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I ? THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic?Published Thursdays. j Wm. n. Bradford* Kdttor aad Pabltoher. items*. The Time* Invites contributions on live puhJectH but doe* not ngree to puhlhh more than 200 words on any subject. The right is reserved to edit every . mmiunlciplon submitted for publico! ion. On application to lite publisher, advertising rates ore made known to those iiii* rested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Entered at the postofllce at Fort Mill. S. C.. us mail matter of th# second class. THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1921 To put the most 1'uvoruhle construction on the net ion of Congressman litunIon ol' Texas in lu:vino printed in The Congressional Record of Inst Saturday us u pari of a speech he was supposed io have delivered recently in tin* tioiisr <ii representatives an | obsei m* eolloquy alleged to have taken place between two employees ui i lie government printing relative to labor union affairs. he showed inexcusably bad , judgment. There is no place in The Congressional Hecord or in ai y oilier publication, for that matter, tor profanity or indecent language. Whether Illuntoii will L<: expelled from the house for the 01 tense, as is proposed bv a resolution of Congressman Mondell of Wyoming, was to be decided iotla\* ll he should lose his ?.eni. one is safe in guessing that many a long day will pass befoie the. Congressional Record again earries out to the country such billingsgate as the Texas uu' )* liiiil printed in it. It is now too lutt* to mend matters so tai i!hlanton's remarks is concerin it; Inn if the joint cottiiiii111 e on printing of Congress, w hit i. iias control of The Congressional Kecord. gave the pub lie printer some discretion in tin* ehar.ieier of (lie inn Iter to appear it; the publico! ion. such filth as Hlantou s wotiltl find its way to tin waste basket. The present pohlie prmtei'. Cteorge 11. Carter, is ii man of excellent judgment, as tin editor of this paper happens to kiiow. and could he depended upon to do the right tiling in .my circumstance. Itut under the rules of the committee, the government printing ofHee is required to print verbatim the speeches of members of Congress delivered on the floor of their respective houses. Whatever they say must he printed its reported oy in* oinciat stenograpners or a- s? ui to the printing office di r? i*i. as in ilit* ease ot Blanton s remarks, in which. eliminating tl.e profanity ami obscenity, then v as some merit perhaps, lor he appeared to he trying lo help the pnhlie printer straighten out conditions at the government printing office which are known t?> he had. For many years rings, c!hpies and factions have existed among the thousands of employees of the office which should no* he ((derated. Mr. ('after promises to bring order out of chaos, and lie will succeed if any man could. In this laudable undertaking he should have the support of every member of Congress, irrespective of political affiliations. Weal her condit ions this fall for gathering the cotton crop in the South have been as nearly ideal as this section ever ex per' ences. It is a fair assumption therefore that if the staple has been picked as rapidly over tht cotton belt generally as it has bi ell liweillv i iw Itiil.. ... , * (* ? ir? III I ir W I III* flop remaining in lite fields. It is the almost universal eustoiu of farmers to have their cotton giniiul as rapidly as it is brought in from the fieltis. Therefore, the latest ginners' report, issuetl last Tuesday by the census bureau, showing something like dOO.OOO less bales ginned from the current crop than we no ginned to the same date from the 1920 crop, is another evidence that the crop is so short that the price at which it is now being sold is too low. if supply and demand have any influence in directing the course of the market. The Times never has undertaken to suggest to its. former friends who have cotton to sell whether it apparently was to their interest to put it on the j % market or store i.t for sale at a future date iu the* hope of securing a better price., That is a mat- , ter they are able to decide for themselves, albeit suggestions ' from this paper alone that line I would be as well worth following up those of many newspapers and j individuals who pose us experts on .the subject. No living man i can tell what the morrow will bring forth iu the cotton market, j The price may go up or it may | go down, depending, as was observed in these columns u few weeks ago, on the will of the cotton exchange gamblers. But for uli that, conditions which should make for a further advance in the price of the staple tuuy ob tain within the next lew days. It i the unsold portion of the crop does not bring 25 cents or more before the advent of the new year we shall be surprised. There lias 1 bten little more than half a cfop raised this year and this fact cannot be dodged indefinitely. ; Before the passage of the prohibition amendment 10 the federal constitution, when the liquor; question in South t'aroiina received lengthy consideration at every sc.-?siou ot the Ueneral Assemhiy, frequently there were cited in both branches of that body instances of men convicted of violating the Sta.e tawsugaius. the unauthorized sale ot liquor alterwards being trnd for die twine offense 111 the federal courts under the the laws of the general governiuent. Very tulle attention was paid to the charges of violation of the federal constitution in tlie era of almost universal sentiment in South t aroliiiu in fa vor of drastie proluhition laws! ami cqiiany drastic methods ol en force in i n ol those laws. Bat in hotli the house and senate there always were some meiiihers who knew tiiat it tliere were uislan- , ces of men being twice put in jtopardy ol their liberty ;or th same otfeiise it was illegal ami indefensible. One of these fine days the issue will In- settled once a11it lor all time. A man named Knox who has just been convicted in the Slate court at Spartan- j burg for violating the prohibition laws and who has since been indicted in the federal court for the western district of South Carolina for the same offense, he adleges. now appeals to the supreme j court of the United States to s? t aside the indictment in the lower federal court oiv the ground that it is a vioJatiou tit the consti,ution of the United States. 1 lie provision of the federal constitution is so plain it would seem that there is hut one deeision for the supreme court to render in ' the ease. Smart lawyers, and stupid ones. too. sometimes succeed in having fmn convicted for the same offense in municipal and State courts in South Carolina by the simple process of wording the first and second indictmeuts diffet litly. Cor instance. the defendant will he accused of disorderly conduct in ; the municipal court; in the State j court, for the same offense, lie i will he charged with violating I the peace and dignity of the commonwealth, or with having committed some such crime.. Of course the second trial is clearly illegal, hut it is of more or less < frequent occurrence in South j Carolina. There is no pulling 'lie j wool over tIn* eyes 01 tin* supreme court of the United States, ; however. If the la< ts are j.. ?It j man Knox alleges in h-< appeal,; Ae vhall he surprise ! if ids contention is not upheld New low prices on New Home Sewing Machines at Massev's. ! The only machine that never wears out. L. Massev lias been selling New Home Sewing Machines here for the past years and none . of them are worn out yet. CARD OF THANKs We wish to return our heart- ! felt thanks to our neighbors and many friends for their kindness ami words of svinpathv during the fatal illness and afterwards of our darlinj; little hoy. MH. AND MRS. M, A. fOHKX. DR. T. O. GRIGG DENTIST Office Next to That of C. S. Link, Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott. 1 Telephone Connections. LET THE TIMES FIND A PURCHASER FOR YOU AT SURPRISINGLY SMALL COST | " ' FOBT MILL TIME ; IE Pay with a jrv and fen ow u/t |ij Your TtLoney |l ?oes/ | j| 1 1 A/7~^ | j \Jou always have i fcj and every check is |J returned to you. to |j proof of payment. r YORK CO'JNTY' I Ei TJT eii\fitf&& DAI Hill Ei ' J i (i,19 I WPVI I H A GOOD BANK | UNDEF ! Th e season is hei | derwear. See us | Union Suits for | boys, men and 1 ? | quality ribbed wei | Also, heavy fleec I for men and boys. | Don't forget to sef | fore you buy. \ THE | S. A. LEE and T. t ooooooooooooo< I BU1 x We offer best gradt 8 Hyacinths, g T ulips ? Narc O The prices are nc O for h r?mF> orro\A/n Ki VT A4 \ 9 ilV is much better. | Hutchinson! o PRESCRIPTlOl OOOOOOOOOOOOCK At Your The Fort Mill (jinn A-1 order for the seas< fanners of this section service. We have reduced ti 8*2.50 per hale, with h per hale additional. We will appreciate FORT MILL < 8, TORT MILL, 8. 0. Pen |l _! ^llj I I the correct change kl l|| marked PAID and 11 I ; become everlasting |i m. I S OLOZST BANK r | NX OF F01T MILL W\\\ TO BANK ON |jjj I I WEAR I re for Heavy Un- j; : ; before you buy. : children, misses, : idies, all in good \\ i ight. ]; i e lined garments :: < * our Sweaters be- " 4 < < ; < i' < not UffL ? F. LYTLE, Mjfrs. I 500000000CXX>0< LBS | ^ genuine imported O rssus Bulbs ? >t any higher than x jibs, but the qual- O 5 Pharmacy g N DRUGGISTS <*> DOOOOOOOOOOCKX Service erv has been put in nil ahead, to give the i the very best, ginning te price of ginning to agging and ties at $1 vour business. WINNING CO. I * I 1 I ? I > ! > | | I THE HC HOME FUI | Young & THF. FURNI n \ -A.. O. JC GOOD TH1 (iriMViirit, .Market, I'oiintrj 1'nnliMf. I'liont* Foiirlri'ii, SEED V $2.75 Pe We have just received a 600 Wheat?Leap's Prolific, Ful and Red Rust Proof. This lot of wheat is especial true to name and free of oni< uniform and full. Come an Clovers, Rye, Oats, Vetch, I Pasture Mixtures, Grasses at Our Flower Bulbs are choice Garrison-Fans ROCK HI Our Seed Will Grow." )ME OF I FISHINGS I I i <?> I > \\T~\C~ i IL Tf UI1C t (? I I TURE MEN ... I < > $ I | ! % i i i )]STES 1NGS TO EAT /HEAT t Bushel bushel lot of splendid Seed lcaster, Red May, Blue Stem ly adapted to this locality, !>ns and weeds. Drains are d inspect it. tape, Barley, Lawn Mixtures, id everything for the garden. ! and select. Seed Comp'y LL, S. C. I