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Nigra Swindles Cotton Firm. Beva Wright, negro, 21 years of age, forged three cotton bills Saturday on W. L. Hill & Co. of i Sharon, York county, collected $317, deposited $158 in the First j \f . i i i m r<? . ? rvauonai oaiiK 01 snaron in tne name of a friend, took the remainder in cash, bought the very latest sartorial efects and pro- j ceeded to cut a swell?until offi- 1 cers arrested him at 2 o'clock : Sunday morning and locked him up. Wright secured three blank* cotton bills and filled them out so as to muke it appear that lie had sold three bales of cotton, forging the name of the Hill company's weigher. He then presented thfl nettnn li 1 11? In 11 .. fii-rti I.....I* Tegainstrength Alabama Lady Wm Sick For Three Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous ud Depressed?Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala.?Mrs. C. M. Stegall, Of noar here, recently related the following Interesting account of her recovery: "I was In a weakened con- I ditlon. I was sick three years In bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still 1 didn't get any relief. I couldn't oat, and slept poorly. I believe if 1 hadn't heard of and taken Cardul I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did tor her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. I haven't had any trouble since ... I sure can testify to the good that Cardul did me. I don't think there la a better tonic made and I believe it saved my life." For over 40 years, thousands of woman have used Cental successfully, In the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women did, take Cardul. It may help you, too. M ?U ? ?? , Adertise it in The Times. 1 keeper, who gave him ;i cheek | for $317. The negro placed $17)8 of this to the credit of si negress in York sind with the remainder rigged himself out in the height ' of fashion. He bought si $(> hat. $4 shirt. $4 razor. $10 suit ease and other smaller articles, such I as neckties and handkerchiefs. When arrested the negro had only $00 of the cash left. At a prelim- I irarv hearing Monday, lie gave bond for his sippesirsinee in circuit court. Still and Liquor Seized. Led by Sheriff Quinn. a party of officers operating in ihe upper section of Fort Mill township last Wednesday afternoon esipttired si still and about ~>3 gallons of corn whiskey. No arrests were made, but efforts were made to apprehend two white men. one named Aberuathy. the other Wilson, who were suspected of operating the still. Both managed to evade the oflieers. however, ami escaped across the line into North Carolina. Most of the whiskey was in si small barrel, but several gallons were found in fruit j;irs ami in sin oil can. Ties Up With York. In a clean, well played game of football. Fort Mill high school tied York high school on York's grounds Friday afternoon. 7 to 7. The teams were evenly matched and the result was in doubt until the last second of play. The sportsmanlike conduct of the i players was commended by many of the spectators. The stars of the Fort Mill team were Edward Kimbrell and Luther Battel-on while McKarlaml was the great- , est ground gainer on the York team. New York Flea-Swept. New York eit.v is flea-swept, ami the health department is up in arms against the pest. Thousands of eomplaints are being received of the invasion of a virions variety of the common flea. Wanted?The people of Fort Mill to try Cook's Cream l'eanut Candy, manufactured by K. B. Cook & Son in liock Hill ami supplied fposh every week to the stores here. Compare Massev's prices on Millinery, Shoes, Dry Hoods, lings, Watches. Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry and anything else and get wise. RARnni unppn : Putting th 0 I on Sati the first national ] ive, viz? I Satisfacto They must be satisfactory v with us as well as to ourselv * We have an idea that to g & + we must have high standar v of our work, and we must always. There must be speed, accu ^ but there must be SAFETY There must be an alert up ^ by common sense. ^ Acid to this that compov terest, industrious and pai' ; pep? ^ Ar.d you have a descrip'.iot which the customers of this Ask them about it. ?! . i IT. . : first Nati Capital and Surplus ^ Under Strict Supervision c I Free Toil i We are overstocked on DO] one of the best lines to be f ^ decided to present these arl customers for the next 15 ? With every $1.00 cash sale ^ the line costing not more tti amounting to $2.00 we wi * for as much as 60 cents. w * This is a splendid opportun ^ class toilet articles without 1 Jones Dri | Fort M > Our Kali stock was bought !?? fore tlie big advance in cotton and wo arc still soiling oil the basis of 1(1 cent cotton. L. >1. Massoy. Wanted?The people not to forget that Cook's Peanut Cream Caiulv is just fine. Try a ."