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IS & ft n NEWS ABOUND TOWN. Short Stories .PiCked^Dp by The Tinfsg, Reporter. Miss Bess Sprat t of Columbia was a recent guest of relatives in Fort Mill. B. M. Lee spent lust week in Birmingham. Ala., visiting his brother, ("apt. T. K.'Lee. L. J. Massey Momluv afternoon left Fort Mill on a business trip t?. Baltimore. He expected to be away several days. Dr. T. S. Kirkputrick has returned home following a visit of several days to his daughter, Mrs. E. (\ (Suither, in Statesville, N. C. Mrs. C. S. Link spent the last week-end on u trip with her sou, J (J. S. Link,.Jr., and several friends , to Chimney Roek, N. C., and Laurens. J. R. Hope, Fort Mill farmer, Friday morning brought to The Times oftice the first open eottou boll reported for this section from the current crop. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hutchinson and their children and Mrs. E. 1*. Alford of McClellanville, who is their guest, are spending the week at Chimney Rock, N. C. j Dr. \V. 11. Martin, R. F. drier. Ji., ('apt. Frederick Niins and A. ' V. Williamson and his two little sons have returned from <t week's outing at Chimney Rock, N i'. Miss Bessie Barron, Miss Louise Barron. A. A. Barron and Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Barron of York were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Barron at their home in hurt Mill. Miss Mary Louise Boulware of I Lakeland. Fla.. accompanied Miss Dora drier from Charlotte to Fort Mill and spent the lust weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. F. ! drier. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Windle, Miss Winnie Crook and S. B. Windle returned Friday to their homes in the (Sold'Hill cominu- j liity, Following an outing of several days at Blowing Kock, N. I Mr. and Mrs. K. \V. Kimhreli entertained as their guests Sun- i day Mrs. Kdward Mason ami Miss Etta Skipper of Lancaster. Mr j and Mrs. J. Ji. Taylor and Mr. , and Mrs. Frank Kiiubrell of Charlotte. A reunion of the descendants ; of the late Solomon Harris was : held Tuesday at the old Harris ' homestead in Pleasant Valley j where ('. M.'Blaekwelder and his family now live. Mr. Blackwelder j having married a daughter of Mr. Harris. There were 1)2 members of the family at the reunion j ami the day was one filled with | many pleasures for all present. Mrs. 1). K. Hall of the Pleas- j ant Valley community was pain- ; fully hurt Sunday evening by , falling down the stairway at her home. At first it was feared that one of Mrs. Hall's limbs was broken. but after a thorough examination the attending physician , announced that the injury was j less serious. Mrs. Hall is ubout 70 years old and is the mother of .1. K. Hall and Arthur Hall, well known citizens. . Voters of Belair school ilistriet ] in Lancaster county recently ap- j proved a bond issue for $2,000. ; the proceeds of which are to be applied to the erection of a public school building to cost about $11,000. Work on the building is is not to be begun for some time, but the trustees hope to have it ready for use when the fall session of the school opens next year. The building will be put I up according to plans approved bv llie State board of education. Last Thursday afternoon while | he was playing with a number of other little boys oil the second floor of the building now being ttcried for The Times on Confederate street next door to the Palmetto hotel, Fred Harris, sixyear-old grandson of Mr. ami Mrs. W. F. Harris, accidentally fell through the stairway opening to the first floor and was considerably bruised about the face ami head. He was unconscious for several minutes, but whs not otherwise seriously hurt. Lieut. W. A. Ott, U. S. N., dis- | tinguished vet era n of t ki?