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NOTES FROM GOLD HILL. * Happenings in Upper Section of Fort Mill Township. The C. F. C. Literary society of the Gold Hill school held its regular meeting Friday afternoon at the usual hour. Some business 1 was attended to and then a program was rendered which was i thoroughly enjoyed by all pres- j ent. The society will meet again next Friday afternoon. > Misses Maragret and Martha Caldwell of Chester are visiting Miss Frances Blankenship. Spencer Pereival has returned to his home in Rock Hill, after visiting Pruitt Blankenship. Mrs. B. (\ Blankensliip and her little son. Percival. of Rock Hill, are spending some time at ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. ('. I*, i Blankenship. Mrs. Sallie Mollis of York is the i guest of her sister. Mrs. .). II. ' Nivens. Miss Mat tie Norwood is- spending the,week with relatives, at Matthews. N. (\ D. V. Kpps of Tampa. Ma., is 011 a visit to liis parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Kpps. David Smith has returmd to; his work, after spending several ' weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Langston of Florence have returned home, j after spending some time with . relatives here. Misses Annie and Ml. eker Pat terson of Pleasant Valley spent last week with their uncle. .lolui Patterson. Miss Florence Nivalis is on a visit to relatives in York. Miss Romania Hpps of ihc Flint ( Hill neighborhood is visiting Misses Annie and Marie Hpps. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. A. MeKae and children of Key West. Fin., are J spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Crook. J. \V. Kvans of Kings! ree visited Willard Wilson a few days this week. "Bougus." See the new goods at new prices at Massev's and yon will forget boll weevils. Hven Coats' spool cotton is haek down to f> cents. MICHELIN RING - SHAPED TUBES. YOUNG & WOLFE. We secured some special bargains in Rugs. Art Squares and Congolcnm that it will pay you to see if interested tit Massey's. Oil Stove for Sale?Four burner oil-iras cookine xtnvn in firxt class coud it ion. offered at a bar-| gain. Reason for selling, family leaving town. Apply at the Presbyterian Manse, fori Mill. WE SELL FIRESTONE, THE FASTEST SELLING TIRE IN ! AMERICA YOUNG & WOLFE. Adertise it in The Times. Registered Holstein Bull at my barn on Rocky street. Fort Mill Guaranteed service. $'2. Osmond Barber. Seplo Don't be satisfied with an ordinary phonograph while you can get a Brunswick at same price that is superior in quality and tone at Massey's. | Tired S ^ "I was weak and run-down," Wk M relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, of 4 A Dalton, Ga. "I was thin and KJ Sj just felt tired, all the time. 9 V I didn't rest well. I wasn't Li fA erer hungry. I knew, by M this, I needed a tonic, and A aa there la none better than? |^j CARDUli n The Woman's Tonic S 0 ... I began using Cardut," \f X continues Mrs. Durnett. ! ^ "After my first bottle. I slept Ad WA better and ate better. I took N 4 four bottles. Now I'm well, A M feel Just fine, eat and sleep. H M my skin Is clear and I have A w gained and sure feel that 0 SB Cardul is the best tonic over V K made." Wi Thousands of other women M A have found Cardul Just as A 31 Mrs. Burnett did. It should R H help you. U V At all druggists. V ^ A J Thrift | The stress of*tl f the cultivation ol * its and the savin] ? nickel, dime am i get along withou A By depositing o ^ in the savings de bank we will leni J one of the beauti we are issuing in 4 1? i k ittt ?