? cent block. A word to the wise is sufficient. HllV vour cotton irooils at Mas Slav's ill old prices. We I><>11 ?;lit before the bi?r advance. Great Reduction in price of I Inrley-1 bividson Motorcycles ami Sideeiirs. Write today for the new l!)'J2 models and prices. We w ill be pleased lo send you literature. K. L. Homes. Rock Hill. S (dealer for York. C'bester and Lancaster counties. We secured some special bargains in Ku?rs. Art Squares and <'nn?roleum that it will pay you to see if interested at Massey's. NOTICE. Having made my return jis puardiuau for Ilarvev Spinks. this is to notify an\ one concerned that 1 will make application to the l'robate .Judge for a discharge on October 1st. J. L. SPRATT. TOVT MILL TDM e Emphasis f sfaction j BANK HAS ONE OBJECT- | ry Results 1 to the people who do business 4 res. r ive our customers satisfaction, ! ds of excellence for the doing 4 live up to these standards, 4 racy, diligence, consideration, t FIRST. ^ to dateness, governed always ind of sincerity, personal in- ? nstuking effort plus real live * 4 \ of the satisfactory service bank receive. J * lonal Bank j . $ 50,000.00 ? >f United States Government. ? i let Goods | NALD'S TOILET GOODS, \ < bund on the market, and have ' < tides FREE OF COST to our ? days on the following basis: 4 $ I we will give any article in f lan 25 cents, and with all sales ? II present any article selling ity for the public to get first t one cent of expense. I ig Comp'y * [ill, S. C. | BULBS I Hyacinths i Narcissus | I - ana i Jonquils LYTLE'S The Service Drug Store Phone 16 Don't be satisfied with an ordinary phonograph while you can Ket a Brunswick at same price that is superior in quality and tone at Maasey's. i, TORT MILL. ? 0. ~ SPECI ror < >1 i ... SPECIAL VALUES IN F SHOES AND OXFORD "IJ^DIES^xfords One lot Ladies' Brown Br Oxfords, regular $f> va \ Special ! One lot Iaulies* Brown Oxi regular .$ti values. Special Friday and Saturday .. . ! LADIES' PUMPS. One lot Ladies* Black One-S Bumps, regular values. I cial ! LADIES BED ROOM SLIPP One lot Ladies* Bed Room pers. all sizes and colors, : lar $2 values. Special . . .! MEN'S WORK SH0E3 One lot \hn's Heavy ^ Shoes, regular $."> values, cial ! MEN'S SCOUT SHOE2 Lot Men's Solid Leather f , Shoes, yegular $4 values. .1 One lot Men's Solid Lei Scout Shoes, regular $3.f?0 ues. Special . ! BOYS' SCOUT SHOES One lot Boys' Scout Shoes. ; lar $2 values. Special....! MEN'S DRESS SHIRT! One lot Men's Dress Shirts, : lar $2 values. Special Cohen 1V . A vu van By Tradir, We wish to call the attent thing in GROCERIES on \ where in this section. 1 ourselves, and we help on Because of quick turn-ove to consider. And we guai number is 159. Fort Mill Pyramid Paint Shop lMM'K HI LI j, S. C. PAINTING If your car needs painting wc will puint It for you and do it in such u way that you will be surprised at the difference it makes in the looks of your old car. our corps of painters are the best that can be obtained und only those who are experienced In car painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is Just like the looks of your person. It goes a lang way. i JAMKS A. JOHNSON, Proprietor. LISTEN! Maker's is the Barber Shop that baked the priees, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c , Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25e Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will save you money and send you away smiling BAKER S BARBER SHOP. If you have anything to sell, an advertisement in The Times will find a purchaser for you. A L VA F riday . Saturday ALL iS Otrc HI SI ogue < >lu. ilues. ?2.39 ! L ords Lmli 1 for an 52.89 Mfii ope- v $1.59 _Sp ERS Slip ?,u' :.>gu$1.15 Oiu1 York if? Spe- % ?2.98 Urn a 1 *1. Seout ?2.29 LA ither Oiu* val- w li &1.98 1 Oiu* *cgn- wli 51.89 3 ()|H' :cgu- lar .98c for i's Outfitting Fort Mill, S. C. % t Save Man i ig at the Cooperai ion of the public to the fact vhich a better price can not h We are in business to help t rselves better when we help tl rs our stock is always fresh, raniee quick deliveries and effi< 1 Cooperative El. S. PARKS, Manager. Is a High-Grade the Levering Coffe We have it groi ry, 20 cents per pc for $ I. You will make i inrr frk*" ' nig iv7i i ia v kj. B. C. FEB PHCW A. la. PARKS, I FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. I s iLUES I and 1 MEN S OVERALLS lot Men's Ownills. ll?M\y U?* 1 > ...! - v T? * il I H? KH'ial 98c pair to a customer. ADIES' COTTON HOSE ies* Cotton Hose. iu Mark ?l cordovan. Special 8c MEN S SOX 's Sox. in Mack and cordon, regular ! "? cent values, coin I 8c BOYS' OVERALLS lot I toys' Overalls, regular values. Special 48c LADIES' CAMISOLES lot Ladies' Silk Camisoles, rular $1 values. Special. 69c lot Ladies' Crepe de Chine lid Satin Camisoles, regular ,."?() values. Special 98c DIES MIDDY BLOUSES lot Ladies' Middv Mouses, ile they last $1.29 LADIES' PETTICOATS lot Ladies' White Petticoats, ile they last 98c MEN'S FELT HATS lot Men's Kelt Hats. regit$8 and $4 vaules. Special. Kridav and Saturday $1.98 Store y Dollars live Store that there is hardly anye secured here than elsehe consumer as well us le consumer best. which is something else L'ient service. Our phone e Store LVU ' " Coffee roasted by :e Company. md or in the ber>und, or 6 pounds in Lro 1m/ /-oil ?w UKUlUIiV *~J y V oil"" tGUSON IE 29 HEAD THE TIMES EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS