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( V . * . ' v> ^ *> <\\W' JkLaj'J . - y> &' '".' fc j ..4'^'-^' lf-'''v >'V~ ', * \ '? PLEASANT VALLEY NEWS. Interesting Items From Progres' sive Community. Mr. and Mrs. L. ?. Wood and their children of Newnan, Ga.. are guests of Mrs. WoocVs parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. P. Harris. Miss Carrie Spinks of Statesville, N. ('., is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. E. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1). Jones uml their children of Kut'ula. Ala., are visiting Mr. Jones' sister, Mrs. D. 7>f O. Potts. Mrs. Crawford Heath and her little son and daughter and Mrs. J. M. Hutchinson and her little sons motored over from Fort Mill last Tuesday and spent the afternoon with trieuds ami relatives in this community : *Mr. and Mrs. Ernest K. Harris of Richmond Va., are spending some time with their relatives in this section. Miss Lois liol'tis of Greenville returned to her home this week after an extended visit in the community. She was accompanied home hy Mrs. L. R. Therrell aml'littlc son. who will spend some t imc in (irecnville with Mrs. Therrell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Loft is. Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. R. 1) Jones and their daughters. Misses Lois. Mahel and lVarl. of Enfala. A hi., who sire visiting her father. I>. < >. l'otts. Mrs. M. L. Davidson Thursday night gave a d? light fill party. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. R. I >. Jones. Mr. it lit I Mrs. I). < >. l'otts. Misses l/ois. Mahel snid I'earl Jones. Copt, (ieorge l'otts. Rohert l'otts and Yancey I'olts. "Spinner." Gets Army Commission. Clarence K. Patlerson of 11?? Pleasant Valley section of Lancaster eonnty h'riday was notified bv the war departnient that he had been commissioned a second lieutenant in the regular army. Mr. Patterson is a flcnison gradual!', 11120. who ranked high in both the literary and military departments of the college. During his senior year at Clcmson he was thinking major of the cadet battalions and under the rules of the war department did not have to stand the military examination for a commission in the army. The leiter notifying Mr. Patterson of his appointment did not state at what army post lie would be ordered to report for duty, lie is a son of Mr. ami Mrs. .1. P?. Patterson. Don't be satisfied with an or- j dinnry phonograph while you can j get a l'runswiek at same price j that is superior in quality and j tone at Massey's. Notice to Debtors and Craditors. i All persons indebted to .1. II. I i 'oil harp, deceased, arc requested to make payment to the undersigned as administrators of his oslal?', imhI Jill creditors of sjii<I : ?'si<i11* will pivsont their rhiims ?lii 1\ approved to the utulersijrned. S. L. roi,THAKi\ \v. .1. (oi/niAur. Administrators. Fort Mill. S. An*;. 10. 10:21. BBBBJSBBflflflBBQ flfl Bfl g Indigestion g Many persons, otherwise H M vigorous and healthy, are B Q bothered occasionally with H g Indigestion. The effects of a n disordered stomach on the _ EX 13 JJ system are dangorous, and J* 2 prompt treatment of indlges- D O Hon is Important. "The only Q g medicine I have needed has m g been something to aid diges U Oon and clean the liver," Q H writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a n g McKlnney, Texas, farmer, g* D "My medicine is G S Thedford's 5 BLACK-DRAUGHT H for indigestion and stomach VI JJ trouble of any kind. I have "J B never found anything that B B touches the Jpot, like Black- M q Draught. I take It in broken gg ? ? "<" > ?nn innnm, rur i ion* Q| time I tried pills, which grip- H Bed and didn't give the good results. Black-Draught liver D 0| medicine Is easy to take, easy gjg HI to keep, inexpensive." __ Oct a package from your 5? druggist today?Ask for and ? O insist upon Thedtord'a?the D fl only genuine. Q o Get it today. Q DB ooonDDDDBD i ' . ii j1 =g , Negro Woman Shot. John Reid, negro, about 25 years old. got himself into serious trouble Wednesday afternoon by shoot iug