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RSr ' 0 !> THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic?Published Thursdays. Wnt. It. Bradford, Editor aad Publisher. The Timet* invites contributions on live subjects but does not agree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. The right is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. *. Telephone, local and long distance, No. 112. Filtered at the postoihee at Fort Mill, S. C., us mail matter of ths second class. THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1921. Out* iliing that is noticeable in llie editorial comment of the daily press on the nationwide strike of railroad workers which has been set for October 30 is that while there is inuch criticism id' the men proposing to take part in* the strike, all are as silent as death with reference to the injustice the companies have been subjecting the country to for the last year and more by the exorbitant freight and passenger rates they have been charging. We have iu mind one daily which has had much to say about the hardships thai would follow such a strike, but not one word has it ever printed, so far as we have In en able to see, in condemnation . of the greed of the men who are operating the railroads. As The '1 lines sees the situation, the chances are more than even that the strike will not materialize? no n the Republican administration can prevent it, and if it cuu not. we have another good reason lor sighing for the days of Woodrow \\ ilsoii. who was always able to j?.itrli up the differnces betwri n tin- rail compuuics and their employees when a big stride was ihreateiied. Harding and his 'adxisers know that if the strike comes it will mean certain defeat next Near for the Republican part\ in the congressional elections. And that would be awful, from the standpoint of both the administration and the railroad companies. liefore the (jeneral Assembly ol 1!)'_!'J meets the people of South Carolina are apt to see .printed in the newspapers a good ileal about tax reform. It is an old story and the repetition of it fails to enthuse the average citizen, who has an idea that he will have to continue to pay as high taxes as the lawmakers dare impose upon him, tax reform or no tax reform, lint however that may be. two reforms are neces&*u\\ in the tax laws?uniform assessment and the placing of all property on the tax books. It is the duty of the tax commission to see that there is uniformity of assessment on property of equal value in the various counties of the State, and additional legislation to that end would therefore serin unnecessary. Hut tlie Gen-1 fal Assembly eoiild render the people a distinct service by providing for a survey of all property in the St?ile. Thousands of aeres of bind and other valuable holdings in South Carolina have been escaping taxation for years. All this property should be put upon the tax books, aiut it can be pill'there by the right sort of legislation. New sources of revenue for the Stale government are not uocrssar\ and would have no bet'trr effect than to furnish the General Assembly with more money to appropriate. The State fieient money to operate the I treasury already is receiving suf- : State government efficiently, but 1 the trouble is that it is not always w isely spent. And the mountain labored and brought forth a mouse. Monday the rules committee of the national house of representatives called off the investigation of the ku Mux Klan which was begun last week with the promise of shocking revelations of lawlessness on the part of the member^ of the order acting as such. The investigation has proved a flash in the pan?it has petered out. ( William .1. Simmons of Atlanta, head officer of the klan. testified before the committee a few days "ago and his statement convinced the country that the purposes of the klan had been misrepresent* ed by sensation mongering newspapers and bribed individuals? that instead of the purpoes of the order being the assassination of the law, it stood ready to assist in law enforcement. Life Term for Negro. John Mcllwaine, negro, who shot and fatally wounded Ernest Watkins at the Lancaster cotton oil mill plant 011 November 15, 1915, and who was brought from Detroit, Mieli., a few months ago after resisting extradition for a year, was found guilty of murder with recommendation to mercy in tne court at Lancaster a lew days ago. He was sentenced for life. Mrs. Albert Bisliop of Omaha. Neb., spent Monday in Fort Mill with her brother, Dr. R. \V. l)esPortes. Mrs. Bishop 'came to South Carolina from her home a few days ago to be at the bedside of her mother, who is ill at a hospital in Rock Hill. Our Fall stock was bought hefore the big advance in cotton ami we are still selling on the basis of 10 cent cotton. L.jJ. Massey. A word to the wise is sufficient. Buy your cotton goods at Massey's at old prices. We bought before the big advance. Gray's Croup and Pneumonia Salve?Guaranteed to give relief in cases of Croup, Pneumonia, , Rheumatism. Sore Throat, Cuts, jj Bruises, Burns. Tonsil it is. Stiff N Neck.Stiff Joints. Swollen Joints, j Headache. Grip. Colds, Coughs, M Etc. Price JO cents. For sale in j J Fort Mill by Hutchinson's l'liar- U i ... i.. i v i'.. U..11 ? ii : '! u> m* imu^ * i?., i\ifiH*r vnir- | ; don and all Grocery Stores. NV. j II Gray, Mfr., K. V. I). 