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\ I! DDini rniui * $75 ,000 I HERE IS ( It is no disgrace to owe money Negligence is puce rust, it breeds pox lie trunk with (lie public and tell tin merchandise in our store a"Sliorl tim lul buying unit the extreme care e\c Iinivco, UIC99C9 Ilim iurilisillll($9| (JWt) merchandise on our shrives in thirty a good, dean. up-to-date slum hut 1 bought these goods at very low prices KM prims, ami lo soil them at lower |i gains we received we were obliged I time. The notes are now due ami tl money immediately. We consulted o pay these obligations, and while he di plainly see that we would he imposin ha\ e this money. s You know your hanker ran he a hit "You carry far loo hig a stock; you ah IT I loan you money you will have an work an\ harder through having tin you sell this merchandise quickly eve a few hundred dollars h?s* in ro upai the puhlic will reriprorate and you v d tile largest sales systems the sam attorney." So we have accepted our sale, one that has never I middle iio disgrace to owe money, we are goui time, so that we will have sulllcieul r share in this rare treat of HAH<;\I\> Shoe Prices Hi Ladies' Highest nuality $15.0(1 ('.cosset t Itraud Shoe, none heller made, in all the styles and lasts. i I.listen. Ladies, we have only a few of these and in order to close them out 1111 i c k 1 > we have cut I lie price in half. Think, hhlics. of huyii g a Shoe of this stylish lasl and high quality at half price faj Qr Hurry-mil Price yliJw Ladies' | iiic (irade Itrowu Shoe, with medium heels. and reall\ a work of art in the Shoe line. These Ikwhh'k sum iuriiit,ri> at 90. ipQ *J[* Salt* l?ri?*?? yJilO <" 11 iltlron's 11 m 11 T?.,? HimiI. ait ?*xt 1*21 pun I f!nuli> all leather Shoe. Something that will slay witli the ehilSALE OPE My Children's I Dress I LIMITED TWO DRESSES At 9? I will sell the entire lot of these a limit of two to a customer, and tiers accepted. The sizes are fro the colors desired. These cute dr colored Dimming about the nec The colors tutd appearance will m Ivi in*.- 111 in- anu my opemn, will be unimpeachable evidence this quick cash raising sale. Mothers, these dresses wiil no so be here when the doors open, ' BOYS' AND GIRLS' SC Fit the children out now whil We have them in all styles it p anywhere. Come, see for yourse Sale of Tin* fall fashions Imrsl upon a v fur I lii'\ aii' beautiful, beautiful in li inus, and exriliiiK in diversity. T inels in ^Inwinu and realist ir lines, f what will In ei.rreellv wnrn for tins inn nf wniidroiis styles, a lar.iie and ei Kverv narinenl marked in |dnin limn I'allersnn's r.nsh liaising Sale will In id tile best dressed wuineU id Kurt ) lllil t lllis> tills I ?|?| M ti'l VI li 11 \ nl SI'NIIIi; spare and the Inrjje \arn t\ nf nriees IKH(?' ;111<I you will |i?> one of (lie man \ "U. I Patte # THE sssbssbss*'" ~~'~"ggsgg!--"=5=-sgb V W i td II Stock of Ladiei Dry Goods, E )UR TROUBLE , but it is a disgrace to act with neglig ertv and corrodes ambit iefi. We are goii m the facts. When we selected the stoi e ago. we actually believed that through i rcised in purchasing our clothing, dry g we would not have a dolTars' worth of days' time. Without any doubt we own t we still have these obligations to meet, i to give our trade the benellt of the new trices than our competitors. Through the o sign notes promising to pay in thirty lie wholesalers and manufacturers want ur banker a few days ago requesting a to: d not say ".No," in a forceful, manner, we * g upon liiiu if we insisted upon his Icttii ? help to you and so he advised us as foil <o bought thi* merchandise at a very low interest of 8 per cent, to pay and you wi s obligation to meet, consequently, why n if you have to reckon with a loss? Wli 'ison w ith keeping your credit good. His > ill gain a lot of new customers. Kmplo\ 10 as you would employ a good pliysicia banker's suggestion and here we have a d before in this state. As we have said, ig to sell you enough merchandise in nine uoiiex to pay our creditors. Are you goii ; > ATTERSON DRY GOODS C'OMI'AN t With a Thud dren. Former price, $.'1.25 flirt P7 |.< I Ill, III I II || ill III Ml lie nt'w ?'\hiltili<?n of Kail Stylos at Path ash ion hi all lior whiinsiral lovlinoss. i soason. f.uats. Suits an*l hrossos aro in unplolo lino til contrasting materials ai 'os. Till* In*-', generous. during .tlu/./liiij * tin' moans of putting a t'oal suit or tiros till ami \ it'inily. Iloincmhcr tlit* oponin many a dollar on your suits. Owing wo art' unaldo to give you prices. Kami iy that will ho glad thai I ranio hargain li rson's Sal.' Price $/i3 f Ladies' Heavy Klk Shoes, the kintl that never wear out. sold formerly at #5.00. oq ar Now only ^JlHw Misses' linn Metal in an extra tine black ami tan Art IT Look at the price! iU Misses' Line tirade Heavy School Shoes, in hlaek ami tan, A regular s'i.TTi Shoe A A QT Sale I'riee ^Zlv3 Infants' Shoes in all styles ami lasts, si/es from I to 5 years ami hoimlit to s.