with a revolver and perhaps fatally wounding. Dora Williams, negro woman, on the farm of W. L. Hull in the Flint Hill seeiion of Fort Mill township. The hall entered the wotnait's breast near the heart and she is not expected to live. Reid immediately ran away, but Constable .I. II. Patterson and Police Officer V. I). Potts, assisted by a number of deputies and Police Officer Johnston of Pincvillc, lo rated him at a negro house near Providence church in Mecklenburg county this morning at 1 o'clock and brought him to Fort Mill. lie is now locked up in the local station house and will be taken to jail in York, perhaps Friday, after he is given a preliminary hearing by Magistrate I. II. Hnile. Jealousy is said to have been at the bottom of tin shooting. Roth the man and the woman are married. Order Out the Militia! . Judge Henry Ilamuiutnl of the Augusta circuit <?!' tin- (Seorgia superior eourt Monday night sent a let Icr to Coventor I lurtiwick of Ceorgia requestin?r tin* gov Cl" IIOI* deillSIIld of ( SoVlTllor ('oopcr of South Carolina immediate (polony for f11?* invasion of (5 cor ?;in last Tliurs?lav of a moh of 1(1" rSonth < aroliniaiiK seeking C. (). Kox ami .loss*- (iappins. In-hl in Uichinond county .jail on the charge of murdering William Kra/.ell. IJt-ycar-ohl transfer dri vcr of ( oluiuhia. As Tom Watson Sees Harding. Tli?' literal truth is. Mr. Harding poses for too many pictures, makes too'inneh of his ugly litlh dog. allows his .jackass private secretary to make enemies for him. has no real latent for mix nig with the people.imagines him self to he swinging the world around hy the tail, when in fact he is a docile party hack, safe in the harness, and driven hy sueli n.en sis Knox. Penrose, hall. Mor gan. Armour, (inrv. and the Special Interests generally. Rev. W. W. R.itchford 111. \\ axlmw Knterprise. I\e\ . \\ . \\ . Uatellfol'tl. the dis tiujniished pastor of 1 Ik* Tir/.ah <iiiiI Old Waxluiw Presbyterian churches. lias been seriously ill I'm sonic ilays and his inan\ frieiKIs are very uneasy nhoul his eoiulition. <hi last I'Vnlay he suf!' red a very severe nervous elii!! and since then his strenjjlh has failed to return. Mr. Warhford I eeiit ly celebrated his JM)t li birth day. I BUY / Ford Tot $207 Gash-Balance in Hi*It* as you pay. N.? list* w ?- t'jisli for tluii I' tii't 1 Toni injr on tonus ;is attraetivo ;:s w< Why not ?rivo yoiirst If ami uros alToi'tlotl l>y a oar tlurii moonlight nijrli 1 s / ! isliinjr. touriii<r. piriiio Uinj rail all In* enjoyed at snu?l motillilv paytiifiits. \\> art* soiling oars us last is no roastui for YOI i?? wi lioil?rllt so easily. Lot us talk 1 lif in.liter oie HEATHM ? ROCK HILL FURr* | Funeral ! ^ C. K. Chreitzberg, New York State License No. titti I JESSE HARI Day Phono f>():>; Ni^l ; ROCK HILL, MOTOR K< '4 : p FORT MILL TIMES,3 Congregation to Meet. ' At the Sunday school of the Fort. Mill Presbyterian chureh last Sunday morning, notice of u congregational meeting to be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock was given by order of the session, the purpose of the meeting being to consider the resignation of the pastor, the Rev. ?J. B. Black, and to take steps to fill the vacancy, should the resignation he ae- . eepted. All Summer Bonds must go regardless of cost at Mftssey's. 71 Mottletone NOTICE OF SALE. Notirt' is hcrcliy jrivon that pursuant to order of .1. A. Marion. Rcft'lVr ill Ihipkmptcv. dated Aufrust 12th. lit'Jl. the under i?rned will s Ml at public auetioi; at the store room of R d>ert K. tJrier. .Ir.. Bankrupt. on Con fed rate Si reel in the Town o'" Fort Mill. S. (ai twelve noon on Wednesday. August 2 I'll, l!)2l tl.e entire s ? eU of <;o< ?!.*;. niel'ehiind ise and fixtures of the s;.id I iaiikrupl. consist in;* of dry roods, hats, siioes. hardware, etc.. aid also the following fixtures. < hie Oliver Typewriter. One easli register and adding machine, eoiiihination. t hie desk. One taide. Two show eases, counter. < hiu iron safo. Oiu- rojrislor of accounts. Invontory of saino iiisiv lio soon I y applicai ion to tlio undersigned. Tonus onsli. S. W. PAKKS. Trustoo. v, Cabbage Flants for full and wintor heading. $1.7"? por thousand: ">00. + 1.00. Strong and loiiltliy; full count. ('ollard plnnts sjinio price. Modlin Plant Parin. Tolopliono PJ.