University of South Carolina Libraries
H1WS A&OUKD Town. ? -* * * Miss Georgia Ott has as bar ?*PP of AbMiss Annie Parks has returned frtom a visit to friends and relatives at Lockhart and Union. B. E. Patterson of Caliunbus. Ga., was the guest of his relatives in Fort Mill for several days recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kirabrell and their children spent the last week-end with relatives in Columbia. Miss Julia Smith of Lancaster and Miss Ella Mackorell of York were guests this week of Miss Uattie Belk. E. H. Patterson is in Baltimore this week on a business trip con. nected with his mercantile establishment in Fort Mill. Miss Mary Culp of Wilmington*.! X. C., is spending several days in Fort Mill at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. E. Culp. i Miss Julia Boyd returned to her home in Fort Mill a few days ago. after spending two weeks with her sister. Mrs. J. J. Stewart. in Mount Holly, N. C. Mrs. Agnes Harris of Charlotte was the guest Sunday of Mrs. W. F. Harris at the Palmetto hotel. Mrs. Harris returned only a few days ago from a trip to Niaguru Falls. Cuuadu and New York city. W. 11. Howard of Mouut Holly, N. C., spent Saturday and Sun day in Fort Mill as the guest of relatives. Mr. Howerd is one of Tin Times' good friends who says I... ,..i -t" ... wuiti urn (;*m ciiuug wrv wen w ithout the paper. The two Fort Mill banks will be closed next Monday in observance of Labor day ami at the post%oftiOe Sunday hours will be observed. There will be no deliveries bv the rural letter carriers. A. Y. Williamson left Fort Mill Saturday afternoon for Portsmouth, Ohio, where is located the headquarters of a shoe concern for which he travels, lie expects to return to Fort Mill the latter part of the week. K. F. tirier, fir., and Charlton Garrison, members of the Fort i Mill military company, left a few days ago lor Camp Perry, Ohio, to participate in the national rifle match of the National Guard. They are members of the South Carolina team entered in the rifle contests. Announcement is made -by N. L. Carothers that preaching services are to be held each eveniug next week, beginning Monday evening, at 8:15 o'clock, at Massey school house, three miles j south of town, by the Rev. W. R. Bauknight. pastor of St. John's Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massev. Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatriek. Mrs. j Mary Ardrey and Mrs. Sue Spratt of Fort Mill and B. H. Massev of Hook Hill formed a party of the descendants and other kinsfolk of the late Capt. B. H. Massey who recently spent two days and nights at the old Massey homestead in Kershaw county, two miles north of I'atuden. Missse C'lyda and Florence Lawrence are guests of their sister. Mrs. F. l'i. Ardrey. Next Tuesilay Miss Florence Lawrence will begin her duties as a grade teacher in the Fort Mill public school and Miss ('Ivda Lawrence will leave a few days hence for Suffolk. Va., where she is to teach during the session of the city schools to open next week. There has been no cotton picket! in Fort Mill township this season. so far as The Times is informed. In many fields the cot- , ton is opening rapidly, however. : and it is thought that picking will be more or less general in the next ten days. Most of the cotton land i?i Mill ? ? * ?????'|' is red elav. On land of tins char- | acter cotton does not mature as early as it does on lighter land. II. G. Rogers. R. F. I), carrier. , route 4. Fort Mill, is spending his annual vacation at his old home at Notasulga, Ala. Mr. Rogers, accompanied by Mrs. Rogera. | made the trip through the country in his automobile and ou a postcard received from him hv one of his Fort Mill friends a day or two ago he said that the trip of more than 4(H) miles cost him less than $7 for gasoliue and oil. A crowd estimated at about 200 last Friilay enjoyed the joint picnil of the ex-service men and militiamen of the Fort Mill community at Spratt's spring. In the afternoon a ball game between the militiamen and former soldiers resulted m a victory for the | il - . % \ ' - i / ? I BLUE SEMI-ANTHRACITE?M1 Hold*, fire like anthra u*o. Stacks Jlke woodmove Jutttthan bituminou ter than Pocahontas. BLUE STAR is a har< soot, no clinkers, intense ] block, low sulphur, low ai flame, long, last. Requir< coal. ORDER BLUE CULP BR PHONE f School D: | We have a com] * cils, Pencil Tablets, I Books, Compositioi I Points, Pen Staff | Straps, Pencil Boxe 1 Colored Crayons, i Waterman's and C I h'ens. See our stock oi before you buy. Lytle Di ^ Headquarters for <* latter. 