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'J- ' . ' * Ir ^ 'M& x * I-'# . / V3 !? , jjjfc MpTv ^ 5jfl? \ / * ? I NEWS AROUND TOWN. Short Storiw Picked Up by The Times Reporter. William Ardrcy has returned to liis home in Fort Mill from Coluiuhia, where he had been employed as a linotype operator for several months by the R. L. ltrvan company. In an interesting football game in Charlotte yesterday afternoon the Fort Mill lugh school team lost to the University school of Charlotte (? to 0. Douglas Niius was the star performer for the Fort Mill boys. ^ Mrs. A. <). .Jones, Mrs. ,J. B. Mills and Miss Minhie Garrison went to Pleasant Hill school house, in Lancaster county, Wednesday afternoon to assist in the organization of a parent-teachers* association for that commuitity. .Jasper Kirabrell, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kiml.rell. was knocked down by a Ford car while he was attempting to cross one of the streets of Fort Mill a few days ago, but escaped from the accident with lie greater injury than a fright. An announcement of interest to members of the Masonic fraternity in this section is that Gypsy Smith, noted evangelist who is now holding a meeting in Roek Hill, will hold n special service for their benefit Tuesday evening, i October 11. The members of ten1 lodges near Roek Hill have been invited to attend the Jesse Harris, son (\l Mr. ami Mrs. \V. F. Harris of Fort Mill, lias sold his interest in the Roeh Hill Furniture company to aceept a position as traveling salesman in South Carolina for * High l'nint, N. ilraperv etutcorn Mr. Harris expects to begirt his new work Monday morning and , meanwhile he is spending several d.tys with his parents. Business in Fort Mill has been on the upgrade since the recent advance in the price of cotton. V A number of merchants have recently stated that their sales had shown a gratifying increase during the last two weeks, and Col. T. B. Spratt. presindent of the First National bank of Fort Mill, is quoted as saying that his bank's collections have been much B. M. Bradford is expecting to reopen at once the grocery store v'*V | ' r * / *""" * f I \ ,1I ' . * i % LI! wm 95 New Suits 11 Hundreds of Swi Everything neede We'have taken latest models, Sit NOW LISTEN here to get it. V X which he operutcd on Hall street for several months prior to the fire some weeks ( ago which destroyed his business, work on the building to replace the burned ! one having been flushed this week. Mr. Bradford has taken a partner :into the business with him and the name of the firm hereafter "will be Bradford & Co. better than he bad hoped for. In the presence of a few friends of the bridal couple. Miss Vernie Kpps was married to Bert Bavne last . Saturday evening at 7:30 o'eU*?k in the study of the Baptist pastorium* the ceremony being performed by Dr. .J. W. U? Dye lies, the bride's oast or. These young people, residents of the upper mill villuge, have the good wishes of numerous friends with whom they are deservedly popular. I. M. Yo*ler. well known Lancaster county farmer, a ho lives in the Van Wyclt secti ?n, returned to his home the later part of last week after spending several days with relatives at Hickory, N. i\, during which he visited a number of community lairs in Catawba county ? near that city, with the view of observing the prosperity diversification bus brought to the farmers of t laat Meet ion and to be able to better impress upon bis neighbors tin* necessity of similar furmii g method*, especially since the boll weevil luts l>ecoine firmly established in his eommuiity. On his own farm Mr. Yoder hits practiced diversification for years and he has found that the system of growing his own food, as far as possible, iaud feed crops, of raising hogs and cattle for the market puts one in better shape I man 10 devote Ins entire nitration to cotton as so many South Carolina farmers have done. Most Attend School. Officials of the Fort Mill Traded school expect to secure within the ne it ten day** or two weeks the assistance of the county attendance officer in bringing 'n,? sch-ool a considerable number of children of the community known to be ^vithin the compulsory attendance age. "For one reason anal another, none of them good, a num.ber of Fort Mill parents * * t X THE TORT MLL TOtKB, TOB I % STEN, - - $15.00 to $E 5 New Coats - 68 New liters, all absolutely i d. ijuuh, I on new life. Jnst rect >.50 to 839.00 ! We want your trad* i PATTEI v r iift* refusing to send their children to school in violation of the law." yexfcrc lay sai<l a, school official. "We purpose to see that < these children attend school.with- t out .publicity or unpleasantness I if possible, hut hv a ruling of the 1 local magistrate if needs be." * Government Cotton Figures. * * oi i mi pmncti up to rseptemner 2"> appreputed 2,1)07,750 hales. ' sliphtlv Iess than whk "expected. 1 ami the condition report was 42.2. ' indioatinp a viehl of 0.521,000 < hales, or a decrease of about C>00.000 hales since the report of the condition of the crop on Aupust 25. The futures market advanced excitedly Monday on the publication of the pinners' report, went down with the publication of the condition report and closed near the opcninp. The viejd for South Carolina is forecast at 644.000 < hales, or 40 per cent of a normal crop. The pinninps up to Sep- ] temher 25 of last year were 2,- ] 229,606 hales. ' < t?