~> II. Port Mill. SC. IVrfoot four yard Sheeting. in ;\\liolo piooos. !t oonts a yard, or Oti oonts a pound, at M assay's. Milch Cow Pour *r3i 1 Ion .lorsoy ini'oli cow with beaut ifully* marked lioifor oalf si rod by registered I lolstoin for salo. W.K.I trad ford L!0d pairs Suiniuor Shoos, value up to +ti..">(). take your rlioioo i<?r i+1 "?(). at M issoy's. i V NEW iring Car Small Monthly Payments "i?iI i 11until you run j?ny nil t'ar wluMi they cam lie houphl i' aire oft'eriii";. \ our family t lit* ninny plcaisi;r t lu* long summer ?laiys ami lt anil your summer vacation I cost I.Oil. iu initial ami p w <t a.v >\ e receive tliein ami there I ii. ! uifjer. when they cam h? ? Ol 1( u r with you. w 'O TOR CO. ?. : IITURE COMPANY tj" Directors f i T Licensed Embalmer ^ S I; South Carolina License No. 141 + ' RIS, Assistant . y it 1'hones 212 and 12<> SOUTH CAROLINA ; _ illl'MKNT t a t t ; * : ?W PORT MILL, 8. 0. Off for lotfO ATI IV^V Ul W H/ Trunks . . , Suit Cases . Traveling Bai Also, all ar Wearing App C \I7 cs, juap, vva Brushes. Se You PAl You Can By Trad in We wish to call the attent: thing in GROCERIES 011 where in this section. \ ourselves, and we help our Because of quick turn-ovei to consider. And we guar number is 159. < Fort Mill Pyramid Paint Shop hock mix, s. <\ { PAINTING If your car needs painting wo will ! aint it for you ami do it in such a I ay that you will bo surprised at the ifiVri'iicc it makes in tin* looks of our old car. < nir corps of painters re tin* best that can he obtained and nly those who are experienced in ar painting are on our force. The .inks of your ear Is just like the >oks of your person. It r;o< s a lanK ny. 1AMF.S V JOHNSON. Proprietor. LISTKN! Baker's is llir I > < i rlier Shop t iiki'tl the prit't's. Inii it didn't tit* 111 tllO expense til StTYit't'. lair ('til L'.V hampooing. plain 2.V ingeing LTu* onie 2"if have 1.V I ansa pre, plain 2.~>e ('nine and see lis. W^will save <m money ami semi yon away tailing BAKER S BARBER SHOP. If yon have anything to sell, n advertisement in The Times ill find a purchaser for you. j Vacatic Business WE THE LUi IS .... tides needed al< ?arel, Towels, G sh Cloths, Tool e us before you us for LowerT^rices, r rTERSC Save Man g at the ion of the public to the fact 'hicli a better price can not h Vc arc in business to help t selves better when we help tl s our stock is always fresh, antee quick deliveries and effii I 'M - - i cooperative E. S. PARKS, Manager. Fine Alumi We have MiiM le ; i f r; 111 ' i n <l 11 AMKKM AN MAID A LI-.Ml issue JI eertil'iejite to ntl r ell ptll't-luist* that enables them I ii it in ware at MALI'' I'llh'K. riiaranl I and tin* pieces a sent direct hy the mannr.,eti post prepaid, from Danville. lory in every respeet 111. pi t*nii<lt*?l w Intin- wiiir Is; ifli We liiivi* samples of iln w .11 windows and will In- pleaset wliirli pliiri's this I'ini' Ware i its at I lair I'riee. B. C. FEF PHON IlKAI) TIIR TIM KS i EVERY WEEK / FOR HOME NEWS ? \ m, Cols Trip? SGAGE X % $5 to $25 % 98c to $15 75c to $16 :>ng the trip? 3mbs, Brush th Paste and start. >N'S / y Dollars iive Store that there is hardly anyc secured here than elsehe consumer as well as IU V UllOUUIUI utai. , wliich is something else L'icnt servioc. Our phone e Store num Ware f Price Is willi tin* 111; i n ii !;ift u ivrs ??I MM WAIJK l?\ \\ Iiifli wv sloiiuM's with ? ;)? 11 $1(1 c.isli o Hiilcr this ( ciniiiic A In mi Tin- ?11 i;i I i I \' of tin* is i-.. ..c i... ...i ;V.,i .1...11 .. nvrs lo your Ihhhm |?;ir?*?*I iilhl il it is mil isl;i?* iivji.-isi- iiimim'v \\ ill In* ivtrnril. mi 11ispliiy in mir show I in i-\| I;iin lully 11n* |?I<i11 III till' llSlluls lit' Mill' I' 11 st 11111 :GUSON E 29 A. 1m. PARKS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT - MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C.