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raft, mws AROUND TOWN. rH|hq& Stories Picked Up bj The Times Reporter. E* Mis. J. T. Young haa been ill ' it her home for several days. Mrs. A. L. Land of Newbern. N. C., is a guest at the home of 1)At" hpntlicv TV T. Uam/I j?? ?w- v* VWUVA y f? Ml A/V/U) m X V* " Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mendenhall of McConnellsville were guests of their relatives in Fort Mill last week. A Saturday night J. D. 0'Connell of Fort Mill had the misfortune to lose a fine mule which was kicked to death by another mule. Miss Louise Simmons, student at Winthrop college, was a weekend guest of Miss Florence Lawrence at the heme of Mr. and K. E. Ardrey. There is considerable sickness, a mild form of influenza, in the Fort Mill community at present, which is attributed by many to he dust flying in the atmosphere. A home to be occupied by .John Hall and his family, who will move" from Lancaster county to Fort Mill, is bring erected in Whiteville park. Col. T. B. Spratt and C. S. Link have returned from a trip they recently made to Ameriens, (la. with the view of securing a pastor for the Fort Mill Presbyterian church. Miss Anna Wolfe came home from Winthrop college and spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Wolfe. She was accompanied by a number of her classmates. The Rev. Dr. .1. W. II. Dvehes Monday went to Heath Springs to assist at the funeral of (Jeorge Lewis Mobley, for many years a deacon in the Baptist church at that place and an ex-supervisor of Lancaster county. It is expected that a considerable number of Fort Mill people will attend the State fair in Co lumbia next week. The football game to be played Thursday between the teams of the University of South Carolina and Clcmson college is the principal attruidion I'rtM ? ....... I.--.. ? P - ( HVIIUII UM <1 IIIIIIIIM'I 111 \ Ollllg men who plan to visit tin* capital kcity for the event. j Friends of lion. \V. II. Stewart former Fort Mill citizen, who has represented York county in both branches of the (ieneral Assembly, were pleased to read in .the daily papers Sunday that Inhad just been elected superintendent,/.f the home for Co federate soldiers in Columbia. Mr. Stewart is himself a Confederate veteran. He took charge of the home Monday morning. Under special order No. ! of TK^E. Marchant. colonel commanding the First regiment, S. C. N. G., Arthur C. Lytic, first lieutenant, recently has been up pointed summary court officer of the regiment. The appointment carries with it an unusual compliment for Mr. Lytic, as ollicers he. low the rank of major are seldom appointed summary court officers. In connection with the duties of his new office Mr. Lytic may find it neceRsury to visit from time to time the various towns of the State in which com Ipanies belonging to the First regiment are located. The all-dav services last Sunday at Pleasant Hill Baptist churcR, in the Pleasant Valley community, proved to be enjoyable and profitable to the large congregation assembled there. The weather was almost ideal, the exercises were well carried out and the dinner abundant and varied. The collection for Con" nie Maxwell orphanage amounted to more than In the afternoon addresses well delivered and well received were made by Prof. Thomasson of Winthrop college, J. B. Talbert and L. 1). Pitts, all laymen of the First Bap. tist church in Rock Hill, on stewardship. Osmond Barber, Fort Mill cit iscen. \yhose farm is a few miles from town in the upper sec tion of Lancaster county, reports to The Times that he has had unusual success this year in raising sweet potatoes. From seven eighths of an acre Mr. Barber haR just gathered 350 bushels of potatoes, according to the mess urement of the crates. 