16 to 9. The athletic con-^ tests with which it was planned to conclude the day's exercises in the armory o? the militiamen Friday evening were called off. "A small enterprise that did a good business in Fort Mill 40-odd I years ago that probably, ftw of the citizens of the town of today ever heard of was a tanyard located diagonally across the street from the old flour mill on Acad ! eiay street," yesterday remarked one of the older citizens of the town. "Tlie tanyard wasoperat-i I e.l bv the late Kichnrd Young. \ who -was an expert harness-tnak- , er. and annually turned out several hundred sides of dressed leather, suitable for harness mak- I ing or shoe half-soling. There is now a residence on the former j site of the tanyard and nothing | is left to show that such an en- | i t? r prise wus ever located there." | Gold Hill Honor Roll. I The honor roll of the Gold Hill public school. Miss Ruth Shuler superintendent, for the month beginnig August 1 and ending August 26. is as follows : Sixth Grade ? Paul Nivens. Raymond Patterson. Seventh Grade?Lucy Crook. Ralph Patterson. Lillian Warren. Kighth Grade?Mac Boyd. There Will Be A Mottletone Expert at LYTLE DRU6 GO. FORT MILL, S. C. Watch the WndowJcr \ Announcement Dates i $ . gr a, . .<& 1 . S* [IT STAR CING" OF ALL COALS cite. Clean, hard atruct* -no slaoking* Producea s and much cleaner. Betel variety of soft coal?no tieat, no dirt, no poj>, large ah, moat economical, long 38 less attention aud leas : STAR FROM 4 OTHERS NO. 15. ?* ' ays Here j plete line of Pen- I , Ink Tablets, Note | a Books, Ink, Pen s, Rulers,- Book i > < i ?s, Water Colors, | Drawing Books, if !onklin's Fountain | f School Supplies I rug Co. 1 School Supplies ; | rniv NEXT R (One D "The Goli Featuring J. "The Golden Trail" is staged in the Far Northl tion put out during the furnished such superb i the interesting features < citing football game bets team and a "scrub" teai "scrap" and a rough and % prize fighters on top of a Alaska. NOTE?The managem* this picture at The Bro days ago and guarante* like a Northwestern pict Here Nex Majestic Open 5 P. M. Bora ? Sunday afternoon, August 28, to Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Lee, a daughter, Elva Dorothy. Judging froiu the new goods arriving daily at Massey's he Htill has abundant faith in his town and country. Far Sato?Eight shares of First Natioual bank stock, as a whole ir iu blocks of three, three, and two. S. E. Bailes. t , MtTigu, uMrmvAtaum I $10 A ( We have made of the country's b for cash purcha I may secure a Tei ' .With each cash p we will give the < to a card we will card is coveted w tomer has to do i ers with the $1.9 is guaranteed for every way money Note?For the these trade bi accounts. HUTCHI 1ING 10NDAY ay Only) den Trail" ANE NOVAK a thrilling 6-reel drama land, and no film produc...i J - * {inBi uecuue xias perhaps icenic grandeur. Among >f the picture are an exreen an Oregon University n, a Canadian dance hall tumble fight between two mountain in wind-swept ant of The Majestic saw adway, Charlotte, a few ss it to please you if you ure. ;t Monday Theatre . R?>criilat* ? ? m a iv-ta | | DO YOU HAVE PUNCTURES? LET US TELL YOU HOW TO AVOID THEM. YOUNG & | WOLFE. Great Reduction in .price .of Hurley-1 )avidson Motorcycles and Sidecars. Write today for the new 192*2 models and prices. We will be pleased to send you literature. E. L. Barnes, Rock Hill, S. C., dealer for York, Cheater | and Lancaster counties. I LUMINOP $1.98 arrangements with the est brands of Aluminum ses amounting to $10 < a-Piece Set of this ware turchase amounting to 5 :ustomer a trade button [ also give the customs rith $10 worth of butto is to mail the card to th 8 to secure the set at on 20 years. If it is not will be refunded when s next 60 days we w ittons on all paymei NSON'S PHARI | -J..J. + I > il ryii m ^ !j School Su :: <? ; Tablets, Pencils, :: Compositic n Books Erasers, Book Strap Pencil Holders, Colored Pencils, Ink, Pens, LuncE B( ;; Also a good line of Pants and many prel Dress Ginghams. THE CASH ?? ;; S. A. IiKK and T. K. 1/ i ******* * *< > > ?j? 4* '! >4* *5* ?3* > > < ? / Your Wants in F GROCE Can Be Filled Pr< B. M. BR At i PHONE No. 1J i_ Old newspapers for sale? I SET makers of one Ware by which our customers for $1.98. ' cents or more to be attached jr. When the ns all the cuse manufacturtce. The ware satisfactory in set is returned. ill also give its made on 1ACY pplies. > O 9 ? ? >S, || 3xes. t Boys' School o tty patterns of ;[ * < * ?? * * STORE < vtlk, mrts. ? , "irst Class RIES omptly By )FORD 1 L.H. The Times office.