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Y T*i * n % NEWS ABOUND TOWN. * , Short Stories Picked Up by The ' Charles Cregory^of*Clover, Va., is a guest this week of his sister, j Mrs. J. W. H. Dyches. Miss Maud Roberts* of Balti\ more, Md., is this week a guest of her sister, Mrs. Crawford I^eath. A. R. McKlhaney of Kershaw spent Sunday and Monday as a guest of his mother, Mrs. Addie McElhanev, at her home in Fort Mill. Mrs. Lucy Whiting and her children of Lumberton, N. C., are i guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vt. P. Harris. Miss Aunie Mae Broadnax returned to her home in Fort Mill a few days ago, after a visit of several weeks to relatives in Greenville. Old Fort Mill friends of Benj. F. Powell, who is now making his home in the Steel Creek section of Mecklenburg county, are pleased to see him in town. Mr. and Mrs. George W. MeKenzie and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Broadnax Saturday motored to Hickory, N. C., for a week-end visit to relatives in that city. P. H. Phillips, R. L. Bennett, Stanhope Ligon and Alfred Jones took advantage of the low rates offered by the Southern ruthvay to spend the last week-end in Washington city. Miss Annie Belle McManushas given up the pluce she has held lor some time as one of the operators at the Fort Mill Telephone exchange and has been succeeded by M iss Edith Parks. William H. Grier and Robert Krwin returned yesterday morning to Clemson college, following the summer vacation. Both will be members of the junior class during the 1921-22 session. The Rev. J. W. H. Dyches, pustor of the Fort Mill Baptist church, is in Dillon county this week assisting the Rev. A. Finch in a special meeting at the church of which Mr. Finch is pastor. A called meeting of Bethel presbytery is to be held next Monday at Beth Shiloh church at which the resignation of the Rev. ?). B.. Blaek as pastor of the Fort \ I . I ? 1 -a .win jiri-Miyu-riaii cnurcn win oe | nett'd upon. Tuesday ex cuing at the regular weekly meeting of the Tom Hall Guards. C'apt. F. M. Mack was elected first lieutenant to succeed Arthur (\ Lytic, recently transferred to Third battalion headquarters. First regiment, S. C. N. U., Rock Hill. The growing crop of cotton in the Fort Mill community is said to have deteriorated rapidly under the blistering rays of the sun ^ during the last two weeks and the consensus of opinion now seems to' be that less than twothirds a normal crop will be 'gathered locally this year. In the hope of regaining his health, which has been failing rapidly for the lust few months. Bratton Kimbrell, young Fort Mill man, left his home Tuesday for the mountains of western North Carolina, where he expects to become a patient at an outdoor nu.iutviiuiu III llir VlCIIUty Ui Asheville. The water tank of the Southtin railway which had been in use in Fort Mill for the lu-st 30 years or more was abandoned a few days ago. Locomotives of the company 011 the CharlotteColumbia division will hereafter replenish their water supply from the standpipe in Kock llill. It was said to be the purpose of the company, to fill the tank with water and leave it standing to prevent the tank from falling apart, but a member of the Fort Mill board of health stated Sunday that unless fresh water was pumped into the tank frequently to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes therein, the company would have to remove the tank. iit-uiui coiKiinons 111 rort Mill lire very much better than they were some years ago, according to Dr. J. B. Elliott. "Ten years and more ago," said l>r. Elliott Monday in conversation with The Times, "there were numerous cases of typhoid fever in Fort Mill every summer, but now the disease is almost unknown here, thanks to the precaution the people are taking to screen the windows and doors of their homes against flies and the better sanitary conditions of the town. In most instances typhoid fever is