* tttt.t ^ iiiuit IIIW 111K> ; people of the coil tain the key to tli + the depositor des it the inonev he 4 will unlock the h dome to this b; a dollar and get < hanks. They ma strong appeal t aside the money wise waste. ' 4 PF.R fF.NT ON Si | First Nati * Capital and Surplui Attention We wish to announce that DEN SEED HOUSE wilt and complete line of New be in stock. See our seed: All orders given prompt prices are right and we v/i Garrison-Fi Main St. ROCK H ^Watch The Times for our ( A. O. JC GOOD TH f 4 metrics, Mnrkrt, Cuuutr) I'ltHliKV. j I'Iioiiu Puurtci'ii. I I I I ROCK HILL FURI \ Funeral 1 C. K. Chreitzberg, X New York State License No. 4t>! I JESSE HAR Day Phone f>03: Nig I ROCK HILL, MOTOR K | FORT MILL TDM, 4 > ? > 4 } 4 > Banks < 4 ' * 4 > 4 > 4 ? 4 > 4 > ie times demands \\ < > F economical hab- \\ 4 > ^ of every penny, i dollar one can ? 4 t spending. U >ne dollar or more | partment of this | d to the customer iful hickle banks | an effort to pro- f spirit among the % mnunity. We re- t le bank and when Z ires to take from + has deposited we ? ank for him. ^ f ink today, deposit jne of these thrift ^ ke an especially J o children to lay 4 they might other- * i WINGS ACCOUNTS \ < t t } ional Bank j s . . . $ 50,000.00 \ i , Farmers! our NEW FARM AND GARopen September 1st. A full Crop Seed for fall sowing will s before you buy. and careful attention. Our 11 appreciate your patronage. iris Seed Co. ILL, S. C. Phone 699 ads. I D3STES INGS TO EAT i I i * t I 4ITURE COMPANY t 1 Directors j I Licensed Embalmer 1 i #4; South Carolina License No. 141 ^ IRIS, Assistant ? : lit Phones 212 and 126 * SOUTH CAROLINA 4 QUIPMENT t ? \ x i . row mill, a c. OS for I. lege or WE HA Trunks . . Suit Cases . Traveling Bag Also, all arl Wearing App es, Soap, Wa Brushes. Se? You PA1 You Can By Trad in \ We wish to call the attent thing in GROCERIES on v where in this section. 1 ourselves, and we help oui Because of quick turn-ovei to consider. And we guar number is 159. PVh?-+ 11/mi A VTA ATAAAJ Pyramid Paint Shop ROCK HILL, S. O. PAINTING If your cur needs painting we will ^>ulnt it for you and do It in such a *uy that you will he surprised at the Jifference it mukes in the looks of >our old cur. Our corps of painters ire the best that run be obtained und inly those who are experienced in ur painting are on our force. The looks of your car Is Just like the ooks of your person. It goes a lang way. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Proprietor. LISTEN! Baker's is the Barber Shop that maea ine priceH, but it didn't do t at the expense of serviee. rlair Cut 25o Shampooing, plain 25c Singeing 25c ronic 25c Shave 15c Massage, plain 25c Come and see us. We will save vou money ami send you away uniting BAKER S BARBER SHOP. If you have anything to sell, in advertisement in The Times frill find a purchaser for you. t I Vacatk Busines WE THE LU JS . . . . tides needed al arel, Towels, C sh Cloths, Too e us before you irs for Lower Prices, rTERSt o Hit oave mar ig at the Coopera ion of the public to the fuel rhich a better price can not iVe are in business to help rselves better when we help I rs our stock is always fresl antee quick deliveries and efl I Cooperative E. S. PARKS, Manager. "FL^ Is a High-Gradi the Levering Coff< We have it gro ry, 20 cents per p r ^ ? tor i I. You will make ing for "Flavo/' B. C. FEI PHOI READ THE TIMES EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS * ; t ?? ???? >n, Cols Trip? A GG AGE $5 to $25 98c to $15 75c to $16 long the trip? ombs, BrushiL D. - 1 in rasie ana start. )N'S ly -Dollars i tive Store t that there is hardly anybe secured here than elsethe consumer as well as the consumer best, a, which is something else icient service. Our phone e Store tVO" e Coffee roasted by ee Company. und or in the beround, or 6 pounds no mistake by callIGUSON NE 29 A. L. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C.