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' C. '.7' I V' - :jt Wr- " ' clraft .# ,* v- . 'I? s* "M; It., f ?< ' > BQU. WEEVIL DEVASTATES (Continued from page 1.) V * repetition of conditions was noted in the reports of the farmers who were interviewed. One farmer said that he had 600 acres which had produced an average of about 500 bales, but that he would take the price of 25 bales for the entire crop now on the 600 acres. From Bamberg the party traveled through Orangeburg and St. Matthews to Columbia, and the ^fields throughout the whole ride were all of one kind, fine, large weed, with practically 110 fruit mi it.. I FVom Columbia the party traveled by way of Camden. Kershaw and Lancaster to Fort Mill, the earlier arrivals reaching Fort Mill at midnight Wednesday, after a journey of 224 miles from 7:30 o'clock, the whole route being about 385 miles. On the trip from Fort Mil! to ! Columbia the first devastated field was noticed about eight miles north of Columbia. Tin re some of the party stopped to look it over and after resumig their seats in the ears, one member of the party discovered that h-.? was carrying away a boll weevil on ! his knee. The party was told that the laborers coming from the fields frequently found numbers of weevils in their clothes. No doubt the insects are earried great distances by automobiles and railroad trains. Much advice as to what the farmers of this section should do was given by the low-country farmers. Some thought we might be able to muke another fair crop under favorable conditions; others advised that we plant only a few acres to the plow and try to keep the fallen squares picked and burned; still others, and these were the majority, advised thnt lin nnttnn i? ull lw? nluntu.l 1 adding, 44 If you do you are sure to go broke just as we have." There is no doubt but that the unfavorable seasons in the early |Mirt of the summer in the sections traversed by the Fort Mill party had mueh to do with the poor crop and the activity of the weevil. . Rain fell more or less continuously for nearly three months which provided ideal conditions for the boll weevil to multiply and thrive. There were some good roads in the low-country, but as a general proposition the roads were no > better than those of York county. Some stretches were miserable and prompted one driver to say that if he ever kicked again about the road from Fort Mill to Charlotte, he was willing to be kicked. C. S. b. First Bale Brings 20 Cents. The first bale of new cotton sold on the Fort Mill market yesterday morning by J. M. (Jaiuble broilvht 20 cents. The cotton was bought by ?). B. Mil Ik. CARD OF THANKS. I desire to thank all those who assisted in the effort Monday morning to put out the fire which destroyed my store. B. M. BRADFORD. SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION ___ Thedfard'a Black-Draught Highly RtcounM by a Tennessee Gracar far Trembles Rasahiag frena Torpid Liver. out Nashville, Tenn.? The efficiency of Thedford'e Black-Draught, the eaulne. herb. lltar m.AIMn> I. Touched far by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It la without doubt tba baat liver medicine, and I don't believe I could get along without ft. Iv take It for sour atomach. head- | ache, bad liver, lndlgeatlon, and all other troublea that are the reault of a torpid liver. "I have known and uaed It for years, and can and do highly recommend It to every one. I won't go to bed withoat It la the houae. It will do all It olaiaaa to do. I can't say enough for ' It". Many other men and women throughhat the country have found BlackDraught just aa Mr Paraona describes )4L . "-valuable la regulating the liver to Its normal functions, and In cleansing the bowels of Impurities. Thadford'o Black-Draught liver medtMlO la the original and only genuine. Aaeeft no Imitations or substitutes. I Always ask lor T^toid'a |?j l Thrift I The stress of th the cultivation of 4 its and the savin? nickel, dime and + get along without By depositing o in the savings de| hank we will lent t one of the beauti | we are issuifig in | mote the savings ^ people of the com tain the kev to th % * the depositor desi it the money he | will unlock the b; Come to this ba a dollar and get o ? banks. They ma I strong appeal t< aside the money t wise waste. 4 PER CENT ON SA ? > First Nati ?. Capital and Surplus I i New Crop We can now offer you Hairy Vetch, Abruzzi Rj Rye, Beardless Winter Oats, Fulghum Oats, Rap "Our Seed will grow." Garrison-Fa West Main St. Rock Ned Marshall's I LA._ O. jc GOOD TH tirmi'ilcN, Market, t'ouiitrj Produce. I'liomit t ROCK HILL FUR! i Funeral ^ C. K. Chreitzberg, L New York State License No. 4t>V < ? JESSE HAR i Day Phone 503; Nipr ? ROCK HILL. L MOTOR Ei . " i tort Mm. TDaa. * > Banks < < >? < ie times demands !> < > economical hab; of every penny, | I dollar one can ? ; spending. | ne dollar or more | partment of this I I to the customer | fill nickle banks | an effort to pro- ? | spirit among the 1 iniunity. We re- f e bank and when ? ires to take from f has deposited we t ank for him. * nk today, deposit | ne of these thrift | ke an especially f > children to lay ^ lu?v mioht nthnr. I .V1NGS ACCOUNTS f * onal Bank i v'%. ... $ 50,000.00 | Farm Seed t Crimson Clover, Winter e, Southern Tall Growing Barley, Alfalfa, Appier e Seed and Garden Seed. ris Seed Co. t Hill, S. C. Phone 699 -ivery Stable Stand. 53STES INGSTOEAT ilTURE COMPANY | Directors | Licensed Embalmer | M; South Carolina Licenae No. 141 X RIS, Assistant | ht Phones 212 and 126 J SOUTH CAROLINA j; QUIPMENT ? 4 i 4' % , FOET MILL, 8. 0. 9aBBBBHOBSSK9999SS=a5aSSSSaSSBa= Desei It's easy We hav in Boys Blouses, 300 Be sizes 8 1 Juvenile Boys' F sizes . ! Bring c like to i PAT You Can By Tradin We wish to call the attenti thing in GROCERIES on w where in this section. \ ourselves, and we help our Because of quick turn-over to consider. And we guari number is 159. Fort Mill I Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK HILL, S. C. PAINTING If your car needs putnting we will paint It for you and do It In such a way thut you.will be surprised at the difference It makes In the looks of your old cur. Our corps of painters ure the best thut can be obtained and only those who are experienced In car painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is Just like the looks of your person. It goes a lang way. t JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that baked the prices, but it didn't do it at the expense of service. Hair Cut 25c oiiaiupooillg, plain ZDC Singeing 25c Tonic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will save * you money ami send you away smiling i BAKER 8 BARBER SHOP. If you have anything to sell, an advertisement in The Times 1 will find a purchaser for you. j e / I k rour Bo) 'ves the to buy the Best foi e the Best that's to b * Suits, Shoes, Caps, , Etc. >ys' Suits to select to 18, ... . $4.98 I ; Suits, 3 to 7, $3.98 Cnickerbocker Pants 50c >r send the boys in. please the boys. TERSC Save Man g at the on of the public to the fact hich a better price can not b Ve are in business to help t selves better when we help tl s our stock is always fresh antee quick deliveries and effi . Cooperativ E. S. PARKS, Manager. ?FL A Is a High-Grade the Levering Coffe We have it grot ry, 20 cents per pc for $ I. v You will make i ing for "Flavo.'f B. C. FEB PHOIN I1EA1) THE TIMES EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS f # 4 t r Best * him. e had Shirts, I from, :o $ 1 5 to $8 in all to $3 , We >N'S i v Dnllavc J ??*?* u live Store that there is hardly anye secured here than elsehe consumer as well as ae consumer best. , which is something else cient service. Our phone e Store lVO" : Coffee roasted by e Company. md or in the ber>und, or 6 pounds 10 mistake by call'GUSON IE 29 A. 1m. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. ? if