* World war. who is a son of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ott of Fort Mill, is exported to to reach Fort Mill before the* end of the month to spend several weeks at the home of his parents. Lieut. Ott sailed from Constantinople aboard the de- j stroyer Humphries on August 6, after completing a year's service in Turkish waters. Shortly after he reaches America Lieut. Ott expects to assigned to two years' shore duty, having completed the six years at sea the navy regula- [ \>cr-- * i "j~ ^ * ^-r-irrnnnri COIN 1 : covered and stai polished, conspii it cannot he tohl or a woman's pu you one penny. By depositii just as lonv?, as y< refund the doll.u : is to save hy usi we have the onl any time. We Ik r Tl l Ill I I lions prescribe to entitle otlieers to shore duty. Between lot) and 'J(H) friends of I. .1. Porter. Sr.. wen* hivi* *d to! enjoy ? barbecue and ph ri av Ins quests near the enmity bridal last Thursday in eelebration of the recent marriage and birthday of bis son. .1. .1. I'orter. dr.. whose , III ide Was Miss M Ilinie. dallies of Columbia. Mr. Porter's quests came from N ork, Kock 11 ill. l*'oi t Mill and Waxliaw. N. C. The dilillel* was served in the jjl'ovc mar Mr. Porter's store, where lie plans 1?? soon itrjrin tin- erection of a home for himself and his iilliiv. aild was pronounce t oilc of the best set before any com punv in this section in a hmp t ime. Wrestling Match. Lovers of pood s|)(?rt will not fail to attend the wrest lit ip watch to he piven in the Fori Mill town hall Friday eveniup at S o'clock , when Robert Potts and .1. .1. Porter. Jr.. will meet for mat honors. The match promises to he mill snally interestinp. Roth men are experienced at the w ret Imp pame and both have pood reputations. Porter is a wrestler with a record in the I'nited States navy and Potts has pinny matches to his credit as a eollepe student. Admission, 25 and 50c.?Adv. i ' ' * ms FORT MILL TIME8, F .fsBQu FUI "From the cl that's made.' We can fum parlor to kit* YOU XUlls1 4 / to i|i /^p I HANKS made ol solid brass and nped in >\old. The banks are no uous, odd shaped and hard to ha 1 from a book, and it easily ftts rse. And to own one of these ba \j>, one dollar, we will loan you o on like, ami upon the return of t r deposited. You will he surp n?\ these hanks. They will take at ly key. We will ?\ladly open thei >th lose if you fail to save your s W. Ik Meaehani Jr. Cashier E SAVINGS BANK OF FORI VEI0URI FINISH ORT MILL, SOUTH OAEOUWA *NITT leapest that's goo tf lish your home co chen. NG& W( 71 i f ? : steel, lull leather : t like the old style : ndle. In the home a man's pocket or : nks will not cost ne of these banks he bunk we will rised how easy it : ly coin or bills and : ie banks for you ut j mall coins. ' MILL I Renew your walls ? a year from now | *with toap, water, and a rag? R \ H IE is beaut v thai time treats fi'V Devoe Velour Finished Walls are I j really washable; can be kept sani* { [ ?j ' %mij uiiu iresn lor yearsi R Devoe Velour I*irtish is made in E many artistic colors that refect the B light, keeping the room cheerful, I home like and rcstlul. It can be I used over wall paper, burlap or J piaster. B "DBVORPltODL'CTStre time frilcdanj m/ proven,-backed by 166 yc*r>'opc ri- n ence of tbe oldrtt punt niaiiulkciutiii/ B concern in tbe U.S. Founded I7S-S. Sold by the Drvoc dgenl in your community JRE ?d to the best mplete from i )LFE if f .rHf-i"j i j i Majestic Thea II. I T ivionaay ana luesc Two of the Biggest I For Babies from One Y( "Rock-a-byc baby, by the nsl lin in his first appearance in " six reels of joy. The story tl delicious humor that in the hai would be a comedy hit, but w foster father of "The Kid," the laugh-sustaincr that has ever b motion picture. Do not depend 011 anyone els< won't be able to understand tin memories it will cause. REMEMBER TY Monday and Tuest f;r .srssn L . ? ifpii yMii gp 1^: til J/Au \ I I itre-2 Days lay, Aug. 29-30. )ays in Our History ;ar to Ono Hundred. i can," sings Charlie ChapTlio Kid," First National's len follows with so much wis of .an ordinary actor it ith Chaplin in the role of production is the fastest ecu issued in the form of a 5 to tell you about it. You because of the laughing IE DATES--day, Aug. 29-30