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' ?; ' . .??? THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic?Published Thursdays. Wm. It. Bradford, Kdltor and Publisher. The Tillies invites contributions on live subjects but does not agree tr puldhM more than L'OO words on am subji e?. The right is reserved to edit evety communication submitted foi pubhent ion. ??n application to the publisher. advcrtlsiiii; rates art* inatlo known t< those* Interested. T< h phone, local and tons dlstunee No. 112. Filtered ut the postollleo at Fort Mill, S. C., as mail matter of the second class. / ? THURSDAY. AUG. IS. 1821. If tin* three men now bcinjj: held two ill the ('harlcslon eoun tv .jjiil and the third in the Slati penilenl iarv?nre ?ruilly of the murder of the youn?r Columbia tnxi-enl) driver in ljc\in*;tuu f count \ a few ui'thls ago. I here is liille reason to fear tluil eithei of them will escape the punish meiit all have earned death in lln eleetrie i I:air. l'uhlie seiili II.eii! has heeii aiYU.sed aver the Lrnial inantii r in v. I;*. h .In* \ *?n11 mail was done to death as ii sel d( in has heen in Soudi I arolina and no jury before whom the trio may he tried w ill dare return any verdict other than one of murder without recommendation to the inerev of tin* i<om*t it' 11 .. . .? i. t..n.... ot their ui 11 is unmistakahlo. AI n I as to the ?11 lit ot' the men. there seems little room for doubt if the press reports of the eoufessions made by all of them are to be>erodited. The sheriff of la'X inflton eoiinty is to he eommend ed for his aetioii in rushing two of 1 he aeeilsed to the jail ill S.i \aiinah to save South Carolina the disgrace of a lynehinjr. Had he heen ronton! to try to hold the prisoners in the Lexington jail, hotli would have heen put to death hy the moh wliieh luid formed for that purpose. We have in South Carolina eonrts iho people have established to try men aeeused of murder, and mi less we are 1?> revert to a state of semi-eivili/.al ion we eaunot afford to ilenriv.' the ..I' their right to function in such cases. in this particular case. 1 li?t?? isn't one chance in n thousand of a miscarriage nl' justice. If tin* men accused of tlir murder c?f William Bra/.ell :uv guilty, they will pay for tin* (Time with tlit*ir lives. There is an ureasional instance in South Carolina of men charged with capital offcnscs escaping the punishment their guilt merits, hut hy ami large this State is ahnut as free of that sort of thing as most States in the I'nion. A meeting of the joint committee on printing of the (leneral Assembly of South Carolina will I)(S lleliI on August '_M? to award contracts for puhlie printing. The constitution of South Carolina says that the puhlie printing; must be done hy contract. Somebody who was not disinterested Inul tlint provision put in tin* constitution ami it is 11i>rli time it was taken out. Alter boasting in a loud voice tluit lie would not suhnii. <o arrest, (ioveruor Leu Small of III nois. accused of euihc/./.lin:' man. thousands of dollars of Stati funds, quietly walked into 'In office of the sheriff of Satiirauioii county a few da\s airo and air runted bond to eseape |*?ti?i r t?? jail. Small must lit- a luaii of sluggish mentality. He might have known from the day Hie v arrant lor his arrest was sworn out that eventually lie would have to meet it and that his dodging about from plaee to plaee in the Stat?' would serve no la tter purpose than to erenle tin- impression in the minds of most people that lie is guilty of the erime with wliieh lie is ehal'ged. Small teay never he eouvieted. Indeed, it is unfortunately a little more possible that lie may never be tried, but regardless of that, his reputation is gone and for the i ' \ / ' / % V remainder of his term the governorship will neither honor him nor will he honof it. There is such a thing as a man outliving his day of usefulness, and Small l as outlived his. However, he is pui the first man Illinois has c'osen in recent years lor high otlice who has been a disappoint 11.?nt. ami as misery likes company Small will perhaps find | comfort in the thought that i former I'nitrd States Scnati r Lorinier also came to grief aft* r i _ ^ lining sworn in as a member of ?j "the most august body on earth." Larimer was accused of obtaining his seat in the senate by fraudulent means. The sena > heard his ease and deprived bit i of the seat. Little has since been heard of the "blond boss of t'hieago" and perhaps less will be heard of Small after his term of otliee ends, whether lie spends it at the capital in Springfield or ii> tin* State |M*nii?*iit iary. Tin* trouble in Illinois snns to 1 lint its polities is so 11 iiil;it? !