1 1-4 hushels each, which were secured from the Sweet Potato Growers assoi eiution of South Carolina. At * the rate of yield indicated by the crates, a full acre would have produced 400 bushels. If the crates hold only one bushel each, which Mr. Barber thinks is perhaps their correct capacity, the jield of the seven-eighths acre !* * 286 bushels. I ! Putting thi I on Satis it the first national b ive, viz? I QntiofoMni ; uaiioiauiu! ; They must be satisfactory t( with us as well as to oursclv* * We have an idea that to gu 4 we must have high standard of our work, and we must always. There must be speed, accur but there must be SAFE PY 1 f There must be an alert up t< ? by common sense. a #1 ~ iu?t ~ ASK FOR TH*". YELLOW PE EAGLE E EAGLE PENCIL CPU AAA**.**.* A* a a I ? ROCK HILL FURN t Funeral I ^ C. K. Chreitzberg, I ^ Nt-w York Stutf l.icvnst* No. 4694 I JESSE HARF ! Day Phone 50:5; Ni^h | ROCK HILL. MOTOR K(, *4* 4*4*4*4*4'4*4*4'4*4# Old newspapers for sa 4 iu una tnat uuiii[juuj tcrest, industrious and pain ; pep? Ar.d you have a description which the customers of this Ask them about it. : First Natl Capital and Surplus ^ Under Strict Supervision ol To Our Friends In pursuance of our poli? community the very best ser< our business to the Stewart jestie theater. In our old limited that we were unable manner we desired. In our new quarters we expe won! be a credit to any city, ped with tile latest eoliveuiei every rcspec. We are grateful to the publ enjoyed at the old stand and vice in the future as will wai increase of the puhlie favo years experience in the drujj feel that we can supply its You will find in our new qi incuts for serving Ice ft'ean individuals or parties. Ami bring your friends where \< ami in private. We have a full line of drujj th?i1 is curried in u first elm line of Points, Varnishes. W'i 11rushes. 011(1 oil is need LYTLE DRUt EAGLE "MIKADO fgmi1BTlEliaA!iiiMA>S "^tlLWrTVBPVMBnHl For Sale at your Dealer TORT MILL TMS8, Wi rv ! vMv\lt a ni m c Liupuasis I ^faction f ANK HAS ONE OBJECT- J ? | 0? ry Results j 3 the people who do business V ?S. ~ *e our customers satisfaction, ? ,s of excellence for the doing live up to these standards, acy, diligence, consideration, FIRST. ; T o-dateness, governed always 4 4 id of sincerity, personal in staking effort plus real live 4 of the satisfactory service * bank receive. 1 onal Bank I. f ... $ 50,000.00 ' United States Government. 4 4 # 4 4 4 4 # ^ 4 4 ^*4 *4 A I and Customers I y to give tin* people of this rioe possible. we are moving I>11iIt 1 i11<r. just above tin* Ma(piartcrs our spart' ..jis so to si'rvi' our patrons in tin? ft to make a showing that Tin* building will be equipnees and will ho modern in it* for tin* patronage we have we expect 1o give suoli sert?ilit a colliiiiunnco and air r. Having had a nuiiihcr of r business in Fori Mill, we needs intelligent ly. lartcrs the very West arrange i and Cold Drinks, either for we invite Villi to come ami ?ii can In' served in comfort rgists' sundries, everything ts drug store. Also a full imliiw (I lass. Wall Colors, oil to beautify your home. 5 COMPANY No. 174 Made in five gradai NCIL WITH THE RED BAND 1< dIKAPO '? 1PANY. NEW YORK ITURE COMPANY t I 1 Directors 1 ; i .icensed Embalmer ^ S ; South (Carolina License No. I ll * ^ 1 US, Assistant * ^ t Phones 212 and 120 SOUTH CAROLINA ; lUH'MENT t le?The Times office. |; 'iisi 4 Jp >M MILL, 8.0. ~ SPECL for 1 s Announcing a F Women's and t for F MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES One lot Mon's Tail Heavy Work Shoos, regular $4 and vainos. Spooial $2.49 Olio lot Mon's lloavv Tan Work Shoos, regular $('? valuos. Spooial $2.79 Ono lot Mon's Tan Scout Shoos. regular $:{.;">() values. Spooial $2.29 ! Olio lot Mon's Black Scout Shoes, regular $8 values. Spe( iul RO . MEN'S DRESS SHOES One lot Mon's (Sim Metai. Illuoliers. regular $."