- ; SANITARY T^uX DUE. Notice is hereby piven that the semi-annual sanitary tux is due and payable durinp the monlh of October without penalty. . C. S. LINK. Town Treasurer. Gray's Croup and Pneumonia Salve?Guaranteed to pive relief in eases of Croup, Pneumonia. Rheumatism. Sore Throat, Cuts, liruises. Itiirns, Tonsilitis. Stiff 1 Neck.Stiff Joints. Swollen Joints. I j Headache, Crip, Colds, Couphs, j Kte. Price :U) cents. For sale in | Fori Mill by Hutchinson'h Pharmacy. Lytic Drujr Co., Roller Gordon and .ill Grocery Stores. W. II Gray, Mfr.. It. F. 1). 2. Box 8f>, Charlotte. N. C. 4tOc.t27 wmmmfc??? For Rent?Seven room dwelli 11 jr on Booth or llall street; de. sirahle street and desirable property; half acre lot. Apply to Alex Barber. I For Sale?100 bushel;. Palj phuin oats at $1.10 per bushel; 2f* bushels Appier oats at $1.00 per bushel. These oats are pure and of the very best seed quality. So< me before you buv. O. \V. Potts. R. 3, Fort MiU, S. C. Phono 59-D. .TMnJ^BOPtBCASOUm V LADIE! >0.00 $10.00 to $45.00 Dresses - - - $4 new, Shirt W a sits, J? MEN! aived 225 spanking 1101 3. If we have what y Office supplies ami expense 11.14 Parks and wells .50 Poliee department .. .. 44(5.00 Public 'print in}? 31.25 Salaries 175.00 Sanitary department . . 368.25 Street work 131.72 $2,460.89 Kxeess of disbursements over receipts $ 439.00 $.460.89 Cash on hand .Iulyl.1921 340.96 Balance overdrawn $ 98.04 C. S. LINK, Clerk and Treasurer. Attest?A. (). Jones. T. P. Lytle. A. L. Parks. Committee on Finance. tSON'S * I vBebe Daniels at Majestic. Yoo?hoo?conn' on over! Lots >f fun! Brilip your family over ' o see beautiful, sauev, irresisti>le Bebe Daniels in "Two Weeks iVith Pay,'' the laugh-stuffed I'' ttory of how Pansy O'Donnell ' .vent to spend her vacation at a aiumier hotel, and was taken for ' Marie La Tour, "tin* mermaid of lie screen.." "The Good Little hid Girl" does a high-dive,wears mine dazzling gowns and has a _ louhle-tiine love affair all on her 'two weeks with pay." At the _ Majestic today. TOWN OF FORT MILL Receipts and Disbursements for the Three Months Ending September 20. 1921. F /- . RECEIPTS N iVmetery account, lots sold $ 12.50 s Fines 122.00 0 License taxes 82.00 c Sanitary taxes .4 .... 170.27 n Street taxes 09.00 K Interest, past due taxes 12.07 Property taxes' (1920 t levy)' 25&60 Property taxes (1921 levy prepaid) 1.294.25 $24)21.89 DISHCRSEM ENTS Election expenses .. ..$ 2.00 Fines returned 10.00 Interest account 1,050.02 Legal services 12.50 J Street lielits 217.50 i ! * . * * < ? ' *" >. i \ \ ???? S! i 1.95 to $35.00 >rsey Blouses? \ v Suits, all the ou want, come % # mi _ _ _ . I KaK( I TOHS XOTICK. All persons indebted to tin es ue of II. N. Patterson deceased, re liereliy notified to tr.tke pry-I lent at onee to the ii'.tdt rsi-jned ? s executors of the said es'ato, lid all credit tit's of said ?state I ill present their riaiin* duly ap- 1 roved to the und'Tiipilv-d. \\\ h'KIC!) I'ViTF:US-)X. It. It. ItYKl'M. l-'xeeutors. | Fort Mill. S. Pet. *> 1021. ( STATEMENT If the Ownership,' Management, Etc., j of The Fort Mill Timet, Published Weekly at Fort Mill, S. C., Required i by the Act of August 24, 1912. Editor?W. It. Bradford, Fort Mill, . C. 0 Managing Editor W. It. Bradford, 'ort Mill, S. Publisher W. It. Bradford, Fort till, S. C. Owner--W. It. Bradford, Fort Mill, !. C. Known bondholders, mortgagees and ther security holders, holding 1 per ent. or more of total amount of bonds, nortgages, or other securities: Mort agees -Savings Bank, Fort Mill, S. C. W. It. BRADFORD. 'Sworn to and subscribed before me his 5th day of October, 1921. I'. S. LINK, Notary Public S. C. i ROCK HILL FURN Funeral I C. K. Chreitzberg, 1 New York State License No. JESSE HAR1 | ^ nay i'hone 503; NirH I ROCK HILL. | MOTOR K( #> I EAGLE "MIKADO For Solo at your Dealer ' ASK FOR TH5. YELLOW PI EAGLE EAGLE PENCIL COl 5555S222S5555S2 ^ . t ' ^ < ' ; ^ * ? V \ NOTICE OF SALE. date of South Carolina?County of York. Court of Common IMeas *>avin??s Hank of hurt Mill against II. Carros. Defendant, ami lilankenship - .lohnsoii Company against II. Carros. Defendant. Notice of Execution Sale... In order to satisfy a levy and executions against the property of II. Carros. I will expose to pub lit* sal?' t?? the highest bidder i"*?r cash. in the town of Fort Mill. S C? in front id' the Fort Mill Times office, on Friday. October 71li. 19121. at 12 o'clock M.. the follow in?; personal property : One Chevrolet Koadster. which lias been converted into a truck; slock and fixtures of the Fort Mill Candy Kitchen. For itemized list of the stock, see list, in Sheriff's office or the Savings Bank of Fort Mill. F. E. QIUNN, Sheriff of Vor County. Wanted?The people to know you do not have to eat stale candy. Call for Cook's Peanut Cream Candy. Your jrroeer handles it. <> * T 1ITURE COMPANY | Directors I I Licensed Embalmer 1 . I; South Carolina Licenae No. 141 4! < ^IS, Assistant * | it Phones 212 and 12P> SOUTH CAROLINA | ^UIPMENT I No. 174 Mai* la iiva iraia* LNC1L WITH THE RED BAND MIKADO MPANY, NEW YORK i t % m