*<<I that most of tin* voters ilo Hoi stop to impl'llV V.lielllel' i llel'e is a elioiee between tile candidates ol 11.?' two I lie parties for Hie more j important olliees. However WOI' I 1 It V ami eolii pet e 111 the Demo eratie t'iiiiiliilaie may he. in al most every instance Ik is doomed ' hi ili feat, white his Kepuhlicau o| poiieiit liuiy he as erooUcil a> | a fishhook ami still have every assurance ot success. lammaiiy j llall is frcipiently liehl up as the most corrupt political orjratii/.a It ion in the country ami it perlirps iloes'lack much of hciu<; eon illicteil alotij; the lines of I lie av erajji Sumlay school hut for wn\s tiiat are dark ami tricks that are vain the Republican machine of | ('iiit*n<ro and the Slate of Illinois It; s T<t 1111 it; 111 v outclassed. "There tirt- iiistny laws. hut tin* jS air needs one more a law that would ivutiirr rvrrv man within . ' I.rrl'taill a?rrs to lir a memoer itl thr National (Suar?l. suh.jeet t rail whenever ail nuer?;rnr\ arises."' Thr forrjroinj; is not from an irresponsible stnirrr. h o I'toiii thr Ncwlit-rry Observer, our of thr most thoughtfully rd it.d rtninlv papers in South t'ar 0 ma: hid lln- Mi*;<irsi ion is it* . i'tI iirlrss rtni t rary t*? lln- prim i p'rs of our form of jrovrnnnriii. 1 lirrr Iit-vt-r has hrrii a tiuir ill StiU t It Carolina sinrr thr National j? Ouard was or*;ani/ril wliril this S air lirrtlrd more lltait our rrjfi ] niriil of infantry. That wr now i* have. People sometimes speak of ' " hell Itrrakill*; loose in (Jeor<ria." I I la-i the South Carolina Legislature pass a law carrying out lie . sujtjfrsl ion of the Nrwhrrry pa j per ii III I I Here Will hlVilk loose ill 1 South Carolina a hundred hellj I lie tuillllle the effort is made to enforce tile law. It would he ill t ( i est in o to know the nature of the "ellier?feiiey" our coiltempo j rary had in mind which would .justify this expenditure of the time and money of the citizens of j j the State. The Sinit h-Towner education hill, of which much in:> heeii ' In 11 rd in the last few mouths, v. ill not pass the Coiled Stales sen ate if Senator Tom Wat ion ??. (orjria can have his way. Toe L hill proposes federal aid for ill* I si hi ii* schools of the country i;;d i:.| I'll'O i.i... i "'HI.-.II .! | If H'il ' N I < I 111' ill ?' ?iniiifit?l;tl?l?* effort lit proY'il. I'i't 11*1* educational ?i?I\anti'.gcs !\.r i in* youth of tin- laml; luit lhe?? is a "nigger in tin- woodpi'e ' Si ,i I or Watson lias |tullril from hilling place to iut roil'tee to 111? country, a in I especially 1 tie South, in the following lain: iag? : ' I to you want your clulilreu put in tin' same schools ami "I i>.m < v.ili hlat k i*h ili I i*r 11 If so. lieoMi i in* Smith-Tow ncr hill! Do you want negro sii pi'i \ isors. superm 11 I It It'll I s ami teachers tor-el nto yi.ur puhlic schools ami secular ei llcgcs? If so, hooiii t In* S it i 11: Towner hill! I know what Die t- mil h -Tow iter hill I h real en > to I lie South, ami I'm against it."" Nei i her of the South ('arolina sella jot's seems to llJIVe lieen ;it?Ie to liiscover the danger which Sella tor Watson points out in this hill: I ut neither is as ohl as the (Jeorgin senator ami perhaps it wouhl he too much to expect men ot their years to observe things as closely as he does. A ,-g> t \ *"' * % FORT MILL TIME 5ECU IJ Look over Hi n 70a wiii t< r|l to read all the A in this paper, H every one of v jjfl to spend mon 1 THIS ONE D( B Everywhere y tries to seJl WE PAY YOU l| Think i J*. YORK COUNTY'S m 1 HE SAVINGS BA P|? A GCOO BANK .a.. o. ore GOOD TH (.imrili . Market. 1'ountrj I'mtlut v. I'linur I'iMirtrrii, |p]| =]| IE I s^\ And along I resistance quai ~ lity. attract flpM complete weal I'lii.s exelusi uShingle offers | jfcs.T*y \ these roofing < wiry in a good You will wan \ shingle when } this shin^lo t ! Fort Mill I FORT Ml "=" =11 11= I, FOET MILL. 8. 0. iRiTy nH this paper ike the troable \ advertisments yoa will find IMI them asks yoa |ulm OT7 iffni ^Kllll )ES NOT. N on go, someone 1 null yoa something * 10 TO SAVE ||| W^m i OIL'FST BANK |Q| NX OF FORT MILL TO BANK ON y )KTES INGS TO EA1 / 31 ^=)F= esisting Y ice in a roof is a it consideration Vwi t^Xil . And in this il fiinI theVulen- r3 n Slab Sliinj.'b' ? ~ i. it will j.iv,> 1 t ion for y mi > j si with this f.jv i lity are dmai , /r Oi i veness a n<; her protect ion vc Yulcunitu ,. M-' n you all four 01 #'" ?' "* ' ' []tia)itics neci'orooiwui. 'Yj R t this attractive | Lumber Co. LL, S. C'. - ' ?*= I ! SELF MAJ IX ^ "L ' - | The only way to get al ; with yourself is to be ? Yourself. t Self Master *s are con forceful and independ< Those that are slaves ; are always miser* rble. ; Thrift is a habit of Sel I means mastering yoi ? every day. ; Be a Self Master and t ; tion of your earnings > ^ - i - I * .J. ! Groceries Hardware Dry Goods Shoes 1 | Notions | Feedstuffs * Or Any Kind of t No. 8?We'll Get X I THE CASH I % S. A. 1 ,KK and T. F. LA \ || * ' * *9* * * *5* t* !* > * * *!* *t* ?*? >*? % *? ?j? ?j JOBPRir AT THE TIMES OFFIC j) Old newspapers for sale? i <^uiuc iu yon ana pui bank. ; 4 PER CENT ON SAVINC I First Nation * Capital and Surplus r Your Wants in F GROCE Can Be Filled Pr< j B. M. PHONE No. 11 ' ?j? *? ?j??j* ?j? ?* ?j? % ?|? ? ? /? I If It's? * 5TERS I > ong agreeably ; the Master of ; ^ itented, happy f ent. to themselves v ? f Masters. It f urself a little * ake sc me por- ; whenever they * t them in th is f ;s ACCOUNTS I al Bank : . $ 50.UOO.OO ; n irst Class RIES Dmptly By 1F0RD L3. u j. .j..j.A I * T * i Merchandise, Call j It for You. ? STORE j rrLE, M^rs. I * t >?> ?> < {.<.<. .j. .j. j ~r 1 airs ' / K - - PIIONK 112 The Times office.