2, Box I j 8.r?. Charlotte, N. C. 4tOct27 N : EXECUTORS' NOTICE. ] All persons indebted to tin. os-N Cite of H. N. Patterson. deceased. j are hereby notified to make payment at onee to the undersigned ] as executors of the said es'ato, and all ereditors of said ?state ! will present their eiaiin> duly ap- ! proved t?> the W. KKP.D PATTERSON. B. B. BYRlTM, Executors. ] Port Mill, S. Oct. 5. 11)21. Seed Oats Fifty bushels pure ; Appier seed oats for sale. S. L. Colihrap. Phone 111-B. hurt Mill. < S. C. 2t i; For Rent?Seven room dwell- i1 injr on Booth or Hall street; de- i sirahle street and desirable property* half acre lot. Apply to < Alex Barber. < Don't be satisfied with an or- { dinary phonograph while you can , get a Brunswick at same price , that is superior in quality and , IntiP nt Mnaw's Compare Massey's prices on Millinery, Shoes. Dry Hoods, 1 Rugs, Watches, Clocks, Silver- 1 ware, Jewelry and anything else i and get wise. i SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION ______ Tbedferd's BUck-Drnmght Highly Recommended by a Tennessee Grocer for Trembles Resmiting from Torpid Lifer. Fast Nashville, Tenn.? Th? efflofancy of Thedford's Black-Draught, the ge:.u(ne, herb, liver medicine, la Touched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a ?rocer of this city. "It Is without doubt the best liver medicine, and I don't believe I could get along without It. I take It for sour stomach, headache, bad liver, Indigestion, and all other troupes that are the result of a torpid liver. "I have known and used It for years, anil can and do highly recommend It to every one. I won't go to bed without It In the house. It will do all It claims to do. I can't say enough for It." Many other men and women throughout the country have found Black- ! Draught Just as Mr Parsons describes ?valuable In regulating the liver to Its normal functions, and In cleansing the bowels of Impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught liver medietas la the original and only genuine. Accept no Imitations or substitutes. k Always ask for Thadford's, FORT MILL TIME || IE Pay xoith a * |H and know wA j Your TTLoney M 9oes// kZM // /7""^7 Ifou always have t and every check is i returned to you. to ^ proof of payment. YORK COUNTY'! THE SAYINGS BAI A GOOD BANK Bgagaaga | Quantity \ I" So many people buy clieao o are saving money. Everybod ! good grade of merchandise, ; more, than to buy a cheap gr ; to buy again in a short tim policy to handle nothing but s and we would like for you t prices before you buy. ? It is impossible to tell you o you, but we will be glad to ? over our stock of "Star Br ;! wear, Hosiery, Etc. We are j* Do not forget also that we I ware, Stoves, Etc., in York > on some of these articles. ^ which sold for $135.00 we s See one at our store now. Y this line. THE CAS, : S. A. LEE and T. goooooooooooo< a I WE ARE SELLINi VELVET IC MADE IN C BEST TO BE HAD Hutchinson: PRESCRIPTION OOOOOOOOOOOOO At Your The Fort Mill Ginn A-l order for the seas farmers of this section service. We have reduced 11 #2.50 per hale, with b per bale additional. We will appreciate FORT MILL ( 3, TOST MILL, 3. 0. 111 / I he correct change [\ marked PAID and a I become everlasting -j j I * ^ ibj I || k* 1 i ! I HARLOTTE X IN THIS SECTION ? s Pharmacy | N DRUGGISTS Q DOOOOOOOOOOOCX Service cry has been put in nn ahead, to give the t the very hest ginning! le price of ginning to ageing and ties at $1 your business. %} SINNING CO. *??r KJIUII ? ill m: m 3 5 OLDEST BANK ; - , IK OF FORT MILL ; j TO BANK ON M | - _ ^ .a . .j. .j. .j. .j. .j..J .j. 4. <j,.j,.j. rs. Quality j I ;oods because tliey think they * ly knows it is better to buy a j even if it does cost a little * ade of goods, and then have 2 e. It has always been our t a good grade of merchandise f o compare our goods and j n paper all we have to offer f have you come in and look ? and Shoes," Sweaters, Under- * sure we can save you money. a have a big stock of Hard- ij. and can save you about half ? i iVe have a few Cole Ranges t j are offering at $85.00 each. * I Many other things cheap in * ! % < HSTORE | F. LYTLE, Mgrs. | <s? +< ?> > ?> ;< ;< ;? ? 5000000000000< o a EXCLUSIVELY Q :e cream 1 -A.. O. JO GOOD THI i (iriKX'rics, .Market, Couiitrj Produce. Plume Fiiurtrrn. SEED V\ $2.75 Pei I We have just received a 600 Wheat?Leap's Prolific, Full and Red Rust Proof. This lot of wheat is especiall; true to name and free of onio uniform and full. Come and Clovers, Rye, Oats, Vetch, R Pasture Mixtures, Grasses am Our Flower Bulbs are choice Garrison-Faris ROCK HI1 Our Seed Will Grow." \ s > rHO ?4 > < < < 4 > 4 I M * s & ME OF I NISHINGS| <s> : Wolfe I 2 i URE MEN * f < > i i i % I . < > < > < > < > i: ?4 < > < < < 2ST33S NGS TO EAT 1 ' /HEAT r Bushel bushel lot of splendid Seed caster, Red May, Blue Stem y adapted to this locality, ns and weeds. Grains are 1 inspect it. ape, Barley, Lawn Mixtures, fl everything for the garden, and select. Seed Comp'y LL, S. C. V. v* k ^ \ THE HO i uniuir run I IIU111I. I Ull I I : Young & I THE FURNI1