-ll at $1,511 nr. Sale I'riee __ vVU :ns thurs Gingham )ay TO ONE BUYER. L , # ?Ke >c clear little dresses, with ot 110 phone or C. O. D. or- , ,, m G to 14 years. In all se esses are beautiful with k, sleeves and bottoms, elt right into the hearts g day price of 95c each of the genuineness of If hapi t last till 10:00 o'clock, ber rhursdav. October 20th. wha HOOL SHOES. But e dollars can be saved. get rices that can't be beat stun If. be h Ladies' Suit* uniting world that cannot hut applaud Hi 111**: *111*1 J'.oil.oio av.oii.d.. 4 FORT MILL TIMES, FORT MILL, SOOTH OAEOUK ORN TO X , s' Ready to Wear, Men tc., Scattered to the Foi ~ FREE UK to :? Your Nu tliis $300.00 (lavs' ... . . i , V-s, s'r. we mean jusl what we saw >.< have lt? buy anything, .lust save tin* numhi llM handbags. silk linse. furs. underwear. in fart - mil<I and hunt: up in different departments in our ? lis hearing the corresponding nuinhers will rer Iters \\ dl lie pufnul each and e\ery day. Hri We do this in 'create a friendly interest in ows: one to a person, price II not ' Fall and Winter St Men rarely rave about Clothes. But n"!!'lt you will find the treat of years here. All re a 1 organization have been devoted to the si K 1S Top Coats. Yes, here are clothes that act ,lUVs" of youth?Clothes that add dignity and c to Never such high quality, never such likes ship ? and never such great values, agai Y. three groups for easy selection. A Message v Say, Folks! I came a long way to do ybu a gooi to each of the following questions: / < \ l'v V - - vi; wo you carry goods of sterling, worthy me (2) Are you willing to slaughter prices to meet ] (3) Are you willing to take your medicine of to it widely and truthfully? The above questions being answered in the aflir man 1 smiled like a million dollars, and who wouldn thousands of homes; when one has the opportunity that will attend this sale? I'm a bargain hunter and price smasher of natioi especially. They know that I always manage some the same echo that "Koch's" has across the Rhine. IT'S "WELL AND C.OOD" THAT I'M HERE. After a visit to this sale wou'll be glad you came, see you. > / DAY, OCTOBER 2 Bargain Sky Split Wide A v^pen ADIES, I am going to give you the sensation of the Saturday Morning'Only arting promptly on the stroke of 10, I am going to you GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES that sold forty as high as $4.50 each. At 95c the manufacturers who made these dresses should len to come to Fort Mill on Saturday morning, Octo22nd, and see me selling his house dresses at 95cts. t he would say would get me in jail if 1 printed it. no one can buy more than one. I want everyone to one, for I am doing this crazy, absurd house dress t at 95 cents to advertise my sale. Noble housewives, ere on time! A REAL BUY Ladies' Embroidery Handkerchiefs, sold at other stnrpu nt 1 -r,j a '?? . .a#ui HU n f listen, ladies, these will not last the ? i'ir beauty, day out q_ bile color- Sale Price, each Ou rson's de- ... . ... Ilustratiny Ladies $2.00 Voile Waist in a large a prolus- variety of patterns to choose from, id colors. Opening day only Qf*p 'XN1>' Extra Special Price wUll is on many _ y day and Ladies' best grade Outing Flannel ,:irk yf Night downs; made verv full and ' 95c ; Dry Go< % i ====== saggggggg?=gs 1 SHREDS] , y -? i's Clothing, Furnishings. _ r ir Winds! FREE mber Is ?No. 3649 I Given Away 0(1.00 ill merchandise >:i\rn aw a \ tin -mi: tins sale. You even don't >r ill this spare. Mats. raps, shoes, men s sinls. holies* dresses, something from e\rr\ departineni wnl he put in our show rases More Willi numbers attache.I. the person presenting the poster eive these articles ahsohite|\ I ill I.. Yew articles an?l new numiifi the poster to this store each day as you uia\ he the hiek\ one. this >;rent sale. It? iiirmlier. >ou must have the poster and oulv lits and Overcoats for Men no matter how unfeeling you are, j Also Big Reductions 1 the skill and energy of this store ' election of the new f all Suits and ! in Prices of entuate the eager, aggressive spirit haracter l? lh,- man of mature years, j B . Woo, Suiu ible styles, never such line workman- | in we have diivided these Suits into ! I all Sizes and Styles To The Public d turn, but only after Mr. Patterson had Answered SYES" rit ? present conditions and make it worth while for people to buy? ital loss of profit .and less on all your stock, and to advertise mat ive, 1 came, investigated, and like a satisfied, delighted 't when he has the opportunity to bring joy and cheer to to put unheard of savings into the pockets of the multitudes I rial fame. I'm known as such !>v wholesalers and by retailers how to undersell them. Consequently my name to them has i and you'll be jflad 1 came. Now let's tfet busv. I'll be tflad to J. II. SCHMIDT. The Mark Down Man. 0,8 O'CLOCK A. M. * Boys' Wash Suits Friday, October 21 AT 10:00 A. M? SIIAKP. MOTHKKS, take the children to grandmother?any place ? but don't miss this HOYS' WASH SUIT SALE. $:L00 and $:1.50 values ? i at 95c each suit [| What a time we'll have selling Boys' Wash Suits on Friday Morning, October 21st. Only one suit to each buyer. we have a tremendous stock 01 both men's and ladies' work shoes at practically your own price. Lay in your years supply while you can get them at less than cost. YARD GOODS Something All 25c, 35c and 50c Ginghams ^Qp New and I Sale Price * t . "ah 25c, :15c and 50c Madras and Per- ; UneXpeCtSalTPrice 19C | ed Will Heavy line grade Canton ion Confront I Tlannel. 'Sale price IT2W 5,00 yards best grade Outing Han- | I Oil &t nels, in all coloi^ 101p E.Vei*V Sale Price \l2? %L J Limited 10 yards to a customer. j 1 Ulfll ods Store I