> values. Speeial $2.89 One lot Men's Tan English Hals, regular $."> values. Special $2.98 One lot Men's Tan English Cohen't "The Home of Better You Can By Trading We wish to call the attentio thing in GROCERIES on wh where in this section. W ourselves, and we help oursi Because of quick turn-overs to consider. And we guarai numoer is io?. Fort Mill E Pyramid Paint Shop | HOCK UILIj, S. C. PAINTING If your car needs painting we will mint It for you and do It In such a ay 'hat you will be surprised at tbe ifference it makes in the looks of our old car. Our corps of painters re the best that can be obtained and lily those who are experienced in ar painting are on our force. The noks of your ear Is Just like the >oks of your person. It goes a lang 'ay. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. LISTEN! Bilker's is the Barber Shop that inked the prices, hut it didn't do I ill the expense of serviee. lair ('lit 2"?e ; hnmpooing, plain 2.V ingoing 2.*>e j onie 2f?o i have l."?e 1 iassHgf, plain 2.">e _ Come and see us. We will save' on money and send vou away ; miling , BAKER'S BARBER SHOP. Fl If you have anything to sell, ^ 11 advertisement in The Times fill find a purchaser for you. \l~va Friday < aturda> ew Special Vafi Children's Shoes riday and Satun Bluelier. regular +<> values. ^ Special $3.98 i> One lot Men's Tan Kuglisli j Bals, regular $."? value. Special $2.98 ^ LADIES' DRESS SHOES ' One lot Ladies' 11i?xli lleel ' Dross Shoes. regular $S and ( $1U values. Speeial .. ..$1.98 | 1 One lot Ladies' Tan Medium | Heel Dress Shoes, regular val _ ues, Speeial $2.48 One lot Ladies' Tun Oxfords. ' regular $4 values.Speeial $2.29 * BOYS' SHOES |" One lot Little Cents' Solid! , I A Leather Seont Shoes, from | 11 lo 13 1-2. Speeial ....$1.69. One lot Youths' Seoul Shoes, j from 1 to 3. Speeial ....$1.89 ( One lot Hoys' Solid Leather ?. * I s Outfitting Values" Save Man 4 * at the Cooperai n of the public to the fact lich a better price can not b< e are in business to help tl elves better when we help th our stock is always fresh, atee Quick deliveries and effic Cooperative L S. PARKS, Manager. "FL A Is a High-Grade the Levering Coffe We have it grou ry, 20 cents per po for S I. You will make r ing for "Flavo.'f B. C. FER PHON A. L. PARKS, IKERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL \ :aUIPNENT MOTOR HEARSE FOKT MILL, S. C. J ?? LUES md r ued in Men's, and Hosiery day scout Shoos, from 'A lo ol-'J. special $1.98 MISSES 'AND CHILDREN S SHOES )llo lot Misses iiiul I'liihlron's sjioes, regular values, w hile hey last. Special 98c hie lilt M ISVi't; I I I.i ll I'm. 'IV. II r-" "I" toots. from lit 1 -J to J. rofiit iir $4 values. Special .. $1.98 ill* $4 values. Special .. $1.9.** LADIES HOSE aulics' I Mack ami corlovan. regular 1 fie v.ilue. special I 8c MEN S SOX Wen's Heavy Work Sox. iv?j liar 1 oc value. Special ....8c CHILDREN S HOSE 'liildrcii *s llose. Muck ami 'onlovaii. regular 'Joe values, special 8c Store m. m mm rori iviiil, 5?. L. y Dollars t/ve Store that there is hardly anyj secured here than elsetic consumer as well as ie consumer best, which is something else ;ient service. Our phone e Store lVO" Coffee roasted by e company. ind or in the berund, or 6 pounds 10 mistake by callGUSON E 29 READ Til E TIMES EVEKY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS