cornelia Thompson. She was a daughter of .James II. Bailes and had spent her entire life of 2(5 years in the Fort Mill community. Mrs. Thompson was a member of the Fort Mill Baptist church. The funeral will be this afternoon at *1 o'clock and interment will follow in the Fort Mill cemetary. Drunken Possum Betrays Still. Failure of a possum near Chattanooga. Tenn.. to play up to lus name resulted in the discovery of YHie of the largest illicit distilleries ever found in that State, according to revenue olVicers. When attention was first called to the inability of the animal to pursue a straight line of retreat, the raiders thought it was ill. One of them, however, captured the possum ami studied its hrcath. The still they then discovered had a capacity of 2o() gallons and was built on a concrete huso. Time to begin saving money tip for Chirstinas. Kuv your merchandise at Massey s and save the differnece in prices and have a big Christmas. If you like good sweet music. got a Brunswick Phonograph. It it is simply noise you want, most any other machine will suit you. it ' H A Tonic g DO For Women g BU "I was hardly able to drag, I ^ was so weakened," writes Mrs. HQ W. F. Ray, of Basley, S. C. Y Fj "The doctor treated me for about M two months, still I didn't get V M any better. I had a large fam- M U ily and felt 1 surely must do BU something to enable me to take BL H care of my little ones. I had Fj tCARDUl M The Woman's Tonic g XI "1 decided fn trw If " <??n- W n tinues Mrs. Ray . . . "I took r/* M eight bottles in all ... I re- Qr M gained my strength and have M hJ had no more trouble with wo- M manly weakness. 1 have ten UL yj Children and am able to do all Lj JQ my housework and a lot out- yT doors ... 1 can sure recom- n M mead Cardui." M Take Cardid today. It may |Q M be Just what yofl need. M M At all druggists. M * ! Patting tl < on Sat the first national ; ive, viz? i Satisfact A. 'l >V? ATT V> n nnitr>^n rt^/v?n xacjr muab UC OUlldiaV/l/UI ( * with us as well as to ours< * We have an idea that to ^ we must have high stand of our work, and we mu always. There must be speed, aa but there must be SAFE I There must be an alert u * by common sense. ^ Add to this that comp terest, industrious and p ? pep? Ard you have a descript which the customers of tli Ask them about it. ; First Nal Capital and Surpl T Under Strict Supervisioi \ Drink at 0 I \VI: SKUYK DKLICIOI I f TAIN Mtl.NKS MADI I >! KNTS. ul'l! UK (Kl I ? KNOWN. MAS WON IT? U ITV. Til Kit K IS NONI I CAI ! WK OA lilt V AT ALL Tl Kit lis 11 OANDIKS. IN I f CALL AND SKK OK It I LYTLE I "THE SERVI? ' EAGLE "MIKADO"^ For Sale at your Dealer ASK FOR TM-. YCLLOV EAGI EAGLE PENCIL^C .a A.a .a.a.a^a.a.A .a.. A . a ! ? ROCK HILL FUF ; Funeral : ^ C. K. Chreitzber | ^ Nf\v York State Lioensr No. I JESSE HA Day Phone 508; N i ; ROCK HILL. MOTOR I Old newspapers for " " FORT MILL TMB,: ???????? ? ? ?????????? lie Emphasis j isfaction j . BANK HAS ONE OBJECT. | ory Results f | v to the people who do business f, V ilves. % give our customers satisfaction, 1 ards of excellence for the doing st live up to these standards, ^ <J> curacy, diligence, consideration, Y FIRST. 4 p to dateness, governed always >ound of sincerity, personal in- 4 >ainstaking effort plus real live ion of the satisfactory service 4 lis bank receive. f tional Bank j us ... $ 50.UOO.OO 4 1 of United States Government. ^ i . 4 .*.*.. ur Fountain ? ? * I S DRINKS AT OKU FOUN- | <S K K1GHT. KKOM IT UK INC UK- | l-AM. SO WKKL AND WIDKLY | < I'OITKAUITY ON ITS QUAL- | ! : OK IUC1IKU 1,TAK1TY. % 4 '4 MDIES 1 * IM MS A COMPLETE LINE OK 1 WOK AGES AND IN HULK. | ilNE. * A DRUG CO. DE DRUG STORE." * 4 No. 174 Made in five grades r PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND i S. MIKADO j COMPANY, NEW YORK tNITURE COMPANY \ Directors | g, Licensed Embalmer 4 South Carolina License No. 141 4 >RRIS, Assistant | itfht Phones 212 and 12f> SOUTH CAROLINA ; BQl'Il'MENT t sale?The Times office. * . r POET MILL, % 0. speci, i* ror Q Announcing a J Women's and fort MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES One lot Men's Tan Heavy Work Shoes, regular $4 ami $5 values, Special $2.49 One lot Men's Heavy Tan Work Shoes, regular $(> values. Special $2.79 One lot Men's Tan Scout Shoes, regular $11.50 values, Special $2.29 One lot Men's Black Scout Shoes, regular $:i values. Special $1.89 ( . MEN'S DRESS SHOES One lot Men's Gun Metal i Bluchers, regular $5 values, > Special $2.89 , One lot Men's Tan English , Bals, regular $5 values, Spe fill 1 $2.98 One lot Men's Tan Knglish Cohen1 "The Home of Bettei You Can By , We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. V ourselves, and we help ouri Because of quick turn-over to consider. And we guan number is 159. Fort Mill ] Pyramid Paint Shop HOtK 111 LIj, S. C. PAINTING If your car needs painting we will puint it for you and do it in audi a way that you will bo surprised at tbe difference it makes In the looks of yoia* old car. Our corps of painters are the best that can be obtained and only those who are experienced In car painting ure on our force. The looks of your car is Just like the looks of your person. It goes a lang way. t JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. ; I Of I' ^.T i r,JN: linker's is the Harbor Shop that baked the priees, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c Shmnpooitig.jplniii 25c Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c . Come and see us. We will save you money and send you away smiling BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. F If you have anything to sell, an advertisement in The Times will find a purchaser for yon. AL Vt Frirlair * 14vtwJ iaturdai uew Special Va Children's Shoe rriday and Satin Blucher, regular values. Special $3.98 Oue lot Men's Tan English Bals, regular $f> value, Special $2.98 LADIES' DRESS SHOES Cue lot Ladies' High Heel Dres* Shoes, regular $S* and $10 values, Special .. ..$1.98 One lot Ladies' Tan Medium Heel Dress Shoes, regular values, Special $2.48 One lot Ladies' Tan Oxfords, regular $1 values.Special $2.29 EOYS' SHOES One loi Little dents' Solid Leather Scout Shot's, from 11 to 13 1-2, Special ....$1.69 One lot Youths' Scout Shoes, from 1 to 3, Special . . . .$1.89 Oue lot Boys' Solid Leather Ollffiffinc r Values" Save Mar g at the Cooper; on of the public to the fac hich a better price can not Te are in business to help selves better when we help s our stock is always free intee Quick deliveries and el Cooperati\ E. S. PARKS, Manager. "FLJ Is a High-Grad the Levering Cofl We have it grc ry, 20 cents per p for $ 1. You will make ing for "Flavo.'' B. C. FEI PHO A. L. PARKS, UNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FOKT MILL, S. C. l LUES and V lued in Men's s and Hosiery rday Scout Shoes, from 3 to a 1-2. Special $1.98 MISSES 'AND CHILDREN 'S SHOES One lot Misses and Children's Shoes, regular $3 values, while they last. Special 98c One lot Misses High Top Tan Hoots, from 13 1-2 to 2. regular $4 values. Special . . $1.98 lar $4 values. Special .. $1.98 LADIES' HOSE Ladies' black and cordovan, regular lac value. Special 8c MEN'S SOX Men's Heavy Work Sox. regular lac value. Special ,...8c rv/viiiv?) vy i \y ^UtlllLIS 1 no mistake by call>NE 29 READ THE TIMES i EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS CHILDREN S HOSE Children's Hose, black ami cordovan, regular 2f?c values. Special 8c I Store Fort Mill, S. C. iy Dollars >five Store it that there is hardly anybe secured here than elsethe consumer as well as the consumer best, h, which is something else fficient service. Our phone re Store WO" e Coffee roasted by ee Company. >und or in the ber?nnnrl r\v (\