traceable to infected food or impure milk or drinking water and not to mosquitoes, as many people erroneously think. Mosquitoes are responsible for malaria, but not typhoid fever." , t |v / - ' * \ * I ?. ? . f 1 GOLD HILL NOTK8. ' New* Item* From the Upper Sec* tften of- fwt Ifitt Mrs. Tom Wilson has returned to her home after spending last week in Pineville, N. C., with relatives. Shirley Parler of Chester spent lest Sunday with bis sister, Miss Ida Lee Parlor, at the home of W. H. Crook. Brice Windell of Charlotte, N. C\. spent a few days this week in the community with his relafives. Misses Blanche Watson and Johnnie Therrell of Charlotte, N. C., are the guests of Mrs. Ed Bailes this week. Misses Margaret and Martha Caldwell have returned to their home in Chester after spending several weeks with Miss Fruuces Bbinkcnsbip. Miss Euuua Joe Culp of Pineville, N. C., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Tom Wilson. M iss Winnie Crook entertained a number of her friends with a lawn party ut her home last Saturday evening. "Boagus." PLEASANT VALLEY NEWS. Interesting Items From Progressive Community. Mrs. O. VV. I'otts visited her relatives in l'ineville, N. C., last Thursday ami Friday. Miss Anna Wolfe of Fort Mill is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. M. llurrifu, Miss Irene McGinn of llarri son, N, L'., was a guest last week of her brother, W. C. McGinn. li. M. Bickett and his little sou ami daughter of Chester are visiting relatives in this community. Alt. and Mrs. Urover Hall and their children of Anderson visited relatives in this section during the last week. Miss Verda Wolfe entertained a number of her friends lust Friday evening at an informal lawn party. Progressive conversation was enjoyed to a late hour. dames Bailes, Brevard Bailes and Olin Harris left Wednesday for (Vinson college, dames Bailes and Oiui Harris enter the senior ?.n;i.? i i ... ? ? > > < uiciniu iiuiii'M eiuvr> lu* treshiiiun class. Robert Potts left Monday for \\ asliingion and Lee university, Lexington. Va., where he will resume his studies in the luw department. The intense heat of the past week has done considerable damage to the cotton, corn ami hav crops in this community. Cotton is opening rapidly and picking of the staple lias now become general. "Spinner." Barbecue for Farmers. Promoted principally by J. M. Gamble, well known Fort Mill township farmer, a barbecue is being held today at Spratt's spring for the farmers of Fort Mill township and the upper section of Lancaster county. It was expected that the demonstration agents of York, Lancaster and Chester counties would attend the barbecue and make addresses giving the farmers their ideas as to the best methods to adopt to meet the boll weevil situation in thiR section. The necessity for this section. Remedy for Boll Weevil. The Dillou Herald quotes \V. 11. Stanton, large farmer of that county, as saying that "one of the best ways to fight the boll weevil is to plant cotton in five loot rows and give it plenty of sunshine. We did not Iflmr much of the boll weevil iu Dillon until cotton got thick and the wet spell came along. Then he began to show up in armies. We had laid by our cotton and the boll weevil had full swing because the most of us could not go back iu with- a plow even if there hail been no rain. 1 have a negro with me who has four acres of cotton from which he will gather five bales. His rows are five feet apart. He worked his cotton late and it is clean. The boll weevil has attacked cotton on other parts of the place and is doing it some damage, but he has not made his appearance in the fouracre patch." Great Reduction in price of llarley-Davidson Motorcycles and Sidecars. Write today for the new 1922 models and prices. We will be pleased to send you literature. E. L. Barnes, Rock Hill, S. C., dealer for York, Chester and Lancaster counties. Potato Storage Space?We will have for rent some extra storage apace in our potato house and I | BEST TO BE HAD | Hutchinson's 0 PRESCRIPTION 1 , ? A AN01 The Ford Motor Coi lowing reduct ! I Chassis r . . ; Runabout . . jTouring . . . Coupelet . . . Sedan .... ! TRUCK: Demo $455, Old Pi Goveri HEA1 this is to notify those who wish to store potatoes with us to see the undersigned for reservations. All potatoes must be inspected for disease and crated. L. M. MASSEY. Judging iroiu the new goods arriving daily at Massev's he still has abundant fu it It in his (own ami country. For Sale?Eight shares of First National Hank stock, as a whole or in blocks of three, three, and ;vo, 8. E. Bailes. See the new goods at new prices a' Massev's and you will forget boll weevils. Even Coats' spool cotton isdrfiek down to 5 cents. We secured some special bargains in Hugs. Art Squares and Congolcuiu that it will pay you to see if interested at Mussey's. Adertise it in The Times. Don't be satisfied with an nr. dinary phonograph while you can | get a Brunswick at same price! that is superior in quality and tone at Massey's. Registered Holstein Bull at my barn on Rocky street, Fort Mill. Guaranteed service, $2. Osmond Barber. SeplS Cabbage Plants for fall and winter heading, $1.75 per thousand; 500, $1.00. Strong and ! healthy; full count. Collard plants same price. Med tin Plant Farm, Telephone 135-11, Fort Mill, S. (\ 22Sep If you have anything to sell, try an ad in The Times. <xxxxx>oooooooc Q WE ARE SELL1N( I VELVAICI X MADE IN CI ME WIT, BOOTH 'HER hpany, through this ion in prices, effecti Plain New Old . $295 $345! . 325 370 . 355 415 untable Rims, ice $495, Redi nment War Tax and Frei "HMOTC FORT M DEVO Bv a Factor J THERE is no rcom i susceptible to the si ing with Devoe Velour Its rich, warm effect thelivinganddining-roor Its artistic and durat the bed-rooms, halls and ful atmosphere. Mottletone is simplici easily and economically wallpaper with Devo< touched here and ther? nary wrapping paper. Come in and do a t< yourself. _ KXXXX>OOOOOOC>< i EXCLUSIVELY O E CREAM | 1ARLOTTE g IN THIS SECTION 8 Pharmacy ? I DRUGGISTS A XXXXXXXXXXXXX FORI 0 authorized agen< ve immediately, F With Starter Si j New Old Z I . i 5365$415 $ 395 440 425 485 t I Pneumatic 1 iced $50. T1 ght Additional to Abo >R COM [ILL, S. C. 5^ >E Mottletoi y Expert n your home which is not lbtle charm of Mot t let oneFinish. nf folor and luvtnro mol.iic. nmorecheerfuland homey. >le decorative effect gives I other rooms a more restty in itself. It can be done f over plaster, burlap or s Velour Finish merely i with a handful of ordiist strip of Mottletoneing LE DRUG COM FORT MILL, S. C. <W> l School ; We have a cc ? cils, Pencil Tabl Books, Composi t r> ~ ~ ^ - r> ^ i onus, f en o ; Straps, Pencil B t Colored Crayoi Waterman's am ; Pens. See our stock before you buy. Lytle ,; Headquarters < / s DOT cy, announces the fol\ O. B. Detioit: arter and Demountable (tuns A ?r Reduction New Old 390|$440 $ TO 420 465 45 450 510 60 595 695 100 660 760 100 rires, New Price FACTOR $625 ve Prices PANY ^ome^o^our^-1 tore I September I 12-13-14 1 ee the )emonstration *? f the ie System Guess the JWr Nuirtber of Bristlcsin the Mottletone Contest Brush Ar.J win enough Vclour Iiniih In Motiletonu any room in lour turn c Everyone in town t i.uitlnl to on* lfur?ft in each duiiy cox.teit held on the .above date*. 1 he pereun who guessee detect. ui> J v. ho to pretent in our atore v. I en the content li decided 'which will ) r eat h evening* will be given enough Velour K.. 1.1 ... I~. or I rr home. BH Tlit? actual conteat bruali will be dieplntrtl In our window on ?l a above Hi t'utrt Come In each ol theae day a and H fill <m t your conteat slip PANY Js* Days Here | l_i._ l: f r? i jnijjicie une or r~en- I ets, Ink Tablets, Note <> tion Books, Ink, Pen i: taffs, Rulers, Book <; oxes, Water Colors, j; is, Drawing Books, ;\ 1 Conklin's Fountain j r of School Supplies Drug Co. |i* for School Supplies